The Self-Reliance Manifesto: More Than 350 Resources to Guide You on the Path to Radical Freedom

Preparing for a total collapse of society can certainly seem daunting, but there are always things one can do to become less reliant on the world's fragile system, as a system collapse is now imminent. Daisy Luther of the Organic Prepper recently published her "Self-Reliance Manifesto" with hundreds of links that she has collected over the years to resources that will help you become more self-reliant.

Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity – CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has consistently been the only member of the federal government who has dared to expose the crimes being committed by Big Pharma through the government COVID response. In 2020 Senator Johnson held meetings in Washington D.C. exposing the criminal activities of Big Pharma and federal health agencies in suppressing early treatment options for COVID-19 that thousands of doctors were using with a near 100% success rate. Here in 2021 Senator Johnson has held meetings with testimony showing how dangerous the COVID-19 vaccines have been, giving a voice to those who have suffered injuries or lost loved ones who died after the shots. Senator Johnson held another meeting in Washington D.C. today, one that has been planned for many weeks, regarding COVID-19 mandatory vaccines. Some of the top scientists and doctors in the world attended, as well as several people suffering COVID-19 vaccine injuries. He also invited the heads of the federal health agencies to attend, such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, as well as the top executives of the drug companies producing the experimental shots. But none of these invitees showed up. They are, of course, Big Pharma controlled mouthpieces who only appear in public with the pharma-owned corporate media where they know ahead of time what the questions will be, and the script for how to answer them. The corporate media also did not show up to cover this truly historic event in Washington D.C. The Roundtable discussion was recorded and is over 3.5 hours long, and you can watch the entire event at Senator Ron Johnson's Rumble channel.  We have separated out several of the testimonies from this event into shorter segments that can be viewed on our Rumble and Bitchute channels. Senator Johnson started off the session by stating that those who dare to tell the truth about the COVID-19 shots in public pay a high price for doing so. He also stated that there is no need for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Because if the vaccine worked and stopped transmission, those vaccinated would have no fear of the unvaccinated. If the COVID-19 vaccine does not stop transmission, then mandating them is pointless.

Bill Gates and the Uncertain Future of Food Security

As we approach a winter of discontent and Global food systems go from bad to worse, there’s trouble in paradise. At the root of these problems, Government responses to COVID-19 have contributed to a six-fold increase in famine-like conditions as global supply chains collapse, and field trials for gene-edited crops and farm animals begin in the UK. Against this perfect storm, the UN’s World Food Systems Summit convened last month, with Member States joining the private sector, civil society groups and researchers, to bring about “tangible, positive changes” to the world’s food systems, and as the story goes, “drive recovery from COVID-19.” But even if we could solve our problems using the same logic that created them, there are deeper, institutional problems undermining the integrity of the Summit. Specifically, its corporate capture by one man, whose vision of the future of food security places the interests of civil society and farming communities in a different universe to the corporations he is beholden to. A household name on the world stage of disaster-capitalism, there is more to Bill Gates than doomsayer-general terrorising the world’s population into a permanent state of suspended animation, and it typically involves the future of food security. In less than a decade, Gates has become America’s largest private farmland owner, acquiring more than 269,000 acres of prime farmland in the US, including the 100 Circles Farm where fast food giant McDonald’s potatoes are grown. Gates effectively owns McDonald’s fries, his commitment to public health aside.

Analysis: 100% of Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots are From Only 5% of the Manufacturer Lots According to VAERS

The EXPOSÉ out of the UK published an analysis yesterday that they conducted in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) looking at batch numbers of COVID-19 FDA authorized vaccines, which discovered the shocking result that 100% of the deaths reported following these shots came from only 5% of the batches, and we are talking about several thousand batches. They used a batch number analysis from the influenza vaccines for a "control dataset" to determine what is typical of percentage of adverse reactions spread across all batches. Not only was this analysis shocking in finding that total deaths were concentrated in only 5% of the batches manufactured, they also found that the data showed that this 5% of total batches produced were also the more widely distributed batches to all 50 states. This raises many ethical and potentially criminal questions. Are we just dealing with quality control issues here, or something more evil by these pharmaceutical companies, most of which have long rap sheets of criminal activities in their past, particularly Pfizer? We do know, for example, that certain documents that Pfizer supplied to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for their COVID-19 shots showed that in some of the test batches they only had 55% of the mRNA intact. The EMA allegedly approved the shots anyway because "the amounts of a potential protein produced by the truncated mRNA would be too low to constitute a safety risk." That should equate to fewer, not more, adverse reactions like deaths recorded in VAERS. This would mean that the greater percentage of batches produced, but also the fewest distributed and with the fewest amounts of adverse reactions, are the faulty ones not produced properly, while the 5% of the ones causing the most harm and distributed the most are doing exactly what they were manufactured to do. We are publishing the analysis by The Exposé as well as a follow-up commentary by Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former Vice President of Pfizer.

