Safe to Fly? Pilots and Flight Attendants Who Recently had Cardiac Arrests In-Flight and “Died Suddenly”

There has been an increasing number of stories of pilots and flight attendants suffering cardiac arrests and sudden deaths in-flight, and here are some that made it into mainstream media.

Trump’s Call for Building “Freedom Cities” Plays Right into Globalists’ Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid

Low and behold, the paragon of American conservatism has now come out of the woodwork with a message built on repackaged, reformulated smart cities as the way to go moving forward. Because the globalists’ climate agenda doesn’t resonate with conservatives, the globalists need a prominent conservative political voice who could take their message and communicate it in a way that appeals to conservative patriotic Americans. Enter the perfect stooge: Donald J. Trump. In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of. Instead of warning us about the globalists’ plans for digitization of everything, including our money and our very identities, Trump puts his own patriotic twist on the same globalist technocratic theme. He is distracting us here with stupid talk about flying cars and Americanizing the tools of our slavery. Instead of buying the tools from China, he will make sure they’re all American-made. Doesn’t that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

Big Tech Crash Accelerating in 2023 – Billions Lost on AI, Bank Failures, CHAOS!

The Big Tech Crash of 2022-2023 is accelerating here in 2023, and yet almost nobody is sounding the alarm as to just how significant the crash is going to affect everyone's lives. Instead, we are pummeled every day with reports in both the corporate and alternative media about how the technology is advancing, and that AI is poised to take over the world and replace humans. Nothing could be further from the truth. While it is easy to collate the news and come to this very simple conclusion, that Big Tech is crashing, I have yet to see one other journalist refer to what we are now seeing as a "Big Tech Crash" which is very rapidly making the technology crash of 2001 look like a walk in the park by comparison. According to, there have now been 125,977 layoffs in Big Tech for the first two months of 2023. There were 161,411 layoffs in Big Tech in all of 2022. As we complete just the 1st week of March, 2023, things are only getting worse, much worse.

Creativity and the Human Difference – Why AI Can Never Replace Humans

From the late Stephen Hawking to Elon Musk, some of the smartest people on Earth have issued warnings about the looming danger posed by artificial intelligence. Not only is AI an amazing technology, they say, with the potential for uses both good and bad, but it threatens to replace and destroy humanity. The media love this particular concept and continually seek to scare us with it. Why? The episode calls out the idea for what it is: applied materialism. Materialism is the denial of a spiritual reality. It animates Darwinian thinking, and it drives the panic about AI. After all, if humans are no more than “meat machines,” then a superior machine, equipped with AI, could well choose to do away with us. However, as four notable scholars explain here, AI runs on algorithms, which are essentially a recipe. AI does only what it’s programmed to do. Humans transcend algorithms. We do things that computers will never be able to accomplish.

JPMorgan Chase CEO Fights Deposition in Lawsuit Charging Chase Bank Being the Cash Conduit for Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Crimes

In the Attorney General’s office of the U.S. Virgin Islands' lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the U.S., which is being accused of knowingly funding Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile sex operation, CEO Jamie Dimon is being deposed to testify under oath in the case, although his lawyers are trying to prevent him from testifying. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb has recently published a 2-volume book covering the work of Jeffrey Epstein, and she identifies the main businessmen who financed Epstein's work: Billionaire Leslie Wexner who owns retail giants like Bath & Body Works and Victoria's Secret, Billionaire Bill Gates, and Billionaire Donald Trump. Jamie Dimon is the CEO of Chase Bank which is allegedly where Epstein held his accounts.

Bank Runs Quietly Continue to Increase Where Depositors Cannot Withdraw Their Funds

While we have not seen a total collapse of the worldwide financial system yet, bank runs that began in 2022 with the collapse of FTX and the $billions that were lost when depositors were not able to withdraw their funds, continue to happen here in 2023, although they do not get headline news coverage. Last week, Pam Martens, writing for Wallstreet on Parade, reported that bank runs were happening at Silvergate Bank, a U.S. FDIC insured bank. Credit Suisse, the second largest bank in Switzerland, which saw bank runs begin last fall, continues to see a mass exodus of depositors as its stock continues to fall here in 2023. It was also reported last week that Blackstone had defaulted on a $562 million bond, and was blocking investors from cashing out their investments at its $71 billion real estate income trust (BREIT). Unfortunately, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg in terms of bank failures and bank runs that await depositors, and I am not the only one saying that, as the U.S. and many  European countries are now preparing for bank runs.

