California Doctor Fights Subpoena to Hand Over Patient Medical Records for Vaccine Exemptions

Dr. Kenneth Stoller has filed a lawsuit to stop the San Francisco City Attorney’s attempt to obtain the medical records and genetic information of his vaccine exemption patients. The basis of the City Attorney’s subpoena, which was served and widely reported in the media on May 8th, is a purported public nuisance investigation about Dr. Stoller’s practice of writing medical exemptions for children who do not meet the strict CDC (Centers for Disease Control) vaccine contraindications. We believe that there is no real investigation. Rather, the City Attorney’s press conference announcing the subpoena was intended to create public support for SB 276, which would remove medical vaccine exemption decision making from physicians and place it in the hands of state or local public health officials.

Parents Seeking Non-medical Help for Autism Online Being Reported to CPS to Have Children Medically Kidnapped

Reporter Brandy Zadrozny has written an article for NBC News revealing how certain Facebook groups consisting of parents seeking natural cures for their children who suffer with autism have been infiltrated by fake Facebook accounts of people who want to turn in these parents to Child Protective Services (CPS) for the purpose of having their children taken away from them. While this may appear to be something illegal (and it probably is), Zadrozny seems to present these people who are using fake Facebook accounts as heroes. Her article has been picked up by many other corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media outlets. Zadrozny reports that the two woman profiled in her article are "moles" and claim to be mothers of "autistic children." They apparently believe that autism is "a condition with no medically known cause or cure" and that it is wrong to seek non-medical cures. Therefore, they see it as their mission to identify these parents, using fake identities, and attempt to have their children removed from their homes. "To gain entrance to these groups, Eaton and Seigler disguise themselves as desperate parents looking for answers to their child’s autism. Once they’re in, they take screenshots of posts from parents... Eaton and Seigler research the parents online to determine their identity and location, then send screenshots of the Facebook posts to the local Child Protective Services division..." Zadrozny's piece shows what lengths these impostors will go to try and hunt down these parents of children with autism, many of whom are suffering vaccine injuries. “The problem is if you manage to get one (Facebook page) knocked down, it reopens the next day but it goes secret,” Dalmayne said. “So unless you've got a good fake profile, which I have, and you're friends with people in these groups who will tell you where the next secret group has opened, you can't report them.”

California Governor Not Supportive of Proposed Bill to Restrict Medical Doctors from Writing Vaccine Exemptions

The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that California Governor Gavin Newsom has doubts about proposed bill SB 276, which would restrict medical doctors from writing vaccine exemptions and require all medical exemptions for vaccines to be approved by the state Department of Public Health. SB 276 recently passed the full Senate by a vote of 24 YES to 10 NO and the bill will now go to the California Assembly. The Chronicle is reporting that Governor Newsom supports the doctor-patient relationship more than "bureaucratic relationships." “I like doctor-patient relationships. Bureaucratic relationships are more challenging for me,” Newsom told reporters at the California Democratic Party convention in San Francisco. “I’m a parent. I don’t want someone that the governor appointed to make a decision for my family.” The Chronicle reports that while the Governor did not explicitly say he would veto SB276, he cast "serious doubts on its prospects should it reach his desk." “With respect, as a father of four that goes through this on a consistent basis, that’s just something we need to pause and think about,” Newsom said. “I believe in immunizations. However, I do legitimately have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal.”

Pertussis Vaccine Failure: Children Receiving Vaccine Have 15x More Risk of Contracting Whooping Cough than Unvaccinated Children

This is the latest peer reviewed science - not “vaccine misinformation.” These studies show that the Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine has now failed. Worse, children receiving the vaccine have 15x the risk of contracting Pertussis than unvaccinated children. This is why California schools are now suffering a Pertussis outbreak (3,455 cases in 2018 compared to 14 Measles cases) affecting only vaccinated children. Moreover, vaccinated children are often asymptotic carriers spreading the disease among their classmates. On the rare occasions that unvaccinated children contract Pertussis, they know they have the disease and stay home. Therefore children vaccinated with the DTaP vaccine are more likely to both get the disease and to spread it. With mandates legislation sweeping across the nation, the stakes are too high for citizens to tolerate laziness, scientific illiteracy and a default to collegiality in our elected leaders. It’s time for lawmakers to fact-check their sources.

