ER Doctor and Advanced Trauma Life Support Professor: “I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19. We are being deceived and manipulated.”

My name is Mark Trozzi. I am a medical doctor; I graduated in 1990 from The University of Western Ontario. I have been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years; and I have been on call in multiple emergency units since the onset of the so-called “pandemic”, including one ER designated specifically for COVID-19. I am an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America, and I hold teaching positions at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in the Advanced Life Support Department, as well as with both Queen’s University and The University of Ottawa. What follows is my  observations and opinions; I am bound by my personal and religious convictions to speak openly and honestly. I have watched the suppression of doctors and scientists who performed serum antibody studies, whose findings showed that the virus was much more widespread, yet generally nonfatal, and asymptomatic or very mild in most cases; and that in many regions we had likely already achieved natural herd immunity by summer 2020. I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19; I have seen some positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people, and watched people be imprisoned in their own homes and isolated from family and friends. My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer’s money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal. Meanwhile our federal government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of doses of potentially dangerous experimental injections of modified viral genetic material, calling them “vaccines”, and having the military manage them. My career as an emergency physician always provided me an opportunity to practice my religious and ethical beliefs of honesty and kindness, while making a good living. Now maintaining the career I love, would require participating in the deception, violating my oath and spiritual beliefs, and in my opinion committing crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Code. I empathize with all my fellow doctors and nurses. We are all victims of the covid abuse.

CDC: 1,524 DEAD 31,079 Injured Following Experimental COVID mRNA “Vaccines”

The CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through March 5, 2021, with 31,079 recorded adverse events, including 1,524 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. The CDC also updated their Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination page on March 9th this past week, and according to this report, VAERS has received 1,637 reports of death following COVID "vaccinations" - more than 100 deaths than are in the VAERS data dump released today. The CDC continues to state that not one of these recorded deaths following experimental COVID injections are related to the shots: "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths." As we reported yesterday, many countries in Europe (and now also Thailand) have halted the vaccinating of people with the AstraZeneca experimental vaccine after reports of fatal blood clots following the injections. And while the AstraZeneca COVID shots are not yet authorized for emergency use in the U.S., some have commented that the side effects for the mRNA "vaccines" currently issued EUAs in the U.S. for Pfizer and Moderna have just as many, if not more, adverse side effects, questioning whether any of these new experimental and non-FDA-approved COVID vaccines should be continued. So we searched today's CDC data on adverse reactions to the two COVID "vaccines" being used in the U.S. for "pulmonary embolism," which is an "acute lung disease caused by a dislodged blood clot," and the reason why the AstraZeneca COVID shot is now being halted in about a dozen countries worldwide after two fatalities and others injured. The CDC is today reporting 120 cases of pulmonary embolisms, including 12 DEATHS following injections of the two experimental COVID mRNA injections currently in the U.S. Seven of the deaths followed the Moderna mRNA COVID shot, while five deaths followed the Pfizer mRNA COVID shot. This number is obviously far greater than the two deaths reported so far from pulmonary embolism following the AstraZeneca COVID shots being distributed around the world right now. Can we trust the CDC that NONE of these 1,637 recorded deaths are caused by the experimental COVID mRNA shots?

508 Dead 297,274 Reported Injuries following COVID19 Experimental Vaccines Reported in the U.K.

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, March 11, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through February 28, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. They report a total of 508 deaths and 297,274 injuries. The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency concludes: "The overall safety experience with both vaccines is so far as expected from the clinical trials. Based on current experience, the expected benefits of both COVID-19 vaccines in preventing COVID-19 and its serious complications far outweigh any known side effects." However, 9 other European countries have halted the Oxford University/AstraZeneca experimental COVID shots due to concerns about fatal blood clots.

BREAKING: 9 European Nations Suspend Experimental AstraZeneca COVID Vaccines Due to Fatal Blood Clots

Earlier this week we reported that Austria had stopped injecting people with AstraZeneca's experimental COVID vaccines after two nurses developed blood clots, with one of them dying. Another death due to blood clots following injection of the AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine was reported in Denmark, prompting Denmark to also suspend vaccinating people with the current AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. Earlier today, Denmark's health minister Magnus Heunicke tweeted that the health authorities in Denmark were conducting a thorough investigation into the issue. Several other countries have now followed Austria and Denmark's precautionary actions, and also stopped the roll out of AstraZeneca's experimental COVID vaccines. Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Iceland and Italy have all reportedly stopped their plans to use the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Pakistanis Do Not Trust Western Vaccines – Why Should They? Experimental COVID “Vaccines” Unwelcome by Many in Pakistan

Ignorant, backwards, unscientific, religious fanatics: This is how the western corporate media presents Pakistanis who don't like vaccines produced in western countries. I have covered their resistance to vaccines for over a decade now, and I view them very differently. They are perhaps one of the most knowledgeable and intelligent people anywhere in the world when it comes to understanding the dangers of vaccines. Sadly, what they have learned about vaccines has come from experience, and not from watching talking head "experts" in the western media, mostly owned and controlled by Big Pharma. They don't care too much for Bill Gates and his "philanthropy" and "free" vaccines to supposedly make their lives better. They've been on to him for years, and his eugenicist population control plans, long before COVID fearmongering invaded the planet last year, and when all of a sudden multiple documentaries about Bill Gates and his vaccine empire started appearing everywhere. The anti-Big Pharma Pakistanis are perhaps the best example of "vaccine resistance" the world has seen during the past decade or so, as they fight against the odds by going up against the western military industrial complex and their weaponizing of vaccines, all in an effort to protect their families and children.

