Your Child NEEDS the HPV Vaccine: 13 Reasons Why the CDC is Right

13 Reasons Why The CDC is Right and Your Child Needs the HPV Vaccine 1. You don’t care that the HPV vaccine program was halted in Japan. The Japanese government stopped giving the Gardasil vaccine in 2013 after health officials recorded nearly 2,000 adverse reactions, according to the Tokyo Times. Too bad, so sad. Who cares? What do the Japanese know, anyway? Ah, right. Japanese health authorities recognized that the whole-cell pertussis vaccine was causing brain damage in healthy children and introduced a safer and equally as effective vaccine in 1981, a full SIXTEEN YEARS before American health officials paid real attention and recommended an acellular vaccine for widespread use in the United States… 2. The side effects of the HPV vaccine don’t concern you. Reported side effects from the Gardasil vaccine include fainting, seizures, brain damage, paralysis, speech problems, short-term memory loss, pancreatitis, and even death. But what’s a little death compared to preventing cervical cancer? 3. You don’t give two hoots about Shazel Zaman, the 13-year-old girl who started vomiting immediately following vaccination. Shazel Zaman was so dizzy and had such a severe headache that she ended up in the hospital. Shazel Zaman died five days after receiving the HPV vaccine at Derby High School in England. Just another unfortunate coincidence!

Facts About the Gardasil Vaccine: Teens Don’t Get Cervical Cancer

Despite no recorded outbreak of cervical cancer nor change in sexual behavioral risks among teenagers, Gardasil vaccine was studied for less than two years prior to its approval. This was particularly curious since the cancer the vaccine purports to prevent does not present itself for 20-30 years. And, while the drug was tested only on women aged 16-23 before it became the first licensed HPV vaccine in the United States, today it is recommended for boys and girls as young as 10 years old. Moreover, Gardasil was not tested on people with health problems nor in combination with all the other vaccines routinely administered to American adolescents, such as Tdap and meningococcal vaccines. Contrary to the ad campaign created by Merck that depicts tragic-looking teenagers asking their parents why they weren’t protected from getting cancer, there have been no reports of any teen contracting cervical cancer from HPV ever.

Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough – Where Vaccines and Antibiotics Have Failed

While it is not ideal for a newborn infant to catch whooping cough, it can be managed at home. Successful treatment will require diligence and an adult rocking very young infants, at the peak of infection, 24 hours for several days. Babies cannot get vaccinated until they are two months of age, and by then, the cough can be treated much more easily than in a younger infant. After three months, a fully breast-fed baby will respond well. Otherwise healthy babies over six months of age with whooping cough, should not worry any parent if they understand the principles and protocols to deal with the infection, and are well equipped and organized. B.pertussis bacteria is very tricky, and part of its armor involves several toxins. Toxin production is the major reason for the worst symptoms. Conventional medical doctors don’t know how to address the toxin issue in most infections. They give antibiotics, which have never been shown with any certainty, to limit the duration or severity of whooping cough in well-established disease. Is ascorbate a cure? No, but the majority of parents who use it on their infected babies, and young and older children, report a significant decrease in cough intensity, with thinning and loosening of sticky mucus, within the first 24 hours of proper dosing. Ascorbate, in properly spaced, very high oral doses, will get you and your children through the weeks with vastly reduced symptoms while developing lasting immunity that will later protect those around them more effectively than vaccines can.

Texas Mother of Daughter Injured by Gardasil Vaccine Fights to Get Daughter Back as Attorneys Betray Her