The Historical Facts on Measles and the Measles Vaccine Censored by Mainstream Media

This year, the fear mongering about measles has reached epidemic proportions in America. A day doesn’t go by without media outlets publishing angry articles and editorials spewing hatred toward a tiny minority of parents with unvaccinated children, who are being blamed for measles outbreaks. The remedy is always a call to track down, persecute and punish any parent whose child is not vaccinated. While most of the public conversation in the past two decades has been focused on children, who have suffered convulsions, encephalitis and encephalopathy after MMR vaccine reactions and become chronically ill and disabled, there hasn’t been much discussion about measles vaccine effectiveness or what measles was like before and after the vaccine was licensed in the mid-20th century. This is a special report on measles vaccine failures based on evidence published in the scientific and medical literature that is not being discussed in public conversations about measles vaccine policies and mandatory vaccination laws. When vaccine policy and law precedes the science, we all pay the price. People should not be forced to use vaccines that not only cause harm but also, clearly, fail to work as advertised.

25 Reasons to Avoid the Gardasil Vaccine that Never Should Have Been Approved by the FDA

It has been 13 years since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supplied fast-tracked approval for Merck’s Gardasil vaccine—promoted for the prevention of cervical cancer and other conditions attributed to four types of human papillomavirus (HPV). The agency initially licensed Gardasil solely for 9- to 26-year-old girls and women, but subsequent FDA decisions now enable Merck to market Gardasil’s successor—the nine-valent Gardasil 9 vaccine—to a much broader age range—9 to 45 years—and to both males and females. As a result of Gardasil’s expanding markets not just in the U.S. but internationally, the blockbuster HPV vaccine has become Merck’s third highest-grossing product, bringing in annual global revenues of about $2.3 billion. However, Gardasil’s safety record has been nothing short of disastrous. Children’s Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. have just produced a video detailing the many problems with the development and safety of Gardasil. What follow are 25 key facts about Gardasil/Gardasil 9, including facts about the HPV vaccines’ clinical trials and adverse outcomes observed ever since Merck, public health officials and legislators aggressively foisted the vaccines on an unsuspecting public.

Pennsylvania Bill Prevents Doctors from Refusing to Treat Unvaccinated Patients – Stops CPS from Medically Kidnapping Unvaccinated Children

Legislation proposed in Pennsylvania’s General Assembly would prevent doctors and health care facilities from discriminating against unvaccinated patients. Doctors would be required to treat unvaccinated families in their practice, limit tactics used to place pressure on patients to use vaccines and prevent medical staff from requiring parents or guardians to sign a liability waiver if they decline or delay one or more federally recommended vaccines. The bill would also protect doctors from being penalized by health insurance companies for providing health care to unvaccinated patients and prevent child protective services employees from instigating a neglect investigation of parents solely based on a parent’s choice to delay or decline vaccines. Additionally, the bill prohibits investigations by child protective services should parents choose to delay or decline vaccination for their child.

Unvaccinated Population Called Upon to Participate in Vaccinated versus Unvaccinated Legal Study

Hello, my name is Joy Garner. I am the founder of The Control Group, We are now conducting the largest-ever epidemiological health study of unvaccinated people in preparation for a federal lawsuit to end all vaccine mandates Nationwide. We are NOT asking for money. We need ACTION. Even a few minutes of time WILL make a huge difference. UNvaccinated people are the EVIDENCE big pharma is desperately trying to eliminate with their vaccine mandates, SO THAT the cause can never been fully proven. We MUST collect as much evidence as possible while we still can. Once they criminalize unvaccinated people, everyone will go into hiding and we will not be ABLE to collect this data, not even with "anonymous" participants. Our surveys CAN currently be completed anonymously. We already have plenty of "sample" witnesses who are looking forward to testifying about the good health of their unvaccinated children. But this matter is URGENT. If we wait, NOBODY will be willing to testify or even be willing to fill out an anonymous health survey, for fear of potential prosecution.

