Zionist Organization of America: Trump “Best Friend Israel ever had in the White House”

The Zionist Organization of America, which works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations and combat anti-Israel bias, announced last Friday that it will award the “rarely given” Theodor Herzl Medallion to former U.S. President Donald Trump.  In an email sent to its members, the ZOA said it was honoring the former president “for being the best friend Israel ever had in the White House.”  Dr. Miriam Adelson, physician and billionaire, will present Trump’s award on Nov. 13 at the Zionist Organization’s national awards dinner in New York City.

Israeli Company Introduces 3D Printed “Meat” As The Future Of Food – to be Exported to Netherlands to Replace Farmers

An Israeli company called Redefine Meat has announced a deal to partner with an importer that will deliver its lab-grown meat into Western Europe, where World Economic Forum-puppet governments are forcing ranchers and farmers to cull their herds of beef cattle, chickens and swine. Redefine Meat markets its product under the brand name “New Meat,” using 3D printers to manufacture pieces of meat that mimic steaks, tenderloins and other choice cuts, it said in a release last Thursday. They use genetically modified cells to grow this “meat” in a lab. The U.S. government wants us to eat genetically modified fake meat. We know this because the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in a press release in November 2018, during the Trump administration, to jointly regulate and approve the production of lab-grown meat in America.

Alert: No Routine COVID Shots for Kids

On October 20, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will be meeting. One of the agenda items appears to be a vote to recommend adding COVID-19 shots to the immunization schedule for children. This is a dangerous idea that will only benefit the vaccine manufacturers at the expense of the best interests of kids and their parents.  Not only do the shots have essentially no meaningfully positive impact on children’s health, the fact that the risk of severe adverse events are greater than any potential small benefit is becoming increasingly evident. A decision by the CDC to make COVID-19 shots a routine childhood vaccination would not only ensure a steady revenue stream for manufacturers, but it would grant them continued liability protection once the public health emergency declaration ends.  In addition, many entities look to the CDC recommendations when they impose mandates, increasing the likelihood that a COVID shot could be required to attend school. 

Synagogue of Satan: Why It’s Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church

I am going to state right up front here that this article is not for everyone. My target audience are those of you who no longer feel comfortable or welcome in your Christian Church due to all the things that have happened during the past 2 plus years since the Plandemic was unleashed, or to those of you who see the insanity around you and are searching for answers to understand everything, but know all too well that you will not find those answers in organized religion, including the Christian religion. This article is addressing the true disciples of Jesus Christ, or those who want to be his disciples. So if you want to know if you are a disciple of Jesus or not, please first read the article I published a couple of weeks ago: "How to Determine if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ or Not." To those of you who are true disciples of Jesus Christ, and understand that it has cost you everything that this world values to follow Jesus on the narrow path, including family relationships, then this article is for you: It is time to leave the Christian Church, if you have not done so already. And while your Christian friends and family members will probably try to lay a guilt trip on you for doing so, you are in good company, because the disciples of Jesus Christ in the First Century, as recorded in the New Testament section of the Bible, did exactly the same thing.

Trump Claims he could “Easily” be Israeli PM – Is this why Pfizer Received First COVID Vaccine Authorization in U.S. and Exclusive Rights in Israel?

Former US President Donald Trump stated today that he is so popular in Israel, that he could "easily" be the Prime Minister there. And while he claims he is so popular in Israel, he acknowledged that Evangelical Christians are "far more appreciative" for what he has done for Israel, than "people of the Jewish faith" living in the U.S. Donald Trump continues to take credit for what he says was one of the greatest achievements of his term serving as President, which was forcing the FDA to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccines. Here at Health Impact News, we gave extensive coverage in 2020 to the $BILLIONS of government funds that were being handed out like candy to Big Pharma to produce COVID-19 vaccines, and the early front-runners to get the first nod from the FDA for an EUA COVID-19 vaccine were Anthony Fauci's funded Moderna, and Bill Gates's funded Astrazenca shots. When Pfizer joined the mix, it raised some concerns, as their deal with the U.S. government and Operation Warp Speed was reportedly different from the other drug companies, and was conditioned upon getting approval from the FDA, something Astrazenca never obtained in the U.S. The deal with Pfizer reportedly also did not involve intellectual property rights. Pfizer ended up being the first company to get an FDA EUA for what became the first, and most lucrative, COVID-19 vaccine, but it took threats from President Trump to fire then FDA head Stephen Hahn if he did not approve the Pfizer shot. Shortly after getting the FDA nod for the first COVID shot in the U.S., Israel agreed to an exclusive deal with Pfizer in return for sharing data on its population, effectively making Israel the world's laboratory for the experimental Pfizer COVID-19 injections.

Every American Executive and Engineer in China’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Resigned Last Week due to Biden’s Sanctions

A Twitter thread translated by Rhodium Group China expert Jordan Schneider - whose blog, China Talk, provides keen insight into the effects of the Biden administration's new export controls on the chip industry. To review, the Biden administration last week laid out new rules on chip exports based on US concerns that China will use AI to improve military capabilities, support surveillance for human rights abuses and "disrupt or manufacture outcomes that undermine democratic governance and sow social unrest," according to Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration Thea D. Rozman Kendler. The sweeping regulations will curb the sale of semiconductors and chipmaking equipment to its #1 geopolitical rival - which, as Bloomberg puts it, is "sending shockwaves through the $440 billion industry." In a Friday Twitter thread which he translated from Hedgehog Computing Group founder Xinran Wang (@lidangzzz), Schneider lays out the carnage in English: "To put it simply, Biden has forced all Americans working in China to pick between quitting their jobs and losing American citizenship," Schneider writes, adding "One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump."

