Illinois Wants to Use Taxpayer Funds to Advertise Dangerous Flu Shot to School Children

Illinois legislators will take up a bill this week (April 17, 2018 at 3:00 PM) that uses taxpayer funds to advertise the dangerous flu shot to school children. Given the fact that Illinois laws already require school children to visit their doctors before attending school where their family physician can educate them on matters like vaccination, and that the CDC does NOT include the flu shot in their schedule of required vaccines, this proposed bill in Illinois can only be explained as an attempt to expand the market for the seasonal flu shot at the expense of Illinois school children, but to the benefit of Big Pharma. The annual flu shot is, by far, the most dangerous vaccine in the United States, accounting for more than 80% of all injuries and deaths compensated by the federal Vaccine Court.

FDA Has Acknowledged That Vaccine Technology is Outpacing Ability to Predict Adverse Events

Recently, top-tier autoimmunity researchers described vaccine safety science as a “hazardous occupation.” In their view, this is because uncompromising vaccine proponents are instantly ready to mount vociferous personal attacks on anyone who raises questions about any aspect of vaccine safety, even if the questions are buttressed by impeccable, high-quality science. Vaccine safety was not always such a taboo topic. In 1961, a leading polio researcher put forth the view in Science that “even after licensing, a new vaccine product must be considered to be on trial” because of the many “new variables” that accompany large-scale vaccine production and rollout. A leading Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official contended in 1999 that modern advances in vaccine technology were rapidly “outpacing researchers” ability to predict potential vaccine-related adverse events” and argued for closer attention to safety issues from the earliest stages of vaccine development. “One of the important things is that the technology used to make these vaccines actually exceeds the science and technology to understand how these vaccines work and to predict how they will work,” stated Dr. Peter Patriarca, MD, Director of the Viral Products Division of the FDA Center for Biological Evaluation and Research (CBER). “So this has the potential for ending up in a situation which I call a 'black box' vaccine referring to a situation of unforeseen and unpredictable vaccine outcomes.” Dr. Patriarca also voiced concerns that with live attenuated vaccines “there is the potential for these vaccines, many of which have been poorly characterized, to recombine with viruses that may be present in the vaccine. Some of these viruses are latent and persist for a while, so it is very important to assure that these things are safe before they are given to people.” In the two decades since the FDA official’s prescient words of warning, numerous published studies have highlighted vaccine safety concerns that were either unexplored or neglected prior to the introduction of the vaccines in question.

“They’re Just a Bunch of Crazy Mothers” – One #Crazymother Speaks Out and You Want to Hear What She has to Say

"There are only a handful of doctors in this country who know as much about vaccines as these parents do. Because once your child is injured by a vaccine, you’ll never stop researching it." - Board Certified Pediatrician Dr. Bob Zajac. A very common tactic used by the corporate "mainstream" media, Big Pharma, and the government to try and convince the public that only uneducated people question vaccines, is to try and paint the debate as being between informed professionals, such as doctors and scientists, who they claim all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, and parents, particularly mothers, who are impassioned but ignorant when it comes to vaccine safety or efficacy. We have spent considerable time debunking the first premise in this argument, and one can search and find many articles in our network with quotes and interviews from medical doctors and scientists who question vaccines. The science is not settled. But what about the second premise in this often-used argument? Are mothers really ignorant when discussing vaccine safety in regards to their children? Who is the best "expert" to speak about the health of any given child, if not that child's mother? And in today's modern U.S. society, are not many of these mothers also among the doctors and scientists who speak out about vaccine safety? Watch what one "Crazy Mother" has to say.

New Jersey Vaccine Extremists Seek to Restrict Religious Exemptions to Vaccines

Currently, 47 out of 50 states in the U.S. allow parents to make decisions regarding administering vaccines to their children, by providing religious and philosophical exemptions. California joined West Virginia and Mississippi in 2015 by removing these exemptions, despite widespread opposition by the public, doctors, and scientists who are not among the vaccine extremists. While it is too early to tell how increased childhood vaccination rates in California will affect childhood health outcomes, West Virginia and Mississippi have some of the worst childhood health outcomes along with high vaccination rates. Now, vaccine extremists in New Jersey want to follow these states and restrict parental choice by passing legislation that restricts conscientious objections to vaccines.

Vaccines-Autism Denial Continues with Fraudulent Research in Effort to Expand Vaccine Market

A particularly large amount of ink has been spilled to discredit—nay, stomp out—the inconvenient notion that vaccines might have something to do with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which now affects 1 in 36 children in the U.S. Despite extensive high-level scientific fraud at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to suppress evidence of a vaccine-autism link, the CDC has not been able to hide over 80 independent studies that connect the dots between the vaccine preservative thimerosal and autism. Other studies have pointed to additional vaccine-related culprits that may be contributing to ASD, including aluminum—used in a very high proportion of infant vaccines and recently reported in pathologically significant levels in the brains of individuals diagnosed with autism. The latest example is on display in a 2018 study published in JAMA Pediatrics titled “Vaccination patterns in children after autism spectrum disorder diagnosis and in their younger siblings.” The nine studies that the JAMA Pediatrics authors cite to “show” that autism is unrelated to vaccines are wholly inadequate to make any such assertion. Two of the studies are merely review articles published in 2001 and 2002, both written by the same corrupt CDC author who provides no original data on the subject. An additional paper headed up by the same author in 2004 has been shown to be fraudulent, as the five authors purportedly conspired to withhold measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and autism data that implicated the MMR vaccine for specific subpopulations of children with ASD. Yet another of the papers cited by the JAMA Pediatrics authors, a 2003 paper involving thimerosal-containing vaccines in Denmark, was thoroughly debunked by a later CDC study that showed a reduction in ASD prevalence in Denmark after the removal of thimerosal from vaccines in 1992. The nine flimsy, flawed and out-and-out fraudulent studies that the JAMA Pediatrics authors cite as a basis for their contention that vaccines don’t cause autism focus only on thimerosal in vaccines and the MMR vaccine. Setting aside the issue of these studies’ poor quality, one has to ask, “What about the rest of the vaccine schedule?” It is essentially unstudied! In fact, in 2011, the Institute of Medicine stated that there were insufficient data to judge whether the diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine—one of those included in the 2018 JAMA Pediatrics study—caused autism. The Institute acknowledged that there simply hadn’t been proper studies done by the CDC or other entities charged with vaccine safety in the U.S.