Defiant Texas Mom Opposes Tyrannical Medical Doctors Trying to Medically Kidnap Newborn Unvaccinated Baby

Texas mom and InfoWars reporter Millie Weaver recently went public and talked about her experience with medical doctors regarding her newborn unvaccinated baby. Millie explains how she wanted to have a natural vaginal birth, even after her first child was born by cesarean (VBAC), but her doctors disagreed, and so her baby was born via C-section. As a result, they had to suction fluids out of the back of her mouth. At her baby's first doctor visit, they observed something at the back of her throat, which was probably a result of the suction process during the cesarean birth. But doctors were concerned that it could be an infection, and wanted to send the baby to the hospital for further testing. Millie refused, because the baby had no adverse symptoms, not even a fever. Doctors told her to bring her to the emergency room if the baby ever did have a fever, even just a fever above 100.3. A couple of days later, the baby's temperature registered as 100.6. Thinking that perhaps the baby had contracted some infection at the hospital, Millie decided to play it safe and follow the doctor's directive, and took her into the emergency room. Once she arrived at the hospital, they took the baby's temperature, and it was normal. There was no fever. However, the doctors at the hospital wanted to do further testing. When the doctors announced that they need to do a spinal tap on the baby, Millie put her foot down and refused. Doctors then threatened to call in CPS (Child Protection Services) to take custody of the baby, and also force her to get caught up on vaccines. But Millie held her ground, and eventually was able to bring her baby home.

Vaccine Rights Attorney Sent Back to Jail a Third Time for Refusing to Breach Attorney-Client Privilege

After a hearing at Wake County Courthouse on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, Attorney Alan Phillips was was ordered back to jail for a third time, and his license was suspended for at least until his next hearing on June 24, 2019. The judge can do this up to a cumulative year in jail. So this harassment of Attorney Phillips could continue for a long time. Alan has been already been jailed on Thursday, May 9, 2019, and on and Monday, April 29, 2019, for 48 hours each, for “contempt of court” after he refused to breach attorney client privilege. The North Carolina State Bar is demanding that Phillips turn over years of privileged client files in a retaliatory fishing expedition lawsuit, after he filed a complaint against the bar for alleged misconduct; the Bar internally dismissed Phillips’ complaint and a subsequent follow-up complaint. Incidentally, OAMF filed a complaint that was also internally dismissed. Alan has done nothing illegal, the NC State Bar has not provided the court any evidence of wrongdoing on Alan’s part, and this entire lawsuit is a fishing expedition to try and discover some wrongdoing on Alan’s part in an effort to silence him and/or retaliate against him for filing a complaint against the Bar. Alan Phillips, J.D. is a nationally recognized expert and presenter on vaccine policy and law, and is the nation’s only attorney whose practice is focused solely on vaccine exemptions and legislative activism.

Woman Injured by Flu Vaccine Obtains $2.49 Million Settlement from U.S. Government

The Knutson and Casey Law Firm in Minnesota recently published a Press Release about one of their clients who received a $2.49 million settlement from the U.S. Government Vaccine Court due to injuries related to the annual flu shot. "A woman who was injured after receiving a flu vaccine has been compensated by U.S. Vaccine Court for her injuries, totaling $2.49 million. 39 year-old Cheron Golding received the flu vaccination in October of 2013 and was subsequently diagnosed with transverse myelitis as a result of the vaccination. She suffered from paralysis, loss of vision, and other complex injuries. She was hospitalized for several months. The Vaccine Court reviewed the matter, along with the U.S. Justice Department who defends the cases, and a settlement was reached for her injuries that included future payments for needed care."

