February 25, 2025
  • haugen-testimony-facebook-768x512

    The Real Reasons for the Facebook Outage This Week

    Facebook suffered a massive outage on Monday. At the same time a high profile “whistleblower” has come forward to dish the FB dirt. These two things have combined to create a perfect storm of narrative portraying Mark Zuckerberg’s company as a monster in desperate need of slaying by some deft government intervention.

    But to what extent is that story contrived? Is Facebook willingly going along with it? And what does it mean for the rest of the internet?

    • Young-lives-destroyed-by-covid-shots-768x433

      As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds

      It was announced today that Pfizer has now petitioned the FDA in the United States to give them emergency use authorization to begin injecting the COVID-19 shots into children between the ages of 5 and 11.

      FiercePharma reports that while there is “significant resistance by parents to vaccinate their children,” Pfizer went ahead and requested permission to start injecting children between the ages of 5 and 11.

      This will broaden their market in the U.S. to another 28 million people who will now be able to get the shots, all children.

      Pfizer is undoubtedly counting on support from people like California Governor Newsom, who just decreed that all children in public and private schools will need to be injected with COVID-19 shots to get an education.

      I wonder how much money Pfizer is spending to get government officials mandating their shots to children as a condition for receiving an education?

      If you are a parent and you allow your children to be injected with the experimental COVID-19 shots, you and you alone will be responsible before God for their injuries and/or deaths.

      Ignorance of the risks is no excuse, and neither is rolling the dice on their lives just because it is too inconvenient for you to keep your children home and educate them yourselves.

      As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, using the government’s own data on adverse reactions to the COVID-19 shots, teens are 50x more likely to develop heart disease, and teenagers have 7.75 X more deaths, 15 X more disabilities, 47 X more ER visits, and 46 X more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving.

      I have produced this video report of teenagers and young people who have died or suffered crippling injuries after being injected with a COVID-19 shot, including testimonies from grieving parents who deeply regret their choice to allow their child to receive one of these shots.

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        Pfizer Whistleblower Claims Pfizer Hid Information from the Public About Using Fetal Tissue to Develop their COVID-19 Vaccine

        Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler.

        She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine.

        Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues with the public.

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          Led by Blacks, NYC Rises Up Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines

          As mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandates took effect this week in New York City, many teachers and others suddenly found themselves out of work as the Supreme Court refused to step in and stop the mandates last week.

          Teachers, educators and many others took to the streets of New York this week to protest, led by Blacks. Less than 30% of the Blacks in New York City have given in to mandatory shots, and Hispanics are close behind in their refusal to obey government mandates for COVID-19 shots.

          Angela Stanton-King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a former NBA #1 draft pick were among those who took to the streets of New York this week to protest and warn others about the abuse of civil rights with New York’s mandatory vaccination mandates.

          Many of the protesters in NYC carried flags of Australia, showing their solidarity with their Aussie brothers and sisters who are suffering the most under tyranny right now.

          Here is a video report of the protests.

          • EO-mandatory-COVID-shots-768x435

            Where is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist?

            I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those employees.

            I can’t find the EO. I don’t see it in the Federal Register, where it’s supposed to be published.

            If it hasn’t been published, then there is no mandate.

            • milken-institute-panel-discussion-768x433

              BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a "Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine" Which Became the "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine" Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus

              Last night Alex Jones of Infowars.com did a special broadcast regarding an October, 2019 video that they had just become aware of that was a panel discussion hosted by the Milken Institute discussing the need for a Universal Flu Vaccine.

              The video clip that they played of this event was a 1 minute and 51 second dialogue between the moderator, Michael Specter, a journalist who is a New Yorker staff writer and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

              In this short clip, which was extracted from the hour-long panel discussion, Anthony Fauci explains that bringing a new, untested kind of vaccine like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade (“if everything goes perfectly”) to go through proper trials and be approved by the FDA.

