Study: Gardasil Risks Hidden by Vaccine Manufacturer and FDA Regulators

A new study published in Clinical Rheumatology exposes how vaccine manufacturers used phony placebos in clinical trials to conceal a wide range of devastating risks associated with HPV vaccines. Instead of using genuine inert placebos and comparing health impacts over a number of years, as is required for most new drug approvals, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline spiked their placebos with a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant and cut observation periods to a matter of months. Researchers from Mexico’s National Institute of Cardiology pored over 28 studies published through January 2017—16 randomized trials and 12 post-marketing case series—pertaining to the three human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines currently on the market globally. In their July 2017 peer-reviewed report, the authors, Manuel Martínez-Lavin and Luis Amezcua-Guerra, uncovered evidence of numerous adverse events, including life-threatening injuries, permanent disabilities, hospitalizations and deaths, reported after vaccination with GlaxoSmithKline’s bivalent Cervarix vaccine and Merck’s quadrivalent or nine-valent HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Gardasil 9). Pharmaceutical company scientists routinely dismissed, minimized or concealed those injuries using statistical gimmicks and invalid comparisons designed to diminish their relative significance.

Class Action Lawsuit Against Gardasil Vaccine Filed in Colombia

The Reconstruando Esperanza Association, made up of victims of the Human Papillomavirus HPV vaccine, will sue the pharmaceutical multinational Merck Sharp & Dohme for "the damages caused to the life and health" of hundreds of women and girls. The class action lawsuit against the multinational Merck Sharp & Dohme, which produces the drug Gardasil, warns that the amount of damages caused is 490 billion pesos (approximately $30.5 million). Mónica León del Río, representative of the association, said that "the approximate group of victims of Gardasil that make up the demand is 700 girls, adolescents and Colombian women, affected by the recombinant quadrivalent vaccine against the Human Papilloma Virus, Types 6, 11, 16 and 18, Gardasil." The association is calling for compensation for the damage allegedly due to the vaccine, mainly symptoms that affect the immune and neurologic systems, and also is calling for a declaration that the vaccine is unsafe.

FREE Vaccine Docuseries Interviews Dozens of Doctors to Expose the Truth About Vaccines

The much anticipated Truth About Vaccines docu-series begins August 17, 2017. Featuring an all-star lineup of speakers, this series promises to be one of the epic events of 2017 in the vaccine movement, following up on the success of the film VAXXED in 2016. In a filmed preview, VAXXED co-producers Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey, two of the featured speakers, talk about the importance of long-term scientific studies when looking at vaccine safety. In this educational 7-episode docu-series these topics will be covered: *THE HISTORY OF VACCINES* Vaccination programs are given credit for eradicating some of the most devastating illnesses of the past, but they’re no longer immune to a controversy of their own. *VACCINE RISKS and SAFETY CONCERNS* Concerns about vaccine injuries, mercury toxicity, and autism have increased substantially in recent years, and public debate is once again heating up. *FULL LIST of OPTIONS and ALTERNATIVES* You don’t have to pro- or anti-vaccine anymore. New options are available to guard against serious illness, based on your unique situation and risk factors.

Back to School: What You Need to Know about Vaccine Exemptions

It’s that time of year when parents receive school enrollment packages that include reminders of state school vaccine requirements. Many parents do not realize that most states offer exemptions for medical, religious or philosophical reasons. NVIC’s state vaccine law web pages are among our most highly visited web pages and our staff and volunteers work hard to keep them up-to-date with the most current vaccine and exemption information so that you understand your options. For reliable facts helpful in evaluating vaccine and disease risks, our web pages on diseases and vaccines are an excellent resource for you as a parent, and for your college-bound young adult.

Vaccine Extremist Pediatricians Want Child Protective Services to Remove Children from Parents Who Object to Vaccines

Pediatricians who hold the most extreme views on vaccines (ALL people should be vaccinated with ALL vaccines ALL the time by force if necessary) are starting to publicly call for children who are not vaccinated with all recommended vaccines to be removed from their parents by reporting the parents to Child Protective Services. Similar to what happened in 2015 when the media and pro-vaccine extremists used the California Disneyland measles outbreak as an excuse to attack parents with children not vaccinated as the cause, so the most recent call to punish parents who choose not to vaccinate is using a supposed outbreak of measles in Minnesota to justify such severe actions. As we saw in 2015, the Disneyland measles outbreak was completely blown out of proportion by the mainstream media who did not accurately report on the facts. For example, many of those who contracted measles at Disneyland were already vaccinated against measles, and the "outbreak" (90 cases) was hardly significant, as similar outbreaks have occurred throughout the U.S. the past 30 years, and among a highly vaccinated population. What we saw in 2015 was a rash of proposed state bills to mandate vaccines, using the Disneyland measles "outbreak" as an excuse. Most of those bills were defeated in local state legislatures, and that trend has continued to 2017. The public, overwhelmingly, does NOT want the state forcing parents to vaccinate their children. With legislative efforts to force vaccines upon the public failing across the country, is the new strategy to have doctors start reporting parents who delay or refuse certain vaccines to local Child Protective Services (CPS) for "medical neglect"?

