U.S. Congress Holds Hearings on Vaccines: Will Lawmakers Look at BOTH Sides of the Issue?

Congress has announced two hearings to discuss vaccines in light of the recent "measles outbreaks" that have affected 127 people in 10 states since the Fall of 2018. The first hearing is in the House, tomorrow, February 27, 2019. The second hearing is in the Senate on March 5, 2019. The hearing in the House will be with the subcommittee Oversight and Investigations, of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, chaired by Representative Frank Pallone from New Jersey's 6th congressional district. Will this hearing look at both sides of the vaccine debate, or simply represent the most extremist view of vaccines promoted by the pharmaceutical companies and their powerful lobbyists and allies in government? The extremist pro-vaccine view states that the "science has been settled" on vaccines (an obvious non-scientific view), and that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary. This extremist view, however, is NOT the majority view of medical doctors and scientists. Judging by the memorandum published by Congressman Pallone, himself a career politician with a law degree and no apparent medical background, and which reads like a press release for the Merck pharmaceutical company which manufactures the MMR vaccine and contains factual errors, and based on the only two "witnesses" invited to the hearing who represent the CDC and NIH, it would appear that the hearing is going to be one-sided representing only the most extremist view of vaccines. The public's action is desperately needed to contact these lawmakers and put pressure on Congress to present BOTH sides of the vaccine debate.

States Move to Mandate Deadly HPV Gardasil Vaccine for Children

Pharmaceutical giant Merck's political influence is now reaching beyond the CDC and federal government, and moving into state legislatures as several states have introduced bills to mandate Merck's Gardasil HPV vaccine for children. The HPV vaccine, which only applies to sexually active people, is not currently part of the CDC vaccine schedule, therefore separate legislation is needed to compel children to receive it. What is withheld from the public is the fact that Merck is fighting fraud cases in U.S. courts and multiple other lawsuits around the world concerning the Gardasil vaccine, as the vaccine continues to kill and injure, primarily teenage girls. Here are the states currently considering new legislation to mandate the deadly Gardasil vaccine against parental choice.

Federal Government Moves to Restrict Vaccine Exemptions as they Pay Out Billions of Dollars for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

In response to several measles outbreaks that have been reported across the US by the CDC, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee is planning to meet on March 5 to discuss vaccine-preventable diseases and efforts to boost vaccination rates and fight vaccine hesitancy. A House subcommittee is holding a similar hearing next week. Ahead of these hearings, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has warned states offering vaccine exemptions that the federal government may intervene. This attack on exemptions is unprecedented. We must ensure that Congressional members are properly educated about the numerous safety issues that have been demonstrated. We must also respond in force to protect vaccine exemptions from federal interference.

The Next Mandatory Vaccine Battleground: Homeschool Children

As we have frequently reported here at Health Impact News, legislative efforts are underway in many states to remove parental choice for childhood vaccines, with new proposed bills removing religious and philosophical exemptions to childhood vaccines which are mandated as a requirement for school attendance. In general, the public is opposed to removing parental consent to vaccines, and most bills seeking to remove parental authority have been met with stiff opposition and been defeated at the state level. One bill that was successful, was SB277 which was passed in California in 2015 removing the religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines. Today, the only option parents in California have to get an exemption to vaccines as a requirement for school attendance, is to get their doctor to sign a medical exemption. However, the pro-pharmaceutical lobby in California has not been satisfied with the results of SB277, and are now going after doctors who write medical exemptions for vaccines. Most doctors in California now fear writing medical exemptions to vaccines as they would risk losing their license to practice medicine in California. Parents who now want to protect their children from the dangers of the CDC vaccine schedule, either by refusing certain vaccines or following a different vaccine schedule, are left with almost no options. As a result, many parents are choosing to homeschool their children to escape the mandatory vaccine mandates. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the vaccine extremists, who believe that ALL vaccines are safe for ALL children ALL the time, by force if necessary, are now targeting homeschool children. Several states are proposing new laws that would require homeschool families to allow government-represented medical professionals to come into their homes to approve them as home schools, including checking the children's medical records to ensure they are following the CDC vaccine schedule.

Will New FDA Approval of Gardasil Vaccine for Adults Lead to Mandatory Gardasil Vaccination?

After the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approved Merck’s HPV-9 Gardasil vaccine for use in adults age 27 to 45 in 2018, the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is evaluating whether to expand their current HPV vaccine recommendation to include this new age group. ACIP’s current recommendation is that boys and girls ages 9 through 15 should get two-doses of HPV-9. The “catch-up” vaccine schedule is a three- dose series for females above age 15 through age 27 and males above 15 years of age to 21 years of age, if not previously vaccinated with HPV vaccine. Should ACIP expand their recommendations for use of HPV-9 vaccine in the newly approved age group, the CDC won’t be alone in the push to increase the use of the HPV vaccine by children and adults in the U.S. During the September meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC), a federal advisory committee that makes recommendations to the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO), the HHS Assistant Secretary ADM Brett Giroir M.D. emphasized that HHS supported the NVAC’s HPV vaccine recommendations published in June 2018. Dr. Giroir stated that increasing HPV vaccination in America would be a focus for HHS in 2019. The federal government’s focus on increasing the use recommendations for the HPV vaccine may result in a renewed effort by state legislators to introduce legislation in many states to mandate HPV vaccine for school entry.