              He would know, because he had been trying to do it for about a decade already by then (October, 2019), trying to develop an mRNA based vaccine for HIV.

              But now they were discussing something much bigger than just a vaccine for AIDS patients. They are talking about a “Universal Flu Vaccine” that everyone would have to take – a huge market for Big Pharma!

              Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), then speaks and states that what could happen is that “an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes” could change that.

              I have found the full 1 hour panel discussion and uploaded it to our video channels.

              In short, this panel discussion focused on what they perceived as the need for a universal flu vaccine, but they admitted that the old way of producing vaccines was not sufficient for their purposes, and that they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public.

              They all agreed that the annual flu virus was not scary enough to create an event that would convince people to get a universal vaccine.

              And as we now know today, about 2 years after this event, that “terrifying virus” that was introduced was the COVID-19 Sars virus.

              And so now we know why the flu just “disappeared” in the 2020-21 flu season. It was simply replaced by COVID-19, in a worldwide cleverly planned “pandemic” to roll out the world’s first universal mRNA vaccines.

              This was always the goal, and previous efforts through various influenzas, AIDS, Ebola, and other “viruses” were all unsuccessful in leading to the development of a universal vaccine to inject into the entire world’s population.

              • Pfizer-Project-Veritas-768x440

                Pfizer Scientists Caught Undercover Admitting Pfizer is Evil and that Natural Immunity is Better than the COVID-19 Vaccine

                Project Veritas released their fourth video in its COVID-19 vaccine investigative series today which exposed three Pfizer scientists saying that antibodies lead to equal, if not better, protection against the virus compared to the vaccine.

                These scientists talk about the kind of culture they have to work in with Pfizer, with one scientist calling the company “evil.”

                They did not know they were being recorded.

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                  Post COVID-19 Injections: The Dead Don't Speak, but Those with Crippling Injuries Issue Warnings

                  When the first COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization back in December of 2020, we started publishing the stories that were available in the public space of those who were suffering and dying after taking the shots.

                  I began a list that I appended to the end of any articles we published about the COVID-19 shots, so people could get an idea of how many were suffering from these experimental shots that dissenting doctors and scientists began to call “bioweapon” shots.

                  The corporate media and Big Tech have done their best to suppress these stories, publishing a few every once in a while to acknowledge this was happening, but always in the context that these were “rare” side effects, and that the benefits of the shot were greater than the risk, which we now know is a complete lie.

                  After more and more people made the fateful decision to get the shots, I could no longer keep up with the individual stories that were being published, and began publishing articles of stories in batches.

                  The list became so long, that people started complaining that they had to scroll too far down the page to get to the comments, so I truncated the list and then published the entire list on a separate page.

                  Now, as we start the month of October, 2021, the number of people going public with their stories are so many, that I just pick and choose some that are representative of the sheer mass of reports now coming in, and try to do at least one story a week highlighting these tragic stories, as we are constantly getting new readers and subscribers who are just now beginning to wake up to the truth about what is really going on with these shots.

                  It is truly overwhelming, and as I read these stories every day, I know the emotional toll it can take on the people who are aggregating these stories and publishing them. I am truly grateful for them, as I share that emotional trauma myself, and it drives me to publish these as much as I can, even though if I spent all of my waking hours now trying to read and publish all of these, it would not even be enough.

                  I am putting today’s update into a video, because we now have tens of thousands of subscribers to our video channels, and the videos often get more traffic than our articles.

                  As I publish this today on October 4, 2021, there appears to be some kind of cyber attack happening against Big Tech, as Facebook and their platforms have been down for most of the day already.

                  I do not know how much longer we have before there is a total Internet blackout, so I feel the urgency more than ever to bring you these stories.

                  Please download all of our videos (and articles!) whenever you can to your local devices, so you can continue sharing them with your family and friends should we be taken down off the Internet.

