Occupy Ottawa Day 2: “We’re Just Getting Started”

The Trucker Freedom Convoy to Ottawa Canada entered its second day today, with no signs that things were slowing down. As I have periodically checked in to live streaming throughout the day, I have heard people on the ground in Ottawa state things like: "They think we're all going home now, but we're just getting started!" There was a stage setup in downtown Ottawa this morning where local pastors and others took turns addressing the crowds. The protests have been remarkably peaceful, so far, given the size of the crowds which even the corporate media admits is in the "thousands" but is probably in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. Some people on the ground are estimating up to 2 million. And yet, the corporate media continues to characterize the protesters as "radicals" and "domestic terrorists" even suggesting that "Russian actors" are probably fueling the protests. Justin Trudeau and his family have allegedly been removed from their home due to "security concerns." In some positive news, Scott Moe, the Premier of Saskatchewan, a Canadian province that borders the US, called for an end to vaccine mandates for the truckers. If this drags on into the week, the Canadian government is sure to take action. But just what that action will be, and whether or not members of the military and RCMP will obey their tyrannical leaders if they ask them to turn on their fellow citizens, is yet to be seen.

GENOCIDE! Military Medical Whistleblowers Reveal Miscarriages, Birth Defects, and Infertility Rates Exploded in 2021 Following COVID Vaccines

The evidence that COVID-19 shots are making an entire generation infertile while killing unborn children still in the womb continues to pour in. Last week, Senator Ron Johnson hosted a conference in Washington D.C. called "Second Opinion" which featured many of the same speakers from his previous event held in D.C. back in November of 2021. One of the speakers at this 5-hour recorded event last Monday was attorney Thomas Renz, who in the short time allotted to him, testified that three military medical professionals had become whistle blowers, putting their careers on the line, to expose data contained in the Department of Defense Medical Database, under oath and under penalty of perjury, regarding the explosion of miscarriages which increased by almost 300% in 2021, an almost 300% increase in cancer, and over a 1000% increase in neurological injuries, which have a direct impact over the pilots flying in the military. Renz stated: "Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed (by the COVID-19 vaccines.)" After this very brief testimony in Senator Johnson's 5-hour presentation, Renz did a couple of interviews in the Right Wing alternative media where he expanded on what he testified to at Senator Johnson's conference in D.C., and in an interview on OAN he stated: "Along with the 300% increase in miscarriages, we also have a 150% increase in birth defects. Men, if you want things not to work for you, we saw the average at 2100 for male infertility jump to 7551. That's a 350% increase. Female infertility increased by 471%." And here is the most damning part of this information that Renz is reporting from the whistle blowers sharing data from the DoD medical database: these percentage increases are measured over the average of the past 5 year's data, which included year 2020, the year COVID started, which means all of these increases started in year 2021, when the vaccines were rolled out. GENOCIDE! The word "genocide" comes from the Greek word genos, from which we get words like "generation," and the Latin suffix -caedo, which means the "act of killing." So am I exaggerating or using hyperbole when I describe these COVID-19 vaccines as causing "genocide" by making an entire generation of people in their child-bearing ages infertile? And remember, these statistics that Renz is reporting are from the military, who are among the healthiest and most fit members of our society!


A truck convey in Canada reported to be over 50,000 trucks has arrived in Ottawa today. There are several live feeds filming the events today, and this is one on Rumble that rotates many live feeds, including truckers in other parts of the world that are also participating. People on the ground in Ottawa are saying that they are there for the long haul, and claim to have supplies that will last months until their demands are met. One person who is allegedly NOT in Ottawa is Justin Trudeau, who earlier in the week called the trucker convey a "fringe group."

Yale Students Who Survive Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Trained to Become Our Future Tyrant Leaders

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Yale University has required all students to mask indoors in public spaces. But it was 9:30 p.m on a Saturday night, and the library was deserted. With no one within at least 150 feet of him, a Yale senior decided to relax with a movie—and without a mask. It got him reported to the school’s COVID hotline. According to the Yale senior, another student walked into the library and demanded he mask up. Since he didn’t have one on him, the senior said he would leave. As he was gathering his belongings, the other student pulled out her phone and began filming him. When the senior asked for her name, the student raised her middle finger and stormed off. Two days later, he received a notice from the Yale administration that he had been reported for violating the school’s "Community Compact," a set of rules put in place to "promote the health and safety of all community members." The student was given 24 hours to provide the "Compact Review Committee" with "any relevant information" he would like it to consider during the official "evaluation" of his conduct. He was ultimately found guilty of a violation and threatened with a "public health withdrawal." "The [committee] has determined that your conduct posed a risk to the health and safety of yourself or other community members," the university wrote the student two weeks later. "Should you continue to engage in behavior that violates the Yale Community Compact, you will be placed on Public Health Warning and may face more serious outcomes, including the removal of permission to be on campus." COVID has normalized such surveillance throughout higher education. Many institutions, including Northwestern University, Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins University, Brown University, and Harvard University, have set up online forms and hotlines for students to anonymously report COVID "safety" violations. Yale is a microcosm of the culture these policies are creating. For some students, it is also an ominous preview of what will happen when their peers graduate, as the norms of the ivory tower diffuse into the wider world.