Refusing to Vaccinate Your Kids is Not Abuse

Last fall, when an exhausted new mom wanted time to consider vaccinations for her newborn, the infant was taken from her by the on-call pediatrician at a Portland hospital, who claimed "medical negligence." A caseworker from the state Department of Human Services, without a judicial review, had the child removed and allowed the attending nurse to vaccinate the child "with whatever they wanted to give" against the parents' permission. This happened even though Oregon allows parents to opt out of vaccinations. The mother was allowed to see her baby only for the purpose of nursing her and then escorted out of the hospital by police. Throughout this illegal nightmare, a DHS caseworker falsified reports and placed numerous roadblocks in the way of this family wanting to parent their newborn. Despite this, many Oregon families came forward to help them. With the aid of attorneys who offered to represent the family pro bono, the case was dismissed, with DHS conceding the woman was an excellent mother.

Rhode Island Legislators Propose Bill to Remove Mandated Gardasil Vaccine as Rhode Island Leads Nation in Gardasil Vaccine Rates

The Gardasil HPV vaccine is currently not one of the vaccines on the CDC schedule for vaccines required for school-aged children. However, in the state of Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Department of Public Health has mandated that the Gardasil HPV vaccine must be given to 7th graders in both public and private schools. Lawmakers such as Sherry Roberts believe that the Department of Public Health has overstepped their bounds by mandating a vaccine that is designed to fight a virus not transmitted by air, but only by sexual contact, and that the decision on whether or not to receive the vaccine should be with parents. Roberts and others have introduced a bill to allow informed consent for the Gardasil HPV vaccine, rather than mandate it for everyone. One pediatrician from Rhode Island, who claims to represent all pediatricians in Rhode Island and opposes Roberts' bill to allow parental consent to the vaccine rather than mandating it by force, stated that he was "too busy" to allow "informed consent" to vaccines. He also lamented how he would be unable to vaccinate children if their parents did not approve, and clearly stated that his goal is to vaccinate as many children as possible. He states that among states nationwide, Rhode Island is the envy of the pro-vaccine pediatricians because they have the highest rates of Gardasil vaccination of any other state, due to the fact that the Rhode Island Department of Public Health mandates the vaccine for 7th graders.

Government Vaccine Court Concedes Death by Gardasil Vaccine Case After 8 Years

After a long 8-year legal battle with the government-run vaccine court, the U.S. Government has just conceded that the Gardasil vaccine killed 21 year old Christina Richelle Tarsell. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, a special "Vaccine Court" set up in 1988 as part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 which gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, will compensate the family of Christina from funds collected from taxes on vaccines sold, and the company who produces Gardasil, Merck, will suffer no consequences as a result. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is largely unknown to the public according to a 2014 report published by the Government Accountability Office, so there is no way to know how many other young women have been killed by the Gardasil vaccine. Christina Tarsell is believed to be the first victim of the Gardasil vaccine that the U.S. Government has conceded was a death resulting from the HPV vaccine.

Childhood Allergy Epidemic: Are the Increasing Number of Vaccines Injected into Children to Blame?

The global prevalence of allergic diseases is skyrocketing, affecting 30% to 40% of the world’s population. Allergic conditions include food allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and reactions to drugs and insects. In the U.S., food allergies are widespread and are the most common cause of anaphylaxis in children. One in 13 American children—about two per classroom—has at least one food allergy, and food allergies increased by 50% from 1997 to 2011. Given that the hallmark of allergic disease is an altered immune response, it stands to reason that vaccines— which purposefully set out to “reprogram immunity”—are major contenders as allergy triggers. To grasp how the chain of vaccine-related events initiated roughly 30 years ago has bred today’s worldwide allergy epidemics, one has to understand that vaccines, by their very nature, induce an unnatural immune response. This property of vaccines is called “immunogenicity.”

New Documentary Reveals Gardasil HPV Vaccine Fraud

The Alliance for Natural Health, USA division, has just published a new documentary film on the HPV vaccine titled: Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror. The synopsis of the film states: "The pharmaceutical industry used faulty research, paid doctors and manipulated the media to push an unsafe vaccine onto the market. They used political pressure to force this vaccine onto the public, despite any demonstrable public threat. The result has been the devastation of many young girls’ lives. Through interviews with leading experts, victims, and our own analysis of the vaccines themselves, the Alliance for Natural Health uncovered a conspiracy of greed that is being perpetrated on families around the world."