A Texas mother faces another setback in trying to get her daughter back from Child Protective Services. Her daughter was medically kidnapped after a serious medical accident in which a pediatrician accidentally gave 4 month old Aniya Blu Vasquez the Gardisil 9 vaccine that was intended for her big brother. After receiving the vaccine by accident, baby Aniya began experiencing health problems that were subsequently blamed on her mother, Anita Vasquez. But Anita Vasquez recently learned that the attorney she hired to help her fight for baby Aniya is not, in fact, an attorney. Randall George Lamberg met with Anita and reportedly told her that he was an attorney who would work hard to get things done and file the motions needed to get Aniya home. Lamberg reportedly said that he was an attorney working with Esequiel Ramos, Jr. However, he is a paralegal under Ramos, not a lawyer. Lamberg was indicted in February in another case where he fraudulently represented himself as an attorney, but the Vasquez family was unaware of this history. Anita Vasquez set to work fundraising and selling menudo, a spicy Mexican soup, to raise money to pay his law firm. Between the fundraisers and a loan from a friend, she was able to pay him $7000. Court last Tuesday was supposed to be a hearing about custody of Aniya. Instead, the child was little more than an afterthought in the circus surrounding the attorney impersonator, who did not even show up for court. Anita told the Victoria Advocate: "I've been scammed."

Medical Doctor: Blood of Every Vaccine Injured or Killed Child on Hands of Murder-by-Vaccine Pediatricians

To all the pediatricians still trolling my page, now that I’ve got your attention, listen closely. Heed my words. You should be FIGHTING LIKE HELL for the safety of our children from even the most remote possibility that vaccines aren’t as safe as they could be or aren’t as safe as we are being told. Instead of fighting for truth and safety, you’re fighting like rats for your piece of cheese. I have ZERO RESPECT for vaccine profiteers that are so financially biased, confirmation biased, indoctrinated, and willfully ignorant of the evidence that clearly shows vaccines cause injury, disease and REGRESSIVE AUTISM, that they aggressively lobby lawmakers to make vaccines mandatory, and deny parents the essential knowledge about the risks of toxic ingredients injected into their babies. They are complicit accomplices in the murder-by-vaccine crimes that have made American infants THE MOST VACCINATED and THE MOST LIKELY TO DIE in the first year of life. The blood of every vaccine injured or killed child is on the hands of every pediatrician that parroted lies like “vaccines do not cause autism” and “the science is settled.” The science isn’t settled, it’s corrupt. For me, uncovering the many layers of fraud and corruption that have allowed vaccines to harm so many children, is analogous to walking into an exam room in which a child is being abused by a doctor. I’m not about to look the other way and allow the abuse to continue.

Sacrificial Virgins: HPV Vaccine Documentary Reports Lawsuits from Japan to Colombia Increase Worldwide

A penny for your pain is the third film in the YouTube trilogy Sacrificial Virgins, which examines whether the risks associated with childhood vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV, are justified by the claim that they significantly lower the threat of cervical cancer much later in life. Through scientific analysis and examinations of adverse reactions data, as well as interviews with young women suffering severe neurological damage following treatment with Gardasil or Cervarix, the series reaches stark conclusions. Series writer and narrator Joan Shenton says: "Sacrificial Virgins concludes that the risk of serious and even life-threatening adverse reaction is high - it's in a different league to any other mass-administered vaccine. Yet the supposed cancer benefits are unproven. There is no scientific basis for saying that, decades after mass vaccination, there will actually be a consequent reduction in cervical cancers. Indeed, there is no proof that HPV even causes these cervical cancers."

Minnesota Somalis Have World’s Highest Rate of Autism – MMR Vaccine Link?

This winter, Minneapolis area health officials reported 76 measles cases among Somali-Americans. Mainstream media outlets, most recently, John Oliver in a 28 minute rant, vilified Somali-Americans for low vaccine rates and blamed Andrew Wakefield, MD and the so-called “anti-vaccine movement” for misleading Somalis about vaccine safety. Like most other journalists, Oliver never explained the story behind this story; the children of Minneapolis’s Somalis suffer  the highest known rate of severe autism in the world—one in 32, according to University of Minnesota researchers. Many Somalis believe that their children’s injuries are related to vaccines. “My perfectly healthy son started having seizures within minutes after his 18-month vaccines,” Abdulkadir Osman Hassan told me in June “and the seizures have never stopped.”  Hassan’s boy, now 14, is severely autistic. “I quickly determined I was not alone.” Somali parents had already started a support group and were sharing with each other the terrible reactions their children were having to vaccines. “We don’t have a word for autism in the Somali language,” explains Hassan, who has an Associate’s Degree in Childhood Development. “We never saw it in our country. We never heard of it. The adults in our community don’t have it, only our children.” Hassan immersed himself in the science trying to understand what had happened to his son. “We researched vaccine safety long before we knew there was an ‘anti-vaccine movement’. I read the scholarly studies and I read 14 books and I cried every time I finished a book because it’s exactly what happened to us.”  Hassan complains that, despite a decade of pleading from his community, public health officials have refused to investigate the high occurrence of autism in their community or to explain whether Somalis have increased susceptibility to neurodevelopmental injuries from vaccines.

