New Gardasil Vaccine Guidelines From American Cancer Society Censors All Risks to Vaccine

The American Cancer Society issued a press release recently stating that they were agreeing with the U.S. Center for Disease Control's (CDC) recommendation to now start vaccinating boys as well as girls with the Gardasil vaccine, and that Gardasil vaccines can begin as young as age 9. Noticeably absent from the press release was any warnings on Gardasil risks and side effects, or any mention of how other countries around the world are now investigating the vaccine due to the amount of injuries being reported. Japan and other nations have actually withdrawn their recommendation of the HPV vaccine. Because the manufacturers of vaccines are not immune from liabilities due the harm their vaccines cause in these countries, in contrast to the United States where one cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer, many are taking legal actions against HPV manufacturers. You will read none of this in U.S. mainstream media.

“Vaccine Robbed My Daughter’s Life” – 12 Year Old Girl Suffers Heart Disease After Gardasil Vaccine

It is rare when a mainstream media source covers the story of a vaccine injury or death. When it does happen, it is usually a local news station reporting about someone in their community. WJBF out of South Carolina recently reported about a 12 year old girl who is suffering from POTS (Postural Tachycardia Syndrome) after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. POTS is a condition in which an excessively reduced volume of blood returns to the heart after an individual stands up from a lying down position. The primary symptom is lightheadedness or fainting. This once active young girl can now barely walk. Her mother says the vaccine robbed her daughter of her life.

Father Convicted in Non-Vaccinated Child Death Released From Jail on Bail

Being in jail was an interesting experience to say the least. Even though I had no access to sunlight, the fresh food I am accustomed to, direct human contact and recreational activities… the food was actually better than expected, the officers (guards) were quite nice and the reading material was good. Unfortunately, the individuals that suffered most by my being in jail was first and foremost, my children and then subsequently, Collet. Having been left to my own thoughts over the past 3 weeks, I had the opportunity to analyze all that has taken place over the past 4.5 years. Having removed myself from the trauma and pain and the need to defend my family against the mass hypocrisy of this all, I have begun to connect the dots as to what took place. I as well had the ability to reinitiate the mourning process of my son Ezekiel once again. A process that I haven’t been able to engage in for over 3 years now. Having an overabundance of time to read and write, I was able to write much of my feelings and respond to the glaring fallacies that have been disseminated over the past 4 months. Writings which I will share over the next week or so.

Gardasil Vaccine Protests in Colombia: Parents Lock Schools and Make Progress on Negotiations

Last week, the parents of hundreds of girls experiencing new medical conditions after Gardasil administration blocked classes in educational institutions by padlocking the entrances to local schools. These families claim hundreds of affected girls have been left without treatment for two years while the government refuses to acknowledge the HPV vaccine could be causing serious side effects. They were asking to be heard by national, departmental and municipal health authorities. After a four day stand-off, government authorities decided to convene a working group to try and address the problem. The Governor of Bolivar, Mr. Dumek Turbay, organized a face-to-face meeting with representatives from the affected families, President of the Association Reconstruyendo Esperanza (Rebuilding Hope), Monica Leon Del Rio acting as the families’ spokesperson and the Colombian Minister of Health, Alejandro Gaviria, in the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Governor Dumek Turbay promised parents and students they could attend a meeting with the Minister to review the implementation of commitments previously made by the Government with the young people affected, including comprehensive and specialized medical treatment. The world will be watching to see if the Colombian government lives up to their promises to the hundreds of families Attorney Monica Leon Del Rio is representing in their battle to obtain adequate medical treatment.

Gardasil Vaccine Devastation is No Coincidence

For a long time, I was silent about the Gardasil connection to my child’s injury. I will not remain silent any longer. I don’t care if people consider me “one of those crazy anti-vax people.” I am this child’s mother and the vilest injustice has been perpetrated against her.