                  This report starts with warnings from the survivors, and then documents a few of the many who have now died, including children and babies who have died, not because they made a choice to get the shots, but because their parents did.

                  • uk-pig

                    Supply Chain Problems Becoming Critical: UK Farmers To Cull 120,000 Pigs Amid Labor Shortages - Global Transport Systems Collapse Looms

                    Britain may be entering a prolonged period of crisis now, one that may be on par or even exceeds the emergencies of the late 1970s. Brits face a gasoline shortage because of the lack of truck drivers, dwindling natural gas supplies, and soaring power bills. There’s also been food shortages and panic buying of essential goods that have driven up prices and made the situation much worse.

                    A more extended crisis is occurring within the country’s food supply chain. The latest figures from the National Pig Association (NPA) warn 120,000 pigs will be culled because of labor shortage.

                    The food industry is just one of the many industries experiencing severe disruptions and chaos that could trigger a “winter of discontent” for many Brits.

                    A group of international transport organizations issued a chilling warning of the potential collapse of supply chains in the coming months, and they’re asking world leaders to do something to avert what could be a catastrophe.

                    In an open letter released this week, they spelled out the stakes of continued delays caused by pandemic protocols. They asked the UN, the World Health Organization and anyone else listening to intervene to prevent a “global transport systems collapse.”

                    According to the leaders of the shipping industry, nobody is listening, and a global disaster could be the result.

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                      Denver Policeman Crippled After Mandatory Pfizer Shot - Are Law Enforcement the Key to Resisting Medical Tyranny?

                      In a very emotional interview, Denver police officer Jose Manriquez, appearing on Fox News along with his attorney, explains how he reluctantly took the Pfizer COVID-19 shot in order to keep his job, and now can no longer walk by himself. He is a 34-year-old father of four and military veteran who had recovered from COVID-19, and was allegedly in good health prior to receiving the Pfizer shot.

                      In general, police unions in the U.S. and also in Canada are backing the rights of their officers to refuse taking a COVID-19 shot as a condition of employment.

                      Even in Australia, where most of the country has become a medical police state ruled by martial law, the Police Commissioner of New South Wales has come forward to state that his officers will refuse to enforce the state’s vaccine passport mandate, and that officers will not be checking people’s vaccination status in restaurants, clubs or bars.

                      These actions give hope that as law enforcement officers fight for their own rights to refuse mandatory vaccines, they will refuse to enforce vaccine mandates imposed on others in the public.

                      In Italy, where there have been massive protests against vaccine passports, a group of police officers recently stood down and sided with the protesters.

                      So while some are learning the hard way what the consequences are to obeying COVID-19 vaccine mandates, hopefully more and more people will refuse to comply.

                      If law enforcement, which would include the military and the National Guard, refuse to enforce the mandates of the medical tyrants, then hopefully we can turn the tide on those being murdered and sacrificed on the altar of COVID-19 vaccine religious zealots, and start concentrating on rounding up and arresting all these criminals, including the corrupt judges, and start public trials and public executions for those found guilty of mass murder by forced lethal injections.

                      At this point, this is probably our last hope for America, and for most of the world.

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                        Relief from COVID Vaccine Tyranny will NOT Come from the Courts as U.S. Supreme Court Denies Right to Refuse Shots by NYC Teachers

                        For everyone in the United States who is still holding out hope that the American judicial system will recognize that the current COVID-19 “vaccines” were approved illegally, and that neither government nor private employers have a legal right to mandate them as a condition to work or participate in society, it is time you recognize that this hope in the judicial system is in vain.

                        Salvation will not come from the American judicial system, and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor drove the last nail in the coffin of that hope yesterday, Friday, October 1, 2021.

                        I saw a headline on a Right Wing “Conservative” Alternative media site yesterday announce this decision as being from the “Far Left Justice Sonia Sotomayer.”

                        How foolish.

