Healing from Vaccine Injuries through Homeopathy

There are treatments that can heal vaccine damage, but few physicians in the conventional medical care system know about them, since vaccine injuries are usually denied as the cause of any illness. Some parents with autistic children report that homeopathy has completely reversed their children’s autism and healed other serious health conditions caused by vaccines. This article explains how homeopathic remedies can bring about healing for many types of vaccine injuries. Homeopathy is not the only treatment that has helped children and adults recover from vaccine damage, but it is the one that is the focus of this article. I will describe how homeopathy can bring about a true cure for the harm that vaccines have caused to children and adults. The National Vaccine Information Center states a very sobering fact about vaccines: “Every vaccine recommended for use by government and doctors has been associated with hospitalizations, injuries and deaths. There is no guarantee that a particular vaccine will be safe to give to a particular individual and will not result in permanent injury or death.”

VACCINE WAR IN AMERICA: Attempts to Legislate Mandatory Vaccines all Across the U.S.

There is a raging civil war in America here at the beginning of 2015. It is a war against medical tyranny and the desire of government to take away individual liberties, rights to privacy, and the ability to choose to refuse medical treatments. The irrational fear gripping this country over a mere 100 cases of measles, a disease in which no one has died and would not even make the top 100 diseases currently affecting Americans, is being used as a justification to expand government intrusion into our private lives and grant broad new police powers. The National Vaccine Information Center brings us the latest legislative updates across the U.S. Please register at their Advocacy Portal to stay abreast of legislative battles in your own state, and follow their advice in this article on how you can take action to protect your Constitutional rights. If Americans do not resist and act now, the battle will be quickly lost.

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. – Preserve Medical Freedom – Vaccines Linked to Autism

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics who resides in Oregon. He took time out to attend the public hearing before the Oregon Senate Committee on Health Care, regarding Bill SB 442. This bill was written by Oregon State Senator and physician Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, who wanted to remove all philosophical and religious exemptions to vaccines in the State of Oregon. Dr. Paul stated that this bill, as it is written, is "a travesty." He stated: "We need to protect our children and preserve the right for freedom of choice, and the right to give informed consent when your child is about to get a vaccine." In testimony before the Senate Committee, Dr. Paul stated that he does not give every vaccine to every child in his practice, and as a result, he has over 1000 children in his practice over the age of 3, and NONE of them have autism. The rest of the country is seeing a rate of about one out of 50 children on the autism spectrum. He states that the "science is not settled" linking too many vaccines to autism, and that doctors like himself should not be coerced by bills like this one proposed in Oregon to give up the right to informed consent in regards to vaccines.

Medical Tyranny in Action in Oregon: Doctor and Senator wants Medical Freedom for herself, but Not Oregon Citizens

At a recent public hearing in Oregon to discuss a new proposed law to take away informed consent and the ability of parents to refuse vaccines for religious and philosophical objections, attorney Robert Snee pointed out that the American Medical Association's own code of ethics allowed for religious and philosophical objections to vaccines among doctors. The sponsor of the bill in Oregon to take away parental rights to make these medical decisions for their children is also a doctor. When attorney Snee pointed out an article published in the American Academy of Family Physicians by the sponsor of bill, where she disagreed with her doctor and rejected his advice regarding a drug she was taking while breastfeeding her new born child, the hearing became quite interesting. The Oregon Senator and doctor who has sponsored this bill was sitting directly across from the attorney, and she became quite agitated. She basically argued that she had a right to make a "personal decision" for her and her baby based on her own research, which disagreed with the doctor who was a specialist in this area. She was angry at the attorney for bringing this matter up, but the attorney replied that he and other citizens of Oregon simply wanted the freedom to make the same medical decisions for their families. Medical tyranny in action in Oregon: watch it in this video.

Dr. Toni Bark, M.D. – Do Not Remove Vaccine Exemptions – Some Children Die from Vaccines

We mandate more vaccines than any other country. We also have the worst infant mortality rate of any first, second, and even some third world countries. Most parents or doctors (for that matter) do not start out "anti-vaccine", their stance is changed once they have a child who is permanently and profoundly damaged by a vaccine. They then decide no more for that child and no more for their next children. And they are correct in making that decision. All the independent Cochrane meta-analysis on vaccine studies end the same way: safety studies are needed in order to assess risk/benefit ratios. There are over 200 new vaccines in the pipeline and as those before them, they will all be approved and recommended which will turn to mandates. When is enough, enough?

Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. – Scientifically No Polio Vaccine was Needed

While most believers in vaccines like to point to polio as a disease that was eliminated by vaccines, the history of polio and the polio vaccine paints a far different picture than what most believe about polio and the polio vaccine today. Dr. Nicholas Gonzales, M.D. states that there was never any scientific reason to have a polio vaccine, and that the arguments used to raise money to support the development of the vaccine were emotional, not scientific.

Is Washington State Leading the Country in Medical Tyranny?

The State of Washington seems to be leading the nation in the rush to take away personal liberties associated with medical procedures such as vaccines, according to some.

Facebook Owner Takes Public Stand against Vaccine Refusers

With medical and health authorities all across the United States beginning to take action to remove freedom of choice in refusing vaccines, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken a public position in the current vaccine debate, in what many in the media are reporting to be a direct attack against those who refuse or question vaccines. So what's next for Zuckerberg and Facebook? Since Zuckerberg is apparently taking the position that "the science on vaccines is settled," will he also take the corresponding position that Americans do not have a right to refuse vaccines, for "the greater good?" Does this pave the way for Facebook to censor free speech on vaccines?

Oregon Wants to Take Away Vaccine Choice and Mandate Vaccines

The Oregon State Legislature is meeting on February 18, 2015 to remove vaccine exemptions and impose mandatory vaccines for children attending schools. Here is the information you need to make your voice known on this matter.

Can You Trust What the Government Tells You About Vaccines?

On February 10, 2015, there was a Congressional hearing "on the link between recent outbreaks of diseases such as measles, and some parents' decision not to vaccinate their children." This was not a Congressional Hearing where both sides of the vaccine debate were presented. Only one side was presented, the government and pharmaceutical side. Can we trust the CDC when they say, "vaccines don't cause autism" as they spend over $4.5 billion a year in purchasing vaccines from pharmaceutical companies?