Canadian Doctors Speak Out Against Government COVID Restrictions – Masks and Vaccines Not Needed!

Stop fearing the Coronavirus, the new COVID "variants" are a hoax, let children go back to normal activities, take off your mask, and avoid the experimental COVID "vaccines." This is the message being conveyed to the public by a group of doctors in Canada with Canadian Health Alliance, which issued a press release and video this week, opposing the Government's response to COVID. Here is what they are demanding be stopped immediately: · Lockdowns and physical distancing · Promoting the use of masks · Handwashing and cleaning surfaces with toxic disinfectants · Quarantines of asymptomatic people and social isolation · Using RT-PCR testing on people · Advocating inadequately tested gene-modifying COVID-19 vaccinations (insufficient human and animal trials) · Unnecessary COVID-19 policies at hospitals and other health care facilities · Business closures or restrictions · Restrictions on churches and places of worship · Closures of public facilities including schools, playgrounds, parks and recreational facilities · Misrepresentation of the COVID situation in the media · The use of fear and other psychological coercion techniques

39-Year-Old Surgical Technician and Mother Dies 4 Days After Second Experimental Moderna COVID mRNA Shot

KUTV CBS 2 in Utah is reporting today that a 39-year-old surgical technician and mother of one died suddenly four days after receiving the second experimental Moderna mRNA COVID shot. Kassidi Kurill by all accounts was healthy, happy and “had more energy” than just about anyone else around her. Her family told 2News she had no known health problems or pre-existing conditions. Her death was so sudden, that most of her family did not even have a chance to say goodbye to her. Alfred, who was with his daughter when she passed, said it didn’t make any sense. "She was healthy – happy and active. The greatest mom you ever saw in your life and then she was so sick that in less than 12 hours intubated and on life support." She passed, he said, 30 hours after they arrived in the emergency room. The CDC updated their Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination page yesterday, March 9, 2021, and they are now reporting 1,637 deaths following the experimental COVID injections reported to VAERS. But their position on these deaths remains the same: "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths."

Australian Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt Hospitalized After Receiving Experimental COVID Vaccine

Australian Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has been admitted to a hospital just after receiving the AstraZeneca experimental COVID vaccine. ABC Australia mentioned twice in their coverage that Mr. Hunt's condition is "not believed" to be related to the vaccine. I am sure that Health Impact News subscribers in Australia, who forwarded this news to me, will watch this situation carefully and report back if anything further develops.

UK Government Changes Recommendations on Pregnant Women Getting Experimental COVID Injections Causing at Least 20 Miscarriages So Far

It saddens us to have to report that as a result of receiving a dose of either the Pfizer / BioNTech MRNA vaccine or the Oxford / Astrazeneca Viral Vector (still MRNA technology), a total of twenty women have now had to suffer the grief of having a miscarriage and losing their unborn child. Adverse reactions to both jabs reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme up to the 21st February shows that the number has almost doubled in just seven days when compared with the previous weeks data, which included adverse reactions to both jabs. When the Pfizer jab was first approved for emergency use only in the United Kingdom, meaning the manufacturer is not liable for any harm or injury caused by their product, the Government’s advice was: "There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2. Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose." However the Government has since updated it’s advice within the document, for reasons unknown to the following: "There is limited experience with use of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnant women. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryo/foetal development, parturition or post-natal development. Administration of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and foetus." So now we know why pregnant women have started to be inoculated with the experimental jabs, because the Government quietly changed its own advice based on zero evidence to support it. Even going as far as to remove the recommendation that women of child bearing age being told to avoid pregnancy for at least two months after their second dose. Statistically these women stood no chance of suffering from serious illness due to the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus and the alleged resulting disease Covid-19, now sadly they have to suffer the misery of losing their unborn children. How many more women need to suffer a miscarriage to stop this madness?

Moderna’s Top Scientist on mRNA Technology in COVID Shots: “We are Actually Hacking the Software of Life”

Veteran investigative reporter Leo Hohmann has discovered a 2017 Ted Talk presentation by Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., where he clearly explains in layperson's language just what the mRNA technology does in vaccines. (Thanks to Patrick Wood of Technocracy News for publishing this.) As Dr. Zaks clearly states, they are "hacking the software of life," by injecting their own genetic code into humans. What we are witnessing in this new class of "vaccines" is clearly the wedding together of digital technology born out of the computer age, with Darwinian biology and medicine. In short, the new technocrats of medicine actually believe they can improve the design plan of human beings, replacing God. This is not a conspiracy theory, as they are very arrogant and very open about just what they dream about achieving. This is first and foremost a belief system, with very little to no science involved to back up their claims. We are quickly moving from the realm of science fiction and entertainment, as we see in Hollywood presentations such as Star Trek, where humans can be disassembled and transported (beamed) through space and miraculously put back together instantly, or food can be "replicated" at the push of a button, to real life experiments based on these beliefs by Billionaire psychopaths who have nothing better to do with their wealth other than try to improve upon the human race. Welcome to the brave new world of post-COVID, and the transhumanist agenda. The software engineers of yesterday, who cannot even create a virus-free computer operating system, are now in charge of the "software of life" and working together with the Big Pharma criminal cartel. They also fund and control what is broadcast in the corporate media. What could possibly go wrong?