                        “Right” vs. “Left” divisions are what is hampering this nation to mount a united effort to fight against medical tyranny right now. Newly appointed “Conservative” Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett made a similar ruling in August denying a petition by Indiana University students to block that school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

                        And for you “johnny-come-lately” pundits just now jumping on the anti-vaxx bandwagon, let me give you a brief history lesson about how what little opposition has been made in the past to slow down corporate America’s rush to enslave the population through the medical system, has usually come from the left.

                        The “Conservative Right” is what supported the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which gave pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines legal immunity in the courts from being sued due to injuries and deaths caused by their vaccine products.

                        “Conservative” President Ronald Reagan signed that bill into law.

                        The law was challenged at the Supreme Court in 2011 with Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC, and the law was upheld as the Court ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” All of the “conservatives” on the bench sided with Big Pharma, including Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito, considered “solid conservatives.”

                        And who wrote the dissenting opinion complaining that the Court was overstepping its bounds and ruling beyond what Congress intended by giving Big Pharma too much power?

                        “Liberal” Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. She was joined in dissent only by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, now deceased and no longer on the Court.

                        So when I learned earlier this week that Justice Sotomayor was going to be the one on the Supreme Court to hear the complaint of New York City school teachers who are faced with losing their jobs now for failing to receive a COVID-19 shot, I thought, OK, this will be the final test to see if there is any opposition left in the judiciary to these unlawful vaccine mandates.

                        Well, the Supreme Court has failed the test. We will not find justice there, America.

                        If you want to stop these vaccine mandates, you are going to have to do it yourselves, and stop putting your faith in the American political system, no matter what party affiliation, and that includes the judiciary.

                        • DOD-ProjectSalus-Humetric-JAIC-768x432

                          BREAKING: AI-powered DoD Data Analysis Program Named “Project Salus” SHATTERS Official Vaccine Narrative, Shows A.D.E. Accelerating in the Fully Vaccinated with Each Passing Week!

                          An AI-powered Dept. of Defense program named “Project Salus,” run in cooperation with the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center), has analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Data were aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that tracks health care outcomes. Legal analysis from Thomas Renz of Renz-Law.com is included in a breaking video interview, included in this article.

                          The alarming findings show that the vast majority of covid hospitalizations are occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals and that outcomes among the fully vaccinated are growing worse with each passing week. This appears to fit the pattern of so-called Antibody Dependent Enhancement, where the treatment intervention (mRNA vaccines) is worsening health outcomes and leading to excess hospitalizations and deaths.

                          These data, presented here, shatter the official Biden / Fauci narrative that falsely claims America is experiencing, “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” The data show that the pandemic actually appears to be accelerated by covid-19 vaccines, while unvaccinated individuals are having far better outcomes than the vaccinated.

                          Furthermore, according to these data (shown below), the single best strategy for avoid post-vaccine infections and hospitalizations is natural immunity derived from a previous covid infection.

                          Attorney Thomas Renz told Natural News today that these data should immediately result in not just the FDA’s revocation of mRNA vaccine EUA and approval status, but that the FDA, Fauci and Big Pharma’s top executives should be sued under RICO Act violations for racketeering and organized crime. He is requesting other attorneys to join in him in helping to accomplish this.

                          • are-covid-19-shots-safe-for-pregnant-women-700x441

                            1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot

                            The CDC released more data today into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which shows that there are now 1,969 fetal deaths among pregnant women who received a COVID-19 shot.

                            By way of contrast, I performed the exact same search in VAERS for all non-COVID-19 vaccines for the past 30 years, and it returned a result of 2,183 fetal deaths from pregnant women following vaccination for the past 30 years.

                            So there have been nearly the same amount of fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 10 months, as there have been for the past 30+ years that VAERS has been in existence!

                            And how has the CDC responded to this data?

                            This past week the CDC published recommendations for all pregnant women to get a COVID-19 shot!