Ukraine has Become the Model Worldwide for Digital IDs and the Complete Digital Transformation of Society

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) have received a lot of attention in recent weeks, in both the alternative and corporate media, as pushback against them mounts. We reported last year that credit union and banking trade groups released a joint letter to the chair and ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, warning of “devastating consequences” if the Federal Reserve moves forward with a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Even the Wall Street Journal recently published an opinion piece warning against the implementation of CBDCs. China is further ahead than the U.S. in rolling out their Central Bank Digital Yuan, but they have had such a hard time getting people to use it, that they started giving it away during the recent Lunar New Year celebrations. Replacing a monetary system and convincing businesses and consumers to stop doing business and stop using cash, is not something that is going to be adopted overnight, and as we can see, there is going to be major pushback against this. However, the goal of a digitized society that requires a digital ID to participate in society and allows the government to pretty much track everything you do, can most certainly be accomplished without the full implementation of CBDCs, and in fact it is already happening in one country: Ukraine. Ukraine rolled out their digital ID and digital transformation program in 2014, which then kicked into high gear in 2020 when COVID was unleashed, and is now almost complete thanks to the war, and help from Elon Musk who provided satellites to connect all the Ukriane people to the Internet and the adoption of the Diia app. So while everyone has been worried about CBDCs and their loss of privacy in such an economic system, Ukraine has already developed a digital transformation of society that is now the example worldwide of how a government can track all of its citizens, even without a CBDC. About 9 years in development now, Ukraine is probably the model country on how to make a complete digital transformation of society. It is powered by American Big Tech companies, with Google services now providing the country's infrastructure. Zelenskyy even wants to hold the next elections via the app. What could go wrong?

Mississippi Today Investigation Exposes Dangers of One Doctor’s Reign Over Child Abuse Cases

Congratulations to Mississippi Today and their investigation into the state’s only child abuse pediatrician, and this doctor's reign of terror in destroying the lives of many families. We have been covering this very evil new pediatric sub-specialty among medical doctors for almost a decade now on our website, and we have published a book on the history and abuses these doctors cause, as the entire justification for their profession that employs them is to find "child abuse" and medically kidnap children to put them into the very lucrative child trafficking business. Please get this FREE e-book and read it so you can be informed about how this system operates and profits from medically kidnapping children, so that your family does not become one of the next victims.

Tacoma Woman Sent to County Jail for Refusing Health Department Advice on Treating her Alleged Illness

Unelected medical doctors can weaponize local "health departments" to incarcerate sick people who choose to reject a doctor's medical advice for their alleged illnesses, as a current case in Tacoma, Washington illustrates. Pierce County Superior Court Judge Philip Sorensen issued an arrest warrant for a Tacoma woman this week for allegedly refusing to take the advice of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department for the treatment of her illness, which they claim is "tuberculosis." This case is a classic example of how a medical doctor, in this case Dr. Anthony L-T Chen, the Director of Health of Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, who is an unelected politician, can order citizens to take certain medical treatments for their alleged illnesses, and if they disobey, can get a local judge to order them to be arrested for the purpose of forced medical treatments. What is especially troubling about this particular case is that the woman in question does not even speak English, and was not only subject to the actions of the Health Department and County Judge, but had to also accept an interpreter only approved by the Health Department. Her attorney has stated that she does not have proper understanding of the situation, and is denying that she has a medical condition. The attorney has also stated that the County Jail is the wrong place to treat this woman. When are we as a society going to finally start resisting these medical doctors turned politicians and their alleged authority to incarcerate people, or take away their children, for simply not taking their medical advice?

COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Doctors are Finally Starting to Speak Up

COVID-19 vaccine injured doctors are finally starting to speak up...and they are shocked that the medical establishment abandons them. "I apologize on behalf of my profession for refusing to listen to patients with vax injuries" - Dr.Michael Huang, physician who treated 4000 COVID patients says he’s seen hundreds of COVID-19 vaccine injuries, cancer, pregnancy loss, etc.