Washington State Battleground: Citizens Head to Capitol to Oppose Mandatory Vaccines

Thousands of people braved the cold weather and headed to the Washington State Capital last week (February, 2019) to voice their opposition to HB1638 which would restrict parental exemptions to childhood vaccines. Much like 2015 which saw many states try to pass legislation to make vaccines mandatory, the current reason being used to eliminate vaccine choice is an "outbreak" of measles in the State of Washington that has reportedly affected 50 people, with no deaths. Due to the fact that the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media routinely censors anything negative associated with vaccines and simply republishes the pharmaceutical narrative that all vaccines are safe, many legal and medical experts showed up in Washington to educate lawmakers on the other side of the debate. New York University Law Professor Mary Holland spoke about the myth of "herd immunity" and how this theory is not a legal basis for forced vaccinations. Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD, also provided testimony. Dr. Hooker was the person that CDC whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson called in 2014 to reveal how the CDC withheld data linking the MMR vaccine to autism. Medical doctor Toni Bark testified on her experience in dealing with the growing number of vaccine injuries, and Dr. Robert Rowen, from California, also weighed in via his Facebook Page as he exposed the deficiencies in one measles study that the corporate media is using to attack those opposing mandatory vaccines.

According to CDC Stats Measles Vaccine Rates are NOT Declining – MMR Vaccine Misinformation Exposed

There’s a narrative being spread that the vaccination rate for the measles vaccine has fallen lately due to irresponsible parents, and that the only way to fix the declining rate is to tighten up vaccine exemption laws in every state. Luckily, the CDC has a super-easy, interactive map that answers this question very clearly, and I hope any members of the media with a brain start to take a look at the actual data. When I looked at the CDC’s numbers, it clearly showed that the MMR vaccination rate has held steady for more than 20 years.

Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth

'Vaxxed II: The People's Truth' is the follow-up to the award-winning documentary, 'Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe.' When we set out across America promoting Vaxxed, thousands of empowered parents traveled miles to share the stories of what happened to their children. These stories created a movement. A revolution that will change history forever. The parents have been lied to and will be silenced no longer. This is your story, your truth, and now we need your help to tell it. By donating to the production of the movie, you are not only playing your part in helping to inform the public about the truth of vaccines but are giving hope to those devastated by vaccine injury. We are stronger when we come together as a community. Your contribution can help this story to be told in a way that impacts public conversation. This is a crucial time for parents across the world to understand how to advocate for their own health and the health of their families.

Senator-Doctor Wants California to Eliminate Doctor’s Medical Exemptions to Vaccines

In 2015, in spite of widespread public opposition, California became the first state in the U.S. to remove a philosophical and religious exemption for childhood vaccines as a requirement for school attendance. The bill was authored by Dr. Richard Pan, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. California is now one of only 3 states in the U.S. to not allow parents the choice to opt out of vaccines for their children (Mississippi and West Virginia are the other two, and apparently never had parent exemptions.) The only way to get a vaccine exemption in these three states today is to have a doctor write a vaccine exemption based on medical reasons. However, Dr. Richard Pan is not satisfied with just removing parental choice in matters of childhood vaccines. In public comments and in a commentary published in the Journal Pediatrics, Pan has made it clear that he wants to try to reduce or eliminate altogether the choice of family doctors in writing vaccine medical exemptions as well. The California Medical Board is currently being sued for intimidating doctors who write vaccine medical exemptions.

French Cancer Surgeon: Statistics Show HPV Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Increased Cervical Cancer Rates After Years of Decline Due to Pap Smears

It takes a long time to affirm that a preventive action really protects. But the failure of this supposed protection can sometimes be very quickly obvious. To prove that the Titanic was truly unsinkable would have required decades of navigation on the most dangerous seas of the world. Demonstrating that it wasn’t, took only a few hours … This » Titanic » demonstration is unfortunately reproduced by the Gardasil vaccination. Evidence that vaccination increases the risk of invasive cancer can be rapid, if the vaccine changes the natural history of cancer by accelerating it. The analysis of trends in the incidence of invasive cervical cancer published in official statistics (registers) was studied in the first and most fully vaccinated countries (Australia, Great Britain, Sweden and Norway). In all countries that achieved high HPV vaccination coverage, official cancer registries show an increase in the incidence of invasive cervical cancer. These paradoxical results plea for a rapid revision of recommendations and intensive research to explain this catastrophic issue.

The Vaccine Information War: Government, Big Pharma, Gates Fund Corporate Media Attack on “Vaccine Hesitancy” as “Public Threat”

On Jan. 16, 2019 the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report ranking “vaccine hesitancy” as one of the top “Ten Threats to Global Health in 2019.” It is clear that mass media communications today is being controlled by corporations financially tied to pharmaceutical companies and influenced by powerful political institutions in society. It goes a long way to explaining why mainstream media outlets have been united in attacking parents and physicians who defend the ethical principle of informed consent, including informed consent to vaccination, and are calling for vaccine exemptions to be severely restricted or eliminated. The five largest companies in the world today are Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. These and other technology corporations dominate online communications and sales and are positioned to join together to aggressively market vaccines and promote “no exceptions” vaccine use policies endorsed by the WHO and governments. The threat to autonomy and freedom of thought and speech posed by these companies, especially in censoring online public conversations about vaccination and health, is considerable.

