Spain High Court Rules HPV Vaccine Caused Death of Young Woman

The High Court of Justice of Asturias- Spain (TSJA) has condemned the Asturian Health System for the death of Andrea, a young Spanish girl who died in September 2012 after getting the second shot of the HPV vaccine. The Court recognizes the bad practice of the hospitals of Jove and Cabueñes since they did not diagnose the pathology before the second shot of the vaccine was supplied which caused the death of the young woman. Andrea was a young woman with a medical history of mild episodes of bronchial asthma. When she got the first shot of the HPV vaccine on July 23, 2012, she became sick with a headache and breathing difficulty. Although she suffered from a severe asthmatic exacerbation, she got the second shot on August 23, 2012, with a sudden worsening. As a result of this, she suffered severe dyspnea and seizures only 12 hours after receiving the vaccine. She was moved to the Maternal and Child Hospital of the HUCA where she remained in the Pediatric Intensity Care Unit until she died on 8 September.

Baby’s Health Rapidly Declines After Receiving 13 Vaccines at One Time – Mom Accused of Abuse for Disagreeing with Doctors

A young Georgia mother had no idea that a routine trip to the pediatrician's office for her son's 1 year check-up would change her son's life forever, and leave her fighting the state for custody of her own son. When the nurse-practitioner told her that her son was a little behind on his shots and they would need to catch up, Durenda Whitehead didn't question the need for the vaccines. She did, however, question the safety of giving 13 vaccines at once. Durenda's pediatrician assured her that it was fine: "I can give up to 20 at one time." She said that they told her at the pediatrician's office to give him some Tylenol, and to "play extra hard with him when he gets home." Over the next few days, Durenda reports that KJ was sleeping much more than usual, only waking to eat. She describes his rapid decline: "I noticed my son didn't attempt to follow me as usual and he started to cry. I called his name so he would come to me, but his cry only got louder. When I came back in the room to see why he wasn't coming, he leaned his body forward and reached for me... He had this 'help me' look in his eyes while he continued to cry." However, Durenda soon learned that doctors are reluctant to look at vaccines as a cause of harm, and she soon found herself in the hospital being confronted with law enforcement taking away her son because she dared to disagree with a doctor.

How a Fugitive’s Fraudulent Study is Behind the “Science is Settled” Claim that Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

Did you know there is a fugitive from the U.S. Justice Department thriving openly in Denmark who created a fraudulent study used to eliminate autism claims from vaccines? His name is Poul Thorsen, and he is a psychiatrist who was contracted by the CDC to perform the notorious “Danish Study.” The Danish Study, published in 2003 by the journal Pediatrics asserted that autism rates in Denmark rose dramatically after mercury was no longer used in vaccines for children in the Netherlands, thus “proving” that there is no association with thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines to autism. The Danish Study became a major study quoted by the FDA, the IOM (The National Institute of Medicine) now renamed the National Academy of Medicine, and the CDC to “disprove” the dangers of thimerosal in vaccines and the MMR even without thimerosal. It became the cornerstone of all media and public denial of autism from vaccines. Even worse, it served as the legal basis for dismissing over 5,000 autism claims in The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program or “Vaccine Court” in 2010, and totally removing autism claims from vaccine injuries completely.

Truth About Vaccines Docu-series with All-star Lineup Begins Today – FREE Viewing to the Public

The much anticipated Truth About Vaccines docu-series begins today, Wednesday, April 12th. Featuring an all-star lineup of speakers, this series promises to be one of the epic events of 2017 in the vaccine movement, following up on the success of the film VAXXED in 2016. In a filmed preview, VAXXED co-producers Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey, two of the featured speakers, talk about the importance of long-term scientific studies when looking at vaccine safety. In this educational 7-episode docu-series these topics will be covered: *THE HISTORY OF VACCINES* Vaccination programs are given credit for eradicating some of the most devastating illnesses of the past, but they’re no longer immune to a controversy of their own. *VACCINE RISKS and SAFETY CONCERNS* Concerns about vaccine injuries, mercury toxicity, and autism have increased substantially in recent years, and public debate is once again heating up. *FULL LIST of OPTIONS and ALTERNATIVES* You don’t have to pro- or anti-vaccine anymore. New options are available to guard against serious illness, based on your unique situation and risk factors.

Healthy People 2020 Initiative to Seek Mandatory Vaccines for Adults

Ty Bollinger interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Toni Bark about forced vaccinations for adults and the "Healthy People 2020" initiative in this short preview of one of the sessions in the upcoming Truth About Vaccines Docuseries starting this week.