26 Firehouses in NYC Close as Staff Refuse COVID-19 Vaccines – Garbage Piles up in NYC as People Quit Rather than Get the Shot

New York City had to close 26 firehouses this weekend due to lack of staff, as apparently many of the 10,951 firefighters who are refusing to be vaccinated over the Mayor's COVID-19 vaccine mandate called in sick this weekend. The Daily Mail is reporting that a 7-year-old child died in a fire that broke out at 1:30 a.m. early Saturday morning. According to the New York Post, firefighters are not the only ones refusing the vaccine mandates, but other city workers are as well, and now garbage is starting to pile up around the city.

28,103 Deaths 2,637,525 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions – European Members of Parliament Speak Out

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 28,103 fatalities, and 2,637,525 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here. Several members of the European Parliament spoke out in Brussels this past week against mandatory COVID-19 vaccines. We have extracted German Member of European Parliament Christine Anderson's comments in the video included with this article. She stated: "I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig by getting vaccinated with an experimental drug, and I will most assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells me to and promises, in return, I will be granted freedom. Let’s be clear about one thing: No one grants me freedom for I am a free person." We are also including a few stories of those who gave in to COVID-19 "vaccine" mandates, and paid a horrible price, including many who have died.

The “Global Public-Private Partnership” That Now Controls the World

The Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) is a world-wide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners. This collective of stakeholders (the capitalists and their partners) comprises global corporations (including central banks), philanthropic foundations (multi-billionaire philanthropists), policy think-tanks, governments (and their agencies), non-governmental organisations, selected academic & scientific institutions, global charities, the labour unions and other chosen “thought leaders.” The GPPP controls global finance and the world’s economy. It sets world, national and local policy (via global governance) and then promotes those policies using the mainstream media (MSM) corporations who are also “partners” within the GPPP. Often those policies are devised by the think-tanks before being adopted by governments, who are also GPPP partners. Government is the process of transforming GPPP global governance into hard policy, legislation and law. Under our current model of Westphalian national sovereignty, the government of one nation cannot make legislation or law in another. However, through global governance, the GPPP create policy initiatives at the global level which then cascade down to people in every nation. This typically occurs via an intermediary policy distributor, such as the IMF or IPCC, and national government then enact the recommended policies. The policy trajectory is set internationally by the authorised definition of problems and their prescribed solutions. Once the GPPP enforce the consensus internationally, the policy framework is set. The GPPP stakeholder partners then collaborate to ensure the desired policies are developed, implemented and enforced. This is the oft quoted “international rules based system.”   In this way the GPPP control many nations at once without having to resort to legislation. This has the added advantage of making any legal challenge to the decisions made by the most senior partners in the GPPP (it is an authoritarian hierarchy) extremely difficult.

Trump’s Supreme Court Denies Religious Exemptions to Mandatory COVID-19 Shots to Maine Health Care Workers

For the first time this week, all 9 justices of the Supreme Court of the United States participated in an emergency hearing to stop COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The case was a "religious exemption" case for Maine healthcare workers who were given until Friday, October 29, 2021 to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate as a condition for employment. The Right-wing Christian group, Liberty Counsel, represented about 2000 healthcare workers in Maine who claimed they were denied filing religious exemptions to the mandate, while medical exemptions were allowed. Fetal tissue cells are used in the production of COVID-19 vaccines, and earlier this month Project Veritas published a video from a Pfizer employee whistleblower who claims that internal communication at Pfizer tried to hide this fact from the public, in an effort to reduce or eliminate religious exemption claims. The Supreme Court rejected the Maine healthcare workers claim in a 6-3 decision, with Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett providing the "swing votes," joining Justice Stephen Breyer in denying the petition. As a result, now thousands of healthcare workers in Maine face losing their jobs, and probably many more thousands, if not millions, nationwide.