Most Medical Professionals Giving Vaccines Do Not Know What Ingredients They Contain

The chances are that if you ask most chefs about the ingredients they put into their favorite recipes, they will be able to list for you the name of every single ingredient and the corresponding amounts. That is what you would expect. By the same token, you would expect most doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical workers who administer vaccines would be able to list for you every ingredient in vaccines, along with the corresponding amounts. That is what you should expect. However, that is not necessarily the case. It is reasonable to assume that those who administer influenza vaccines regularly to people should know the ingredients of what they are giving. It’s not all that different from memorizing the ingredients of a few favorite food recipes. Neither is it unreasonable to assume those who give flu shots should know the potential side effects of each of the vaccines and the synergistic toxicity of the ingredients that could provoke these reactions. You would expect a command of this basic knowledge by doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals who are injecting these ingredients into nearly half the U.S. population. The next time a doctor recommends that you or your child get a flu shot, ask him or her to tell you exactly what is in the vaccine being recommended and see what kind of answer you get.

The Vaccine Cartel: Largest Criminal Organization in the World – Why Your Flu Shot is Probably Illegal

If you are getting a flu shot this season, chances are that those who are providing the vaccine to you are breaking federal laws - and they don't care. The reason they don't care is because in 1986 Congress passed a law that then President Ronald Reagan signed which gave pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines and medical personnel who administer those vaccines total legal immunity for injuries or deaths related to vaccines. As a result, federal guidelines for administering vaccines that are designed to protect patients are routinely ignored, especially when it comes to the annual flu shot that almost anyone can purchase in a pharmacy just as easily as they can purchase a candy bar or can of soda. If you have a severe reaction, injury, or are killed by the flu shot, you or your family have no legal recourse to sue the manufacturer or those who gave you the vaccine, even if they broke federal laws in administering the vaccine (as most do). You must hire an attorney and sue the Federal Government in vaccine court, where attorneys working for the Department of Justice (DOJ) will fight you to try and prevent you from being compensated for your injury or death. Health Impact News is probably the only media organization that publishes the quarterly reports from the DOJ listing settlements in the vaccine court for vaccine injuries and deaths, and each report clearly shows that the annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., causing severe injuries and deaths each year. The most recent report from September 2017 listed 275 injuries and four deaths from the flu vaccine. But the manufacturers of the flu vaccines and those who administer them take no responsibility and suffer no consequences, even if they broke the law. Justice for criminal medical murders and injuries largely does not exist in the United States.

Dr. Brogan to Women: Reclaim Your Pregnancy – Dismiss Obstetrical Bullying and Reject the Flu Shot

Women have permitted doctors and pharmaceutical companies privileged access to their fierce and primitive drive toward protecting a pregnancy. They have been made to feel fear, convinced that they need the support of the apparatus of allopathic medicine to get them through this perilous trial. I’d like to take a moment to pause. Take a deep breath. And ask the women reading this to look inside and to check if that compass is there. I have discussed, in previous articles, the concerns surrounding the recommendation of a pharmaceutical product to healthy pregnant women despite the lack of any general population studies. Determining that something is “safe” in pregnancy is like saying that because individuals don’t have car accidents on passage from point A to B, that riding in a vehicle is safer than walking. For ethical reasons, pharmaceutical products cannot be studied in a randomized manner in pregnancy, severely limiting our ability to look at short or long-term outcomes. The surprising news is that vaccines, the pharmaceutical product in question, have never been studied in a truly placebo controlled manner, in single, or multiple deliveries, and not for long-term outcomes, even in a general population.