Father And Daughter Die Four Days Apart Despite Taking Different Brands Of COVID-19 Shots

This tragic story out of Michigan was disclosed by Kathryn Kendall. She lost both her father and her sister within four days of one another, and they were vaccinated with different brands of COVID-19 injections. John Robert Kendall Jr. had his second Moderna vaccine in April, and within days he had a heart attack and passed away. He died on April 28, 2021. John spent time as a U.S. Marshall, and has a lengthy resume in public service. John was also the cofounder of DK security, and is said to have been a phenomenal leader. Kimberly St. Charles, John’s daughter, got her shot towards the end of April. She chose the Johnson & Johnson viral vector COVID-19 injection. Unfortunately Kimberly began showing reaction symptoms the same day she took the shot. She ended up in ICU within days of her shot, and never recovered. She was only 49 with no known health problems and a mother of four children.

France to Become First Country to Mandate COVID Injections for Ages 24-59 to Stop “4th Wave”?

Here we go with the next stage of the "Plandemic," just as predicted. A "scary" new wave of a variant COVID-19 virus is being used as an excuse to step up mass vaccination efforts, just as those who volunteered to receive the COVID injections have now mostly received them, and demand has now dramatically decreased with billions of doses still available worldwide, with more on the way. Has France been chosen by the Globalists to try a test run on mandatory injections, targeting 24-59 year-olds? RT.com is reporting: "The French Senate is considering implementing obligatory vaccinations for those aged 24-59 to help the country weather the anticipated next spike of coronavirus infections in what would be a fourth wave of cases." But even if there is too much push-back to implement mandatory injection laws, there are other measures available to basically make those who resist the bioweapon shots outcasts in society, like preventing them from traveling and receiving other medical services. "The government is also considering introducing other measures aimed at increasing inoculation levels, such as sending doctors lists of unvaccinated people in order to encourage them to get the jabs. France is also considering scrapping free ‘convenience’ Covid tests for unvaccinated people who wish to travel." We can be sure the world will be watching France, and any other country that tries to mandate these shots that have now killed more people than all other previous Big Pharma vaccines combined, based solely on Government adverse reaction reporting systems, which are all passive systems and nowhere close to what the real numbers are. As the U.S. heads into the July 4th weekend for 2021, this may be the last resemblance of anything close to "freedom" that the Globalist slave masters will allow in America.

As Demand for Bioweapon Shots Decrease Governments and Big Tech Look to Squash Free Speech of Dissenters

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published its new Global Coalition for Digital Safety program this week "to counter health misinformation, violent extremist and terrorist content, and the exploitation of children online." Of course, they get to define all the forms of "health misinformation" which include any dissenters to the COVID-19 bioweapon shots. And we have already seen what they mean by "the exploitation of children online" which means preventing children from getting dissenting views, as several places in Canada and around the U.S. have already started injecting children as young as 12-years-old with COVID-19 shots without their parents' knowledge or approval. On the WEF website explaining about this new initiative, they feature a short video of Julie Inman Grant from Australia who states "we're not policing the Internet for harmful material," and then proceeds to explain how they are policing the Internet for harmful material. They're going to rely on citizens to spy on their friends and neighbors and then report them to Big Tech. Leo Hohmann published an article about this today, and said one of his readers sent him a screenshot from Facebook showing that this is already being implemented.

1,007,253 Injuries 1,403 DEAD in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, July 1, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through June 23, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,403 deaths and 1,007,253 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections. In addition to these official UK Government statistics, last Friday, 25 June 2021, Public Health England released a report showing that those dying in the UK with a diagnosis of "COVID", usually referred to as "COVID deaths" whether or not it can be proven that a positive COVID test result means that COVID caused the death, 62% of these deaths were people who had already received one of the COVID-19 jabs. So why are people still getting them??

