“Dataism” is the New Religion of AI and Transhumanism: Those Who Own and Control the Data Control Life

Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is one of the leading technocrats today who promotes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and makes techno-prophecies about the future, claiming that AI is advancing so rapidly, that we are the last generation of homo sapiens, because transhumans will soon replace us. Harari makes it clear that "dataism" is the new religion that fuels AI, and he claims: "We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us than we are different from neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. Now how exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data. Those who control the data control the future, not just of humanity, but the future of life itself, because data is the most important asset in the world." Yuval Noah Harari believes that one day we will be able to "hack humans", because he believes that the human mind is no different than a computer, and our thoughts are simply "biochemical algorithms." This is a religion, not science. It is based on a Darwinian biological view of life, which sees reality as simply the observations of the physical world, ignoring the human soul and spirit. In this new religion called "dataism," you must surrender your data to the network, whether you want to or not, because refusing to share all the personal data of your life is "a sin."

What is the Future of “Virtual Reality” and the Metaverse?

Author and futurist Bernard Marr says, “I’m super-excited about this technology,” but that comes with a warning about the potential perils of the metaverse. He has identified seven major problems and disadvantages highlighting the downsides to the virtual worlds. Most are quite knotty challenges, which won’t be easy to solve in a malleable, constantly evolving world open to deviant behavior.

No Vaccine No Food? Grocery Industry Merging with Big Tech and Big Pharma as New App Tracks Drug and Vaccine Purchases Along with Food

Big Food is making its move into the "digital health space" as grocery chain giant Albertsons announced the roll-out of its "Sincerely Health" platform along with a new app where customers "can connect data from wearables, integrate prescriptions, design their diet and make telehealth or vaccination appointments." Albertsons, which includes other mega grocery chains such as Safeway, Vons, Shaw’s, Jewel-Osco, Acme and Tom Thumb, among others, is currently in talks to merger with Kroger, another mega grocery chain, which would give them 36% control over the grocery supermarket business in the United States. Walmart, the largest grocery chain in the U.S., offers something similar, as they recently teamed up with Avanlee Care, which offers caregivers a similar platform integrated with Walmart shopping lists and pharmacy tools. Your grocery purchasing habits have been considered very valuable data for decades now, with most major supermarkets offering things like "loyalty" cards that give discounts on grocery products. But now, Big Food wants to merge that with your Big Pharma purchases as well, which would include prescription drug purchases as well as vaccines. It's not difficult then to see just how Big Food can now potentially use this data against you. These apps that combine your drug, vaccine, food, and doctor appointment purchases could easily be used in the future to prevent you from accessing these purchases if you do not comply with their requirements, such as being up-to-date on your vaccines. Those who receive government aid, such as food stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicare/Medicaid, etc., could all be tied into the information you provide on these apps. Don't do it! It is not worth the rebates or food coupon discounts you receive if you have to surrender your personal data to receive such "benefits."

Chinese Ship Uses Military-Grade Laser to Attack Philippine Ship and “Temporarily Blind” the Crew

The Philippines has accused China of “a blatant disregard” and “clear violation” of sovereignty, alleging that a Chinese coast guard ship last week directed a “military-grade laser light” at a Philippine Coast Guard ship in the hotly contested South China Sea, temporarily blinding the Filipino crew onboard. A statement released Monday by the Philippine Coast Guard said the Chinese vessel “illuminated the green laser light twice” and “also made dangerous maneuvers” to block a Philippine fleet from delivering supplies to another ship grounded at Second Thomas Shoal, also known as Ayungin Shoal, a disputed atoll 120 miles off the west coast of the Philippine island of Palawan.

Hazmat Warning Issued After Truck with Hazardous Chemicals Crashes in Tucson Arizona

A crash in south Tucson has prompted a shelter-in-place request for those nearby after a nitric acid spill, according to the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality. The shelter-in-place warning is in effect for all individuals within a mile radius of the crash, which is near Kolb Road along Interstate 10. Tucson Fire, Pima County Office of Emergency Management, Arizona DPS and the Department of Public Safety's Hazardous Materials Response Unit are working on the response.

CENSORED: Millions of People Worldwide Take to the Streets to Protest Against Tyranny

Most Americans living in the U.S. today are probably unaware of the massive protests that are currently happening in Europe and other places around the world. This past week has seen literally millions of people hit the streets to protest in France, Spain, Denmark, Israel, the U.K., and other places. I had to do a lot of digging to find most of this, as even the Alternative Media is not reporting on this much. You can find most of these stories in the corporate media, but they are not headline news, so you have to search for them. The world's financial system is on the brink of collapse, so it is to be expected that the corporate media does not want these massive protests to get headline news, which could trigger even more social unrest, and eventually bank runs. But based on the videos and articles I have looked at, current protests around the world right now might be larger than what we even saw during the lockdowns back in 2021. This should be headline news, but it is not.