                            Wake up people!! We are watching a eugenic plan of controlling the world’s population unfold before our very eyes, and it is pure insanity for any pregnant woman to voluntarily agree to get a COVID-19 shot that will risk her life, and the life of her unborn baby.

                            Rochelle Walensky and her cohorts at the CDC, along with the criminals at the FDA, NIH, and many other government health organizations need to be arrested immediately to stop this attack against the citizens of the United States with experimental gene therapy injections.

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                              Awaken India Exposes Billionaire Cartel Controlling India's COVID-19 Task Force

                              This week I was contacted by a long-time Health Impact News subscriber in India, Yohan Tengra, who is part of the Awaken India Movement website.

                              Mr. Tengra has spent months researching just who controls the Public Health System in India, and their massive conflicts of interest.

                              I am happy to give exposure to this explosive report to our international audience, which documents how the rich and powerful in India have worked together with Bill Gates and other Globalists through Big Pharma to enslave the people of India through the Public Health Foundation of India.


                              Who is India’s Anthony Fauci? The mainstream media does not even know the names of the members who sit in India’s National task force, but in this article I, Yohan Tengra, have exposed not just the names of those who are sitting in this task force, but also how they are financially connected to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccine mafia.
                              This task force has been responsible for the aggressive push to lockdown, mandatory mask requirements, forced testing of asymptomatics, dropping ivermectin and hcq from the national protocol, suppressing vaccine adverse events, and a lot more!
                              Along with the task force, I have also exposed how India’s prominent public health personalities, who regularly appear in the media and TV, like Srinath Reddy, NK Arora, VK Paul, Gagandeep Kang, Vijayraghavan, Balram Bhargava, Randeep Guleria, are connected to the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust, USAID, the World Bank, and other aspects of the global deep state.

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                                Despite Over 95% Vaxx'd, Harvard Business School Shifts Classes Online After "Substantial Outbreak" Of COVID

                                Harvard Business School (HBS) has moved its first-year and some second-year MBA students to remote learning after an outbreak of COVID. 

                                “In recent days, we’ve seen a steady rise in breakthrough infections among our student population, despite high vaccination rates and frequent testing,” Mark Cautela, head of communications for HBS, told Poets&Quants.

                                What’s remarkable is that most college students and staff at Harvard (95% students and 96% employees) are vaccinated against the coronavirus.

                                Is Harvard therefore implicitly admitting that vaccine effectiveness has waned to the point of total ineffectiveness?

                                Harvard has requested students to limit in-person interactions with others outside their household, move all group meetings online, and cancel group activities.

                                So, despite all the promises of a ‘return to normal’ if only everyone were vaccinated (which in this case they are), it appears elite higher education in 2021 is no different from elite higher education in 2020… and certainly not any cheaper.

                                • Marva-Peschier-2

                                  Study: COVID-19 Vaccines INCREASE Deaths and Hospitalizations from COVID-19 Based on Analysis of Most-Vaccinated Countries

                                  As the data continues to come in regarding the experimental COVID-19 shots, it is abundantly clear now that pretty much EVERYTHING the FDA and the CDC have told the public about these shots is a LIE!

                                  Dr. Gérard Delépine from France, whom we have featured often here at Health Impact News over the years, has just published a study based on public data from the countries with the highest vaccination rates that clearly shows that the COVID-19 shots are hospitalizing people and killing people at higher rates than countries who have adopted early treatment protocols without the use of vaccines.

                                  This is the biggest scam and cover-up in the history of the human race. The voices of the millions who have suffered injuries and deaths of loved ones are being censored in the corporate media and in Big Tech social media sites.

                                  Google this week purged many YouTube channels that contained much of this information that goes contrary to the corporate media, where channels that have been published for years just vanished overnight, including The National Vaccine Information Center, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Ron Paul, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and many others.

                                  The video of a well-known Trinidad Pastor, Marva Paschier, has gone viral this week as she mourns the death of her son just hours after he took the shot. She is crying and you can hear someone in the background also mourning and wailing.

