California Parents Flood School Board Meeting – Demand Parental Rights Sanctuary Regarding Vaccines and Sex Education

This week the Murrieta Unified School District in Southern California saw hundreds of parents turn out for a school board meeting to protest the loss of parental rights when it comes to the issue of mandatory vaccines and the sexualization in sex education of their children without parental approval. They brought a proposal to make their community a "sanctuary city for parental rights," claiming that if illegal immigration can be protected by a sanctuary status, then so can parental rights. Reporter Michelle Mears was present, and published a report at the California Globe. "Hundreds of residents in a Southern California community swarmed a school board meeting Thursday night to speak out about the loss of parental rights in schools. Anxious parents, many with children in tow, students, pastors and doctors demanded the Murrieta Unified School District become the first sanctuary city for parental rights in California. For two hours people waited to speak out on the action item titled, 'To consider Proposal by Community Member to Become a Sanctuary School District.” Those in favor of the sanctuary status understood the trustees could not change the laws set by the state. However, their argument is, if illegal immigration can be protected by a sanctuary status then so can parental rights.' One of the highlights of the night was a reading of an affidavit by a nurse known on Facebook as "Sandra RN." Police attempted to block her efforts and remove her from the room, but when she stood up for her rights as she was being filmed, police backed down and allowed her to speak.

Big Pharma and Corporate Media Finally Admit the Oral Polio Vaccine is a Failure – Causes Polio Instead of Preventing It

In an almost unprecedented admission of vaccine failure, National Public Radio (NPR) recently published a show explaining how the present-day oral polio vaccine is a failure, and is actually contributing to the rise of polio in poor countries. In it's Weekend Edition Saturday show, NPR's Scott Simon and Jason Beaubien produced a show titled: "How The Oral Polio Vaccine Can Cause Polio." They report that the U.S. CDC is now recognizing that there is a problem with the oral polio vaccine, which as a live-virus vaccine is actually causing polio around the world, a fact reported here at Health Impact News for over 6 years now. Of course when we, or any other alternative media source, report this or any other negative news about vaccines, it is labeled as "Fake News," and it is censored in social media, particularly on Facebook, if the article becomes too popular. Apparently, this problem of polio being caused by the oral polio vaccine has become such a problem worldwide, that someone gave NPR the approval to cover the story, probably for "damage control." For the many years that Health Impact News has been covering the oral polio vaccine tragedy around the world, a vaccine that has long been rejected as unsafe and not used in the U.S., Europe, Israel, and other wealthy nations, but is crippling children in poor countries like India, Africa and Pakistan, Big Pharma and their sponsored "mainstream" media have been criticizing parents in these countries as being "uneducated" for refusing the vaccine which is then forced upon them, often at gun point. This is just another example of the fact that vaccines can never survive in a free market where one has to prove the success of one's product to survive in the marketplace, but that government intervention, censorship of science and harmful side effects, and physical force is necessary to get people to comply with mandated vaccinations. Will future world wars and national revolutions arise from vaccine resistance?

Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed – What Does the Science Say?

Part six in our series of studies comparing health outcomes among vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations. Once again, chronic illness plagues the vaccinated cohorts. CDC and Pharma make great efforts to block researchers from performing these studies and to prevent the journals from publishing them. Nonetheless, independent scientists have persisted and their reports have evaded the censors. Public health advocates willing to search can find them in quiet abundance among the peer-reviewed literature on Pubmed.