12,000 Air Force Personnel, Including Elite Pilots, Have Rejected Vax Order As Tuesday Deadline Looms

The deadline is looming for US Air Force personnel to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and many thousands are still refusing, according to the latest reports. For many at this point, it's also too late to receive both jabs by the next Tuesday, Nov. 2 deadline. Other branches like the Navy have deadlines coming later in November, but the Air Force will be the first test case as it set the earliest deadline. The Washington Post is now at the end of the week reporting that up to 12,000 Air Force personnel are still declining the vaccine, causing alarm within the top chain of command who are worried it will impact force readiness, particularly as some forces in key positions face discharge over their vax refusal. "The fact that it’s a choice leading to potential loss to readiness is striking," a military policy analyst with the Center for a New American Security Katherine L. Kuzminski, told the Post.

UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were Among Fully Vaccinated for Past Month

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report yesterday, October 28, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through October 20, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,738 deaths and 1,243,998 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections. The UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) also reported yesterday that the majority of COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations for the past month have occurred among those fully vaccinated, proving again that either the COVID-19 shots are ineffective, or even worse, contributing to people's deaths and hospitalizations. While supply chain bottlenecks and shortage of workers worldwide continue to make headlines, nobody seems to want to discuss the obvious: the COVID-19 shots are depleting the world's human resources. That means as countries continue to inject their populations with never-ending COVID-19 shots, the labor pool is going to keep shrinking. The plan to reduce the world's population is happening right in front of our eyes, and few seem to even recognize it. Besides those who are dying, many are being crippled, and how many young women are becoming sterile? Here are a few stories of people who took the COVID-19 shot and will never be in the workforce again. They are representative of millions now, and growing.

Louisiana High School Caught Injecting Children with COVID-19 Shots Without Parental Knowledge – One Mom Sues

East Jefferson High School in Kenner, Louisiana, has been caught injecting children with COVID-19 shots without parental knowledge or approval, and one mother has reportedly retained an attorney and is suing after her 16-year-old son was injected in an Ochsner Health System mobile vaccination clinic sponsored by the school. The Louisiana Department of Health requires a parent’s signature for persons under 18 being vaccinated. If you truly want your child safe from getting injected with a COVID-19 shot that may kill or cripple them, the only real option you have today is to keep them out of school, whether private or public.

Attorneys and Doctors Warn that Hospitals are No Longer Safe – Remdesivir Drug Kills 25% of Patients – 85% Patients on Ventilators Die

Yesterday we published the article written by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, who stated that “Hospital admission has become like reporting to prison.” This was a masterfully written article highlighting the programs that are in place today forcing COVID protocols on people that result in premature death and euthanizing patients over the age of 50. Dr. Vliet also published a Press Conference yesterday titled: Stop the Shot - Caught on Tape, where she interviews several doctors and attorneys who are fighting back against the current hospital system that is literally murdering people. It is a 90-minute video found on their Rumble channel. We have separated the speakers in this Press Conference into shorter segments and uploaded them to our Bitchute and Rumble channels. These doctors and attorneys, most of whom have also lost loved ones who were held as prisoners in hospitals and were killed, give practical advice about how to prepare for a hospital visit should you feel you need to use one. They all agree, however, that as much as possible everyone should avoid hospitals right now, because they are literally murdering people by forcing dangerous COVID protocols, often against the wishes of the patient and their family. If you believe that something like this could never happen in the United States, then your life and the lives of those you love may very well hang in the balance right now, and the advice and knowledge you will learn from listening to these interviews could literally be the difference between life and death for you.

Medical Doctor: “Hospital Admission has Become Like Reporting to Prison”

