The Polio Scam Makes a Comeback to Scare More Parents into Vaccinating Their Children – Vaccines NEVER Eradicated Polio: Vaccines CAUSE Polio

More and more people in the general public are waking up to the fact that the entire rationale used to vaccinate people is based on dogma, and not science, as many are now questioning those who control the vaccine agenda worldwide for perhaps the first time, with the result of many people choosing to not participate in this religious-like cult anymore. This can currently be seen by the very low number of parents choosing to give the deadly COVID-19 "vaccines" to their young children. For example, in an article published in the Philadelphia Inquirer a few weeks ago, they reported: "Only 4% of children under 5 in Pennsylvania have received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine." The Globalists have already publicly published their plans for the next big "plandemic" which is currently in operation now and revolves around the "monkeypox outbreak" among gay men. But within the past couple of weeks the corporate media has ramped up another scare tactic that seems to be targeted at children, by stating that polio is making a comeback, based on alleged detections of the "polio virus" in sewage and water treatment systems. This "polio virus" has allegedly been detected in London and New York City. The Associated Press reported a few days ago that children ages 1-9 in London are now eligible for booster doses of a polio vaccine. But here's the truth that is either not mentioned or buried in the details of the reports: these alleged "polio viruses" originate from individuals, mostly children, who have been vaccinated with the "live" oral polio vaccine (OPV), which has been banned for decades now in the wealthier nations because it is a well-known fact that these vaccines "shed" causing the infectious agent to pass through stools and urine and infect sewage and water treatment systems. Rather than ban these highly toxic and dangerous vaccines, however, they have been continued to be distributed to poorer countries in Africa and Asia (particularly Afghanistan and Pakistan.) The history of the polio vaccine and the corruption behind it is a topic we have covered for over a decade now on Health Impact News. We have been attacked and censored on the topic, stating that: 1. the polio vaccine never eradicated "polio" as they simply renamed the symptoms associated with "polio" to make it look like polio disappeared, and 2, the only people being infected with a "polio virus" today are those who were vaccinated for it with the live, oral polio vaccine. This was called a "conspiracy theory" for years by the corporate media, but the truth became so obvious that in 2019, months before the "COVID Pandemic" arrived, the corporate media finally admitted that the only cases of polio worldwide were caused by the polio vaccine. NPR even did an entire show on it. Just as there has been throughout the COVID-19 scam, honest doctors came forward over the years to expose the corruption in the polio vaccination campaigns, stating clearly that the polio vaccines were the problem, not the solution, but they were censored and even silenced. But we have preserved their work for the past 11 years, and in this article I am going to present you with all the information you need to know about polio, the Polio Scam, and the polio vaccine.

142 New Cases of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in Babies Added to VAERS as CDC Now States “Unvaccinated People Have Same Guidance as Vaccinated”

Another 142 new cases of COVID-19 vaccine injuries to babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old were added to the U.S. Government run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reported System) database today, bringing the total number of cases filed for this age group to 829 since the shots were authorized by the FDA a few weeks ago in June. Brain and heart injuries, hallucinations, anaphylactic shock, seizures, skin rashes, gastrointestinal injuries, hemorrhaging, and other serious conditions continue to be listed as side effects to these toxic shots being injected into babies and toddlers. As we have been reporting frequently for the past few weeks, many pro-vaccine and pro-pharma doctors and scientists are coming forward to sound the alarm on just how horrible these COVID-19 "vaccines" are, and the death and carnage that has followed. A video has surfaced in the alternative media featuring an Israeli Professor, Dr. Zvika Granot, Ph.D., who is on the Faculty of Medicine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He heads up the Granot Lab as the "Principal Investigator," focusing on "neutrophils" and cancer research. He is also a member of "The Public Emergency Council For The Covid19 Crisis in Israel," which is where this video apparently originated. Dr. Granot states: "We have already seen many distortions of science, lies and half-truths during the COVID crisis. More than once we have seen aggressive policies based on hopes that lack a scientific basis presented to the public as scientific facts. We have seen how economic and political entities presented distorted science and silence many scientists who think differently. Approving vaccination for babies and toddlers by the FDA in the USA and by the Ministry of Health in Israel, breaks all records of the theater of the absurd and raises deep doubts about the conduct of the regulators in the USA and Israel." The truly tragic thing about this corruption with the FDA and the CDC, is that yesterday the CDC finally backtracked on many of their COVID-19 measures that are recommended, stating that the focus should now be on "individual decisions," and that "unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people." People need to be tried, convicted, and executed over this.

