Irish Medical Doctor: The Shots are Killing People! We need to Stop This! Her Medical License was Just Suspended

An Irish medical doctor who had just worked all night in the hospital took time to give an impassioned plea to stop the COVID-19 injections. She states that other than the children, for whom the shots are not yet authorized, almost everyone she treated had two doses of COVID-19 shots. She states that she is seeing things that in all her years of practice she has never seen before, such as blood clots in the arm of a young girl in her 20s. Nobody is linking these injuries to the vaccines. She states that the hospitals are short staffed because nurses are quitting, as they do not want to get the jab. "The shots are killing people," she states, and "We need to stop this!" Just as I published this today, I found out that Dr. Anne McCloskey has been suspended from practicing medicine as a result of this video. This is what happens when you expose the Globalists' agenda. Now it's time for the rest of us to follow her example, no matter what the cost!

Death and Destruction Continue to Follow Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines – Now Approved by the FDA

Yesterday we reported that with 1,517,211 injuries and 9,027 deaths following the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines recorded in the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the FDA went ahead and gave it full approval anyway. Today, we put some faces on some of these tragic deaths and injuries following the Pfizer shots. There seems to be some confusion over the FDA announcement yesterday, as I have had several people email and state that the FDA did not approve the Pfizer shots, but simply extended their emergency use authorization (EUA). The FDA did approve the Pfizer/BioNTech shots, but they also apparently extended the EUA on existing doses of the shot. So now there are apparently two different "vaccines" produced by Pfizer/BioNTech, one under the EUA, and one approved by the FDA yesterday. The name of the one that the FDA approved is "Comirnaty."

Will America Fall Just as Fast as Afghanistan? Because that’s Probably the Plan

I have not previously reported on anything happening in Afghanistan the past couple of weeks, because it is mostly a distraction and a psyop carefully orchestrated and advertised via the puppet corporate media who is controlled by the Wall Street bankers and billionaires who run the United States. The people calling the shots in Afghanistan are not politicians, and they cannot be "voted out of office." Since so much of what is being published about Afghanistan is wrong, or pure propaganda, including many in the alternative media (particularly the Conservative/Right alternative media blaming everything on Biden) who have no clue, I have decided to do one article on it, because the way the current infrastructure in Afghanistan so quickly fell apart and changed hands, is very likely an indication of what the Globalists have planned for the destruction of the United States as well.

After 1,517,211 Injuries and 9,027 Recorded Vaccine Deaths in the U.S. FDA Gives Full Approval to Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

After 1,517,211 injuries and 9,027 deaths following the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines recorded in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the FDA today gave full approval to the Pfizer COVID-19 injections for people over the age of 16. Besides the U.S. VAERS, the British Yellow Card reporting system for injuries and deaths following COVID-19 vaccines reports 501 deaths and 293,779 injuries following Pfizer COVID-19 injections. EudraVigilance, the European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports for COVID-19 vaccines, reports 10,616 deaths and 833,498 injuries following Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. Today is a historic day in the United States, because no pharmaceutical product linked to so many deaths and injuries during its trial period has ever before been approved by the FDA. Just from Europe and the U.S., official government reporting systems list a total of 20,144 deaths and 2,644,488 adverse reactions following Pfizer's injections. We know that these reported numbers, directly from official government health organizations, are severely under-reported, as doctors and other medical personnel are pressured to NOT link these deaths and injuries to the COVID-19 shots. We also know that the same thing is happening in many other countries around the world, as we reported last week that official media sources in Brazil admit that over 32,000 people have died following COVID-19 shots, and one of the approved shots in Brazil is the Pfizer/BioNTech shot. So do you still believe that a worldwide eugenics program in place to reduce the world's population is a "conspiracy theory"?

Australian Truckers Warn Citizens to Stock Up on Food as They Prepare to Take Over the Country

Video messages from Australian truck drivers have surfaced in some of the alternative social media sites in recent days stating that they are going to take their country back, by going on strike and creating a blockade that will choke the supply chain. They are warning Australians to prepare, and stock up on food and basic necessities while they do this. They claim to have widespread support among "truckies" and also among military veterans. They recently had a "snap" protest in Sydney where dozens of trucks spanning miles lined up blowing their horns in a sign of solidarity against tyranny. I have put together a video report with messages from various truck drivers, as well as footage from the snap protest in Sydney.

Fed-up Unarmed Australians Hit the Streets in Protest of Medical Police State – Police Fire on Crowds

Australians turned out in mass Saturday to protest tyrannical police harassment in a country that is reported to now be more authoritarian than even China.  In Victoria, video footage shows police firing on unarmed crowds, allegedly with rubber bullets. Other substances were sprayed on the crowd such as pepper spray, and one video clip showed a young boy blinded and crying. This was all after a week that saw horrific video footage online throughout Australia of police beating up 12-year-olds for not wearing masks, a child being ripped from a parent's arms allegedly to inject them, and police just in general bullying the public for whatever reason they saw fit, using "COVID" as an excuse for everything. Here is my video report.