“Get The Hell Out Of There” – Ohio’s Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On

While the US government is dispensing millions of dollars in resources to treat balloons as an existential crisis, a small town in Ohio finds itself engulfed in what actually looks like the apocalypse. Perhaps by design, all of the drama surrounding violations of US airspace by Chinese spy initiatives has done well to keep what is becoming one of the worst environmental disasters in recent memory from getting any headlines. The chaos began early last week when a train of more than 100 cars derailed in East Palestine, Ohio near the state’s border with Pennsylvania with roughly 5,000 residents. The accident launched fifty of those hundred freight cars from the tracks. Twenty of the freight cars on the train were carrying hazardous materials, ten of which were detailed. While the accident had no fatalities, of those ten cars, five contained pressurized vinyl chloride, a highly flammable carcinogenic gas. “The risks of catastrophic liquefied natural gas releases in accidents is too great not to have operational controls in place before large blocks of tank cars and unit trains proliferate,” the National Transportation Safety Board wrote in a comment... In response to that comment, critics of the rule highlighted how a potential explosion of just twenty-two tank cards filled with liquefied natural gas holds the same amount of explosive energy as the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in the waning days of the Second World War. The magnitude of this story has been seemingly scrubbed from the public view as national media outlets continue to run sensationalist headlines about issues that look innocuous in comparison. It is an instance of history being rewritten in real time, setting a precedent that would allow victims of other widespread devastation to be swept under the rug. However, the scenes of the horror engulfing this small town in America’s heartland may prove to make this disaster impossible to ignore.

Are “UFO” Sightings Preparing the Public for Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction as Happened in Turkey & Syria?

For the past week I have had readers email me information suggesting that the earthquake in Turkey and Syria was not natural, but the result of some kind of energy weapon. I have seen enough video footage of strange sightings in the sky just prior to the earthquake to give this theory some attention. Some are suggesting that this energy weapon of mass destruction is based on HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), and there are also now video clips circulating in the alternative media alleging that HAARP has been responsible for other disasters and earthquakes. As this theory has picked up traction for the past few days, others are now beginning to link what may have happened in Turkey and Syria to the sudden rash of corporate media reports about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) being shot down here in the U.S. and Canada, and now sources in China are alleging the same thing is happening in China. Are these UFO sightings preparing the public for more military deployments of energy weapons of mass destruction that will then be blamed on "invading aliens"? I put together a video presenting all the data and opinions. Examine the data for yourself, and research everything yourself, and then come to your own conclusions.

UNICEF’s History of Using Disasters to Vaccinate Children with the Oral Polio Vaccine that Spreads Polio

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is the world's largest distributor of vaccines to children internationally. Unlike the U.S. where most parents are brainwashed by the corporate media and the western allopathic medical system into believing that vaccines promote healthy children, many parents in poorer, developing countries are very wary of western vaccines, and resist them. When disasters strike these countries, as is happening today in Syria and Turkey, UNICEF is there to vaccinate as many children, and parents, as possible. The #1 vaccine that UNICEF gives to children in disaster areas, is the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is banned in western countries like the U.S., because it is known to "shed" and actually cause polio. The fact that the oral polio vaccine spreads polio, is not even a fact that is denied, as it has been published in the medical literature for over 2 decades now. At the end of 2019, just before the COVID Plandemic was unleashed upon the world, NPR and other corporate U.S. media sources finally began to publish news admitting that the oral polio vaccine was a failure, and actually causing polio. But that has not stopped the United Nations, and specifically UNICEF, from continuing to purchase these vaccines and give them to children, especially during times of disaster.

Gigablast: The Private Search Engine that Does NOT Use Google or Bing’s Data

There are many search engines today that claim to protect your privacy, with Duckduckgo.com being the most popular alternative to Google and Microsoft's Bing. But the problem with these alternative privacy-oriented alternative search engines, is that they still use the data and search results from either Google or Bing (Duckduckgo.com uses Bing), so even if your search is private, it does not solve the issue of censorship where Google and Bing use algorithms to decide which results to display for your search. The only search engine that I have found so far that builds its own data set and does NOT use Google or Bing, is Gigablast. Gigablast is also the engine behind private.sh, launched in 2020, which claims to be the only private search engine that offers cryptographically-secured privacy. While private.sh has a cleaner interface, I still like Gigablast.com because it has more features. For example, in the settings, you can choose to "Show banned results." There are also links to run your search through duckduckgo.com to see results based on Bing's data, and startpage to see results based on Google's data.