The Fantasy of Autonomous Self-Driving Cars is Coming to an End as Tesla Faces DOJ Criminal Probe

For years now the technocrats have made huge predictions about how technology is rapidly advancing and is poised to replace humans, or become hybrids with them, in the not-too-distant future. The problem with this soaring faith in technology is that many of the lofty techno-prophecies have been largely science fiction, and the kind of propaganda that Hollywood has been brainwashing people to believe in for decades now. Starting with the mega box office successful Star Wars films back in the 1970s, along with popular TV franchises such as Star Trek, the technocrats have brainwashed the public into believing that such technology as replicating food at the push of button, or transporting people through space, or android and holographic "people" were the destiny of technology, and how it would become a normal part of our lives. Well, welcome to 2022, where none of that stuff has happened yet, and never will, because it is all science fiction. But we now have several generations of people who still believe in the techno-prophecies, and some of them have become billionaires where they could actually throw a ton of money into trying to invent some of this science fiction. Perhaps the one technology that has received some of the most techno-prophecy funding is "self-driving vehicles." Well if no one else has publicly said this yet, I will be happy to be the first one to do so: The fantasy of completely autonomous self-driving vehicles that will replace human drivers is now officially DEAD. Reuters announced this week that the DOJ has started a criminal probe into Tesla's claims of "self-driving" cars, which allegedly began last year, and is perhaps the reason why Andrej Karpathy, the former head of Tesla's AI department and Autopilot driving assistance software, abruptly quit this past July after working on Tesla's self driving vehicle system for five years. While not mentioning the Reuters' exclusive report on the DOJ's criminal probe into Tesla, Ford and Volkswagen announced this week that they were halting further investments into AI self-driving vehicles, forcing Argo AI, an AV technology startup founded by Uber and Google veterans, to shut down.

In Stunning Strategy Reversal, Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat

As Bloomberg just reported, the Pentagon's new National Defense Strategy rejects limits on using nuclear weapons long championed by arms control advocates (and, in the not too distant past, by Joe Bide) citing burgeoning threats from Russia and China. “By the 2030s the United States will, for the first time in its history face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries,” the Defense Department said in the long-awaited document issued Thursday. In response, the US will “maintain a very high bar for nuclear employment” without ruling out using the weapons in retaliation to a non-nuclear strategic threat to the homeland, US forces abroad or allies. In yet another stark reversal for the senile occupant of the White House basement, in his 2020 presidential campaign Biden had pledged to declare that the US nuclear arsenal should be used only to deter or retaliate against a nuclear attack, a position blessed by progressive Democrats and reviled by defense hawks. But, like with every other position held by the pathological liar who even trumps Trump in the untruth department, this one has just been reversed as well as "the threat environment has changed dramatically since then" and the Pentagon strategy was forged in cooperation with the flip-flopping White House. The nuclear strategy document doesn’t spell out what non-nuclear threats could produce a US nuclear response, but current threats include hypersonic weapons possessed by Russia and China for which the US doesn’t yet have a proven defense. It does spell out, however, in the strongest terms, what would happen to another nuclear power, North Korea, if it launched a nuclear attack on the US, South Korea or Japan. That action “will result in the end of that regime,” it says. US nuclear weapons continue to play a role in deterring North Korean attacks. So, the brilliant neocon minds behind the report concluded, it is better to instill the fear of a disproportionate nuclear retaliation, thus making an outright nuclear attack far more likely (if the US will nuke you anyway, may as well go all out).

Has Florida Become the Top State in the U.S. for Medical Kidnapping and Child Trafficking?

