Biden’s DOJ Arrests Bankman-Fried in Unprecedented Move to Prevent Him from Incriminating Himself Before Congress

Within one day the entire narrative surrounding the downfall of Billionaire Crypto King Sam Bankman-Fried has gone from "why hasn't this guy been arrested yet," to "what is the government afraid he is going to reveal?" Who all is this guy connected to, and just how far does the corruption spread? Yesterday, one day before he was scheduled to appear in Congress before Maxine Waters, the DOJ issued an arrest warrant and authorities in the Bahamas, finally, arrested Bankman-Fried. But now he can't testify before Congress. According to criminal defense attorney Jonathan Turley, this is unprecedented. Never before has the plaintiff in a criminal case, in this case the U.S. Department of Justice, intervened to prevent a defendant from testifying before Congress where he would have undoubtedly incriminated himself and made their case a slam dunk. I think this bizarre story has now gone from "will he be arrested" to "will he be suicided away, like Jeffrey Epstein, to protect the guilty?"

Bailouts Start: Union Pensions Get $36 BILLION as BIS Warns of Potential Catastrophic Financial Collapse in 2023

After betraying the U.S. Railroad Unions last week by forcing them into a labor agreement they did not want, the Biden Administration announced $36 BILLION bailout of pensions with 350,000 union members, including many truck drivers. I wonder how many union members will actually sleep soundly after this promise by President Biden? Will that money actually be there when they retire, and if so, what will its value be? The big financial news of the past week came out of Switzerland and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which reported that there are $80 trillion of hidden, off-balance sheet dollar debt in FX swaps (derivatives.) Shortly after this report was issued, analysts at BlackRock stated that we should "get ready for a recession unlike any other," and that Central Banks will not be able to bail out everyone.

Banks Freeze Funds of Pro-Free Speech Video Platform Bitchute

As our regular readers know, Health Impact News is committed to publishing the truth and exposing evil, wherever that path leads, as I own 100% of the Health Impact News network with no debt and no investors. I also do not derive any personal income from Health Impact News, as my income comes from my online store, Healthy Traditions. Therefore, we can publish anything we want, and we can afford to lose readers who are offended by the Truth. Of course that has been happening in mass since 2020, not only because of Big Tech censorship, but also because we do not support either political party in the United States, and therefore expose evil from both the Right and Left political spectrum. This has led to many on the Right, especially Trump supporters, to attack us and stop reading our articles. When it comes to publishing video content, since YouTube has no longer been an option for some time now, we have found Bitchute to be the best platform, mainly because they we can turn off comments there to silence the trolls, mostly from the Right, and because Bitchute doesn't seem to take a political position one way or another. When it comes to searching for videos that may be banned elsewhere, Bitchute is the best platform, by far. Based out of the U.K., Bitchute has been our safest place to publish video content. Many other video platforms that claim to promote "free speech" really only mean Right Wing "free speech." We had to mostly stop publishing on Rumble, for example, because there is no way to turn off comments, and it was too time consuming to babysit the comment section where many people on the Right wanted to attack us and trash our videos. Rumble has also deleted some of our videos with no warning and no explanations. I don't call that "pro-free speech," especially when your enemies and critics can come in and hijack your content and you have no way to ban them or turn off comments. We left Gab for similar reasons. On most of these alternative "pro-free speech" platforms, it is just assumed that you support Trump and MAGA political talking heads. We do not. However, Bitchute is now under attack themselves, and banks are freezing their assets, putting this excellent online video platform in danger.  They are trying to get their message of censorship out to the rest of the world with a campaign they have started on GiveSendGo, which we are republishing here. Health Impact News does NOT accept donations, and any donations sent to us are returned to the sender. So we would never ask the public for money. I do recommend supporting Bitchute, however, as this online platform will be a huge loss to the Health Freedom Movement if the Globalists get their way and force them off the Internet.

America’s Holocaust: 2nd Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer COVID-19 Experimental Shot

Today, December 11, 2022, marks the 2nd year anniversary of the day the Pfizer COVID-19 shot was authorized for distribution by an Executive Order from President Donald Trump after the FDA gave it an emergency use authorization against the advice of thousands of doctors and scientists. The FDA was actually reluctant to authorize it so fast, but President Trump threatened to fire Dr. Stephen Hahn, who was the Commissioner of the FDA at the time, if he did not approve the shots according to Trump's timeline. This is the day America's Vaccine Holocaust began, and the pro-Zionist Evangelical Christians are working hard to get Mr. Trump re-elected, as they blame Anthony Fauci and everyone else besides Trump for the millions of Americans who have suffered and died from these shots. Here is a video I created to help people not forget what happened 2 years ago.

