More U.S. Banks Collapsing as JPMorgan Chase CEO Consolidates his Power – Is this the Next Phase of the Great Reset?

Another blood bath in American banks was seen today in stock market trading, with a "total collapse" of regional banks. This follows the collapse of the second largest bank in U.S. history that occurred over this past weekend with First Republic Bank. On Monday morning, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who stepped in to purchase the remaining assets of First Republic Bank at bargain rates, announced that the U.S. Banking system is "very, very sound." Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade, who has extensively covered the multiple felony charges that have been filed against Jamie Dimon over the years since he took over at Chase, published an article this morning explaining how we cannot trust Dimon's statements that he is "saving" the banking industry, because he is one of the main reasons these smaller banks are failing in the first place. Jamie Dimon's Bank now holds over 10% of America's deposits, and that percentage will only increase as more and more smaller banks collapse. Most of these banks that have failed so far have been with banks holding the deposits of venture capitalists and billionaires from Big Tech. Some are now speculating that Dimon is looking to start dominating Silicon Valley, and have a greater influence with Big Tech. Could this be the next step in the "Great Reset" and digital control over the population as the U.S. economy crashes?

Is Congress Really More Concerned About AI Launching a Nuclear Attack than an 80-Year-Old Demented President?

A bipartisan group of U.S. Senators have introduced the "Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous AI Act," which would “prohibit the use of Federal funds to launch a nuclear weapon using an autonomous weapons system that is not subject to meaningful human control.” This is so absurd, that I don't know if members of Congress are actually this stupid, or if this is a psyop to instill fear into the public over AI, similar to how fear was used to convince most of the public that there was a deadly coronavirus that threatened humanity back in 2020. Let's start with the fact that there is no such thing as "autonomous AI." It is fake, it does not exist. Some believe it could happen in the future, but even that is based on either ignorance or intentional fear mongering to get people to fear AI. But no matter what your beliefs are about AI's capability in the future, nobody in the Tech industry today working with AI would say that AI is now "fully autonomous." We haven't even been able to develop a "fully autonomous" car yet after almost 20 years, let alone something that could launch a nuclear attack. So this is a meaningless bill. It would be the same thing as filing a bill to "Block Autonomous Handguns from Killing People." But guns are not autonomous. They need people to wield them, and the same is true of AI or any computer code for that matter. The real threat today to launch a nuclear attack, lies with the President of the United States, who "has the unilateral authority to choose to use nuclear weapons." However, there are ways that "Congress can limit when and how the president uses nuclear weapons." Wouldn't that be a better use of Congress right now, given the ongoing real threats in Ukraine and Taiwan that could escalate into nuclear confrontations, and the fact that the U.S. has an 80-year-old president who continually shows signs of deteriorating mental capabilities?

CIA Director William Burns Met with Jeffrey Epstein According to Epstein’s Private Calendar

In one of the most explosive revelations yet about the people who associated with and did business with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the Wall Street Journal reported this weekend that a trove of previously unpublished documents, which allegedly includes Epstein's private calendar, reveals many people in positions of high power. The Wall Street Journal does not state how they obtained these documents, but it has been widely published that the Virgin Islands is currently suing JPMorgan, the United States' largest bank, accusing them of funding Epstein's pedophile network. Many high profile people have already been subpoenaed to testify in the case, including JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, as well as several billionaires, including Google co-founder Sergy Brin. However, in these new documents that the Wall Street Journal has obtained, several high profile names that were not previously associated with Jeffrey Epstein have emerged, including current CIA Director William Burns. It is truly amazing to see how these people in positions of power and wealth are trying to backpedal their past associations with the accused and convicted pedophile.

God Will Not be Made a Fool – A Person Reaps What he Sows

Do not be deceived. God will not be made a fool. For a person will reap what he sows, because the person who sows to his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit. So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:7-9)

4th U.S. Bank Collapses as Bank Runs Continue

The 4th U.S. Bank has collapsed in less than 2 months, as it was announced late Friday that First Republic, an FDIC bank, was being purchased by JPMorgan and PNC after a government seizure. The bank is headquartered in San Francisco, and is part of the Silicon Valley crowd with rich clients who have money deposited way above the FDIC insurance limits. So the bailout of wealthy Big Tech investors continues.

RSS: How to Create Your Own Newsfeed and Search

With it becoming more and more difficult to find information on the Internet with Google and Microsoft increasingly working hard to control all online content, it is more important than ever for people to learn how to use RSS feeds. RSS feeds allow you to capture new articles published throughout the day without using email subscriptions, social media, or having to use online search engines or AI chat bots. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication (or sometimes Rich Site Summary.) It was developed back in the 1990s during the infancy of the Internet, and was originally called RDF (Resource Description Framework). Almost all websites publishing content still use this technology today by using an XML file format that is included with each new article published, that can then be retrieved by an RSS feed reader as soon as that content is published. The more sites you add to your RSS reader, and the longer you use it, you will soon have your own "database" of sites that you prefer, which you can then search on your local computer or device. And don't just add sites you agree with, but add other sites that give different perspectives, so you do not succumb to online propaganda. When it comes to news, add other country's English news sites as well, such as Russian, Chinese, Arab, etc. so you can compare what the U.S. corporate media is reporting, compared to what other countries report on the same news topic, even if the other country's news site is just propaganda also from their government.

