There is a certain dietary philosophy that has claimed in recent years that humans evolved from “hunters and gathers” and that modern agriculture was a recent development in human history over the last many billions of years, and this dietary philosophy began to condemn ALL grains as not fit for human consumption.
The flaw to this belief, of course, is that it accepts Darwinian evolutionary biology as a fact, rather than just a theory about the origins of life.
The history of the human race as recorded in the ancient writings of the Bible, however, shows that man was an agriculturist since the beginning, as God created the first man and woman to tend the Garden of Eden, where undoubtedly grains grew.
“Gluten” is now blamed for many diseases, so that grains are categorically condemned as an “anti-nutrient” by some modern dietary thinking.
Much of this belief comes from the field of laboratory diagnostics, where one today can be tested for “food allergies,” and if gluten shows up in your food allergy test, then you are diagnosed as “gluten intolerant” or having an allergy to wheat.
However, you might be surprised to find out (or maybe not if you have now become aware of the corruption in the diagnostic testing field such as PCR tests to test for “viruses”), that there is currently no accepted test protocol to determine if one is allergic to gluten.
Even if there was an accurate test to see if gluten is floating around in your body somewhere, what would it actually prove?
It would only prove that your body is not processing gluten properly, and a just as reasonable conclusion to such a test, if it existed, would be to blame your digestive system for not processing it correctly, rather than blaming gluten.
So for most people who believe they are allergic to gluten, it is usually based on the fact that if they eat any products that contain wheat and gluten, like their Krispy Kreme donuts, or their “breakfast of champions” highly processed cereal, and feel sick afterwards, then they must have an “allergy” to gluten.
This is faulty reasoning, of course, because there are many factors to look at when one cannot consume highly processed grain products.
Most of America’s grains, for example, are contaminated with the popular herbicide glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp and the most widely used herbicide in the world, which is now linked to cancer.
Glyphosate is known to seriously damage our digestive systems, and our “microbiome.”
Ever since we found out that our certified organic grains from North America were contaminated, I have searched all over the world to find clean grains that are not contaminated, and focused on ancient grains that had not been hybridized to increase the gluten elasticity so coveted by bakeries to help breads rise quicker.
Whole grains are a great investment for food security IF the grains are NOT contaminated!
There are probably many places where you can order bulk food for long-term storage, but please make sure you are storing CLEAN and HEALTHY food.
This will prove to be invaluable if a crisis hits where it is difficult to find food, and you want to make sure that the food you store will be food that can keep you healthy, and NOT make you sick!