How the Monkeypox Vaccine Scam Mirrors the COVID Vaccine Scam: Animal Trials show Monkeypox Vaccine does NOT Stop Transmission

Just like the COVID vaccines, turns out that in the animal experiments, Jynneos did not stop monkeys getting monkeypox, but did stop them from dying.   Since the current strain of monkeypox is mild, and virtually no one dies from monkeypox, this is another reason to avoid these dangerous vaccines like the plague—they won’t stop the infection! The US Government has created a fake shortage of vaccine. Well yes, of course, they always do that to fan the flames of demand. But this is a lot bigger than that. The USG already owns 16 million doses, stored frozen in Denmark, and had spent well over $1 Billion on Jynneos vaccines before Moneypox was identified in the west. Despite the Denmark factory's "fill and finish” facility being completed in 2021, and despite the USG allotting $44 million for “qualification” of that same facility in January 2019, the FDA only got around to finishing its inspection on July 27, 2022.   Because of the vaccine "shortage," the existing vaccine will get a liability waiver. How sweet is that? Jynneos is licensed, and is being used for its labelled indication (prevention of Moneypox) so the manufacturer is liable for injuries. The USG might also be liable, if it steered you wrong about the safety or efficacy of the vaccine…or if it hid a study it had conducted, for example. But since we have a shortage, the USG in its benevolence and wisdom is going to dilute it and give recipients instead a 20% dose, administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. But in order to make this kosher (kosher for whom?) the DHHS and FDA are issuing the vaccine an emergency use authorization, and we all know what that means. You can’t sue anybody even if the vaccine kills you.

You are 25X More Likely to be Injured and 20X more Likely to Die if you get the COVID Shot

The biggest lie that has been perpetrated in modern medicine is that "the science is settled" when it comes to the issue of vaccines, and that all vaccines are "safe and effective." We have been exposing this lie for over a decade now, combating the lies with REAL data and truth, such as comparing the health outcomes of children whose parents followed the CDC vaccine schedule and injected their children with all the recommended vaccines, with those parents who decided to not vaccinate their children. This is, by far, the most scientific way to determine if vaccines, ANY vaccine, is "safe and effective." But such studies have never been conducted by the federal government and their alphabet "health" agencies such as the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc. And when others privately conduct such studies, these federal bureaucratic medical tyrants do everything they can to discredit and vilify those conducting such studies, to prevent the public from having this information. Families who suffer from vaccine injuries to their children, and as a result then decide to not vaccinate future children that they have, also become homes in which the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children can be observed, and we have published many of their stories. So it should not surprise us at all that the current medical authorities have no desire whatsoever to compare the health outcomes of people who have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines with those who have not. This is information that they do NOT want to be disseminated to the public. Steve Kirsch has just published a very revealing article about two groups of people he has studied that contain both people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines and those who were not, comprising a sample of about 800 people, 200 of which attended a wedding about 8 months ago, and about 600 people who responded to a survey he published. The results of his analysis: "In the year after you are vaccinated with the COVID “vaccines” - you are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die, and expect at least a 7% rate of serious injury and a 2% chance of death." It is this kind of data the CDC and FDA do NOT want disseminated to the public, and is being heavily censored.

Nurse Shortages in Canada Lead to ER Closures – Whistleblower Nurse in Washington Describes Vaccine Injuries from Employment Mandate

The Counter Signal is reporting that there is a nationwide shortage of nurses in Canada that have led to multiple hospitals being forced to shut down their emergency departments. A nurse whistleblower from the State of Washington has come forward to tell her story about how she complied with COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and is now suffering, and how she has seen children brought into the hospital also suffering with COVID-19 vaccine injuries. She suffered from heart disease after the first shot, and had her doctor write her a medical exemption for the second vaccine. She lost her job in spite of the exemption, so she "regrettably" took the second dose to get her job back and now apparently has a damaged heart. She states: "I'm no longer living in fear of the repercussions about speaking the truth about this vaccine. Now I am seeing children that are getting vaccinated coming in to the hospital having multiple reactions to it. I'm tired of being silent."

Is the Untested and Dangerous Monkeypox Vaccine About to get an EUA to Avoid Legal Liability for Deaths and Injuries?