Florida is rapidly becoming the go-to State for people fleeing the rapidly decaying mega urban centers in the U.S., and that includes some of the richest and most famous billionaires who have recently moved their residency to Florida, such as former President Donald Trump and Oracle founder Larry Ellison, among others. Even Ukraine President and alleged Billionaire Volodymyr Zelensky has a $35 million dollar mansion in South Florida, where he will undoubtedly retire to if the war in his country doesn't go his way. And with Wall Street mega-bank criminals now starting their own virtual stock exchange, MEMX, it is probably only a matter of time before South Florida replaces New York's Wall Street as the new residence of most of the world's billionaires and bankers who can just work online while hitting the Florida beaches. Tragically, one thing that seems to follow the rich and famous in this country is the problem of human trafficking, and specifically child sex trafficking, as even Jeffrey Epstein ran a major portion of his child sex trafficking operation through South Florida. As we have reported numerous times over the years, the #1 source for child trafficking in the United States is the corrupt child welfare program that funds foster care and adoptions in the U.S. You can learn more about this corrupt system of child trafficking that imperils all of the nation's children every day on our Medical Kidnapping website. Thanks to some good local reporting in Florida, many families who have had their children taken away from them illegally by the State of Florida are fighting back and now suing the State of Florida, naming Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Executive Director of the Florida Department of Health Dr. Joseph Ladapo as defendants.

The Myth that the Two Party Democrat vs. Republican Choices Bring Different Results Through “Elections”

With national elections just days away now here in the United States, this is a good time to review the facts regarding the U.S. two-party system where during national elections the public heads to the polls, or votes via the mail, for either a Democrat or Republican candidate for elected office. The general belief among most who cast votes is that the United States is a "democratic" nation where "public servants" are elected by the people to serve their electorate in Washington D.C. in the House of Representatives and Senate (Congress), and as the President of the United States. However, this notion that the people of the United States choose their leaders who then determine public policy as a representative of their constituents, is a myth. It is actually quite easy to see that this popular belief is not a fact, but to see this truth one has to divorce themselves from their political belief system, and much like religious beliefs, very few people seem to be able to do so. When people hang on to a belief in an ideology, rather than objectively look at the facts and try to come to an unbiased opinion based on reason, they are open to manipulation by propaganda, and those who control the flow of information. For this system of perceived "democracy" to work where the masses are fooled into believing that they have some kind of control over how the country is run through the election process, there MUST be a two-party system, and two ONLY, and those two parties have to have a perceived opposition to each other on the "issues." Because the one thing the Globalists who actually run the country fear the most, is a unified public where the masses wake up and discover that "the emperor has no clothes," and instead of half the country fighting the other half, they join forces and fight the true enemies of the people: the Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers.

NY Supreme Court Judge Strikes Down NYC COVID Vaccine Mandate on City Workers – Orders Back Pay and Jobs Returned

In a rare sign that maybe some judicial sanity was returning in regards to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, New York Supreme Court Judge Ralph Porzio ruled yesterday that New York City's mandate on COVID-19 vaccines for city employees was unconstitutional.  Chad LaVeglia, the attorney for the Plaintiffs, who were NYC Sanitation workers, stated that the Judge ruled against the city because the vaccine mandate was "arbitrary and capricious." In what should be a "slam dunk" case, the main issue was that the NYC Mayor lifted the COVID-19 vaccine mandates for people in professional sports and the entertainment industry, but not city workers such as policemen, firefighters, sanitation workers, etc., back in March this year. Nevertheless, the city is appealing the ruling: "The city strongly disagrees with this ruling as the mandate is firmly grounded in law and is critical to New Yorkers' public health. We have already filed an appeal. In the meantime, the mandate remains in place as this ruling pertains solely to the individual petitioners in this case. We continue to review the court's decision, which conflicts with numerous other rulings already upholding the mandate." Attorney Chad LaVeglia who litigated the case has a different perspective, however: "It (the mandate) is null and void. We just defeated the vaccine mandate for every single city employee." In his interview with NYC for Yourself, he stated that the sanitation workers were going back to work (today) at 6 a.m. The judge also ordered the city to pay back lost wages since the mandate started.

