Kiev Introduces Rolling Blackouts and Stops Exporting Electricity to Europe as Western Media Still Claims Russia is the One Suffering

The fighting in Ukraine has escalated this week, as Russia has reportedly started a new bombing campaign against key infrastructures in many cities inside Ukraine as a response to an alleged bombing of a key Crimean bridge. If one only gets their "news" from the Corporate Media, it would appear that this is an act of desperation by Putin in a failing war for Russia. One of these headlines is from The Independent in the UK which reads: "Putin is gambling that the West will abandon Ukraine – we won’t - Western Europe faces its most difficult winter since the end of the Second World War – but is prepared to make the sacrifices, rather than be forever held hostage by Russia." If you live in "Western Europe," does this editorial represent your sentiment on this war? Are you prepared to "make the sacrifices" this winter to not be "held hostage by Russia?" Here are what should be the real headlines for the past few days as this war quickly escalates, but that the Corporate Media is either not reporting or only reporting as non-headline news. First, Kiev's power grid was so badly damaged in these recent attacks, that the capital city of Ukraine is now going through rolling blackouts, and the Ukraine Energy Ministry announced yesterday that it had to stop exporting electricity to Europe, as energy supplies for Europe are quickly disappearing. Secondly, the deal that Turkey recently helped broker to allow Ukraine wheat to be exported through the Black Sea may now be in jeopardy, which could lead to rising food prices globally.

Children Labeled “ADHD” Support the $20 Billion Pharmaceutical Industry who Wants More Children on Drugs

October is designated “ADHD Awareness Month,” during which pharmaceutical company-funded groups promote the risks of “untreated” Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and the need for mind-altering “medication.” Not discussed is how the psychiatric drugs prescribed to treat ADHD are linked to psychosis, addiction, cardiac arrest and suicide while raking in $20 billion a year in U.S. sales alone.

4,500 Dead Babies in VAERS From Pregnant Women Injected with COVID Shots, but Florida Only Pulls COVID Vaccine Recommendation for Young Men

The evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly for unborn children and should never have been recommended for pregnant women, or even for women of child-bearing age who wish to become pregnant, continues to mount. Dr. Drew Pensky, known to most people as "Dr. Drew" via his decades of appearing in the corporate media as a TV and radio talk show host, recently interviewed Dr. James Thorp and Dr. Kelly Victory to discuss the effects of the COVID vaccines on fetal health. Dr. James Thorp is a board certified OBGYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with over 43 years of obstetrical experience. Dr. Thorp has publicly stated that in the past two years since the mRNA COVID vaccines were introduced, he has seen an “off-the-charts” rise in sudden fetal death and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as fetal malformation and even fetal cardiac arrest, among his patients. The testimony of Dr. Thorp and what he is seeing in fetal health post COVID-19 vaccines is completely supported by the data in VAERS, the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, which is maintained by the CDC and the FDA, and it is something I have also been reporting here at Health Impact News for OVER A YEAR now. As of the latest update to the VAERS database this past Friday, there are now 4,499 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines.

Japanese Researchers Publish Cases of Strange Blood Clots Following Pfizer COVID Vaccines

More cases of damage done by the COVID-19 vaccines continue to be published in the medical journals, and now Japanese researchers have published a couple of cases of unusual blood clots found through autopsies after the Pfizer COVID vaccines that seem to corroborate what some funeral home embalmers are also reporting in terms of strange blood clots found in the bodies of dead people.

The New China: The World’s First Example of a Medical Tyrannical Totalitarian State in 2022

If the Globalists such as those who participate in the World Economic Forum get their way and are actually able to implement a new One World Government, as they have been broadcasting for years, but have now accelerated in their efforts since the success of COVID where they effectively shut down almost the entire world through lockdowns, what would that world look like? We don't need to guess or speculate about this any longer, because here in 2022 China has shown the world what a medical tyrannical totalitarian government looks like in most of their major cities. I have put together a video report that shows what is happening with China's Zero COVID policy in many of their major cities, which includes long lines of thousands of people lining up each day to be tested for COVID before going to work or shopping so that their QR code which must be carried at all times MUST show green, what happens when it turns red, the massive amounts of quarantine camps that are currently being built, how drones are being used to threaten people to stay locked up, how Chinese children are being raised in this society, and the sheer volume of cameras that are being installed everywhere to force compliance. This is most certainly NOT happening everywhere in China, but it is reportedly happening in the "Smart Cities" where the technology exists for this type of massive surveillance and compliance.

Security Cameras Reveal COVID-19 Vaccinated People Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing

One America News reporter Pearson Sharp broadcast a report yesterday allegedly showing security camera feeds from around the world where people had strange hallucinations before collapsing with what looks like seizures, probably a result of the COVID-19 vaccines. WARNING! Some of these images are very graphic and may not be suitable for younger audiences.