Freemason Satanist Technocrat Elon Musk: The New Idol of the Christian Right

Freemason Donald Trump has new competition among his faithful followers on the Christian Right, as a new savior is being crowned in the Conservative Right alternative media. "Elon Musk set out to save civilization when he bought Twitter. He meant it. Civilization can only be saved through free and open communication and not behind walls constructed by elitists and totalitarians. On Saturday Elon Musk released the Twitter Files, Part 4 report on the company’s discussions on the censoring and banning of United States President Donald Trump." (Source: Gateway Pundit) Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter and revealing previously censored information against Trump and conservatives, is undoubtedly being observed by those on the Christian Right as an "answer to prayer" as a new coalition of Christian Pastors is forming to help Donald Trump get re-elected. "Jackson Lahmeyer, the Oklahoma United States Senate candidate who took on anti-Trump incumbent James Lankford, has launched a new organization to rally the evangelical faithful to President Donald J. Trump’s corner ahead of the 2024 GOP primary. President Trump has long ties to the Christian evangelical community, despite what the fake news media wants to say. Pastor Lahmeyer gained recognition during his campaign for offering religious exemptions to help his fellow citizens escape the deadly COVID-19 vaccine. Pastors for Trump, is geared towards organizing Christians across the United States." (Source: Gateway Pundit) What could be more insane than a "Pastor" who "gained recognition during his campaign for offering religious exemptions to help his fellow citizens escape the deadly COVID-19 vaccine" starting an organization of other "pastors" to put back into office the very man who funded the COVID-19 gene altering shots, and then pressured the FDA to pass it? I am not sure there is anything more dysfunctional than that, but if there is, it is calling Elon Musk the "savior of civilization" and supporter of "free and open communication and not behind walls constructed by elitists and totalitarians." Could it be that Freemason Satanist Elon Musk will soon be joining forces with fellow Freemasonist Donald Trump, and turning Twitter into the world's largest surveillance tool in the U.S., similar to China's WeChat which is used for social credit scores and Covid vaccine passports?

Bloodless Medicine and Surgery: The Case AGAINST Blood Transfusions

I used to think that religious groups, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, were the only ones against blood transfusions. But did you know that blood transfusions are a fairly recent medical practice, mainly becoming popular with the start of allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in the 1800s here in the U.S.? How did the human race survive for thousands of years before that without blood transfusions? I was actually surprised to learn that there are mainstream medical facilities in the U.S. that practice "Patient Blood Management" and discourage the use of blood transfusions, due to the risk of contaminated blood, long before the current COVID vaccine blood contamination controversy. There are actually hospitals and doctors in the U.S. who perform surgeries today, even open heart surgeries, without using blood transfusions. One of those hospitals is Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in Englewood, New Jersey, which claims to be the first hospital in the U.S. to offer bloodless surgeries and medicine. They claim that the scientific data supports the practice of bloodless medicine and surgery with much better patient outcomes than patients who receive blood transfusions. They have produced a 53-minute documentary about how Englewood progressed from offering bloodless medicine and surgery only for specific groups of people requesting it, in this case the Jehovah's Witnesses, to making it the standard care of practice for ALL patients, because science and ethics demanded it. They have now trained many doctors from around the world, and other hospitals and medical centers in the U.S. now also offer bloodless medicine and surgery.

Study: India’s 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Caused Approximately 3.7 Million Deaths

A new study published by Denis Rancourt claims that "India experienced a unique, sudden, unprecedented and extraordinarily large excess all-cause mortality event in April-July 2021," and that "after an overview of four recently published studies that have quantified the April-July 2021 excess all-cause mortality event, we give ten numbered arguments as to why we conclude that the extraordinary mortality event was caused by India’s vaccine rollout in its early stages. Therefore, it appears that the early rollout of the vaccine in India in April-July 2021 was devastating, causing the deaths of approximately 3.7 million residents, approximately 350 million doses of the vaccine are administered."

