“Authoritative” Vaccine Medical Information Sources Are Corrupted

“A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth” — Albert Einstein The wisdom of this observation is borne out by empirical evidence demonstrating that so-called “authoritative” sources of medical information are thoroughly corrupted not only by industry manipulation but by government officials, and biased, financially conflicted academic gatekeepers of medical science — i.e., “expert panels” and journal editors.  The most lucrative areas of medicine are the most corrupted by financial conflicts of interest. Our recent focus continues to be the untouchable subject; namely, the largely corrupted vaccine information base. The history of vaccines has been fashioned by eradicating inconvenient historical facts. The most troubling aspect of the corrupting influence of the powerful vaccine lobby is its apparent success in having averted the focus of the medical profession and academia: from the spiraling number of vaccine-injured children whose existence these authorities deny. However, evidence of their existence is demonstrated by the fraction of those who have been compensated by The U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).  Public trust in professed authoritative sources for information about vaccine safety has evaporated because the “authoritative” government and non-government agencies have consistently misrepresented the safety data. Internal documents, obtained over the years through FOIA requests, have uncovered the concealed evidence that government officials eliminated damning vaccine safety data from the vaccine information base.

Enraged Idaho Community Acts to Help Young Couple Who Refused Vaccine for Newborn – Baby Back Home for Now

An Idaho newborn who was seized by Child Protective Services the day before Thanksgiving over vaccine refusal was conditionally returned to his parents on Friday, December 1. While supporters are rejoicing over the judge's decision, there is a great deal of concern over the state of Idaho's overreach in taking baby Elijah. Precious bonding time was lost, and a new family has been traumatized. Diamond Mehlhoff has cerebral palsy, which is a brain disorder affecting movement. Despite her disability, she is active and involved in her church. She lives with her husband Ari and the baby's grandfather. For the Mehlhoff family, they have won a temporary victory. Their baby is now home with them. Their church family has rallied around them and will be providing round-the-clock support. Like every other family that comes under the heavy hand of Child Protective Services, the couple will have to jump through hoops as they prepare for the next court hearing.

Have Failed Vaccination Programs Caused the U.S. to Lead All Industrialized Nations in Infant Mortality Rates?

The US leads all industrialized nations in the rates of deaths of infants on the first day of life. Starting in 2011, there were more fetal deaths than infant deaths in the United States (National Vital Statistics Report, CDC), and the rate of maternal death during pregnancy is skyrocketing, beyond all western countries. One study in the Lancet reported a rate of 26 deaths per 100,000 pregnancies in the US. We have also learned that the vaccine industry, including the CDC, will continue to allow society to expend time, energy and resources on demonstrably failed vaccine programs, ambivalent to the risks of adverse events associated with each and every vaccine, and that they will desperately try to move the goal post of performance, or ditch their vaccination efforts onto another unsuspecting segment of the population without sufficient safety testing.

730,000 Filipino Children Receive Faulty Dengue Vaccine Which Causes Dengue Rather Than Preventing it

In a story that is being mostly censored in the U.S. media, vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur has admitted that their vaccine for dengue (a deadly tropical disease spread mostly by mosquitoes) is defective. In a press release from France, the pharmaceutical company admitted that the vaccine is harmful to those not previously infected with dengue, and could cause children not previously infected with dengue to contract a severe case of the disease. The Philippines was the first country in Asia to approve the vaccine for individuals aged 9 and 45 years old in December 2015. More than 730,000 Filipino children have received at least one dose of Dengvaxia, the first licensed vaccine for the virus, since the Philippine Department of Health launched the vaccination drive in schools last year.

Autism Continues to be Blamed on Genetics – Vaccines and Environmental Causes Ignored

Genetics is the darling of the biomedical research industry. For diseases ranging from cancer to skin disorders, investigators have been busily at work for decades trying to identify the conditions’ underlying genetic causes. However, these same investigators—and the reporters who communicate their findings to the public—are often strangely incurious about the role of environmental toxins as triggers of disease. A story about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) published in October 2017 by the news website Vox furnishes an example of this genetics-as-the-explanation-for-everything perspective. Vox senior health correspondent Julia Belluz (a self-described “evidence enthusiast”) interviewed a small sample of five reportedly “cutting-edge” autism researchers, all of whom focus on autism genetics. Belluz is willing to entertain the idea that environmental factors such as “air pollution, pesticides, antidepressants and viruses” may contribute to autism, but she categorically dismisses the possibility of any association between ASD and the dozen or so vaccines (containing 16 distinct antigens) currently included in the childhood vaccine schedule in the U.S. Belluz states, “Vaccines are the wrong explanation for autism, and we should let the idea go.” This attitude is frankly disingenuous (or worse), given what we know about the neurotoxicity of vaccine ingredients such as aluminum and the mercury-containing vaccine preservative thimerosal (still used in flu shots).