Public Health Scotland Investigates Rise in Neonatal Infant Deaths but Refuses to Check Vaccination Status of Mothers

Dr. John Campbell recently posted a video summarizing the news regarding the increase in neonatal deaths in Scotland, and Public Health Scotland's (PHS) investigation into these excess deaths. It was published less than a week ago, and at the time of publication today it has over 650,000 views and over 12,000 comments. I am amazed that YouTube has allowed this video to remain up (so far.) While PHS is investigating what might be causing these excess deaths, one thing they are NOT investigating is whether or not the mother was vaccinated with a COVID-19 shot. The Herald Scotland reported: PUBLIC health experts ruled out any link between spikes in neonatal deaths and the Covid vaccine without checking whether any of the infants' mothers had received the jag during pregnancy. Experts stressed that there was no 'plausible' link between the unusually high levels of mortality among newborns in September last year and March this year to justify investigating maternal vaccination status. In a statement, PHS added that there was also a risk that “identifying the vaccination status of the mothers, even at aggregate level, would result in harm to those individuals and others close to them, through actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision”. Furthermore “the outcomes of such analysis, whilst being uninformative for public health decision making, had the potential to be used to harm vaccine confidence at this critical time”. Scottish medical doctor Malcolm Kendrick has been a skeptic and critic of the medical community for years, challenging dogma on cholesterol and heart disease. Like many doctors in the medical field, he apparently has never questioned vaccines in the past, but when he started questioning things about the COVID-19 vaccines, he was totally unprepared for the responses and attacks that came for even daring to ask questions. In a blog he posted yesterday he concluded: "Science, to me, is debate. Science is attacking ideas from all directions. No exceptions. Those ideas which cannot be destroyed may turn out to be correct. But, if an idea is considered sacrosanct, with anyone questioning it condemned as an unbeliever, then we do not have science. We have religion. So yes, in my opinion, vaccines, and vaccination, have become a religious belief. No evidence needed."

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Caused 84% of All Deaths Recorded in VAERS for the Past 32 Years – Pfizer #1 in Vaccine Deaths, Even Before COVID

The U.S. Government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was started in 1990 to track injuries and deaths reported after receiving a vaccine. Congress mandated by law that the government maintain this database as part of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Since the emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 vaccines in December of 2020, through the latest update of the VAERS database on October 14, 2022, 84% of all deaths reported after vaccination for the past 31+ years have been reported following COVID-19 vaccines. The company that has produced the most vaccines resulting in deaths recorded in VAERS is Pfizer, and they held that top honor even before they partnered with Biontech to produce their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, when they partnered with Wyeth to produce other various vaccines. Moderna, which had never produced a vaccine before producing their mRNA COVID vaccine in 2020, now holds the second spot at nearly 24% of all deaths ever recorded following a vaccine injection. As the public becomes more aware of these government statistics in VAERS, there are efforts to downplay their significance. One argument is that since there were so many doses of the COVID-19 vaccine administered, the statistics are naturally higher for adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines. Well, that claim is very easy to debunk using the U.S. Government's own statistics. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has published a report that lists the total number of doses administered for all FDA approved vaccines from 2006 through 2021. So let's compare the number of cases filed in VAERS and the number of deaths reported to VAERS for the second most deadly vaccine according to VAERS, which HIB, Haemophilus influenzae, a vaccine that is primarily given to babies and children under the age of 5. Prior to the COVID-19 EUA vaccines, it was the most deadly vaccine given to children.

U.S. Deploys 101st Airborne Division to Europe as Russia Warns Ukraine Preparing False Flag Dirty Bomb Attack

With up to 40% of the Ukraine power grid now down and millions of people without electricity as winter sets in, tens of thousands of Ukrainians are trying to flee the country, as the United States appears to be getting ready to take America to war and start engaging Russian forces. Could this be the "October surprise" the Biden Administration has been planning in an effort to affect upcoming elections in November? CBS News reported Friday that the elite "Screaming Eagles," a light infantry unit from the 101st Airborne's home base in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, have been deployed to Romania, just a few miles from the Ukraine border. It is reportedly the first time in almost 80 years that the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Europe, which brings the number of U.S. troops now in Europe up to around 100,000. Meanwhile, in further signs that the conflict in Ukraine is quickly escalating, Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu, has warned that their intelligence sources claim that Ukraine is getting ready to launch a "false flag" dirty bomb attack in their own country, and then blame it on Russia. There are also reports that China intelligence is picking up similar signals, as they recently ordered the evacuation off all Chinese citizens still in Ukraine. Further evidence that the U.S. is planning to get involved and directly confront Russian forces comes from reports that retired U.S. Army General David Petraeus has been talking to NATO countries to warn that "the United States may lead a multinational coalition against Russia in Ukraine regardless of NATO involvement."