Autism Symptoms in Pets Rise as Pet Vaccination Rates Rise

Just as the incidence of Autism-Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has risen alarmingly in children over the last half century, there is evidence that similar behavioral disorders have been observed in pets, most widely reported among pet dogs. From paralysis to seizures, and from immune-mediated hemolytic anemia to injection-site fibrosarcomas, adverse reactions to vaccination are not uncommon in pets. Often attributable to annual vaccinations that some veterinarians consider totally unnecessary, vaccine reactions also may lead to allergies, skin problems, behavioral changes, and autoimmune diseases. Some of the most common behavioral changes are associated with the rabies vaccine, which is the only vaccine federally mandated for pets and must be re-administered at least every three years if not annually, depending on how the vaccine is labeled.

Board Certified Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas Discusses the Problems with the CDC Vaccine Schedule

On April 12th the new 7-part Docu-series The Truth About Vaccines will air online FREE for all who register to view it. This series will feature over 60 leading experts in the field, including physicians, scientists, and researchers. In this preview, Ty Bollinger interviews Dr. Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis, PhD. to discuss the CDC vaccine schedule. They are two of the speakers that will make presentations in The Truth About Vaccines. Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. was born in Portland Oregon, and grew up in Southern Africa. He has a masters degree in biology, an M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School, and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego. He is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and also carries board certifications in Addiction Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine. He started the Pediatric After-hours Clinic (now Pediatric ER) at Emanuel Children’s Hospital, where he also taught medical students and residents from 1988-1993. Dr. Thomas is obviously knowledgeable in the area of immunization, as a practicing pediatrician and currently one of the few actual board-certified fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics residing in the State of Oregon. Ty Bollinger, the producer of the Docu-series The Truth About Vaccines, shows us that he is willing to present all sides of the current vaccine debate. Most doctors today are neither 100% anti-vaccine nor 100% pro-vaccine, but somewhere in between. Dr. Thomas is not anti-vaccine. He states in this interview that about 95% of his patients are vaccinated. However, Dr. Thomas does not follow the CDC vaccine schedule. He states that he does not want to follow the entire CDC schedule for all of his patients. Dr. Paul has stated publicly in the past that out of his 1000 child patients, he has seen no new cases of autism by following a customized vaccination schedule, while his pediatrician peers nationally who follow the CDC vaccine schedule are seeing about 1 out of 50 children diagnosed with autism.

Pro-Vaccine Physician Examines Both Sides of Debate with Open Mind and Has Change of Heart

Dr. Mackenzie is now a plastic surgeon, but he formerly worked in the immunology division of the military overseeing vaccines. He was originally pro-vaccine because he had no idea that there were any physicians who questioned vaccines, not because he actually researched the matter. As he began to prepare to become a father, he decided to research vaccines further. He states in the interview that he had "no ax to grind" and "no skin in the game," and was therefore just looking for the truth. He read books by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Suzanne Humphries that questioned vaccines, as well as books that promoted vaccines, particularly by Dr. Paul Offit. Dr. Mackenzie states: "Any physician who will do their own research, and look at the science, both sides of this, and look where the biases are, and look at the bad epidemiology that is out there, will have a change of heart. That's assuming they don't have a lot at stake."

Military Medic Whistleblower Reveals How Vaccination Status is Used In Alabama to Take Children Away from Parents

Sherrie Saunders is a former military medic who has gone public as a whistleblower on the dangers of the anthrax vaccine given to U.S. military personnel. Last year the VAXXED film crew interviewed her and talked about how the military tried to keep her quiet. Sherrie was in Washington D.C. recently and spoke at the Revolution for Truth rally. She addressed the growing problem of vaccine-injured children and how the most severely injured are becoming a growing problem with families and siblings that struggle to care for them. Living in Alabama, Sherrie also addressed how DHR (Department of Human Resources, or "Child Protective Services") was taking children away from good parents and putting them into the foster care system where the children are forced to be vaccinated against their will, or the will of their parents. Sometimes children are taken away from parents simply because they disagree with doctors regarding vaccination schedules.

Attorney of 25 Years Litigating in Vaccine Court: The System is “Rigged” – Families “Cruelly Oppressed”

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was passed in 1986, under the shadow of multi-million dollar jury verdicts against the makers of the Diphtheria Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Congress announced that vaccine injuries and deaths are real and provided that vaccine-injured children and their families would be financially compensated. Part of the larger Vaccine Act, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) was modeled after workers’ compensation programs. It was to be a “no-fault” program. Very well. As one of the earliest “vaccine attorneys”—a very limited practice niche—I know first-hand it didn’t work that way. I have seen the injured and their families cruelly oppressed. From the passing of the legislation in 1986, the process has been rigged, one major step at a time, in favor of the vaccine-industrial complex.