Dr. Brownstein Exposes Fake News About Flu Shot in WSJ

My friend Brad texted me during the Michigan-Michigan State football game yesterday telling me I have to read the flu shot article in the WSJ and write about it. Well, I got home from the BIG Michigan victory (Go Blue!) and promptly read the November 16, 2019 article. This article must have been supplied to the WSJ writer by Big Pharma as this was nothing more than a promotional spot for why we should be vaccinated against the flu. Fake News: The flu vaccine has NEVER been shown to protect those aged 65 and older. And, 79,000 dying from the flu last year? No way.   The CDC annually gins up the number of deaths from the flu by reporting pneumonia and flu deaths as one number. Then, the CDC reports this number as the total dying from the flu. The number who die from the flu range from a few hundred to a few thousand per year. Since the flu vaccine does not prevent pneumonia, and pneumonia deaths vastly outnumber flu deaths sometimes 20-40x, there is simply no reason to lump the numbers together unless you want to unnecessarily scare the population into getting a flu vaccine. The flu shot has NEVER BEEN SHOWN TO REDUCE SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS SUCH AS PNEUMONIA OR HOSPTILIZATION FROM INFLUENZA INFECTION IN CHILDREN, HEALTHY ADULTS AND THE ELDERLY!

New York Judge Re-Admits Expelled Disabled Student Missing Single Vaccination

A New York State court granted a temporary restraining order, re-admitting disabled student Ameer Hamideh to school at the CHC Learning Center here, according to Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) which supported Ameer's case. Nine-year old Ameer became an unwilling national story when he was expelled from school at CHC in October because he lacked a single mandatory vaccine for school attendance. Ameer has numerous neurological impairments, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and a seizure disorder. He has received all vaccinations required to attend school, with the exception of a fifth dose of a pertussis (whooping cough) Tdap vaccine. Ameer was expelled even after his life-long treating pediatric neurologist submitted a medical exemption to the school. He was expelled because the New York State Department of Health opined that the medical exemption should be denied. Because of Ameer's previous severe reaction to the DTaP vaccine—most recently a grand mal seizure that sent him, uncontrollably screaming, to the hospital—his parents Ali and Orooba Hamideh followed the advice of Ameer's physician to not give him an additional dose. ICAN took up the family's cause and turned its team of attorneys to the case, which pointed out—among other things—New York state law allows any doctor to provide a valid medical exemption, and does not provide the Department of Health the authority to overrule that exemption.

Recording Surfaces of Illinois Department of Health Planning to Medically Kidnap Newborns from Parents Who Refuse Vitamin K Shot at Birth

Earlier this year (2019) the Chicago Tribune reported on a federal lawsuit where parents sued several doctors at three hospitals and DCFS for medically kidnapping their newborn infants simply for refusing the Vitamin K shot at birth. Megan Fox, writing for PJ Media, has published a recording from an April 12, 2018 meeting of the Perinatal Advisory Committee (PAC) that operates under the Illinois Department of Public Health. In the recording, health officials that apparently include doctors and possibly nurses who are authorized to give the Vitamin K shot to newborns, discuss how they can work together with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to take custody of newborn babies from parents who refuse the Vitamin K shot at birth. The members of the Health Department basically conclude that since it is DCFS policy to mandate the Vitamin K shot, that medical professionals have the authority to take custody of the child and administer the Vitamin K shot over the objections of the parents, even without DCFS involvement. Such "custody" can be as little as only "2 minutes," the time it takes to give the shot. So basically Illinois Health Department officials decided in a meeting that they had authority to take a child away from the parents, without DCFS involvement, without parental approval, and with no court or judge's order to take custody, and forcibly inject the newborn child with the Vitamin K shot.

Western Pharmaceutical Companies using People in India as Human Lab Rats to Deliberately Infect with Diseases to Develop New Vaccines

An opinion article in The Sunday Guardian by Jacob Puliyel, MD, focuses on the plan to conduct unethical medical experiments in which  human beings are deliberately infected with infectious diseases in order to develop possible vaccines. These experiments are classified as “human infection model”. They are to be conducted first, in India, a population that the pharmaceutical industry very often exploits with impunity. Such experimentation on human beings crosses the line of permissible medical experiments as defined in the Nuremberg Code. Such a development should raise loud alarm bells because it signals a return to ghastly human experimentation made possible by the collusion of government with the chemical/ pharmaceutical industry.