A Brain-Damaged Nation: Neurological Diseases Explode in 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccines – 100,000%+ Increase in Strokes

The year 2021 will go down in history as the year of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the lives that were destroyed by an experimental gene-therapy shot that was rushed to market by the $BILLIONS of dollars that were given to Big Pharma in 2020 by Trump's Operation Warp Speed, and then unleashed on the public with no testing by using "emergency use authorizations" (EUAs). The U.S. Government funded VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database continues to give us the best data available to truly understand the scope of this massacre, because it is a database of reporting vaccine injuries and deaths that was mandated by Congress and has been in existence since 1990. The database is but a snapshot of the true scope of reported injuries and deaths following vaccines, because most of the public, including many in the medical field, do not even know it exists, and therefore only a fraction of cases are reported. A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that less than 1% of all adverse events following vaccines are ever reported to VAERS. When it became clear to some medical professionals that the EUA COVID-19 vaccines were causing huge amounts of adverse reactions, many were threatened and pressured NOT to report these adverse reactions to VAERS. However, the real value of VAERS, as incomplete as it is, is the fact that it has been in existence for more than 30 years and contains reports of injuries and deaths following all FDA-approved vaccines during that time period. So we can do a true "apples to apples" comparison to previous reports of vaccine injuries and deaths following FDA-approved vaccines over a period of 30 years to the EUA COVID-19 vaccines that were rolled out in 2021. And when we do that, we can clearly see the carnage that these experimental COVID-19 vaccines have caused. What I am going to show in this article today, using the U.S. Government's own data in VAERS, is the explosion of neurological diseases that have been reported following COVID-19 experimental shots, as compared to all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years. We will see, for example, that cases of Aphasia (the inability to comprehend or formulate language) increased 6,808% in 2021, cases of palsy, primarily Bell's palsy (facial paralysis), increased 3,614% in 2021, cases of encephalopathy (disease of the brain) increased 3,128% in 2021, and cases of strokes, primarily ischaemic strokes (blood clots in the brain), increased by an incredible 101,863% following COVID-19 vaccines in 2021. According to the CDC, about 80% of the U.S. population has had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. So I think it is safe to conclude that the United States is now a nation of brain-damaged people. If you are one of the minority 20% who refused the shots and never took one, now you know why almost everyone around you seems to be insane.

WARNING: Is a Banking System Collapse Imminent?

As I write this on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, the stock market in the United States is up significantly, for the second day in a row. And yet even in the Corporate Media financial publications, which tend to emphasize the positive for investors, the news about what the immediate future holds is very gloomy today. Here is one example from MarketWatch today which I saw on their homepage at the same time that the DOW was up almost +800 points, which featured an interview with Keith McCullough, founder and CEO of Hedgeye Risk Management. "An entire generation of Americans hasn’t gone through a recession. A lot of companies in Silicon Valley have never been through a recession, for example. My definition of a U.S. corporate profits recession is when the rate of change of revenue growth has gone negative and the rate of change of year-over-year profit growth has gone negative. The Federal Reserve, even if it were to turn dovish on interest rates tomorrow, will have a hard time stopping the profits recession. When the rate of economic change is accelerating and the Fed is printing money, you buy anything that’s got a good chart and a good story. You’re going to make a lot of money until the music stops. And it did. Now we’re seeing the opposite. The rate of change of real GDP growth and inflation are slowing at the same time. You can’t own inflation, commodities or growth now. If you’re still long pretend growth or profitless growth or crypto, I recommend prayer." When a corporate financial news source features an interview on their homepage from a financial investment CEO who says "I recommend prayer," it is time to sit up and pay attention to what may be about to happen. And while this CEO does not discuss possible bank failures, there are plenty of others today who are, based mainly on two international mega banks that seem to be on the brink of collapse: The Bank of England, and Credit Suisse. What does a potential collapse of the banking system mean for you? Here is one analyst's view: "During banking crises, you won’t have full access to your deposits in the bank. As a result, electronic payments such as bank cards may become useless. In the extreme case, your deposits could be used to recapitalize ailing banks in a process called 'bail-in.'" Here are some examples of financial news reports that are being published today warning about bank failures that you may not read in the Corporate News.

Cases of Alopecia (Hair Loss) Explode Following COVID-19 Vaccines

As more cases of injuries following COVID-19 vaccination continue to be published in the medical journals, it becomes more and more evident that these COVID-19 vaccines have been the most damaging and lethal vaccines to ever be mass-injected into the population. Case reports of Alopecia, hair loss which sometimes include the loss of all body hair, even the eyebrows, have now been reported and published in the journal "Clinical Case Reports." While the two cases featured in the study were following Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines, the study also referenced several other reported cases of Alopecia following the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines. I next went to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database maintained by the U.S. FDA and CDC, and found that there were 9 variations of Alopecia listed that could be searched for as symptoms following vaccines, so I chose all of them and searched for cases following COVID-19 vaccines for the past twenty two months. The search returned an astounding result of 3,495 cases, including 2 deaths, 392 permanent disabilities, 219 ER visits, 250 hospitalizations, and 41 life threatening events. Next, I performed the same search for cases of Alopecia as a vaccine adverse event following all approved FDA vaccines in the 30 years before the COVID shots were introduced, and the search returned a value of 1,927 cases. That's an average of just over 5 cases per month, as opposed to an average of over 145 cases per month from the COVID shots, which is a 2,621 percent increase.

Has WWIII Begun? What the U.S. Corporate Media is not Reporting about Russia’s Annexation of Ukraine Regions

If one is only getting their "news" about the current war in Ukraine from the United States Corporate Media, they are getting a very slanted view which basically states that Russia is in trouble and is losing the war, and is getting desperate. Someone who does not take the time to read Russia's perspective from their English news sources, as well as other perspectives from both western and non-western sources that disagree, may be totally unprepared for what is about to happen next. The recent referendum votes and the "annexation" of certain regions in Ukraine by Russia, an action that is almost the same move Russia took on previous Ukraine regions that started the war back in February this year, is a perfect example of how the U.S. media is reporting this move, and how Russia and others are saying things that are very different. Since this affects us all, it is prudent that we look at both sides of this issue, because the non-U.S. Corporate Media sources are almost all saying that Russia clearly has the upper hand over Ukraine, and that they are about to start the next phase of this war that some are claiming is the beginning of WWIII.