When Doctors Become Law Enforcement: Forced Vaccines for All Children Regardless of Medical Conditions

Witnessing in their own words on the National Vaccine Information Center’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall at NVIC.org, the suffering of people being abused by medical doctors enforcing one-size-fits-all vaccine policies is being revealed. Americans from all walks of life are describing the trauma of being threatened, coerced and punished by doctors violating the informed consent ethic, who have abandoned the precautionary principle of “First, do no harm” and are behaving more like prison guards than compassionate healers. When doctors and legislators are taught to consider individuals unable to get vaccinated without being harmed as expendable, and treat people defending informed consent rights like public enemy Number One, the practice of medicine and public health lawmaking has lost its way and become a prescription for prejudice, discrimination and abuse. Does the thought of going to the doctor or taking your child to a pediatrician fill you with anxiety or even fear because your doctor refuses to listen to you, makes you feel stupid and doesn’t seem to care about your child’s individual health needs? Are you concerned that your doctor will threaten or deny you or your child medical care if you decline even one of the dozens of doses of vaccines that government health officials tell your doctor to give to every patient? You are not alone. If the politically powerful Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby gets its way, all personal belief vaccine exemptions will be stripped from public health laws. Doctors employed by state health departments will be given the authority to deny vaccine vulnerable children a school education if a doctor in private practice has granted a medical exemption to vaccination for a reason that is not approved by the federal government. The goal is to force all doctors to become agents of the state without the power to depart from government policy, even if implementing government policy will increase the risk of injury or death for an individual.

93,000 People in Maine Sign Petition to Veto New Vaccine Bill Taking Away Parental Rights

On Friday, September 18, 2019, Mainers for Health and Parental Rights held a press conference at the Capitol of Maine to announce they had obtained 93,000 signatures to support their grass-roots effort, Veto 798 Maine. According to their website, 798 is: "a bill that was pushed through the legislature despite overwhelming opposition from the citizens of Maine, and then quietly signed into law by Governor Mills in May of 2019. LD798 eliminates religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccination, prohibiting parents, staff and healthcare workers from exercising their right to decline one or more vaccines required by schools and employers. If Maine citizens do not comply with the new law, they face expulsion from all public, private, parochial and online schools and will be terminated from employment." To get the "Peoples Veto" on the ballot for March, 2020, they were required to obtain 64,000 signatures from Maine residents within 90 days, September 18th. With 800+ volunteers, they obtained over 93,000 signatures - nearly 7% of the population of Maine. The people of Maine will now apparently have the opportunity to vote and veto this law next March.

Judge Protects Merck Pharmaceutical Company Instead of the Public by Allowing Merck to Hide Side Effects of FDA Approved Drugs

A Reuters investigative report reveals how Federal judges are complicit in shielding pharmaceutical giants like Merck & Co. by allowing the company to conceal the evidence of real risks of harm from widely prescribed drugs. The risks are concealed from physicians and the public. “It goes without saying that the more information a physician has, the more he can share with the patient and the more informed the decision-making process becomes.” —  Nelson Novick, MD Merck’s Corporate Rap Sheet includes court adjudicated lawsuit findings against the company which has paid multi-billion dollars in settlements for False Claims, Product Safety/Concealment of serious adverse effects, Bribery, Tax fraud, and more. Multiple Merck products caused severe harm, including deaths; these include: the arthritis drug Indocin®  (1960s); the widely prescribed drug for pregnant women, diethylstilbestrol (DES)®  drug that caused women vaginal cancer (1970s); Vioxx®, the painkiller prescribed for arthritis (1999-2004) caused, 140,000 heart attacks and an estimated30 to 60,000 deaths. Merck paid $4.85 Billion to settle Vioxx lawsuits.  Another controversial drug is Fosamax®  prescribed for osteoporosis (1990s) which causes osteonecrosis of the jaw and thighbone fractures; Januvia® , linked to pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and severe joint pain. A Reuters investigative reporter Dan Evine, reveals how Judge Brian Cogan – who sat in judgment over 900 Propecia®  lawsuits in New York federal court – enabled Merck to conceal the documents that proved the company’s culpability.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Why are Legislatures Imposing Vaccine Mandates Now?