                                  Facebook took down her video (but we have a copy), but locally doctors and health officials are allegedly looking into the boy’s death.

                                  This is the kind of information Big Pharma and the corporate media are trying to suppress.

                                  • casaulties-france-slovenia-768x564

                                    26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database as Slovenia Suspends J&J Shot After Death of 20-Year-Old Student

                                    The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 26,041 fatalities, and 2,448,362 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

                                    Joachim Kuhs, a member of the European Parliament, recently spoke to the EU Commission and stated: “Pull the brake on these vaccines and stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!”

                                    Meanwhile, Slovenia has suspended the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine in their country after the death of a 20-year-old who was mandated to get the shot in order to attend classes.

                                    • NY-protests

                                      Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game - Time to Resist Authoritarianism in the U.S.!

                                      Barbara Loe Fisher is the co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). Barbara and the NVIC have been around since 1986 when Congress and President Reagan signed into law legislation that gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines.

                                      It is because of Barbara and her efforts through the NVIC that we even have a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) mandated by law, even though the government does everything they can to hide this system, as very few people even know that it exists.

                                      NVIC built the best front-end system to search the VAERS database at MedAlerts.

                                      Barbara has been around fighting for you and your children’s rights to informed consent for medical procedures for over 40 years. NVIC has mobilized grass-roots citizens in all 50 states who volunteer to watch what state legislators and local health departments do to try and force vaccines on people, mainly children over the years, and mobilize people to fight back against those efforts to deny the right to informed consent.

                                      For many years she was the go-to person that the corporate media would interview to give the “other side” of the vaccine debate, back when the corporate media still gave time to that side.

                                      Barbara has just published her most recent exposĂ© on the state of medical tyranny through vaccination, “Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game,” which gives a great summary of how we got to where we are today, and what we need to do now to push back against this authoritarianism.

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                                        N.Y. Governor Kathy Hochul's "God" is Satan - Preaches at NYC Church and Proudly Displays the "Mark of the Beast"

                                        New York Governor Kathy Hochul preached a sermon at a NYC church this past Sunday, and claimed that those who had not yet taken a COVID-19 shot “aren’t listening to God and what God wants.”

                                        There is only one possible way that any of her words could have any kind of truthful meaning. Her use of the word “god” is actually Satan.

                                        If by the word “god” she means her god, who is actually Satan, then everything she says makes perfect sense. Because true believers don’t listen to the voice of Satan, but to the voice of God. And we won’t take the “vaccine,” because it represents the “mark of the beast,” Satan.

                                        Jesus himself condemned people who claimed to know and represent God, but in fact represented Satan.

                                        Jesus warned his disciples that days like this would come, where killing people who follow Jesus Christ will actually be considered a service to “God.”

                                        Kathy Hochul apparently neither knows God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, nor his son Jesus Christ. She is one of the many false prophets we have been warned about in the Bible.

                                        Jesus gives us assurance that he has everything under control, and that we do not need to fear these false prophets.

                                        “The prince of this world now stands condemned. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

                                        • J-and-J-employees

                                          Johnson and Johnson Employees Admit They Would not Take the COVID-19 Shot Their Employer Makes, nor Give it to Children

                                          Project Veritas released the third video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today exposing two Johnson & Johnson [J&J] officials, who argue children do not need to take the COVID vaccine in part because of the potential long-term side effects.

                                          One of the exposed J&J employees, a scientist by the name of Justin Durrant, laughs about inconveniencing unvaccinated adults if they refuse to comply with mandates being imposed upon them.

                                          Durrant said he does not recommend taking his own company’s vaccine. He asked the Veritas journalist to keep that information private.

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                                            Whistleblower Lawsuit! Government Medicare Data Shows 48,465 DEAD Following COVID Shots - Remdesivir Drug has 25% Death Rate!