More Families Devastated from Deaths and Injuries Following COVID-19 Shots

Many of our readers continue to send us heartbreaking stories of loved ones who have been killed or severely injured by the COVID-19 shots that many dissenting doctors and scientists now admit are bioweapons. Where you choose to get your information and news is now a life and death decision. Those who still depend on government health agencies like the WHO, CDC, FDA, to provide truth through the corporate media are continuing to suffer, and die. Most people are probably still not aware, for example, that the CDC's VAERS database, using their own data, shows that more deaths have followed COVID-19 shots in the past few months than recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 30 years! It is right there for everyone to see, but you will never see this reported in the corporate media with their ties to Big Pharma and Wall Street. And if you find the information and try to share it with your family and friends on social media, it will often be censored and even removed. Censorship is increasing, and the judicial system in the U.S. is proving over and over again that they serve the Globalists on Wall Street, and not the American public on main street. Justice in America has died. Fear is the real "pandemic," and always has been. And the vast majority of the public still believe that the real war is between Democrats and Republicans, including many in the alternative media, completely deceived and unable to recognize the true enemy of the people, and who is the true Savior of the people. And yet I fear that the worst is yet to come, and most Americans are completely unprepared for what lies ahead.

Former NFL Player Collects Stories of Lives Destroyed by the COVID-19 Shots – Mother Regrets Putting 12-year-old Daughter in Pfizer COVID-19 “Vaccine” Trial

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin held a press conference yesterday where several people gave testimony about how the COVID-19 injections ruined their lives. The group was started by former Green Bay Packers offensive lineman Ken Ruettgers, who began the group after his wife suffered neurological damage from a COVID-19 injection. As can be imagined, the local media in Wisconsin ridiculed Senator Johnson and made it into a partisan political issue, completely disregarding the crippling effects of the shots and the lives they destroyed. The Ruettgers have put together a website for those who have been injured by the shots, C19 VAX REACTIONS. The people who told their stories at this news conference in Milwaukee can be found on this website, as well as many others. One of the stories is that of Stephanie de Caray and her daughter who participated in the Pfizer trials as a 12-year-old.

The Delta Variant of COVID-19 is Harmless – A Scam for Governments to Implement More Lockdowns

We all knew this was coming, right? The Big LIE: "Here’s the deal: The Delta variant is more contagious, it’s deadlier, and it’s spreading quickly around the world – leaving young, unvaccinated people more vulnerable than ever. Please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Let’s head off this strain before it’s too late." This is what Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden told the American public last week. It is just beyond belief to me that there are still people who actually believe that those in our Government like Mass-murderer Anthony Fauci, and the Fake President suffering from dementia, Joe Biden, are telling the truth. What evidence do you have that they have EVER said anything publicly that is true about COVID-19? But there it is. Fear mongering to get more people to sign up for the bioweapon shots, because now the "unvaccinated" will be blamed for this "new variant" which is neither "new" nor dangerous (if it exists at all). Here is a video analyzing how this alleged new variant is affecting hospitalizations and deaths in the UK (spoiler alert: hospitalizations and deaths are non-existent), where travel restrictions are already in place to protect against this "deadly variant." And of course Dr. Mike Yeadon has been sounding the alarm on these fake "deadly" variants for weeks now, and so we found a short video clip where he once again explains how a variant is never more than .003% different from the original virus, and how people who already have immunity from most of these coronaviruses have absolutely nothing to worry about.

What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Lessons from History and the Prophet Jeremiah

God's wrath (anger) is apparently not a very popular topic. I have received numerous emails from people over the past couple of weeks complaining about my comments that God is actually the one behind the plans to significantly reduce the world's population. That message is apparently "too negative" for many people, who prefer to read articles about "hope" and how God is going to rescue us all from the eugenic plans of the Globalists. History shows us, however, that God's anger is very real, and it is also an attribute of God that is clearly taught in the pages of Scripture over the past several thousand years. So while it is true that God is "longsuffering," meaning "very patient," when it comes to his anger being unleashed, there most certainly is a tipping point where God says, "Enough is enough," and then takes action to demonstrate his power over the Satanic Globalists, and those who choose to be part of the Luciferian world system, instead of serving God and entering into the battle to resist that system. When I look at the history that is recorded in the Bible, I believe the closest example in the past that perhaps correlates to what we are going through today is the condition of Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish empire, just before it fell to invading forces in 586 B.C., and the ministry of the prophet Jeremiah who tried to warn the leaders and the people for years what was about to happen to them. Jeremiah is often referred to as the "weeping prophet," because the visions of the future that awaited his country and his people were so horrible, it almost drove him mad. Everyone abandoned him, including family members, and it almost cost him his life to deliver the message that God had given him to bring to the rulers and population of his country, because it was not a message of hope that they wanted to hear, but a message of doom, where a significant majority of the population were about to die horrible deaths.

Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets in London to Protest And Fight for Their Children

Massive crowds took to the streets of London today to protest against COVID tyranny. Video footage from the air and on the ground show massive crowds. It appears from video footage being shared on social media that race and political affiliation were put aside in this protest, which is what is needed if the masses are going to have any effect against the Globalists. One woman carried a sign that read: "We're Not From the Left or Right We're From the Bottom and We're Coming for Those on TOP!" Saving the children from the bioweapon shots seemed to be a common theme. And where are similar protests in the USA? Oh, that's right. You have to go to a public school board meeting to see parents up in arms about COVID measures because they want to keep using the Nanny State's school system to babysit their children so they don't have to. And if we do see protests, they will probably be much smaller than this one in London today, with BLMers on one side and Trump supporters on the other, and they won't be protesting against the Globalists, but fighting each other instead. If the masses do rise up together to overthrow tyranny, I'd bet on the UK over the US any day. It looks like they are fairly unified in taking down Boris Johnson and the rest of the hoodlums in Parliament.

CDC: 6,113 DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections Including 576 Abortions – Population Control Agenda Hard to Deny

The CDC is now reporting that 6,113 people have died following COVID-19 injections, with their latest release of data today in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. Besides the 6,113 deaths reported, there are 5,172 permanent disabilities, 6,435 life threatening events, and 51,558 emergency room visits. To put this into some perspective, there have now been more deaths reported following COVID-19 injections that started in December of 2020, than there have been total deaths recorded following vaccinations in the previous 30 years, from January 1, 1991 through November 30, 2020, according to the CDC's VAERS. There have also now been 576 deaths of unborn children reported following COVID-19 shots, as the CDC continues to recommend that pregnant woman should get injected with these shots, that many dissenting medical doctors and scientists are now describing as "bioweapon" injections. Can there be any doubt any longer that the stated goals of the eugenicist Global leaders, such as Bill Gates, to reduce the world's population are now in full swing?

After 300 Million Injections and as Demand Wanes FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure

After injecting Americans with over 300 million doses of one of the mRNA COVID-19 bioweapon shots since December 13, 2020, the FDA has finally agreed to force Moderna and Pfizer to put warning labels on their shots over a "likely association" between the injections and heart problems, which they claim is "rare." The warning comes as the vast majority of Americans who wanted one of the mRNA injections have already been injected, as demand for the shots has decreased to levels seen back in December, just after the shots were given emergency use authorization and were beginning to be rolled out. According to the CDC's latest report published yesterday, June 23, 2021, "318 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through June 21, 2021," with only 12 million of those doses being the "J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine." As we have been reporting throughout the rollout of these non-FDA approved injections, hundreds of cases of people suffering heart problems, including DEATH, have been reported to VAERS, the Government database that tracts adverse reactions to "vaccines."

Wolves in Sheep Clothing – Republican Governors are Pro-Bioweapon Injections Despite Opposing COVID-19 “Vaccine Passports”

Governors of the two largest Republican states in the U.S. have recently taken political action to restrict or prohibit "vaccine passports" as a means of discriminating against private citizens who choose not get one of the COVID-19 bioweapon shots. Does this mean that Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are against the bioweapon shots that have killed tens of thousands of people, and are now being injected into Children? Hardly. In fact, both these two governors, and ALL governors in the United States right now, regardless of political affiliation, are accomplices to mass murder. Unless I missed some news somewhere, once the FDA and CDC allowed emergency use authorization to start injecting these bioweapon COVID-19 shots into children, NONE of these Governors took action in their state to stop the mass injections of children with these bioweapon shots, even though they have the authority to do so. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed into law SB 2006 which "Prohibits government, business & educational institutions from requiring proof of COVID vaccination." There are reports now circulating in the alternative media from those who have actually read the bill, and what they have discovered is that while the bill prohibits discrimination based on COVID-19 "vaccination" status, it allows law enforcement to forcibly vaccinate its citizens, as well as lock them away in quarantine at the direction of "State Health Officers."

COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Destroy Young Lives – What Percentage of the American Public is now Complicit with Murder?

Mass murder by lethal injection of the COVID-19 bioweapons continues worldwide, and we are now seeing more and more young lives being destroyed by these shots. Today's update includes 3 boys aged 20 or younger, as well as adults in the middle of their careers. Two are educators and were required by their employers to get the shots. Family members and members of the media continue to promote the lie that the injections have nothing to with these deaths and injuries, as they encourage others to go out and get the deadly shots. What percentage of the American public is now complicit with murder, when parents who allow their children to be killed or harmed by the shots continue to urge others to inject their children, as well as members of the media who continue to urge people to get the shots, and educators and other employers who require their employees to get a shot as a condition of work? America is now facing imminent judgment by an angry and just God who will not just sit back forever and allow this to continue. The idolatrous worship of pharmakeia is about to reap a harvest that will significantly reduce the population of the U.S., and probably much of the rest of the world as well. For too long has this country depended upon the medical system to save them, and now that very system is actively involved in destroying them, playing right into the hands of God and his prophesied plans for the end of the ages, and the ushering in of his New World Order.

15,472 DEAD 1.5 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” A subscriber from Europe recently emailed us and reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50, although there are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe. So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here. The EudraVigilance database reports that through June 19, 2021 there are 15,472 deaths and 1,509,266 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots.

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

A year ago this month I published an article that exposed who was behind the Plandemic and the riots that were breaking out in major urban areas across the United States. In that article, I clearly showed how the Globalists who control the affairs of the world are Satanists, and that their plans to implement a "New World Order" were nothing new with the 2020 great COVID-19 Plandemic, but had been many years in the making. This is an update to that article. Nothing has changed as to who is directing this march towards a New World Order, as at the top is a person named "Satan," or "Lucifer," or "the Devil," and it doesn't matter if your own belief system does not agree that this person exists, because the Globalists at the top of the power structure most certainly do, and they are active participants in Satanism. But a year later now, we can flesh out more who these people are, as many of them practice their Luciferian religion in secret, and we also now have the excellent 5-hour presentation by Altiyan Childs exposing Freemasonry from an insider perspective, where he calls Freemasonry "the world's oldest religion." After much research, I concur with this statement, and I believe that there is strong evidence that pretty much ALL of the world's religions are either part of Freemasonry, or strongly influenced by it, which is just another term for worshipping Satan. It is also time for me to more fully deal with the term "Jew," quite possibly the most misunderstood word in the English language. I will warn the reader right up front here that this article will most certainly upset the majority of people who read it, and almost everyone who reads it will find something to disagree with, but that's OK. As always, the primary goal of Health Impact News is to report on things that are routinely censored elsewhere, and to shine a light into the darkest corners of evil. So while you are likely to read things you do not agree with, you are also very likely to learn some things as well.

4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel

A man claiming to be a friend with a British Airways pilot has stated that 3 pilots have just died within the past week shortly after receiving COVID-19 injections, and his recording has gone viral on social media. This brought out the usual corporate media "fact-checkers" to try and debunk the man's claims. Reuters responded with a "fact-check," but in their own investigation and report they confirmed that not only did these three die, but a fourth one as well. They gave the usual corporate media response by quoting some health "authorities" who categorically stated that their deaths had "nothing to do" with the shots, while not denying that they died, nor giving any other explanation for their deaths. Meanwhile, Sky News out of Australia is reporting that airline companies in Spain and Russia are warning COVID-19 "vaccinated" people not to travel because of the risk of blood clots.

After COVID-19 Showcased the “Power of Science,” J&J Exec Urges Industry to Start Thinking “Cure” in Cancer

