New Rotavirus Vaccine Causing Vulnerable Infants to Suffer Intestinal Blockages

According to recent reports, India is planning to reevaluate the new rotavirus vaccine being used in vaccine trials across the country. The decision was made after a number of children suffered severe complications after receiving the vaccine, which was released earlier this month. The Hindu reported that the vaccine, which was given to vulnerable children in India to prevent them from suffering severe diarrhoea, has been associated with intussusceptions, a condition that can cause them to suffer from intestinal blockages. Meanwhile, in France the media is reporting that two infants recently died after receiving the current rotavirus vaccine being used there.

Is Mandatory Poor Health the New Requirement for All Americans?

What if it is true that childhood exposure to the wild measles virus is not a threat to health, but a required step in the development of a strong immune system? What if it is true that the process of developing an immune system that is strong enough to resist cancer and other diseases requires that we develop natural immunity to contagious childhood illnesses such as measles? What if it is true that genetically modified food and Roundup chemicals are actually creating conditions in the human digestive system where disease pathogens can flourish and cause systemic illness? What if it is true that mothers need childhood measles exposure to provide their infant children with measles immunity while the babies nurse? What if it is really true that the greatest cause of modern illness is chemical agriculture and pharmaceutical products such as vaccines, and not genetics? What if all these statements are true – as I believe they are, then what are we to do? I believe we must continue to claim our right to control what is done to our bodies and to the bodies of our children. The right to healthcare begins with healthcare freedom, and not with health insurance!

Whooping Cough Outbreak at California School Among Vaccinated Shows Vaccine Failure

KSBW in Salinas California is reporting this month (March 2015) that four fully vaccinated students at Monterey Park School have been diagnosed with pertussis, or whooping cough. KSBW reports that of the 524 students at Monterey Park, 99.5 percent are vaccinated, including the four students who have been diagnosed with whooping cough. This is not too surprising since it has been well-documented that the current pertussis vaccine is a failure, and that a new pertussis vaccine is being developed to replace it. Incredibly, parents are being encouraged to get the vaccine even though it does not work.

Scientists in Canada Being Censored from Covering Dangers of Aluminum in Vaccines

It is very obvious to anyone paying attention these days that news regarding vaccine safety is routinely censored in the mainstream media. We know that the U.S. Government puts pressure on the U.S. media to not publish anything negative regarding vaccine safety, as Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under President Obama, openly admitted. The U.S. Government has a serious conflict of interest when it comes to discussing vaccine safety, as they are the largest purchaser of vaccines in the U.S. The CDC alone purchases over $4 billion in vaccines every year. Outside the U.S. the largest purchaser of vaccines is the United Nations, primarily through UNICEF, and the World Health Organization (WHO), funded primarily by pharmaceutical companies, is the World Government body approving the vaccines to be purchased and distributed. Negative news regarding vaccine safety is, therefore, vigorously opposed. Christina England writes about vaccine censorship in Canada and the involvement of the World Health Organization. This is an especially crucial topic, as recent studies show just how toxic and dangerous aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are, and the public has a right to have access to this information from scientists in Canada.

The American History Of Compulsory Vaccination and its Ties to Eugenics

Those currently proposing forced vaccination laws point to a U.S. Supreme Court decision from 1905: Jacobson v. Massachusetts. In fact, the Supreme Court has not heard a compulsory vaccine case since the 1920s. In the article presented here, Attorney Emord looks at the history of compulsory vaccination, and shows how it was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. who stripped away Fourteenth Amendment rights in regards to compulsory vaccination, the very same judge who ruled in favor of forced sterilization which was supported by the "science" of that day, eugenics. Eugenics is the same "science" used by the Nazis in Germany to endorse eliminating "feeble-minded" people in favor of a "master race."

How Diet can Help Heal Vaccine Damage

This is the third article in a series about treating vaccine related damage. It will focus on reversing vaccine damage by making changes in what we put in our mouths. The two previous articles discussed how homeopathy can treat and restore health to people who have been damaged by vaccines. This article, and the one that will follow it, will focus on the important role that diet has in treating the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral consequences that result from using vaccines and eating food containing the toxic pesticide called glyphosate. As we will see in this article, it is not just the harm from vaccines that needs to be healed, but it is also the harm that results from the modern food supply.

More than 400 Washington Foster Parents Object to Forced Flu Shots

More than 400 Washington foster parents are giving up on caring for children younger than 2 because they don't want to get a flu shot, which is required for the license to care for babies and toddlers.

Why is this N.C. Senator Comparing Religious Vaccine Exemptions to the Taliban?

Senator Jeff Tarte of North Carolina has co-authored a bill to remove the religious exemptions to vaccines, and recently addressed the public to explain his reasoning for drafting this bill. He states that only two religious groups in the world oppose vaccines: Christian Scientists and the Taliban. Since when did the Taliban become a "religious group"? What exactly was Mr. Tarte trying to imply by comparing those who used religious beliefs to exempt themselves from receiving vaccines in North Carolina to the Taliban?

Federal Government Prepares to Track Unvaccinated Adults

During the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) February meeting, American adults were put on notice by Big Brother that non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations will not be tolerated. Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

When Doctors Become Lawmakers: Medical Tyranny in California

California State Senator Dr. Richard Pan is a co-sponsor of a new proposed California bill, SB 277, which seeks to remove the personal belief exemption to vaccinations in California. Who is Dr. Pan? He is an "industry insider" when it comes to the medical industry. He is a teaching faculty member at UC Davis Children's Hospital, and has served in many organizations that set medical policy and funding, such as the American Medical Association, the United Way, Sacramento First 5 Commission, Healthy Kids Healthy Future, Sacramento Health Improvement Project, and others. Dr. Pan was also a supporter of AB 499 which allows minor children as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine without the knowledge or consent of their parents.