PhD Researcher’s Analysis of VAERS Data Reveals 5,427% Increase in Deaths Following COVID Shots Compared to ALL Vaccines the Past 10 Years
Dr. Jessica Rose has given another presentation based on her analysis of the CDC and FDA VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data. Dr. Jessica Rose has a BSc in Applied Mathematics and completed her MSc in Immunology at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. She completed her PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University and then did her first Post Doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Molecular Biology. She recently made a presentation to the World Council for Health, and her analysis of the data in VAERS revealed that in 2021 there has been a 5,427% increase in deaths following COVID-19 shots, and a 1,373% increase in adverse reactions following COVID-19 shots, as compared to all other vaccines given out for the past 10 years. This is the kind of analysis on the VAERS data that the CDC and FDA are supposed to be doing, and then removing experimental products that are killing and harming so many people. But as we have exposed so many times over the past decade, these federal agencies are very corrupt, and the people running them go on to take lucrative positions with large pharmaceutical companies. Public health is not their concern, but profits for Big Pharma.