We saw throughout the COVID Plandemic that the pharmaceutical industry took advantage of "Public Health Emergency" designations to get the FDA to issue EUAs (emergency use authorization) to get new, untested vaccines into the market as soon as possible without proper testing, and more importantly for the pharmaceutical companies, no legal liabilities. With the W.H.O. and the U.S. Government now declaring monkeypox to be a "Public Health Emergency," could the same thing happen with new vaccines and drugs for monkeypox? The problem in issuing the existing smallpox/monkeypox vaccine an EUA, is that it was already approved by the FDA, even though it has not been tested in the public much beyond the initial trials conducted by the drug company. According to Dr. Meryl Nass, that may not stop them from figuring out a way to get the FDA to issue them an EUA to avoid legal liability: "Although I don't have the full story yet, I am warning you that the moneypox vaccine Jynneos is a huge scam, in every way, including the supposed shortage.  I will disclose more about that soon. But since it is actually licensed, the moneypox vaccine (like other licensed drugs and vaccines) has liability attached to it.  You can currently sue government program planners, the doctor who recommended it, the manufacturer, etc. if anything goes wrong. To forestall that, some crook came up with the idea of splitting the doses, under the guise of a fake shortage, which provides an excuse to make the lower dose an EUA--in other words, turning it into a product for which you cannot sue anyone if something goes wrong.  Pretty clever, eh?   Licensed products are not supposed to receive EUAs unless they are used for something different than what they were licensed for.  Splitting the dose does not change the fact it is licensed for monkeypox and being used for moneypox. Here is another possible but diabolical reason to split (dilute) the dose:  it potentially allows the federal government access to the vials--so the vials won't go straight from the manufacturer to the wholesaler but instead go somewhere else to be diluted.  And what is in the diluent?"

Japanese Cardiovascular Surgeon Calls for End to COVID-19 Booster Vaccines

Another pro-vaccine and pro-pharma medical doctor has come forward to expose the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Kenji Yamamoto, a cardiovascular surgeon at Okamura Memorial Hospital in Japan, has published a commentary in the Virology Journal titled: "Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them" He is calling for an end to COVID-19 booster vaccines, due to "waning of immunity with time" and due to the fact that "frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible."

Top Israeli Scientist: “Monkeypox Outbreak is Linked to mRNA Vaccines” – Twitter Censors Tweet

Pro-vaccine and pro-pharma scientists and medical doctors around the world continue to sound the alarm about the devastating effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. Israeli Professor Shmuel Shapira, MD, MPH, served as director general of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (“IIBR”) between 2013 and 2021, where he sought to develop an Israeli-made COVID-19 vaccine so that the country would not be dependent upon the American Pfizer-made shots. Dr. Shapira is also the founder and head of the Military Medicine Department of the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine and the IDF Medical Corps. In addition, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University in Israel. Shapira was previously deputy director general of the Hadassah Medical Organization and director of the Hadassah School of Public Health at Hebrew University.  Professor Shapira used Twitter last week to announce that he was “physically injured” after his third Pfizer vaccine, and that “Monkeypox cases were rare for years. During the last years a single case was documented in Israel. It is well established the mRNA vaccines affect the natural immune system. A monkeypox outbreak following massive covid vaccination: *Is not a coincidence.” Twitter has reportedly forced him to remove these tweets.

Aussie Doctor Risks Medical License to Tell the Truth About COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: Crashes AMA Meeting Confronting Top Chief Medical Officer

A doctor in Queensland, Australia has put his license to practice medicine on the line to bring his message of COVID-19 vaccine and injuries and deaths, and the "gaslighting" of patients and doctors who try to expose how deadly these shots are, to the public. He received corporate media attention recently when he crashed a meeting of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) calling out the country’s chief medical officer, Paul Kelly, while stunned doctors watched on. Dr. Bay recently recorded a video message where he apologized to his patients and the public for initially giving in to fear over potentially losing his job, and for not speaking out sooner. I have put together a video report with his message, the self-recording of his rant at the AMA, and an interview he did with Zeee Media recently explaining why he is now risking his career to bring this truth to the public.

Father of 7-Year-Old with Myocarditis Records Pharmacist Admit Parents Are Not Warned of this COVID Vaccine Side Effect: “We might scare the parents, and they don’t get their child vaccinated”

A recording of a phone call between an irate father and a pharmacist who injected his 7-year-old son with a COVID-19 vaccine after his wife brought him to the pharmacy behind his back, and is now allegedly in the hospital due to myocarditis, has been circulating in the alternative media today. The father and his family apparently live in New Zealand, while his work originates in New York, and what is remarkable about the call is that the father asks the pharmacist if parents are warned about the risks to myocarditis and heart disease before giving the COVID-19 shots to children, and the pharmacist replies: "We might scare the parents, and they don’t want to get their child vaccinated."