The “Godfather of AI” Says Doomsayers Are Wrong and ChatGPT Isn’t Remarkable – Mainly an Advanced Disinformation Tool

The hype over AI Chat searches as well as the "AI is going to take over the world and replace humans" is continuing unabated, and investments into AI are now the only thing left propping up the U.S. economy. I suppose this is the result of having a generation of adults who have now grown up in the "computer age" starting in the early 1980s who are now running the economy with their beliefs in AI and technology. Old school technologists like myself, who watched all of this technology develop, and know better, are having little to no effect in trying to dispel these false beliefs. I have earned my living and built my career on this technology for over 25 years now, but that doesn't seem to matter with this generation. My views on the hype over this "new" AI fad are not unique at all, as many others also share them, but it is much more interesting to state that AI is going to take over the world and replace humans, and that is the view that gets clicks and traffic today, which can obviously be monetized as well. Therefore, the "AI is going to take over the world" view is the predominant view, not because it is true, but because it is more popular and sells more. So I am going to highlight some of the other dissenting voices in this article, and then I am going to show what this "new" AI Chat software is actually doing today, as it has been out in the public for about 5 months now. But if you want the spoiler as to what it is actually doing today with hundreds of millions of users, here it is: It is a disinformation and data collection tool.

Yuan Surpasses U.S. Dollar to Become the Most-used Currency in China’s Cross-border Transactions

The news regarding the U.S. dollar's status as the world's #1 currency continues to be negative, as it was just reported today that the yuan surpassed the U.S. dollar to become the most-used currency in China’s cross-border transactions last month. This follows another report from last week that Russia is completely abandoning the U.S. dollar and Euro from energy exports. China and Russia are not the only countries that are abandoning the U.S. dollar.

Russia Helps NATO Member Turkey Reach Nuclear Status

Turkey announced today that they had finally reached "nuclear status" as they received their first batch of nuclear fuel from Russia. Turkey's partnership with Russia, despite being a member of NATO, is another dramatic example of how the political landscape in the Middle East is rapidly changing, as the region looks to break away from its ties to the United States and U.S. worldwide dominance in energy. Being the only Muslim country in NATO, Turkey also has the largest number of armed forces in NATO outside of the U.S., and they are a strategic country that spans through both Europe and the Middle East. Last year they patched up their differences with Saudi Arabia over the 2018 killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, and last month Saudi Arabia reportedly deposited $5 billion into Turkey's Central Bank to help prop up their economy. As an example of just how dramatically the geopolitical map is rapidly changing today, Turkey's historical archenemy since the end of World War I, Greece, is now inviting Turkey to become part of the recently formed East Mediterranean Gas Forum, which began in November of 2019. Check out the member nations that comprise this recently formed East Mediterranean Gas Forum, to which Greece is extending an invitation to Turkey to join: Egypt, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan and Palestine. Wait, what?? An organization consisting of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Countries all cooperating together "on developing an infrastructure for gas trade within the region and with external markets"?? And now Greece is inviting their archenemy Turkey to also join??

Unpopular President Biden Announces 2024 Campaign as DNC Announces “No Debates”

Despite recent polling that indicates a majority of Democrats do not want President Joe Biden to run for a second term as President of the United States, the 80-year-old oldest ever President is apparently doing just that as he announced his re-election campaign today. Before Biden officially announced his candidacy for re-election today, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) stated that while they would support the Biden campaign, they had "no plans to sponsor primary debates." This has angered a lot of people in the Alternative Media who wanted to see Robert F. Kennedy Jr. debate Biden and address certain issues, but the reality is that both parties, Democrats and Republicans, have historically NOT sponsored primary debates when their party had an incumbent President running for re-election. This was true for Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. when they ran for re-election after their first terms. When it comes to the issue of debate and free speech, there is another issue in the Alternative Media that I have not addressed until now. That issue is the fact that Dr. Robert Malone has inserted himself into the Alternative Media since 2021, developing his own narrative around the COVID issue and other political topics, and now is suing other publishers in the Alternative Media who dare to disagree with him. In my 2 decades plus of writing and publishing in the Alternative Media, I have never seen anything like this before. I am including it in this article, because Malone is closely tied to RFK Jr. and also his financial backer, wealthy Silicon Valley technologist Steve Kirsch. One of the people Malone is suing is Dr. Peter Breggin, who has had an outstanding reputation in the Alternative Health Media for many decades now. If you search Health Impact News for his name, you will find more than a dozen articles where we have covered his work over the years exposing the corruption in psychology and psychiatry. Breggin has just published an interesting article titled: "Robert Kennedy, Steve Kirsch, and Robert Malone – What’s It All About?"