Fetal DNA Contaminants Found in Merck’s MMR Vaccines

My name is Dr. Theresa Deisher. I am Founder and Lead Scientist at Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, whose mission is to educate the public about vaccine safety, as well as to pressure manufacturers to provide better and safer vaccines for the public. I am writing regarding unrefuted scientific facts about fetal DNA contaminants in the Measles-Mumps- Rubella vaccine, which must be made known to lawmakers and the public. Merck’s MMR II vaccine (as well as the chickenpox, Pentacel, and all Hep-A containing vaccines) is manufactured using human fetal cell lines and is heavily contaminated with human fetal DNA from the production process. Levels in our children can reach up to 5 ng/ml after vaccination, depending on the age, weight and blood volume of the child. That level is known to activate Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), which can cause autoimmune attacks. Anyone who says that the fetal DNA contaminating our vaccines is harmless either does not know anything about immunity and Toll- like receptors or they are not telling the truth.

New Research: High HPV Cancer Rates Linked to High Gardasil Vaccination Rates – “Exactly the Opposite of what we Expected”

Last year (2018) we reported on the research of French oncologist Dr. Gérard Delépine, who published an analysis of the HPV vaccine Gardasil showing how increased rates of Gardasil vaccinations are actually correlated with a higher rate of cervical cancer. Now, researchers at the University of South Alabama are observing the same link of increased Gardasil vaccination rates with an increased rate of HPV related cervical cancers in Alabama. The researchers and medical doctors commented that this was a "surprising discovery" and that it was "exactly the opposite of what we expected." It is highly unlikely this will be reported in any of the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media sources.

Gardasil Vaccine on Trial: Attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Exposes Merck Corruption

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is one of the attorneys in the Jennifer Robi vs. Merck and Kaiser Permanente fraud case currently being litigated in Los Angeles Superior Court. This must-watch video, referencing much of the science presented as evidence during the trial, details the many problems with the development and safety of Merck’s third-highest grossing product, Gardasil. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD’s Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel, ask that you watch and share this video so that you, and others, may make an informed decision of whether or not to give your child, boy or girl, a Gardasil vaccine. It can also be a useful tool for pediatricians who are trying to understand how this vaccine, that is actually causing health problems with young people, could have been approved by FDA and then recommended by CDC. The video is full of jaw-dropping facts about Gardasil and the clinical trials leading up to its release upon an unsuspecting public.

Killing 20 Babies a Year and Infecting Tens of Thousands: Measles? No – Whooping Cough – Spread by Vaccinated

According to the CDC, since 2010, between 15,000 and 50,000 cases are reported each year in the United States,and up to 20 babies die each year from it. Are they talking about the measles? No, they are talking about whooping cough, and it is being spread by those who have been vaccinated for it with the pertussis vaccine. All across the U.S. the corporate media, funded in a large part by the pharmaceutical industry, is telling the American public that we are currently facing a "measles outbreak" of epidemic proportions. This "outbreak" currently stands at 839 measles cases nationwide as of May 10, 2019, according to the CDC, and ZERO reported deaths. This "outbreak" has been used as an excuse to blame parents of unvaccinated children, and to justify health officials to invoke "state of emergency" actions that allow health authorities to ban unvaccinated children from public places and schools, and to fine parents up to $2000.00 a day if they refuse to vaccinate their children with the MMR vaccine. And yet, other infectious diseases are affecting exponentially more people than the measles and far worse, without being classified as a "state of emergency."

Oregon Becomes First State to Permit Dentists to Vaccinate Children

Governor Kate Brown of Oregon signed a bill on May 6, 2019 that will allow dentists in that state to administer vaccinations. House Bill 2220, which passed Oregon’s House of Representatives on Mar. 28, 2019 and Senate on Apr. 25, will make it possible for dentists to give vaccines, including MMR, HPV and annual flu shots, to their patients during dental checkups. With the signing of HB 2220, Oregon becomes the first state in the U.S. to permit dentists to vaccinate patients of any age, including young children, with many types of vaccines. According to Oregon Public Broadcasting, dentists in Minnesota and Illinois can only give influenza vaccine to adults. The University of Minnesota’s School of Dentistry offers a 10-hour, self-paced, online course to administer flu shots and also offers a more basic three-hour online course.