Government VAERS Data Reveal 15,600% Increase in Heart Disease Among Under 30 Year-Olds Following COVID-19 Vaccination

The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) released more data into the database maintained by the CDC and FDA today, and there are now 1,071,856 reports of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 "vaccines." By way of contrast, prior to December of 2020 when the COVID-19 vaccines were issued emergency use authorization (EUA), there were a total of 915,813 reports of deaths and injuries following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years. 29,542 deaths and injuries per year following all FDA-approved vaccines - 989,405 deaths and injuries per year  following EUA COVID-19 vaccines. Therefore, following the first complete year of injecting the population with experimental COVID-19 injections that were given emergency use authorization, deaths and injuries have increased 3,250% compared to deaths and injuries reported following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years. The CDC admits that as of January 20, 2022: "VAERS has received 2,132 preliminary reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 years and younger who received COVID-19 vaccines." The CDC calls this number "rare." They have to say this, because they are funded and controlled by the pharmaceutical companies, and represent their interests, and not the interests of public health. However, if we search VAERS for ALL types of myocarditis and pericarditis, instead of cherry picking only two types of "carditis," and include all forms of "carditis" for heart disease, the number almost doubles to 3,912 cases. Using the exact same search for all cases of "carditis," we find that prior to December, 2020, when the EUAs were issued to the experimental COVID-19 shots, there were a total of 725 cases of heart disease following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years for young people under the age of 30. 23 cases of heart disease per year for those under 30 following all FDA-approved vaccines - 3611 cases of heart disease per year for those under 30 following EUA COVID-19 vaccines. That is a 15,600% increase of heart disease following COVID-19 EUA vaccines compared to FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years.

GoFundMe Blocks Millions Raised for 50,000 Canadian Trucks Heading to Ottawa to Protest Covid Vaccine Mandates

US crowdfunding platform GoFundMe has suspended access to more than Can$5 million (about $4 million) raised by ‘Freedom Convoy 2022’ – a trucker convoy heading to Ottawa to protest the vaccine mandate. About 50,000 trucks aim to take part in a massive demonstration against rules recently imposed by the government, requiring truck drivers to be vaccinated to avoid a 14-day quarantine after crossing the border from the US. Commenting on its decision to temporarily freeze the funds raised by the campaign, GoFundMe said the money “will be safely held” until the Freedom Convoy provides the documents “about how funds will be properly distributed.”

Does Your Family Believe You are “Out of Your Mind”? You’re in Good Company Because Jesus Faced the Same Thing with His Family

Does your family think you are "out of your mind" because you disagree with them on things like COVID-19 measures such as the wearing of masks, and taking COVID-19 vaccines? If you are being accused of being "out of your mind," please take comfort from the fact that people said the same thing about Jesus Christ when he walked this earth, including his own family who wanted to seize him, and stop him from his "insanity." From Mark Chapter 3: Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. When his family heard about this, they went to seize him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, "Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you." "Who are my mother and my brothers?" he asked. Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."

COVID-19 Vaxxed Olympic Gold Medalist Dies at 51 but Media Calls Him “Anti-Vaxxer”

The Independent has put out an early (and strong) entry for “Worst Journalism of the Year” award, reporting yesterday the death of Hungarian gymnastics coach Szilveszter Csollany under the headline: "Anti-vax Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany dies of Covid, aged 51" The glaring issue with this headline becomes clear just three paragraphs into the article: "While Csollany had, according to [Hungarian newspaper Blikk], expressed anti-vaccination views on social media, the six-time World Championship medallist had been vaccinated to allow him to continue to work as a gymnastics coach." The journalism is terrible, criminally bad. The evidence supplied for Csollany’s supposed “anti-vaccination views” is non-existent. Second-hand hearsay, at best. No direct quotations, no sources provided. To bury that in the body, under that headline, is deliberate deception. They know many people will read the title and assume he hadn’t had the vaccine without ever reading the body of the text, and they are relying on that to spread an intentionally false impression. The very definition of disinformation.

Corporate Media Warning of Attacks on Power Grid and Cyber Attacks as U.S. Tells People to Leave Ukraine Now by Any Means Available

Information (or dis-information) is now very obviously being leaked to the corporate media warning of impending attacks on the power grid in the United States, as well as cyber attacks, as the U.S. is now telling citizens in the Ukraine to leave immediately, by whatever means necessary. If you are not prepared for periods of time with no electricity and no Internet, you may have very little time left to prepare.

Is the Virus Real? Steve Kirsch Suggests a Debate

My readers know that, for the past two years, I’ve been making the case that the virus is a scientific fiction, a con, and a cover story for tyranny that would make Hitler, Stalin, and Mao blush with envy. Recently, the question has been attracting wider coverage: Does SARS-CoV-2 exist? Entrepreneur, inventor, and philanthropist, Steve Kirsch, says yes. He offers to set up a 5-hour live video debate. He’ll send his experts and other side will send theirs. They’ll go at it. What about the usual form of scientific debate, called the written word? Buckle up. Kirsch: “I don’t think the folks I’d ask to do this would want to spend time writing papers…They don’t even have the time to prepare their own papers. Doing written documents is much more time consuming than talking because people spend the time to make it bulletproof.” Heaven forbid. Kirsch: “None of the people on our team require that all discussions be in writing only.” Of course not. Why would his team of scientists insist on the method by which science is accomplished?