Nation’s Leading Lawyers take on Gardasil Vaccine Fraud in U.S. Court

It was truly a red-letter day. Jennifer’s lawyers brilliantly laid bare Merck’s anemic case for Gardasil, dissecting the science in withering presentations challenging both the efficacy and safety of the Gardasil vaccine, and then chronicling the horrifying agency and corporate corruption that lead to its approval. Jennifer Robi is a 24-year-old former athlete and scholar who has been confined to a wheelchair since receiving her third Gardasil vaccines at age sixteen. She suffers continual uncontrolled neuro/muscular contractions (jerking) and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and many other symptoms of systemic autoimmune dysregulation. Jennifer’s attorney, Sol Ajalat, initially brought her case in Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and then, following a judgment in the program, elected to proceed in civil court. Since VICA (the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act) forbids recoveries for product defect or negligence, Ajalat brought Jennifer’s civil case under the theories that Merck committed fraud during its clinical trials and then failed to warn Jennifer (and, by implication, other injured girls) about the high risks and meager benefits of the vaccine. In order to support Sol Ajalat and his sons Greg, Larry, and Steve, who compose the Los Angeles firm Ajalat & Ajalat, a blue ribbon A-Team of the nation’s leading plaintiffs’ law firms have joined Jennifer’s trial team. These include the firms most feared by Pharma: Weitz & Luxenberg (countless major pieces of litigation over 30 years), Morgan & Morgan (Vioxx, Phenphen, Breast Implants, Tobacco), Baum Hedlund, (Monsanto $289 million verdict 2018 and the $54 million 2000 verdict against Bayer in Haemophiliac/AIDS case) as well as Children’s Health Defense’s own Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Kim Mack Rosenberg (a co-author of The HPV on Trial).

Arizona Lawmaker Wants to Mandate that Parents are Fully Informed of Vaccine Ingredients and Side Effects Before Children Receive Shots

The Arizona Daily Star is reporting that one Arizona lawmaker, State Senator Paul Boyer, is taking a different approach to "mandatory vaccine" policy. Instead of mandating that all children should be mandated to receive vaccines even over the objections of their parents, this lawmaker wants to instead mandate that parents are fully informed as to the ingredients in vaccines injected into their children, as well as the known side effects, so that they can make an informed choice. Howard Fischer of Capitol Media Service writes: "A state senator wants to mandate that parents be told exactly which ingredients and chemicals are in vaccines before their children are inoculated. The bill introduced by Sen. Paul Boyer, R-Phoenix, would require that any health professional provide not just the positive effects of vaccinations but also the full list of ingredients and side effects before a vaccine could be administered. He pointed to a list from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that says vaccines may variously contain phosphate, bovine serum, formaldehyde, fluoride, yeast extracts or human diploid fibroblast cell cultures (cultures of human fetal tissue)."

Medical Doctor Dead, BBC Correspondent “Descended Into Madness” After “Routine” Yellow Fever Vaccine

Prominent British cancer physician Martin Gore, MD died on Jan. 10, 2019 just hours after receiving a routine yellow fever vaccination. The vaccine is recommended for people traveling to parts of Africa, the Caribbean and South and Central America. Dr. Gore was 67, and suffered from total organ failure. A professor of cancer medicine at The Royal Marsden NHS (National Health Service) Foundation Trust and the Institute of Cancer Research in the United Kingdom, Dr. Gore was considered a pioneer in cancer research. Award-winning BBC foreign correspondent Malcolm Brabant also received the yellow fever vaccination in order to go on a business trip to the Ivory Coast in Africa in 2011. His wife, Trine Villemann, wrote about their experiences for Sanevax.org - (Vaccines: A descent into madness) : "Until April 15th 2011, I was a great believer in vaccines. My son was born prematurely and very ill and in order to protect him he had every vaccination available because I trusted the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies when they told me that vaccines are safe and prevent diseases and death. Now I know better – because on that April afternoon disaster struck. My husband, BBC Correspondent Malcolm Brabant, went across a busy road to a vaccination-centre in a suburb of Athens, Greece, where we lived, to have a yellow fever vaccination in order to go on a business trip to the Ivory Coast in Africa. 20 minutes later he was back. I didn’t know it at the time, but the vaccine had already begun its devastating journey through his body towards his brain."

Herd Immunity: A False Rationale for Vaccine Mandates

Herd immunity is a largely theoretical concept, yet for decades, it has furnished one of the key underpinnings for vaccine mandates in the United States. The public health establishment borrowed the herd immunity concept from pre-vaccine observations of natural disease outbreaks. Then, without any apparent supporting science, officials applied the concept to vaccination, using it not only to justify mass vaccination but to guilt-trip anyone objecting to the nation’s increasingly onerous vaccine mandates. Apparently, herd immunity bullying sometimes works: A review of 29 studies showed that “willingness to immunize children for the benefit of the community” was a “motivating reason” for about a third of parents. There is one problem with using herd immunity as a motivator, however—the theory of herd immunity relies on numerous flawed assumptions that, in the real world, do not and cannot justify compulsory vaccination policies. In a 2014 analysis in the Oregon Law Review by New York University (NYU) legal scholars Mary Holland and Chase E. Zachary (who also has a Princeton-conferred doctorate in chemistry), the authors show that 60 years of compulsory vaccine policies “have not attained herd immunity for any childhood disease.” It is time, they suggest, to cast aside coercion in favor of voluntary choice.