Study: Pneumococcal Vaccine for Middle-aged and Older Adults Increases Risk for Pneumonia and Death

Medical professionals from Spain have just published a study (April 2018) on the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) that is routinely given to older adults to protect against pneumonia. The study was published in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases. The medical researchers in Spain conducted the study to determine if the vaccine was effective or not in preventing hospitalization from pneumonia. The study was a population-based cohort study that looked at over two million people over the age of 50 residing in Catalonia, Spain. They looked at both vaccinated and unvaccinated adults, noting those who were hospitalized for pneumonia and those who died from any cause. The results of their study concluded that not only did the PCV13 vaccine not reduce the risk of pneumonia, it actually increased the risk among those vaccinated: "In this study, the large differences in outcomes between PCV13 vaccinated and unvaccinated suggest that vaccinated persons were sicker." The study also found that the mortality rate was 60% higher in the vaccinated population (5,944 per 100,000) than in the unvaccinated population (2,354 per 100,000).

Global Joint Statement from 5 Nations Meeting in Japan Exposes Injuries and Discrimination Against HPV Vaccine Victims

The dangers of the Gardasil HPV vaccine are routinely censored in the U.S., where the official medical and government position on the vaccine is that it is "safe and effective." Enjoying legal immunity in the U.S. for any harm suffered as a result of the Gardasil vaccine, Merck and the U.S. government are seeking to increase the market for the vaccine. News outside the U.S., however, is very different. Some governments, such as Japan, no longer recommend the vaccine, and there are lawsuits suing for damages resulting from the HPV vaccines in numerous countries. In March of 2018 an international symposium was held at the University of Tokyo and attended by representatives from the UK, Ireland, Japan, Colombia and Spain to discuss the needs of victims who have suffered, and in some cases died, as a result of the HPV vaccine. They discussed both the medical and legal needs of HPV vaccine victims. Representatives from these 5 nations, which include scientists and medical professionals, have issued a joint "Global Statement" regarding the victims of HPV vaccines that you are not likely to read in the U.S. corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. In this "Global Statement," experts from these 5 nations are calling to "Suspend recommendation of HPV vaccines for routine immunization, until a safer system is established ensuring that serious side effects are avoided," and to "refrain from actions that discriminate against, or slander HPV vaccine victims." We republish the press release and Global Statement in full here at Health Impact News.

Official Canadian Data Show That There Is More Autism in Regions Where Vaccine Coverage Is Highest

Rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continue to soar worldwide, with average prevalence estimated to be around 1.5% in developed countries. This estimate appears to be spot-on for Canada, which reported in March 2018 that autism (as of 2015) affected 1 in 66 children and youth (1.52%). These numbers place Canada among the “top ten” for autism among North American, European and Asian countries. ASD prevalence in 2015 varied among the seven regions, with the highest prevalence noted in the three provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador (1 in 57), Prince Edward Island (1 in 59) and Quebec (1 in 65). In comparison, prevalence was substantially lower in the Yukon territory (1 in 125). What might explain the variation in ASD prevalence within Canada’s borders? The NASS report does not offer any comments. However, an observant health practitioner in British Columbia has noticed a compelling parallel: autism prevalence is highest in the Canadian provinces that also have the highest vaccination coverage.

Merck Fighting Fraud Lawsuits in U.S. Courts on MMR and Gardasil Vaccines

Pharmaceutical giant, Merck, is facing charges of fraud in lawsuits filed in U.S. courts regarding their vaccine products. This is important information for the public to know, given the fact that the ever-growing vaccine market is expected to exceed $70 billion within the next few years, and that many states are trying to pass legislation to mandate vaccines without informed consent, all in the name of "the greater good" for public health. Federal government agencies tasked with protecting public health, along with the corporate "mainstream" media, which reportedly receives up to 70% of its advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies, continue to censor any negative information regarding vaccines that could affect sales. And since one cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages or deaths due to vaccines in the United States, where they enjoy legal immunity, it is rare that a pharmaceutical company faces a day in court related to corruption or fraud for bad vaccine products. Therefore, one needs to turn to either the alternative media such as Health Impact News, or the foreign media outside the U.S., to learn about the dangers of vaccines, and the corruption behind many of them. There are currently two major federal lawsuits against Merck that are being litigated in U.S. courts: a whistleblower lawsuit from former Merck scientists claiming fraud regarding the MMR vaccine, which has been in the courts for eight years now, and a lawsuit against the Gardasil vaccine claiming fraud from a 16-year-old girl who allegedly suffered Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) after receiving the Gardasil vaccine.