Pro-Vaccine GOP Governors Make Meaningless Statements on COVID Shots as Children in Their States Die and are Crippled Every Day from Vaccines

The biggest news story this past week in the Alternative Media was the announcement by the CDC that their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was recommending that the 2023 childhood and adult immunization schedule include "approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines." While here at Health Impact News we obviously vigorously disagree with the ACIP recommendation, this decision has been completely politicized by the Right Wing Alternative media and the Corporate Media outlet Fox News. Since the CDC ACIP voted to include COVID-19 vaccines into the immunization schedule, some Republican Governors, probably taking their cue from Tucker Carlson on Fox News, have made statements to the public to vow "not to institute mandates in their states." Do any of these governors oppose other vaccines in the CDC schedule that are killing and maiming children? No! ALL of these governors, as well as other Republican politicians, are PRO-VACCINE, and that includes the COVID-19 vaccines. You don't believe me? Listen to them say so in their own words in this 6-minute video I put together. All of these Republican Governors are pro-vaccine, and every one of them has a record in VAERS of people dying and being injured from the vaccines on the CDC schedule in their state since they have been in office. They have done nothing to stop schools from following the CDC schedule, just as they have done nothing to stop clinics and schools from giving out the EUA COVID-19 vaccines to children, because they believe "parents should have the choice" as to whether or not they should try to kill their child with an experimental vaccine, while at the same time making efforts to make it illegal to kill their unborn child still in the womb. What a bunch of hypocrites! In one case a parent's choice is illegal to harm a child (abortion), but in the case of COVID-19 bioweapons, it is perfectly legal (although in some cases not recommended) to harm their child with deadly vaccines. What a mockery to the "Pro-life" Republican position, as they try to position themselves against vaccines that are killing and crippling children in their states every single day. If these governors are serious about opposing these dangerous bioweapon shots, they need to stop giving their "Surgeon Generals" all the spotlight to talk (which is ALL they are doing!) about how dangerous the COVID shots are, and start talking to their Attorney Generals about arresting and trying the criminals who run the FDA, CDC, and HHS that have allowed these shots to be inflicted upon the public. Until that happens, they are all still part of the problem, not the solution.

11 More Deaths Added this Week to VAERS for New COVID-19 Booster Shots – 37 DEAD 4,415 Cases Since Authorized Sept. 1st

The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was updated today, and another 1,183 cases were added following the recently authorized Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters from Moderna and Pfizer, including 11 new deaths. There are now 4,415 cases including 37 deaths, 42 permanent disabilities, 420 ER visits, and 154 hospitalizations following the injection of these new booster shots from Pfizer and Moderna. The Bivalent boosters were just authorized by the FDA on September 1, 2022, and then authorized for children on October 12, 2022. The total number for ALL COVID-19 authorized vaccines recorded in VAERS is now 1,442,261 cases, including 31,569 deaths, 59,127 permanent disabilities, and over 180,000 hospitalizations. Dr. Spiro Pantazatos, PhD, an Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center and also a Research Scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute with a special focus on biomedical informatics, computational neuroimaging, neuroscience, and mental health, recently appeared on the Dr. Drew show and explained how he saw an increase in mortality rates following the COVID-19 mandates in 2021, and co-authored a study documenting his research. A search in the medical literature indexed at the U.S. Government's National Library of Medicine shows that Dr. Spiro Pantazatos has authored over 40 published studies. While life insurance companies began screaming from the rooftops in the late spring of 2022 about excess mortality rates, Dr. Pantazatos was well ahead of the game, producing a paper that demonstrated this link in October 2021. But nobody wanted to read his findings, and no medical journal would publish the paper. “It was diplomatically rejected by many editors at medical journals,” he told Dr. Drew.