Cardiologist: Measles AND Mumps Infections Could Save Millions of Lives

Reading that title is sure to shock many people. After all, who would make such a claim, let alone a cardiologist. Here is the proof to back it up. A study from 2015 in the journal Atherosclerosis found that men had 29% fewer heart attacks and 17% fewer strokes if they had a history of childhood measles and mumps. Women suffered less events as well, but not to the same extent. According to the CDC, an estimated 790,000 heart attacks occur in the U.S. every year. So according to data from the JACC study in 2015, there could be 229,000 LESS heart attacks per YEAR if these people had measles AND mumps as children. Measles and mumps appear to reduce stroke risk as well. 135,000 less people would suffer from a stroke PER YEAR if all of these people had measles AND mumps as children. Scientists are not studying benefits of childhood infections. Doing so would be career suicide. There is not much money to be found in health, only in sickness and pharmaceuticals.

Merck Sees “Unprecedented” Growth in Gardasil Vaccine – Over $3 Billion in Sales in 2018 with Expansion into China

Vaccine manufacturer Merck & Co. has reported earnings from its Gardasil HPV vaccine for 2018 at $3.15 billion, far above the previous year sales of $2.31 billion. First quart of 2019 sales of the Gardasil vaccine have soared 31% to $838 million for the first three months of 2019. Executives from the company have stated that these sales of the Gardasil vaccine are "unprecedented," and the company plans to spend over $1 billion to expand its Gardasil vaccine production. Much of this growth of the Gardasil vaccine market is due to Merck's expansion into China. While many other countries, like Japan, are pulling back on their recommendations for the Gardasil vaccines due to the sheer volume of reported Gardasil vaccine injuries, and the resulting lawsuits in those countries against Merck and its distributors, something that is not possible in the United States due to the legal immunity vaccine makers enjoy, China is running full speed ahead to introduce the Gardasil vaccine to its population.

FDA Approves Faulty Dengue Vaccine that Harmed 100,000 Children in the Philippines, Killing Some, and Prompted Lawsuits

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration just approved one of the most sought after vaccines in recent decades. It's the world's first vaccine to prevent dengue fever — a disease so painful that its nickname is "breakbone fever." The vaccine, called Dengvaxia, is aimed at helping children in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories where dengue is a problem. But this vaccine has a dark — and deadly — history. One that has led to criminal charges in the Philippines, and sparked national panic. "In total, the deaths of about 600 children who received Dengvaxia are under investigation by the Public Attorney's Office, " the South China Morning Post reported last month.

Oregon “Measles Outbreak” of 14 Cases Over but Big Pharma Interests Want Mandatory Vaccinations of Children Using False Information

A Cease and Desist letter was issued on behalf of Oregonians for Medical Freedom to the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), for engaging in unlawful activities in violation of Oregon’s Lobbying Regulations. While the Vancouver-area measles outbreak has been declared over, with only 14 cases in total reported to Oregon (with only four linked to the Clark Country outbreak), misinformation has been rapidly spreading throughout the Capitol and into town hall meetings as special interests spread inaccurate information to distort support for House Bill 3063. Oregon Heath Authority confirmed in a response to an April 22 press release sent from Senator Dennis Linthicum, R-Klamath Falls, that they have not conducted lab testing on measles cases in Oregon to distinguish vaccine-strain and wild-type measles infection, despite the first cases being reported months ago. Genotype lab testing measles cases is important since we’ve had at least two reported cases of children with measles in the United States this year that lab testing confirmed were vaccine-strain measles virus. If any reported cases in Oregon were vaccine-strain measles, then that means the vaccinated could be contagious and spreading measles. All four pharmaceutical companies who manufacture the 72 childhood vaccine doses are convicted felons who have collectively paid over $35 billion over the past decade in civil and criminal penalties for bribing, extorting, and lying to doctors and defrauding regulators to promote other pharmaceutical products.