                                            Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz spoke at an event in Colorado this past weekend, and stated that more whistleblowers have now come forward, and that the death rate with those taking the COVID-19 vaccines is much higher than they originally thought.

                                            Presenting data that he claims comes directly from the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) database, there have been 48,465 deaths among CMS beneficiaries within 14 days of a 1st or 2nd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

                                            There are about 59.4 million Americans covered by Medicare, representing 18.1% of the population, so these are staggering numbers!

                                            As attorney Renz states: “You’re being defrauded by your government!”

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                                              Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group to Expose What is Really Happening in Hospitals with COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

                                              Reignite Democracy Australia, which was started by journalist Monica Smit, an outspoken critic on authoritarian lockdowns in Australia who was just released from jail on bond last week, has started a group called “Nurses Speak Out” where gagged nurses are speaking out about the truth of what is currently going on inside of hospitals with people suffering from vaccine injuries.

                                              They are posting these stories on their Telegram channel as well.

                                              “This is an Anonymous whistleblowing channel for Nurses & Healthcare workers in Australia. We will share verified experiences from frontline workers who see firsthand the damage caused by COVID-19 vaccinations.

                                              These submissions have been vetted by a collective of health professionals. Some details may be omitted, your identity will be protected. AHPRA has gagged, coerced and threatened anyone who comes forward – let’s save some lives.

                                              This channel is dedicated to all frontline workers around the world. This is Australia. This is for you.”

                                              Here are some of their stories that have just been published.

                                              • man-wheelchair-confronting-police-768x512

                                                When the World Hates You, You're a Rebel Standing on the Truth and Proving You Don't Belong Here

                                                Jesus made it very clear to his followers, both then as well as today, that to follow him was to take a path that leads to persecution and hardship, going against the crowd and having the world hate you, because you represent the “light” that Jesus is in the world, which in turn exposes the evil of the world system, ruled by Satan, the father of lies.

                                                Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

                                                A choice now confronts every one of us, and it is most certainly NOT a choice between political parties or ideologies. It is a choice between good and evil, between Satan and the ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness, or Jesus and the ruler of the Kingdom of God.

                                                The pretenders, mostly the religious who belong to their churches or religious institutions, will not make it. Because one is not saved by their associations or belief systems.

                                                One is only saved by a person, who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Knowing about him is not good enough. Satan knows about him too, and that knowledge does not save him.

                                                Jesus is the vine, the life source, and as he stated in that upper room discourse, “apart from me you can do nothing.”

                                                But together with him, we can do EVERYTHING!

                                                “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

                                                Satan knows this, and he fears it. But are there enough true disciples of Jesus Christ who know his power left in the world to make Satan tremble?

                                                We’re about to find out.

                                                • Norfolk-NATO-Command-300x171

                                                  U.S. Sovereignty? Largest Naval Base in the U.S. Now Operated by NATO - Norfolk Allied Joint Force Command

                                                  US sovereignty is threatened today at multiple levels.  In what may be another chapter in the formation of a New World Government, the question remains how NATO asserted its omnipotent authority to establish a new Atlantic Command at the Norfolk Naval Base with the apparent acquiescence of the US military and Congressional leadership.

                                                  Once the largest naval port in the world, significant questions persist about how the Pentagon allowed this travesty against the Republic to occur with what appears to have been a black-out of national media attention, no Congressional scrutiny and no Trump Administration participation. I am still wrapping my mind around how easily the usurpation of an American military facility of such prominence could be so quietly accomplished with such finesse requiring so many accomplices.

                                                  In June, 2018 NATO’s North Atlantic Defense Ministers formally adopted the Alliance’s command structure to establish a new Atlantic Command in Norfolk as the only operational NATO Atlantic Command in North America.  As one of three regionally focused joint, operational-level commands, all Commands would report directly to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

                                                  In other words, what was once the US Navy’s largest and most sophisticated naval base in the world and on US soil would now be under the command of NATO.  Yet there is no real substantive background to know exactly how the United States agreed to relinquish its historic naval claim on Norfolk.