Criminal FDA Authorizes Pfizer and Moderna Bivalent Booster COVID Injections for Babies 6 Months Old to 4 Years

The criminal FDA today gave an emergency use authorization for the deadly new Bivalent COVID shots for babies as young as 6 months old. There were no advisory committee meetings to discuss this, just a review of the documentation provided by the companies who supply the shots, Pfizer and Moderna. We can trust them, right? Just a reminder, these Bivalent shots were just authorized last September, and it was the first time in history that the FDA authorized a "vaccine" without any completed testing done on humans. All three drug companies that have EUA COVID vaccines in the U.S., Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, have former FDA Commissioners working for them. Keeping the COVID Plandemic active by declaring it to be a continuing "National Emergency," the FDA is pushing to the limits just what they can do under the cover of "emergency use" which means the drug manufacturers can effectively use the American public as their laboratory, since going through the proper FDA approval channels to get a new vaccine to market on average takes about 10 years. Since these Bivalent booster shots were authorized 3 months ago, there have been 10,547 reported cases of harm to the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 90 deaths. They were authorized to be injected into children between the ages of 5 and 11 in October, and there are now 1,151 reports of harm done to children in VAERS. And just a reminder, less than 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS. And as of today, the FDA has authorized them to be injected into babies as young as 6 months old. The politicians in Washington D.C. will not do anything about this, even though Senator Ron Johnson had another meeting this week in D.C. to testify about these facts. This is like the 4th or 5th time Senator Johnson has done this. And what has been the result? The FDA continues to authorize more shots. Parents continue to ignorantly harm their children with experimental gene therapy shots. Not a single Governor has the courage to stop these shots, and neither does anyone in Washington D.C.  Big Pharma owns them all. So you're on your own. Do your research. Share this with others.

Evangelical Christian Dr. Francis Collins and Advisor to President Biden Says “300,000 People” Have Died due to COVID Vaccine Misinformation

Dr. Francis Collins, the former head of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and Anthony Fauci's boss, is now the current "science advisor" to President Biden. In an interview with Shannon Firth published on MedPage Today, Collins stated that: "An estimated 300,000 people died because they passed over a free, safe, and effective vaccine after misinformation clouded their judgment." Collins has previously called for COVID-19 "conspiracy theorists" to be "brought to justice" for opposing COVID-19 vaccines, and he is the brainchild behind the Biologics project to get as many Christian leaders and organizations to promote the COVID-19 shots as possible. I am sure Collins hates Health Impact News and other sites like ours, that like to educate the public about the factual data regarding the COVID vaccines, such as what is reported in the Government's own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). According to Collins, anyone who doesn't have a science degree cannot understand this data, and so it should not be shared with them. Francis Collins is a liar and murderer, and his use of Christianity to promote the deadly COVID-19 "vaccines" is what has actually led to millions of Christians around the world to trust Christian leaders and suffer injuries and death due to the COVID-19 "vaccines." One does not need a "science degree" to interpret the data. You just need to be able to read, period. But so few do today, and prefer rather to listen to talking heads like Collins and their religious leaders to tell them what to believe. Stop listening to these so-called "experts" who only rely on an appeal to authority and could care less what the actual facts are. Start reading and researching for yourself, and start by making reading the Bible a part of your daily habit and routine, so you can spot the false prophets like Collins easily enough. You also don't need a pastor, priest, rabbi, or imam to explain the Bible to you. Just read it for yourself!

Hospital Medically Kidnaps Baby Because Parents Wanted Unvaccinated Blood Supplied by Their Donors

A court decision in New Zealand today allowed a hospital to take custody of a 4-month-old baby simply because the parents wanted the hospital to use blood from their own donors who have not been vaccinated with mRNA shots for a heart surgery procedure. Former TV news reporter, Liz Gunn, who is with FreeNZ Media and has apparently been the only one giving the parents' side of the story, gave a brief update shortly after the court's decision. She later posted a longer video with an interview with Sue Grey, the parents' attorney. I have been covering "medical kidnapping" for over a decade now, and this story is a frightening warning about the world we now live in post COVID-19, where science and facts are meaningless, and being on the correct side of a political issue is all that matters. So called "courts of law" all over the world now have ruled in favor of medical authorities, not based on evidence and facts, but based on political correctness. We have seen this in the U.S. where even the Supreme Court has upheld rulings on vaccine mandates, such as the one in New York City, where sports players and entertainers were exempt from COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but city employees, such as police, firemen, sanitation workers, etc., were not exempted. These parents did not refuse medical treatment nor their doctors' advice, according to their own testimony, but simply wanted to have unvaccinated blood supplied by approved pediatric donors. The doctors disagreed, saying that vaccinated blood is perfectly safe, and in the end the parents apparently lost custody of their baby simply because they were labeled as "conspiracy theorists" and dared to disagree with the doctors.