Federal Agencies and Public Health Experts Refuse to Declare Autism a National Health Crisis

It is both astonishing and insulting that, nearly three decades in, federal agencies and public health experts persist in denying and refusing to tackle our nation’s staggering autism epidemic. With typical dismissiveness (and a straight face), one group of pediatric researchers recently had the temerity to put the word “epidemic” in quotes while endorsing the charade that the rising prevalence of autism is attributable to broader diagnostic criteria, increased awareness and “the inclusion of milder neurodevelopmental differences bordering on normality.” The government’s own surveys—as well as parents, school systems and municipal budgets—tell an entirely different story, however. Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) began skyrocketing in the late 1980s, concurrent with a massive expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule and a corresponding increase in children’s exposure to neurotoxic vaccine ingredients such as mercury and aluminum. Over the years, many of the CDC’s bulletins about ASD prevalence have placidly reported that “ASDs are more common than was believed previously.” However, the continued dramatic rise in ASD prevalence and autism’s heavy burden on individuals, families, schools and wider society call for a far greater sense of urgency. Autism must be recognized as a national crisis. As of this writing (April 2018), the CDC is due to release its latest ADDM surveillance numbers. Will our federal health agencies continue to downplay the numbers’ significance, as they have done each time the data show a rise in ASD prevalence? Or will they finally sound an alarm and make it a top priority to find out what is causing this epidemic in our children? No one—and not least the agencies that are supposed to be looking out for children’s best interests—can afford to be complacent any longer about this unjustifiably neglected public health emergency.

Leaked Memo Reveals Military Anthrax Vaccine Responsible for Injuries – VA Claims “Fake News”

Benjamin Krause is a lawyer, investigative reporter, award-winning veterans advocate, and the founder and chief editor of Krause recently published a leaked memo from the Department of the Army admitting that during a 6-year period, from 2001 through 2007, many soldiers were vaccinated with a bad batch of the anthrax vaccine. The purpose of the memo was to inform these veterans that they might be entitled to Veteran Affairs (VA) benefits due to the anthrax vaccine. The memo "leaked onto social media" and allegedly prompted the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services to address the memo, calling it a “fake memo” and a “SCAM.” However, Krause reports that the memo was digitally signed and nearly impossible to fake: "A PDF of the memorandum, drafted by a person named Patrick McGrath II was digitally signed using a DOD certificate authority, and that its contents are 'not subject to repudiation because the certificate chain is intact,' according to attorney Francis White, III, a former US Air Force compliance inspector for information technology. I spoke with White, a colleague of mine in the same office, about his professional impression of the memo and his statement above. White says faking the signature using a DOD CA certificate chain is nearly impossible in this context, “the digital signature on that memo is valid” and the related documentation shows it “was signed by an individual named Patrick Steven McGrath II, and is not subject to repudiation…” White says that does not mean McGrath had the authority to circulate the memo to the public, but it does show the memo “cannot be summarily dismissed as fraudulent,” contrary to the suggestion of MDVS secretary Urena. Basically, since the memo is valid, it likely originated from the 2ndBattalion located in South Korea implicating soldiers stationed at Ft. Campbell and Fort Drum from 2001-2007.