Japanese Research Links HPV Vaccine to Brain Damage

Japan is one country that is questioning the HPV vaccine due to so many reports of serious side effects. The Japanese government has stopped recommending it. So it is not surprising that the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine published their own investigations into the HPV vaccine and found "neurological manifestations" associated with the vaccine. This kind of medical research cannot be found in the U.S., where the HPV vaccine Gardasil is seeing record sales, and side effects are generally censored by the media and medical profession.

Biomedical Research Studies Show Evidence of HPV Vaccine Causing Cancer

The number of studies that show that partial immunization via available HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines is not only insufficient at reducing overall HPV infection rates; the vaccines actually cause rarer, more lethal types of HPV to sweep in and the net effect could be devastating increases in HPV-related cancers. Here I review the biomedical research studies that show that type replacement is real, and that vaccination against the more common types may be, sadly and ironically, expected to cause INCREASES in HPV-related cancer.

Congressman Posey Lone Voice in Congress Calling for Vaccine Studies Comparing Vaccinated with Unvaccinated Children

On July 28, 2017, Florida Congressman Bill Posey introduced bill H.R.3615 to the U.S. Congress: To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct or support a comprehensive study comparing total health outcomes, including risk of autism, in vaccinated populations in the United States with such outcomes in unvaccinated populations in the United States, and for other purposes. So far, the bill has no co-sponsors. This is not surprising. Congressman Bill Posey seems to be just about the only politician in Washington D.C. willing to stand up to the Vaccine Extremists in the U.S., those who proudly proclaim that the "science is settled" regarding vaccines, and that everyone in the U.S. should follow the government recommended vaccine schedules, by force if necessary.

Mercury and Lead: The Fallacy of “Safe” Levels the Government Wants You to Believe

In our toxin-filled world, we often look to government agencies to tell us what levels of exposure we should consider safe or unsafe. If our exposure does not exceed an agency-determined threshold, we assume there is little cause for concern. How do regulatory agencies determine these thresholds? There is considerable evidence to suggest that safety limits are often arbitrary and do not accurately flag risks. A new study published in Environmental Research by a group of researchers in upstate New York underscores this point.

International Study: An Honest Look at the Statistics Shows that the HPV Vaccine is Not Safe

A new study was published earlier this month (July 2017) in the journal Clinical Rheumatology looking at serious adverse events after HPV vaccination. The title of the study is: Serious adverse events after HPV vaccination: a critical review of randomized trials and post-marketing case series. This is an international peer-reviewed journal that has been around since 1945. It is the "Journal of the International League of Associations for Rheumatology," and is the official journal of the Belgian Rheumatology Society. The study was conducted by doctors from the Rheumatology Department and the Immunology Department at the National Institute of Cardiology in Mexico City. The results of their study found: 1. The lack of inert placebo in the vast majority of prelicensure HPV vaccine randomized studies, 2. Large randomized trials disclosed significantly more severe adverse events in the tested HPV vaccine cohort, 3. Pooled safety analysis found more post-immunization symptoms in bivalent HPV vaccine vs. hepatitis A vaccine, 4. Post-marketing HPV vaccine adverse events case series describe similar cluster of symptoms than those reported in pre-clinical trials, 5. The European Medicines Agency report on HPV vaccine safety looked at specific diagnoses and not at symptoms clusters, 6. In-depth analysis of some supportive post-marketing HPV vaccine safety studies discloses disquieting findings. The study found the statistics regarding the new Gardasil 9 particularly troubling, as the statistics suggest that severe harm is suffered every 140 injections, and the number needed to vaccinate in order to see any perceived benefits to the vaccine is 1757. Such a critical study of any vaccine would probably never get published in the United States, as it is considered professional suicide to criticize the extremist position that all vaccines are safe and effective, and that the "science is settled" regarding vaccines.