Chairman of Israel Medical Association and World Medical Association Opposes Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Doctors

In order to get a perspective on sane and rational vaccine policy, we must again turn away from the U.S. corporate media and their primary advertising sponsors, the pharmaceutical industry. The flu vaccine is, by far, the most prosperous vaccine produced and sold in the U.S., with over 300 million doses produced annually. It is also the leading vaccine, by far, injuring and killing people as evidenced by the quarterly Department of Justice (DOJ) reports of vaccine injury and death compensations by the Vaccine Court. In the U.S., one cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for injuries or deaths related to vaccines. By simply reading the U.S. corporate "mainstream" media one is led to believe that all doctors and medical personnel support mass flu vaccination, and believe all medical staff should be forced to receive the flu vaccine every year. But such is not the case. As we have reported over the past several years, many doctors and nurses nationwide oppose mandatory flu vaccination for medical personnel. There are several lawsuits by individuals and unions nationwide fighting loss of employment due to refusing a flu vaccine. The Jerusalem Post recently reported that Prof. Leonid Eidelman, chairman of the Israel Medical Association and the next president of the World Medical Association, opposes mandatory flu vaccinations for doctors, and he opposes identifying which doctors have been vaccinated for the flu, and which ones have not.

The State with the Sickest Children has the Highest Vaccination Rates

According to the comprehensive state-by-state health rankings, Mississippi has remained squarely at the bottom of the nation’s overall health rankings for decades. Mississippi's vaccine “efficiency” is over 99.4% vaccine coverage in kindergartners, highest in the nation. This is because they do not allow parents to claim any exemptions for vaccines, one of three states that do not allow parental choice. Despite juxtaposing two critical pieces of health information about Mississippi’s children—high vaccine coverage and poor health rankings—Dr. Paul Offit, one of the vaccine industry’s most strident ambassadors, does not ask the obvious elephant-in-the-room question: Could one have something to do with the other? Offit makes it clear that he wants other states to follow Mississippi’s example and take away parental rights to make vaccine decisions.

Dr. Brownstein: Why Are U.S. Children Dying At An Alarming Rate?

A new study published in the January, 2018 edition of the journal Health Affairs compared the mortality rate of children in 19 wealthy, Western countries. Guess who finished last? If you guessed the country that spends the most money on health care then you guessed correctly. The United States spends more money on health care than any other country on the face of the earth. In fact, we spend nearly 20% of our gross national product on health care—far greater when compared to any other Western country. The authors of the article comment, “The United States has poorer child health outcomes than other wealthy nations despite greater per capita spending on health care for children. While child mortality progressively declined across all countries, mortality in the US has been higher than in peer nations since the 1980s. From 2001 to 2010 the risk of death in the US {when compared to other Western countries} was 76 percent greater for infants and 57 percent greater for children ages 1–19.” Folks, if you want to measure the health of a country, one of the best indicators is the childhood mortality rate. Generally, the healthier the population is, the lower the childhood mortality rate. When you compare the U.S. childhood mortality rate to other Western countries, it is plain to see that our children are not doing well.

Thimerosal Mercury in Vaccines Associated with Tics According to CDC Research

Between November 2013 and September 2014, I was in direct contact with the CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson. I recently wrote about my interactions with Dr. Thompson in an editorial piece that appeared in the winter 2017 edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (22:119). One of the key issues that I discussed with Dr. Thompson was the relationship between thimerosal and tics, based on CDC’s own publications. The literature regarding thimerosal and tics (both motor and phonic) is quite compelling. Several of CDC’s own studies show that high levels of thimerosal exposure via infant vaccines can lead to tics later in life. Given this consistent body of evidence, one would think that the CDC would call for a ban on the use of thimerosal in vaccines. However, this has never happened. In fact, the CDC will not even state a preference for administration of thimerosal-free vaccines. Tics are a common feature in autism (occurring 4 times more frequently in autistic children than in neurotypical).

The Truth About Vaccines: FREE Online DocuSeries with 60 Top Health Experts Reveal What is Censored in Mainstream Media

As I mentioned earlier this month, 2018 projects to be a pivotal year in what many believe is an American Vaccine Civil War. On one side is the pharmaceutical industry which is dumping more and more vaccines into the market since they have no legal liability for their products, and the corporate mainstream media which is mainly funded by the pharmaceutical industry. This side wants to censor any negative information regarding vaccines, promoting the false premise that all vaccines are safe and effective, and endorsed by all doctors. On the other side is the alternative media, and the multitude of doctors and scientists who question vaccines and expose vaccine safety issues. Their voice is censored in the mainstream media. Starting January 25, 2018 you can join over 60 top health experts who will give you the FACTS, online for FREE, to make your own informed decisions regarding vaccines! Is your child ready for 37 doses …of 14 different vaccines… by their 6th birthday?