Illinois Wants to Use Taxpayer Funds to Advertise Dangerous Flu Shot to School Children

Illinois legislators will take up a bill this week (April 17, 2018 at 3:00 PM) that uses taxpayer funds to advertise the dangerous flu shot to school children. Given the fact that Illinois laws already require school children to visit their doctors before attending school where their family physician can educate them on matters like vaccination, and that the CDC does NOT include the flu shot in their schedule of required vaccines, this proposed bill in Illinois can only be explained as an attempt to expand the market for the seasonal flu shot at the expense of Illinois school children, but to the benefit of Big Pharma. The annual flu shot is, by far, the most dangerous vaccine in the United States, accounting for more than 80% of all injuries and deaths compensated by the federal Vaccine Court.

FDA Has Acknowledged That Vaccine Technology is Outpacing Ability to Predict Adverse Events

Recently, top-tier autoimmunity researchers described vaccine safety science as a “hazardous occupation.” In their view, this is because uncompromising vaccine proponents are instantly ready to mount vociferous personal attacks on anyone who raises questions about any aspect of vaccine safety, even if the questions are buttressed by impeccable, high-quality science. Vaccine safety was not always such a taboo topic. In 1961, a leading polio researcher put forth the view in Science that “even after licensing, a new vaccine product must be considered to be on trial” because of the many “new variables” that accompany large-scale vaccine production and rollout. A leading Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official contended in 1999 that modern advances in vaccine technology were rapidly “outpacing researchers” ability to predict potential vaccine-related adverse events” and argued for closer attention to safety issues from the earliest stages of vaccine development. “One of the important things is that the technology used to make these vaccines actually exceeds the science and technology to understand how these vaccines work and to predict how they will work,” stated Dr. Peter Patriarca, MD, Director of the Viral Products Division of the FDA Center for Biological Evaluation and Research (CBER). “So this has the potential for ending up in a situation which I call a 'black box' vaccine referring to a situation of unforeseen and unpredictable vaccine outcomes.” Dr. Patriarca also voiced concerns that with live attenuated vaccines “there is the potential for these vaccines, many of which have been poorly characterized, to recombine with viruses that may be present in the vaccine. Some of these viruses are latent and persist for a while, so it is very important to assure that these things are safe before they are given to people.” In the two decades since the FDA official’s prescient words of warning, numerous published studies have highlighted vaccine safety concerns that were either unexplored or neglected prior to the introduction of the vaccines in question.

“They’re Just a Bunch of Crazy Mothers” – One #Crazymother Speaks Out and You Want to Hear What She has to Say

"There are only a handful of doctors in this country who know as much about vaccines as these parents do. Because once your child is injured by a vaccine, you’ll never stop researching it." - Board Certified Pediatrician Dr. Bob Zajac. A very common tactic used by the corporate "mainstream" media, Big Pharma, and the government to try and convince the public that only uneducated people question vaccines, is to try and paint the debate as being between informed professionals, such as doctors and scientists, who they claim all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, and parents, particularly mothers, who are impassioned but ignorant when it comes to vaccine safety or efficacy. We have spent considerable time debunking the first premise in this argument, and one can search and find many articles in our network with quotes and interviews from medical doctors and scientists who question vaccines. The science is not settled. But what about the second premise in this often-used argument? Are mothers really ignorant when discussing vaccine safety in regards to their children? Who is the best "expert" to speak about the health of any given child, if not that child's mother? And in today's modern U.S. society, are not many of these mothers also among the doctors and scientists who speak out about vaccine safety? Watch what one "Crazy Mother" has to say.

New Jersey Vaccine Extremists Seek to Restrict Religious Exemptions to Vaccines

Currently, 47 out of 50 states in the U.S. allow parents to make decisions regarding administering vaccines to their children, by providing religious and philosophical exemptions. California joined West Virginia and Mississippi in 2015 by removing these exemptions, despite widespread opposition by the public, doctors, and scientists who are not among the vaccine extremists. While it is too early to tell how increased childhood vaccination rates in California will affect childhood health outcomes, West Virginia and Mississippi have some of the worst childhood health outcomes along with high vaccination rates. Now, vaccine extremists in New Jersey want to follow these states and restrict parental choice by passing legislation that restricts conscientious objections to vaccines.