In a shocking departure from traditional hospital policies, a hospital admission has become like reporting to prison. Prisoners in America’s jails have more visitation rights than do COVID patients in America’s hospitals. One family member, a professional psychologist with a career focus treating victims of trauma, said that in many hospitals COVID patients are treated “little better than animals.” The COVID protocol that hospital physicians must follow, in lockstep across the U.S., appears to be the implementation of the 2009-2010 “Complete Lives System” developed by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel for rationing medical care for people older than 50. Dr. “Zeke” Emanuel, who was the Senior White House Health Policy Advisor to President Obama and has been advising President Joe Biden about COVID-19, stated in his classic 2009 Lancet paper: “When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.” “Attenuated” means rationed, restricted, or denied medical care that commonly leads to premature death. In 2021, whistleblower doctors, nurses, attorneys, patient advocates, and journalists have exposed egregious hospital abuses, neglect of patients, denial of vital intravenous fluids and basic medicines to hospitalized COVID patients across the U.S. The Complete Lives Protocol apparently derives from the 1990s UK National Health Service “Liverpool Pathway,” which in effect constituted euthanasia. Now we see its malevolent manifestation in the “COVID Protocol.” Age-based rationing is happening every day on COVID units of our hospitals, since the overwhelming majority of COVID patients are older than 50, the age at which Emanuel claims that a life is “complete” and not worth the use of medical resources. “Complete Lives System” and the “COVID Protocol” are pathways leading to suffering and premature death, mainly of older Americans. They achieve the government’s goal of reducing Medicare costs. At the same time, hospitals make untold extra millions with extra incentive payments for COVID patients during their tortured path to death, while they are chemically and physically restrained and isolated from families, pastors, priests, and rabbis.

UCLA Uses Nazi Tactics to Publicly Shame Their Own Doctors and Nurses Who Refuse COVID-19 Shots – Just Firing Them Not Enough

We are witnessing the total destruction of the U.S. medical system before our very eyes. Yesterday we reported that the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, had sent a memo to 8,000 of their employees who had not yet shown proof of vaccination for COVID-19 notifying them that they would be fired if they did not comply. Apparently, someone in a position of high authority at UCLA Medical Hospital in Los Angeles has sent a memo to supervisors instructing them to not only fire all personnel who have not taken a COVID-19 experimental shot, but to wait until they show up for work and are working with their patients, and then to physically escort them out of the hospital publicly shaming them, and treating them like criminals. We are talking about medical professionals who have spent their careers working for one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world, who are now being treated like they are criminals for refusing to risk their lives for an experimental vaccine that neither stops transmission, nor reduces risk of death, but instead provides great risk of life-long injuries or death. UCLA could have privately contacted them and told them not to show up for work, or waited until their shift was over before taking away their badge and sending them home, or any other of numerous methods to treat these medical professionals with dignity for standing up for their values and beliefs, but instead they chose to make an example of them, and treat them like public criminals. The criminal pharmaceutical companies are now running the show with their billionaire Wall Street pedophiles, turning this country into one large satanic ritual to impose their beliefs and values on everyone else. This has nothing to do with "science," and everything to do with a religious cult that they are working hard to enforce on every single person in this country.

The Destruction of U.S. Medical Care: Mayo Clinic to Lose 8000 Employees who Refuse the COVID-19 Shot

In another sign that the medical system in the United States is self-destructing due to COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine mandates, the world famous Mayo Clinic with headquarters in Rochester, Minnesota, has sent warning letters to 8000 employees who have not yet taken a COVID-19 shot. This prompted hundreds of employees to take to the streets in Rochester.

FDA Committee Rubber Stamps Pfizer’s Plan to Inject 28 Million Children 5 to 11-Years-Old

I was going to have the headline to this article state that the FDA rubber stamped the Biden Administration's plans to vaccinate 28 million children with the Pfizer COVID shot, but let's stop pretending and state what is obvious to everyone: Pfizer is calling the shots in the White House regarding COVID-19 vaccine policy. Unsurprisingly, the FDA Advisory Committee today voted 17-0 to approve the experimental Pfizer COVID-19 injection for children ages 5 to 11. The panel was made up of industry insiders, including the infamous pediatrician, Paul Offit, who has stated that he believes an infant can easily be injected with 10,000 vaccines at one time. He is the pharma-controlled corporate media's go-to "doctor" spokesperson when it comes to childhood vaccines. Another doctor on the committee that was considering whether these shots were safe enough to give to young children stated: "We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it, and that's just the way it goes." The FDA collected comments from the public regarding whether or not the Pfizer shots should be recommended to be given to children age 5 through 11, and according to Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, they counted over 139,470 comments posted AGAINST giving authorization to the shots, and could only find ONE comment in favor of the shots. Dr. Jessica Rose's excellent analysis of the VAERS data was also presented to the FDA Advisory Committee, which we have previously published here on Health Impact News. So the FDA Advisory Committee was not lacking for real scientific data, but in the end Pfizer's voice was the only one that mattered, because they have the ability to destroy the lives and careers of these FDA doctors who do not do what they are told. And now they are going to try to also destroy the lives of America's children.