“No Forced Vaccination” Message Back Up in Times Square as Americans Fight for Human Rights

There have been 101 cases of measles that have been reported in 10 states since the beginning of 2019, hardly a public health emergency in a U.S. population of more than 320 million people where 94 percent of school children have received two doses of MMR vaccine and only two percent of children have a vaccine exemption for any reason. In what looks like a repeat of the “measles in Disneyland” media feeding frenzy that stampeded California state legislators into eliminating the personal belief vaccine exemption in 2015, the tiny minority of parents who have made a conscious choice not to give their children every one of the dozens of doses of federally recommended and state mandated vaccines are being once again relentlessly stereotyped, demonized and bullied. In what appears to be another well-orchestrated campaign to pressure state legislatures to remove all personal belief vaccine exemptions in the U.S. and further restrict already narrow medical exemptions to vaccination, forced vaccination proponents are whipping up irrational fear to justify attacking human rights, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. It is a spectacle unworthy of a nation where human rights and civil liberties have been valued since the ratification of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution in 1789 and the informed consent principle became the anchor for medical ethics after World War II.

The Fight Over Mandatory Vaccinations at the State Level – Update

As of Thursday, February 14, 2019, NVIC is tracking on the NVIC Advocacy Portal 113 vaccine related bills across 27 States. Currently, the following states have bills you need to know about: Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Nevada, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Breaking these 113 bills down by our NVIC position registered on the NVIC Advocacy Portal, we support on 48, oppose 60, and we are watching to see what happens with 5. We are just a little over a month into most legislative sessions, so we are expecting more bills affecting even more states to still be filed. It is important that you make your position to bills that affect your rights known to your legislators. Everyone should be visiting or calling their own State Representative and State Senator and asking them to OPPOSE any restriction or removal of personal, religious or medical exemptions to vaccine mandates.

Mexican Scientist Develops Cure for Human Papilloma Virus

News sources from Mexico are reporting that a researcher from National Polytecnic Institute has developed a cure for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Using photodynamic therapy, Dr. Eva Ramón Gallegos has been able to completely eradicate HPV in 29 patients. She has studied the effects of photodynamic therapy for 20 years, and has reportedly treated 420 patients with the therapy. As a non-invasive procedure, it is said to be an effective method to prevent malignant neoplasm, which is the second leading cause of death among Mexican women. Dr. Gallegos also explained that: "besides eradicating HPV, the main cause behind cervical cancer, photodynamic therapy is also used to eliminate premalignant lesions of cervical cancer in its first stages." The results of her work show that she was able to eradicate HPV in 100% of the patients who had the virus but had no premalignant lesions, 64.3% in women with HPV and lesions, and 57.2% in women who had lesions but don't have HPV. This is good news for HPV sufferers, but bad news for the pharmaceutical giant Merck, and their blockbuster Gardasil HPV vaccine.

Exposing Snopes Bias in Attempt to Discredit Investigative Report on Vaccines-Autism Link

In the barrage of information you come across daily online, how do you know what's true and what's nothing more than hearsay, gossip or all-out lies? Some people use Snopes as their go-to source for online fact-checking, believing it to give the unbiased and credible final word on all those widely-circulated stories. If you're relying on Snopes as your arbiter of truth, however, you're in for a surprise: Snopes engages in massive censorship of natural health and general promotion of industry talking points. What started as a tool to investigate urban legends, hoaxes and folklore has manifested into a self-proclaimed "definitive fact-checking resource" that's taking on topics like whether or not vaccines can cause autism. Yet, in their purported fact-checking of a Full Measure report by award-winning investigative reporter and former CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, Snopes simply spewed propaganda, not real facts, in an attempt to discredit the report and the potential vaccines-autism link. In the end, though, they actually ended up confirming the main point of Attkisson's report. For this, Attkisson wrote, "Snopes gets an 'F' for predictable propaganda in [the] vaccine-autism debate."

BREAKING: FDA Sued as CDC Recommends Untested, Unlicensed Flu Vaccine for Pregnant Women

In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the FDA has admitted, for the first time, that government agencies, including the CDC, are recommending vaccines for pregnant women that have neither been licensed for pregnant mothers by the FDA nor tested for safety in clinical trials. The lawsuit, filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on behalf of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a vaccine safety advocacy group, sought all clinical trial data used by FDA to approve influenza vaccines for pregnant women. The FDA’s terse reply: “We have no records responsive to your requests.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says, “As a nation, we can no longer pretend our trusted agencies are protecting our children. It is time to hold federal agencies accountable.”