Thomas More Law Center Files Federal Lawsuit Against Michigan for Denying Parental Rights to Vaccine Exemptions

The Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”), a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI, has filed a federal lawsuit against State and County officials and employees seeking to stop a State-sponsored religious inquisition of parents who have religious objections to State vaccination requirements. TMLC brought the law suit on behalf of Tara Nikolao, a devout Catholic, registered nurse, and mother of four. Mrs. Nikolao objects to vaccines manufactured from aborted fetal cells and other vaccines on religious grounds. Her lawsuit claims that government employees violate the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the First Amendment, the religious protections in Michigan’s Constitution, and a Michigan statute when they subject parents to detailed interrogation about their religious beliefs. When Mrs. Nikolao explained that she had a religious objection to vaccines, the health department employees demanded that Mrs. Nikolao explain her actual reason for objecting. Despite Mrs. Nikolao’s repeated insistence in the face of berating questions from State employees that her personal religious beliefs did not allow her to vaccinate her children—a belief that the Michigan legislature enacted a statute to protect,—the health department employees would not accept her religious objection and insisted that no religions object to vaccines. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (“MDHHS”) instructs local health department employees to implement this religious examination and inculcation by providing county employees with a document to “teach” parents their faith. The document entitled “Religion” is used as a tool by county health departments to coerce and trick parents with religious objections to vaccines into vaccinating their children.

Lawsuits Against HPV Vaccines Mounting In Japan

Unlike the U.S. where people who suffer from vaccine injuries and deaths cannot sue the drug manufacturers who enjoy legal immunity from the harm caused by their products, women in Japan have started taking legal action against the pharmaceutical companies that produce the HPV vaccine, which includes Merck’s Gardasil and Cervarix manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. The Japanese government has withdrawn their support of the vaccine, and hence they are named in the lawsuits as well. You are not likely to read this news in the U.S. mainstream media anywhere, because all negative news regarding vaccines is heavily censored.

Vaccines Injuries and Deaths Increase in Government Vaccine Court – June 2016 Report

Every day, people in the United States are being injured and killed by vaccines, and those numbers are increasing. This is a fact that is not in dispute, as the Department of Justice’s quarterly report on vaccine injuries and deaths clearly demonstrates. And yet, the government’s official public statement about vaccines is that they are safe and effective, and should be mandated for all people. Any opinion or presentation of facts to contradict their position is vigorously suppressed and censored in the mainstream media all in the name of “public health” for the “greater good.” The American public is largely unaware that there is a vaccine court known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must now sue the federal government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached. Once every 3 months the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines meets, and the Department of Justice issues a report of cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths. As far as I know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these reports each quarter. The most recent report was issued on June 3, 2016 which covered the period from 2/16/16 to 5/15/16 had 206 cases adjudicated. 116 of them were listed in the report, specifying the vaccine, the injury or death, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. 85 of the 116 cases settled were for injuries and deaths due to the flu vaccine, making the flu vaccine the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., harming and killing more people than all the other vaccines put together.

Angry Parents in Colombia Shut Down Schools, Lock Gates in Protest Over HPV Vaccine Injuries

Today when hundreds of children of Carmen de Bolivar were to resume classes after day holiday midyear, they found their schools closed by several groups of parents of girls who are being affected after being vaccinated by the vaccine against human papilloma virus (HPV) in this Bolivarense municipality. With banners and padlocks, parents blocked the educational institutions to demand that the government respond on more than 1,000 cases of HPV vaccine injuries.

Gates Foundation Funding Global Vaccine Program – More Powerful Than Government

Bill Gates is reported to be one of the richest individuals on Earth, with a current net worth of $87.4 billion. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), founded in 2000, is the largest private foundation in the world. A recent report released by a U.K. based organization, Global Justice Now, closely examines the BMGF operations and reveals that the foundation’s influence on global health initiatives is greater than any other donor country including Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ireland and Italy. However, unlike democratic governments who are accountable to their electorates, the BMGF is a private foundation that essentially remains unaccountable to populations impacted by the foundation’s social reform and public health initiatives, with the exception of tax reporting requirements. In 2015, the BMGF contributed 11% of the World Health Organization's (WHO) entire budget, with much of that being funneled through the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI) program. GAVI is an international organization committed to “improve access to new and underused vaccines to children in low-income countries.” Since 2000, the foundation has contributed $2.5 billion to GAVI. Interestingly, according to the Global Justice Now report, “members of the GAVI board always include companies in the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, which involves GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Novartis, and Pfizer, among others.”