I am a veteran of the vaccine war in the US, and today I feel compelled to speak about what I saw in that war.  Legislators were forced to change their votes to revoke vaccine exemptions and rescind the historic right to consent to medical procedures. The vaccine war is a dirty war, in which platitudes about protecting the most vulnerable are invoked by the same pharmaceutical companies that paid $2.7 billion in criminal penalties in the US between 2012 and 2015. The vaccine industry generates enormous profits (estimated 10-40%), benefits from a government-guaranteed market, and receives almost total liability protection.  No other industry can rival these benefits. Let me add context to this discussion by noting that in 2014, the NY Times said it cost $2200 to fully vaccinate one child. At that price, it cost $163 billion dollars to fully vaccinate every US child. Vaccine mandates guarantee a vaccine market, now and in the future. Mandates put in place today will enforce the uptake of vaccines on the currently required list, plus other vaccines yet to be added. 

Forced Vaccination and Nonviolent Civil Disobedience

There they were, quietly standing with arms locked on a street next to the California state Capitol building on Monday, Sept. 9, 2019 and refusing to move: a grandmother and two young mothers. Carol, Lisa and Lauren were there with other parents to beg the California legislature to show mercy and allow enlightened doctors with a conscience to grant vaccine injured and vaccine vulnerable children a medical exemption to vaccination that cannot be taken away by government officials. Standing there with sadness and fear of the unknown in their eyes, they were surrounded by parents speaking words of comfort, while others shouted to the legislators inside to “oppose SB 276” and “you are not representing California for all.” Then someone started singing “Amazing Grace,” while mothers pushing strollers held their children in their arms and watched armed policemen from the California Highway Patrol form a circle around them. As I witnessed from Virginia on live video streaming the events unfolding in California 3,000 miles away, my heart was breaking for the pain and anxiety I could see in the faces of those women, who were taking an action that they never dreamed they would have to take. I knew that the love, which compels mothers to sacrifice everything to protect their children, outweighed their fear of what would happen to them if they did not move. And as the patrolmen gently approached and handcuffed mothers, who were courageously protesting an abusive law that would make all doctors agents of the state, I knew that the vaccine safety and informed consent movement launched in America in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children had entered a new era. The three mothers in California, who were arrested for refusing to move out of a street near a building where legislators were passing a law that will harm their children were the first, but will not be the last, to stand their ground against forced vaccination laws in America. The revolution to end medical tyranny and forced vaccination through civil disobedience has just begun. It is a peaceful revolution to restore respect for human rights and civil liberties, driven by the love that mothers and fathers have for their children, and it is long overdue.

Finnish Citizens Conduct Own Vaccine Safety Study and Question Health Authorities Letting 12-Year-Olds Make Own Decisions About HPV Vaccine without Parental Consent

A support group comprised of vaccine-injured and their families in Finland circulated an internet-based questionnaire to find out if there could be an association between vaccinations and healthy children or adolescents/adults falling ill.  Once the results were compiled and analyzed, it was impossible for them to find a medical professional willing to help them get the results published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. They contacted academics from their own country and abroad. All of those contacts agreed that the study has been conducted well and that it deserved to be published, but none of them were willing to co-author the manuscript because of the controversial nature of the topic. In other words, they were afraid of being bullied and losing their position. "How ethical is it to give the HPV-vaccine without informed consent and to advertise it is safe and effective and leave the decision to 12 years old girls?"

September Government Report Shows $206 Million Paid so far in 2019 for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their third meeting of 2019 on September 6th. These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The September 2019 report can be found here. The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. So far in 2019 the NVICP has paid out $206,295,187.00 in damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths. This is public information, but it is not covered in the corporate "mainstream" media. As far as we know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these DOJ reports on vaccine injuries and deaths each quarter.  In fact, by publishing these government reports, we are accused of publishing "fake news," even though all the facts we are publishing here come from government-funded reports.