White House Extends COVID Public Health Emergency Status to Get More People Vaccinated with Deadly New Boosters

The tyrannical decree to declare COVID-19 as a "Public Health Emergency" that ushered in unprecedented measures to ignore the Constitution of the United States and to lock everyone down and eventually start injecting Americans with experimental shots that have now resulted in massive deaths and injuries, which was first declared by President Donald Trump almost 3 years ago on January 31, 2020, was just extended by the Biden Administration this week. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear discerning the truth over the propaganda, it is obvious that this tyrannical decree was extended on behalf of Pfizer and Moderna, to continue justifying emergency use authorizations for experimental injections that otherwise would be illegal. This has always been the primary goal of the COVID-19 emergency measures started by Donald Trump in 2020 and his massive federal funding of Operation Warp Speed, which resulted in the addition of $TRILLIONS into the U.S. economy, bailing out Wall Street and the Central Bankers in the process. In order to justify this extension of the "Public Health Emergency," the State Department's medical authority talking heads had to lie to the American public, by stating that the current flavor of COVID-19 circulating around could only be stopped by the newly authorized COVID-19 "vaccines" produced by Moderna and Pfizer. White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Ashish Jha, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, are now complicit in criminal intent to commit mass murder in the United States. The FDA, CDC, and White House could not have authorized these new versions of the experimental COVID-19 shots without extending the "Public Health Emergency" status which overrides laws and Constitutional protections that prohibit drug companies from injecting experimental products into the bodies of American adults and children.

Over 1000 New Injury Cases Including 7 More Deaths Recorded this Week Following New COVID Bivalent Booster Shots

The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) maintained by the FDA and the CDC was updated today, and 1,064 new cases were added to the database this week, including 7 new deaths, following the newly launched COVID-19 Bivalent booster shots from Pfizer and Moderna. That brings the total to 3,232 cases including 26 deaths recorded in VAERS since this new COVID-19 vaccine was given emergency use authorization at the end of August, just 6 weeks ago. These dangerous shots were just granted emergency use authorization by the FDA this week to children as young as 5 years old. You or your children can receive one of these dangerous shots in all 50 states (and yes, this includes Florida - just call your local pharmacy and ask them). To date, there have been 1,437,273 cases filed in VAERS from ALL COVID-19 vaccines since December of 2020, including 31,470 deaths. That is 3 times more deaths following COVID-19 vaccines than deaths (9,149) following all other FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years (1990 through 2019). This is all public information based on the U.S. Government's own data, but the Corporate Media refuses to publish this, and if you share this information on Social Media platforms owned by Big Tech, they will flag it as "fake news" or just ban it completely.

Financial Collapse Is a Mathematical Certainty: The Perfect Storm Threatening the Dollar Hedgemony

After the 2008 stock market crash, governments, because the economy collapsed globally, started spending like drunken sailors. The last 14 years have been a ballooning of the sovereign debt bond bubble. Who’s going to save that bubble? Who’s going to be the buyer of all that debt when this bubble finally blows up? Answer: No one. Many who are aware of the situation are just surprised the system has lasted this long. It looked like it was ready to burst in September 2019, and then, conveniently, COVID showed up, which granted emergency powers to all central banks. Governments went on another spending spree, printing money, and this allowed them to kick the proverbial can down the road for another two years. Here we are in 2022 and it’s unraveling again. And the reason why COVID was important is because the Federal Reserve was able to plug the hole in what was beginning to become a liquidity debt crisis. COVID provided cover for the central banks and the governments, but it also allowed for a control system. If everything’s going to collapse, wouldn’t it be nice to have a control system where travel is restricted, you can blame it on a virus; you create vaccine passports, which then get linked to digital IDs, and then central bank digital currency. So, COVID was a convenient excuse. The Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires were prepared to sacrifice the globe in order to save their empires. And six months after the start of the Ukraine war, we find that the Rockefeller Empire is now doing their best to destroy the EU, along with the Rothschild Empire-whose base is Europe. It’s funny how things work.

1st Amendment Dies: $1 Billion Jury Verdict Against Alex Jones Bests Largest Defamation Case in U.S. History by Over $750 Million

No matter what your opinions are of Alex Jones, yesterday's jury verdict in Connecticut to pay $965 million in damages to Sandy Hook families and an FBI agent for calling the mass shooting a "hoax" a decade ago, should shock you in terms of the status of the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States that protects freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. I have been a journalist in the Alternative Media for over a decade, and have faced numerous threats and accusations of defamation and other charges over the content of the articles we publish at Health Impact News, especially in our Medical Kidnapping category. It has forced me to retain some of the top 1st Amendment attorneys in the nation, so this is a topic I have quite a bit of experience in. While the First Amendment protects freedom of speech for the Press, one cannot print lies that cause harm to the entity being criticized. Prior to this jury's verdict yesterday, the largest defamation case in U.S. history was a case in 1997 where a federal jury in Houston awarded $222.7 million to a local bond brokerage firm in a libel suit over a 1993 article in The Wall Street Journal. The brokerage firm, MMAR Group Inc., contended in its suit that the article made false statements that drove away its clients, causing the firm to close within a month of the article's appearance. The jury set $200 million in punitive damages and $22.7 million in compensation against Dow Jones & Company, the publisher of The Wall Street Journal. This jury verdict in Connecticut, therefore, is unprecedented in U.S. law, and exceeds the 1997 case against the Wall Street Journal by over $750 million. While the plaintiff in the WSJ case claims to have lost clients and their business, something that can be assessed a monetary value to, what exactly did the alleged victims in the Sandy Hook families lose, that warranted such an enormous amount of money?