Prior to the COVID-19 Plandemic, cancer and cancer drugs were the biggest financial revenue streams in Big Pharma. Even at the height of the manufactured COVID-19 Plandemic, with all of the corruption involved in elevating the death statistics to try and make every death look like it was caused by COVID-19, there were still more people dying from cancer. As we have reported over the past decade, this industry is far too profitable to allow a cure, and we recently re-published the documentary: Cancer: The Forbidden Cures.  But now, apparently taking their cue from COVID-19 "cures" and RNA "vaccines" which look to be ongoing products they can indefinitely inject into people to provide a steady income stream, for the first time those in the lucrative cancer industry are beginning to use the forbidden word: "cure." The pharmaceutical trade publication, FiercePharma, published an article yesterday where they quoted Peter Lebowitz, M.D., Ph.D., Janssen's (J&J) global oncology therapeutic head, at the virtual BIO Digital 2021 conference earlier this week. "Looking forward, Lebowitz said researchers and companies should think about a word the industry has sometimes avoided: a cure." "When I started off in my career, people wouldn’t say the word 'cure,'" Lebowitz told Scrip Intelligence's Mandy Jackson during the fireside chat. “They wouldn’t talk about cures.” Of course they wouldn't! Because actual cures to cancer, such as the ones the FDA banned and chased out of the country where one now needs to go to Mexico or Europe to get them, is bad for business. And while Big Pharma denied this fact for years, while collecting millions of dollars each year from the contributions of every-day Americans to their favorite cancer "charity" which helped fund drug research, we now have a major cancer scientist admitting that they never discussed cures to begin with.

Pharmacist Quits CVS Job Over Refusal to Kill People with COVID-19 Shots and Becomes a Whistleblower (Video)

A pharmacist who used to work for CVS has gone public with details about how the pharmacy chains are handling the roll outs of the COVID-19 injections. She obviously has done her homework as a pharmacist, and was convinced that these shots were harming people. But apparently she was such a good employee, that originally they allowed her to stay on even though she made it clear that she was NOT going to be injecting anybody with these shots. In fact, she states that not only was she not going to inject anyone, she was actually going to try to convince CVS customers NOT to take the injections. She laments the fact that most people did not care, and took the shots anyway. She has now quit her job and created this video to warn others.

Oregon Senator’s Wife and 19-Year-Old College Student Among Latest Victims DEAD Following Bioweapon COVID-19 Shots

Tragic stories continue to come documenting the horrific loss of life and crippling effects of the COVID-19 shots, which many medical doctors and scientists are now calling "bioweapons." Most of these are simply statistics reported to VAERS, where they may or may not be recorded by the CDC, but to their families, they are a tragic loss of life, and we will continue to put names and faces on these "statistics" of unnecessary deaths and crippling injuries following these bioweapon injections developed by eugenicists that cannot even legally be called "vaccines." In today's round-up, we bring you the news of three deaths, including the wife of an Oregon Senator, a young 19-year-old college student from Northwestern University, and an 18-year-old Italian teen whose death prompted Italy to suspend the AstraZeneca injections to those under the age of 60. Another Oregon woman has suffered blood clots in her brain, lungs, stomach, and throat, and is afraid to go to sleep at night.

Texas Judge Proves Relief from COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots will NOT Come from the Judiciary – Upholds Mandatory Shots for Hospital Workers

A U.S. District Judge in "Red State" Texas who was originally appointed to his position by former President Ronald Reagan in 1985, has ruled against 117 Houston Methodist hospital employees who were suspended without pay for refusing to take an experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment. Not only did he rule against them, he wrote a scathing opinion mocking them, proving once again that Big Pharma controls the judiciary as well as the Republican Party and so-called "conservatives." The AP reports: "In a scathing ruling Saturday, U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes of Houston deemed lead plaintiff Jennifer Bridges’ contention that the vaccines are 'experimental and dangerous' to be false and otherwise irrelevant. He also found that her likening the vaccination requirement to the Nazis' forced medical experimentation on concentration camp captives during the Holocaust to be 'reprehensible.' Hughes also ruled that making vaccinations a condition of employment was not coercion, as Bridges contended." I have been explaining for years that the pro-vaccine position is a non-partisan issue as BOTH parties are pro-vaccine. Ronald Reagan was the president who signed into the law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program laws in 1986 that gave legal immunity to Big Pharma for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. That means that relief will never be found in the judiciary when it comes to protecting the public from these bioweapon shots that do not even legally meet the definition of a "vaccine." And now to make matters even worse, which is all by design, I am quite sure, here come the Trump religious cultists once again promising that if we only install Donald Trump back as president because the election was stolen (which I do not disagree with), then he will make all things right and put Big Pharma in its place. No he won't.