Award-Winning Pro-Vaccine California Pediatrician Appeals to Gov. Newsom to Preserve Doctor-Patient Relationship

Dear Governor Newsom, My name is Dr. Dane Fliedner, and I am a board certified, California-licensed pediatrician in Orange County. In addition to my medical training, I also hold a Master’s Degree in Public Health and at one point in my career was considering a career in Maternal-Child Public Health, interning at the OC Health Department and traveling to Sacramento with the local health officer to learn about the advocacy aspect of public health. I was one of the earliest recipients of Medical Board of California Service awards for my work in an under-served community. Since that time, I have also worked in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and have seen first-hand the devastation that severe bacterial infections can have on small children. I mention all of these things so that you are very clear that I am not against vaccines. I administer them daily in my pediatric practice and my own children are vaccinated and are not vaccine-injured. I know you are receiving many letters, including from physicians, but wanted to share an aspect of SB277 and now SB276/714 that you may not have considered—and that is the fact that these bills have created a climate of fear and anxiety. There are many physicians in practice that have been afraid to speak up for fear of retribution, of being targeted by the state, for public censure and loss of professional respect for speaking up regarding these laws—because that is what we often observe happening from what appears to be vindictive agendas by those in power against anyone who dares speak up.

California Pediatrician Appeals to Governor Newsom to do the Right Thing and Preserve the Doctor Patient Relationship

Dear Honorable Governor Newsom, I am a California-licensed, board-certified, Stanford-, NYU, & UCSF-trained pediatrician. I am not anti-vax. I administer vaccines in my pediatric practice. I believe that vaccines can be effective at reducing the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases for MOST children. I believe that vaccines are safe for MOST children. But not for all… I am not a “hysterical anti-vaxxer.” I am not the mother of a vaccine-injured child. I am not an unethical doctor selling “fake” medical exemptions. I am not a bureaucrat or a politician. I am a pediatrician in the trenches. And I am unashamedly, unabashedly, and unequivocally PRO-CHILD. I believe in public health, yet I care for individual children and families who sit across from me everyday, trusting that I am giving them valid, scientific, evidence-based information that will keep their individual baby safe and healthy, and believing that I am providing them with true informed consent. I am a pediatrician trying to do the best I can for the children in my practice. And the best is not simply repeating that vaccines are “safe and effective.” Because they’re not 100% safe. Because they’re not 100% effective. Because parents are asking questions. And because we, as primary care physicians, need to be able to practice the art and science of medicine to the best of our abilities, for the child sitting in front of us, without bureaucratic handcuffs and fear of retribution. SB 276 continues to place the decision regarding an individual child’s vaccine risk/benefit assessment and whether or not that child qualifies for a vaccine medical exemption in the hands of the government. As clearly stated by Andrew Kroger M.D., M.P.H., Communications and Education Branch of the Immunization Service Division of the CDC: “It would be inappropriate for anyone other than the treating provider to determine who should be allowed to get a medically-necessary exemption.”

California Dr: “Despicable, Dishonest, Double Standard and Lying Politicians” Pass Bill to End Medical Exemptions to Vaccines

California Bill SB 276 passed the State Senate on Wednesday (September 4, 2019) in the midst of fierce opposition from the public. SB 276 makes it nearly impossible for medical doctors to write exemptions for childhood vaccines for medical reasons. California Dr. Robert J. Rowen did not hold back when describing his feelings for the California Senate: "Despicable, Dishonest, Double Standard and Lying Politicians." All eyes are now on California Governor Gavin Newsom who needs to sign the bill to become law, or veto it. Will he follow the progressive liberal values he touts and stand up for the helpless, California's children, and the rights of parents and families to choose their own medical doctors to decide on vaccines, or will he become another pawn in Big Pharma's powerful political lobby machine?