FDA Approves New High-Dose Flu Shot for Adults 65 Years of Age and Older with Many Side Effects and Unknown Efficacy

Earlier this month (November, 2019) the FDA approved the Fluzone® High-Dose Quadrivalent influenza vaccine produced by Sanofi Pasteur Inc. Fluzone is approved for adults 65 years old and above. The package insert for the new Fluzone®High-Dose Quadrivalent flu vaccine states that there was one clinical study conducted to evaluate the safety of this new high dose flu shot for seniors. The study did not compare the new flu vaccine to a placebo, but to previous versions of the Fluzone vaccine. Both study groups (the older flu vaccine and the newer one) suffered serious adverse events (SAEs). According to the package insert of the new Fluzone® High-Dose Quadrivalent influenza vaccine, there were no efficacy studies done on the new flu vaccine. The single study that was conducted compared the safety and immunogenicity of Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent to those of Fluzone High-Dose. For a measure of effectiveness, they simply quoted the results for the older Fluzone High-Dose vaccine. The relative efficacy of the older study for primary endpoints ranged from 11% to 27.4%. The secondary endpoint had an efficacy rate of 51%. Again, this study was not for the new flu vaccine just approved by the FDA, but for the older flu vaccine against specific virus strains. The new vaccine added a new strain, but this flu vaccine will not even be available until the 2020-2021 flu season. Everything here comes straight from the manufacturers package insert for the flu vaccine, a package insert you are not likely to have access to if you were to walk into a drug store like Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, and others and request to see before receiving a flu shot. And for simply printing facts like this that are easily found online (the FDA government website is required to have vaccine package inserts online), we have been branded by the corporate media watch dogs as "fake news." Health Impact News, and specifically our website, generates a lot of traffic for readers searching for facts related to vaccines in general, and the flu vaccine specifically. If this particular article starts receiving too much traffic, Facebook and others will come in and label it as "fake news" to immediately reduce the amount of traffic it receives. This has already happened a few times during the current flu season.

Vaccine Scientific Denialism: The Vaccine Deep State’s Control Over Public Policy by Ignoring Real Science

Scientific denialism is rampant and the nation’s vaccination policies are criminally medieval, based upon faith rather than reason. This includes efforts to fund independent studies to confirm or negate many of the more disturbing conclusions found in much of the peer-reviewed literature. The Vaccine Deep State poses very serious threats because it serves private interests instead of the public. It is irrational and bases its agenda more on wishful-thinking than sound evidence-based medicine.

The Vaccine Deep State: Controlling the Media and Government to Suppress Vaccine Facts

There is perhaps no other area of so-called scientific progress that has relied upon more deceptive and misleading research and a distortion of facts and statistics than in modern medicine’s religious belief in vaccines as a miracle to protect the world’s population from infectious diseases. The distortion and exclusion of scientific evidence, the reliance upon cherry-picked studies and blatant corruption behind the vaccine research to further vaccination campaigns and compliance inquisitorial assaults on the medical voices of reason who demand honest and open dialogue about vaccine safety and efficacy has turned into a media war. Popular scientific consensus has yet to tackle the growing uncertainty gap to identify the most probable causes of childhood neurological disorders and increasing rates in asthma, allergies and autoimmune conditions, including the role that toxic vaccine ingredients such as adjuvant aluminum compounds may play in these epidemics. If you have read the opinion pieces in the New York Times, Washington Post or listen to television commentators, you will be left with the impression that there are no evidence-based facts to offer a legitimate challenge to the assumption that all vaccines are effective and safe. Nevertheless there is a large group of board certified pediatricians, immunologists, toxicologists and research scientists who have reviewed volumes of peer-reviewed literature to support their criticisms of what the media wants us to believe. But you will never see anyone from this group cited in mainstream publications or invited on multimedia. Rather, the media has created the illusion that only a small group of activist parents and renegade physicians oppose vaccines.