INDIA: “World’s First DNA-based Vaccine” Given Emergency Use Authorization for 12 to 18-Year-Olds as Parents Mourn the Deaths of Their Children Following COVID-19 Injections

News reports out of India today announced that a new experimental COVID-19 vaccine has been given emergency use approval for children from age 12 through age 18 on Friday. It is reportedly the "world’s first needle-free DNA based vaccine." The existing experimental COVID-19 shots have been linked to deaths among young people, and some parents have now gone public to warn others in India, stating that they did not get the full information they needed to make a decision to allow their children to get one of these shots. We have included a video from some of these heartbroken parents warning others. India has been corrupted in recent years by Western medicine that follows the allopathic medical model, and much of this has been funded by organizations run by Bill Gates, who has used poor children in India, often without their consent or the consent of their parents, to develop new vaccines. But India has its own system of health care that is thousands of years old: Ayurveda. India also has thousands of hospitals practicing homeopathy, a natural method of healing without the toxic pharmaceutical products of Western allopathic medicine. We have included a video with a man in India trained in Ayurveda and homeopathy who has successfully treated COVID-19 patients with no toxic Western drugs. Vaccines are not needed, especially for children. If you live in India, or know people living in India, please share this information with as many people as possible. It might save many lives, especially the children that are now being targeted with this new experimental DNA vaccine.

To “Save” America will the Foundation of the Corporate American Christian Church Need to be Destroyed?

I have already written how Christian church "leaders" who are now trying to force their members to get a COVID-19 "vaccination" to participate in their organizations is eerily similar to the principles that divided the New Covenant believers in the Bible, where the "Circumcision Jews" who had believed in Jesus as the Messiah, wanted to force non-Jews, Gentiles, to obey the Law and perform a medical procedure on the males: circumcision. But in this article I am going a step further, and I am claiming that the American Corporate Church is first and foremost an American business, and just as corrupt as other American businesses and institutions, and that the principles of the New Covenant actually nullify most of their activities. The American Christian Church, which would include Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons, etc., has for many years been intertwined with the American medical system, as well as the American Military Industrial Complex, along with all their intelligence agencies as well, such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. America is known worldwide as a "Christian Country," and the vast majority of our population identifies themselves as "Christian." And look at where we are today. We are no different than the ancient Jewish kingdoms that God judged and destroyed. Not only are we just as corrupt as other nations, we are actually MORE corrupt than most, having such notorious distinctions as being the #1 destination for human and child sex trafficking, and killing more innocent civilians through our military than all the "terrorists" in the world combined. Under the New Covenant, there is no need for corporate "churches" or their professional human leaders, such as "priests" or "pastors." We can learn directly from God, because his Word can now be directly "written on our hearts." If we truly believe and experience this, it becomes a huge threat to the multi-BILLION dollar Christian Church corporate structure. We don't need them!

Over 32,000 People DEAD in Brazil Following COVID-19 Vaccines According to Official Media Report

A Health Impact News reader from Brazil has alerted us to official media reports stating that during a 5-month period, over 32,000 people in Brazil have died following a COVID-19 injection. Currently in Brazil, the following vaccines are authorized for use: AstraZeneca/Oxford, Pfizer/BioNTech, Coronavac (also called Sinovac), J&J/Janssen, and Butanvac. The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb. It is so big, that ICANN has given its own domain: .uol. Despite these high amounts of deaths following vaccination, the report states: "Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease."

CDC’s Own Stats Show a “Pandemic of the Vaccinated” with Vaccine Injuries – 2,604,121 Injuries from 571,831 People Reported

Last month we reported on how the CDC's proclamation that the U.S. was now facing a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is a lie, with no stats to back up this assertion. They claimed that "99%" of those being hospitalized with COVID were "unvaccinated," even though reports and other stats proved just the opposite. Even Republican Governors are perpetuating this lie to the American people. As regular readers of Health Impact News know, the U.S. Government has a tracking system to track reported injuries following vaccines, called "VAERS," the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The last VAERS report from this past weekend listed: 12,791 deaths, 16,044 permanent disabilities, 70,667 emergency room visits, 51,242 hospitalizations, and 13,139 life threatening events following COVID-19 shots. But what about total injuries reported following these shots? They are listed as "symptoms" in the VAERS database, and I had never done a search on total symptoms reported following COVID-19 shots. So I did one today, and the search result returned 2,604,121 reported symptoms from 571,831 cases. There are over 10,500 kinds of symptoms reported, and I copied that table into an Excel spreadsheet and sorted them from most reported symptoms to least, and the results are in this article. I don't know if this article, or another one that reports something similar to this will go viral enough to attract the attention of the corporate media or Big Tech "fact checkers" who will come in and try to cherry pick something in the stats that they will claim "proves" this is false, but there is one thing that nobody can refute: From these 571,831 cases and 2,604,121 reported symptoms, NOT A SINGLE ONE IS FROM SOMEONE WHO IS UNVACCINATED WITH COVID-19.