Video Emerges of Man Dying in Front of Hospital that Refuses to Open their Door – Foretaste of What Awaits Americans in Weeks Ahead?

A video has emerged from apparently a Spanish-speaking country where family members try desperately to revive a man who is part of their family in front of a door to what appears to be some kind of emergency room in a hospital or clinic. A security guard and some people are seen inside, but nobody with uniforms like nurses or doctors. The security guard does come out at some point and talks to the frantic family, but does not let them in. The family members desperately try to apply CPR to the father/husband, calling out in loud voices demanding that they open their doors. I don't have the context of where this happened, but I think it is important to show this to our readers, because this could very well be the scene that soon will be experienced all across the U.S. with massive staffing problems in our hospital system that is only getting worse, as many nurses and hospital staff are quitting or being fired due to COVID vaccine mandates, while others are injured or die from the shots. In fact, this is already starting to happen based on published news sources in recent days. Americans have been spoiled for very many years now with most of the country being covered with 911 emergency services where all one needs to do in the event of an emergency is dial 911 and an ambulance will show up within minutes and provide emergency care on the way to an emergency room at a local hospital or clinic. But the COVID-19 mandates are creating a shortage of ambulance workers as well, and earlier this month the American Ambulance Association sent a warning letter to Congress that the ability to continue offering 911 services is in serious jeopardy right now. The "entitlement" mentality of most Americans believe that medical care is some sort of "right" and that in an emergency situation everyone is "entitled" to these services. That is not true. Believe it or not, your health is YOUR responsibility, and there are no "Constitutional rights" for you to demand that others take care of you when you are sick or injured in an emergency.

45-Year-Old FBI Special Agent Dies Less Than 24 Hours After Receiving The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

A 45-year-old man died less than 24 hours after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Geoffrey Young, an FBI special agent, got the shot on April 17th. Within hours, Geoffrey had several symptoms including a headache and nausea. His wife checked on him in bed many times because he was rustling around, but he seemed fine, and they thought the side effects were normal. The next time she saw him several hours later, he was blue, and his arm stretched out hanging off the bed. He wasn’t breathing and he was eventually pronounced dead. Now a widow, she must endure scorn from the pro-vaccine crowd.

Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse

10 months into the COVID-19 mass vaccination campaigns in the UK, statistics provided by the UK’s Health Security Agency now clearly show that those who have been fully vaccinated are suffering far worse health and are susceptible to infections at greater rates than the unvaccinated. Natural immunity is quite obviously more effective than "vaccine immunity," which wanes very quickly, and apparently in the process destroys one's natural immunity as well, providing the perfect repeat-business model craved by the pharmaceutical companies, who will now pitch regular booster shots, along with all their side effects including twice as many people dying than people who have died after all vaccines for the past 30 years. And of course the COVID-19 shots do not stop transmission (they never even claimed to do this), so the vaccinated will keep on infecting each other. This is great news for Big Pharma, and devastating news for the public who were fooled into taking these experimental gene-therapy shots.

The United States of America: Home to Pedophiles and World’s #1 Destination for Child Trafficking

Everything COVID and specifically the issue of mandatory COVID-19 vaccines has obviously dominated the news in recent weeks, but if you want to fully understand everything happening in the U.S. and around the world right now, that will not be possible if you do not understand the very lucrative child trafficking market, and the mindset behind the Globalists setting the current agenda to radically transform the world into their "Great Reset." News reports last week stated that there have been more arrests of illegal immigrants crossing the border into the U.S. this past year than in all previous years since the U.S. started keeping records of such arrests in 1925, nearly 1.7 million. A vast majority of these illegal immigrants are unaccompanied children, and this past week a report published in the N.Y. Post stated that thousands of these illegal immigrant children were being flown around the country during the middle of the night. Sadly, what the media will not publish, including very few in the alternative media, is just where these children are going, and what is going to happen to them. They will first go into the nation's child welfare foster care system where they will become a ward of the State, and from there many of them will be enrolled in dangerous drug trials that most parents would never allow their children to participate in, and many others will be sex trafficked, because the U.S. is the #1 destination in the world for sex trafficking, according to the U.S. Government's own statistics, and this was known even before the Biden Administration took over, as it was true under President Trump as well. You cannot understand how the world functions today, without understanding who the people at the top of the Global power structure are, and how they think. So what I am doing in this video I have put together and published today, is exposing these people at the top.