Vaccine Refusal Increasingly Being Linked to Medical Kidnapping – Violation of Civil Rights

Author and research scientist Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, is concerned about doctors and Child Protective Services overruling parents who choose not to vaccinate. In a video livestreamed on the Facebook VAXXED page on the evening of Tuesday, November 28, 2017, he said: "In the United States, there is a new rash of what can only be called Medical Kidnap." He goes on to state: "When the government acts as though they have the authority to take rights away, that's when people need to stand up. That's when the people, especially in the United States, have always recognized that we need to stand up. And I can't imagine a right that is more sacred to a mom than the bonding moments that occur right after birth." The single most damaging practice in the events surrounding childbirth is the separation of mother and baby, yet the practice is occurring with more and more frequency as hospitals threaten parents with the removal of the child for refusal to vaccinate.

Study: Record Levels of Aluminum Found in Autistic Children Brain Tissue

Dr. Christopher Exley—one of the world’s leading experts on aluminum toxicity—has shown that chronic intoxication with myriad forms of this “ubiquitous and omnipresent metal” is exacting a high price on human health. Dr. Exley and other aluminum experts such as molecular biologist Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic have confirmed that aluminum readily and actively traverses the blood-brain barrier to selectively accumulate in brain tissues, where it induces unwelcome changes in brain biochemistry. As Dr. Exley has noted, “There are no ‘normal’ levels of brain aluminum,” meaning that “its presence in brain tissue, at any level, could be construed as abnormal” In light of the fact that even minute amounts of aluminum can have adverse neurological consequences, Dr. Exley’s newest paper—which reports on the first-ever study of aluminum in ASD brain tissue—is groundbreaking. Published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, the paper documents some of the highest values for aluminum in human brain tissue ever recorded. Using a two-pronged study design, the researchers measured and characterized aluminum deposits in brain tissues from five to ten ASD donors, most of whom died in their teens or twenties. What the research team found was startling. The study’s quantitative arm documented “consistently high” aluminum levels representing “some of the highest values for brain aluminum content ever measured in healthy or diseased tissues.”

The Corruption of Science: Who Funds Vaccine Safety Studies?

The focus of this article is how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the vaccine industry control vaccine safety assessments, control the science of vaccines and control the scientific and mass channels of information about vaccines. These primary stakeholders gained control by establishing an elaborate web of collaborating institutional partnerships which they fund. The collaborating institutional stakeholders include: the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI, UK), the World Health Organization (WHO -Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS)), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control (ECDPC), the Brighton Collaboration and the Brighton Collaboration Foundation, the Cochrane Collaboration, the Institute of Medicine, the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) which is bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Bank and others. All of these institutions became de facto stakeholders in promoting vaccination policies while presenting themselves as independent authoritative sources of information about vaccine safety.

Pinterest Censoring Anti-Vaccine Doctors and Pins Related to Vaccine Rights

The popular image-sharing social media website Pinterest is blocking pins that provide safety information about vaccines, or question whether or not legislation should be passed to mandate vaccines. When Health Impact News noticed that some of their pins were no longer showing, we contacted Pinterest to find out why. Someone named "Tina" from Pinterest Help emailed this to Health Impact News: "One or more of your Pins about vaccines has been highlighted as containing medical misinformation. Per our policy, this content will remain available to you, but it will be hidden from circulation on Pinterest as it contains claims that are considered to be misleading or inaccurate by the medical community." The fact is that the "medical community" is not at all unified on their views of vaccines, as increasingly more doctors, scientists and medical professionals are beginning to question the Big Pharma and Government extremist position on vaccines. The extremist pro-vaccine position on vaccine is: ALL vaccines are safe and effective and good for ALL people ALL of the time, by force if necessary. This extremist view probably represents very few in the medical community, as all 50 states currently allow vaccines exemptions be written by medical doctors. Pinterest's "Community Guidelines" was clearly written to protect the interests of Big Pharma: We’ll take action on content spreading medical misinformation that could lead to serious harm to Pinners - for example, claims of curing diseases currently considered by the medical community to be incurable. It would appear that the motivation behind such a policy is to prevent harm to Big Pharma and their profits, not Pinterest users and an informed public.

Retired Medical Doctor Exposes Deceptive Statistics Used to Justify Billion Dollar Flu Vaccine and Drug Market

A few years ago, there was a temporary media buzz generated by an article in The Lancet Infectious Disease journal. That highly respected medical journal is, as is true of most such journals, a pro-vaccine, pro-pharmaceutical medical industry publication that is published in London. The article’s principle author was Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, a widely published infectious disease researcher who, prior to his current faculty position at the University of Minnesota, had served in various capacities with the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), including a high-profile role as the MDH’s Chief of the Acute Disease Epidemiology Section. For 15 years of that association with the MDH he served as Minnesota state epidemiologist. Dr Osterholm, who is not a physician, has published over 300 articles and is highly respected in his field. The article showed that flu vaccinations were far less effective than had been previously believed. In fact, that particular study suggested that the trivalent flu vaccine currently being pushed at that time approached worthlessness.