Study: Flu Shot Associated with Spontaneous Abortion in Pregnant Women
The annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the market today, a fact that is not in dispute. The most recent report from the Department of Justice submitted at this year's Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) meeting revealed that the U.S. Government had settled 275 lawsuits for flu vaccine injuries and deaths, while all other vaccine injury and death settlements were 57 combined. A new study published this month and actually making news in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media reveals a clear association between the flu vaccine given to pregnant women every year and spontaneous abortion. The study was funded by the CDC with American tax payer funds, so the results had to be published somewhere. Private studies exposing anything negative about vaccines are routinely censored in the U.S. In spite of the dangers revealed in this study and a call for further research, there was no change to the CDC recommendation that all pregnant women be vaccinated with the flu shot every year in terms of public policy.