FREE Online “Dirty Genes” Summit with Dr. Ben Lynch Reveals how Your Genes Are NOT a Blueprint for Poor Health

Are you afraid you've inherited a “master plan” with your genes - characteristics that are written in stone? Have we been brainwashed to believe that conditions like depression, anxiety, ADHD, or even heart disease or cancer are all pre-determined by our genes? NONE of that is true! Your GENETIC destiny is changeable, every moment of your life. From January 22, 2018 through January 29, 2018, you can join Dr. Ben Lynch, author of the book Dirty Genes, along with 45 other renowned experts at the Dirty Genes Summit FREE online to learn how to overcome "dirty genes" and live a healthy life.

US Senator Grassley Investigates Vaccine Corruption in Unsanctioned Experimental Herpes Vaccine Human Research

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote to Acting Secretary Eric Hargan of the Department of the Health and Human Services (HHS), Commissioner Scott Gottlieb of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Director Jerry Menikoff of the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) concerning news reports of apparently unsanctioned human research testing conducted by Southern Illinois University (SIU) professor William Halford which put individuals at extreme health risk. Testing involving the use of human subjects in the U.S. is regulated by what is known as the “Common Rule.” Among other regulations, these include minimizing risk to the subject, selecting subjects equitably, receiving informed consent, continual monitoring and respecting privacy. News reports indicate that Halford may have violated nearly every requirement of the Common Rule. Emails from the professor reportedly stated that it would be “suicide” if the manner in which he conducted the research were to be made public. Grassley wrote, “Halford reportedly administered an experimental vaccine to patients who were not enrolled in an approved study and therefore did not have the proper human subjects protections required by U.S. law…He also reportedly did not acquire written consent from the test subjects.”

A Lone FDA Scientist Could End the Autism Epidemic

In a brand new published study, the only science vouching for the “safety” of injected aluminum adjuvant has come under extreme criticism by heavyweight scientists. Dr. Robert J. Mitkus — author of the misleading aluminum safety study from 2011 — could change the autism debate forever by telling the truth. While you were (hopefully) enjoying the winter holidays, a study was published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (it went online on December 27th) that could change the autism debate permanently. In fact, this new study placed the burden of proof for the safety of aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines so squarely on the shoulders of a lone FDA scientist — Dr. Robert J. Mitkus — that he alone could permanently change the outcome of the autism debate. Forever. I firmly believe that Dr. Robert J. Mitkus, a federal employee of the FDA, can help unravel the autism mess. All he needs to do is tell the truth. He needs to admit that these scientists are right, that the paper being relied upon to vouch for the safety of injected aluminum that he wrote in 2011 is inadequate, in light of much more recent science about aluminum adjuvant, and that the regulatory agencies need to heed the warnings of these scientists, as they explained so eloquently in their recently published paper. It’s time for honest scientists to step up and do the right thing.

Big Pharma’s Continued Failure to Develop an Effective Alzheimer’s Drug: Are Alzheimer’s Vaccines Next?

Coconut oil and the high-fact ketogenic diet have proven effective and safe at treating dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry’s continued effort at finding drugs to ameliorate Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s have been a complete failure. There’s too much potential profit in the baby-boomer-turning-seniors market for them to stop; Big Pharma’s boom with cholesterol-lowering statin drugs proved that. There are still way too many who have put their faith in modern mainstream medicine, especially among baby boomers. The next blockbuster drug revenue with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s may be with a new Alzheimer vaccine, since vaccines introduced into the market do not need to be effective, and drug companies cannot be sued for any damages resulting from vaccines.

Utah Teen Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

In 2016 we published the story of Colton Berrett, who received the Gardasil HPV vaccine at the age of 13 and became paralyzed from the neck down. We published his interview with the VAXXED film crew in Utah, where he appeared with this mother and siblings, and also his nurse. He had learned how to walk again and was seemingly on the road to recovery. It is with deep sympathy and sadness that Health Impact News has just learned that Colton has passed away.