                                                  What are the implications of NATO’s Article 5 with its roots now entangled into the American land mass?  Infamous on its own, Article 5 dates back to 1949 and provides that

                                                  “..if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked.”

                                                  The only time Article 5 has ever been invoked was immediately after the 911 attack on the Twin Towers in NYC which potentially could have committed NATO troops to participate in the US-led attack on Afghanistan.

                                                  Looking ahead, what role might Article 5 play if the current Covid-vaccination-passport debate  reaches an insoluble threshold within any Member nation or could NATO legitimately claim its Article 5 authority to intercede to protect the peace?

                                                  • CBDC-WEF-propaganda-300x224

                                                    Central Bank Digital Currencies – A Future of Surveillance and Control

                                                    One of the most potentially far-reaching trends in the financial landscape right now is the imminent roll-out of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and the parallel attacks which central bankers are waging on private digital currencies and tokens as they tee up the launch of their CBDCs.

                                                    First some clarifications. While the majority of central bank issued currencies (fiat currencies) in existence around the world are already in digital form, a fiat currency held in digital form is not the same as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

                                                    A CBDC generally refers to electronic or virtual central bank (fiat) money that is created in the form of digital tokens or account balances which are digital claims on the central bank. CBDCs will be issued by central banks and will be legal tender.

                                                    CBDCs are not just a buzzword or a hazy innovation that may appear sometime in the distant future. They are actively being developed now, and in widespread fashion.

                                                    5 central banks have already launched a CBDC, 14 have a CBDC in pilot, 16 have a CBDC in development, and another 32 central banks are at the research stage with their CBDC. That makes 67 central banks (countries in total).

                                                    Although central banks will claim that they are introducing CBDCs for reasons such as improving payments efficiency, boosting financial inclusion for the unbanked and tackling illicit transactions, their real motivations, as always, are for surveillance and control.

                                                    Surveillance of a population via complete visibility into financial transaction flow and user identities, and centralized control of the money supply within a cashless financial system.

                                                    Think China’s social credit system on a global dystopian scale, where vax passes evolve into digital IDs and digital IDs link to CBDC issuance and use. In fact, the entire coercion around implementing vaccine passports and digital IDs looks to be a pre-planned stepping stone for the roll-out of central bank digital currencies and global social credit systems.

                                                    • Top-tennis-stars-refusing-COVID-19-shots

                                                      Top Tennis Player Forced to Stop Competing Due to COVID-19 Shot Side Effects - Other Top Tennis Stars Say "No" to Shots

                                                      Former 2017 Davis Cup winner tennis player Jeremy Chardy recently announced he could no longer compete in professional tennis this year due to the crippling effects of the Pfizer COVID-19 shot.

                                                      “Suddenly I cannot train, I cannot play. In my head, it’s difficult because I do not know how long it will last. For the moment, my season is stopped and I do not know when I will resume. It’s frustrating because I started the year really well, I was playing really well. And then I went to the Games, where I felt great too. And now my season is at a standstill and I do not know when I will resume. It is especially frustrating that I do not have ten years to play… suddenly, now I regret having had the vaccine.”

                                                      Unlike other professional sports leagues that claim a high percentage of its players are now fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 shot, professional tennis has only about a 50% rate of those who have taken the shot, and some of the sport’s top players have said they do not intend to take it.

                                                      The world’s top four male players – Novak Djokovic, Daniil Medvedev, Stefanos Tsitsipas and Alexander Zverev – have all spoken at some point about their reluctance to be vaccinated.

                                                      Coincidentally, three of that rebel quartet were US Open semi-finalists this month, which meant that all but one, Felix Auger-Aliassime, who is still yet to confirm his view, had either raised concerns about the jab or stated they refuse to take it.

                                                      If mandatory COVID-19 shots are required in the future for these players to compete, how many will risk their health and their lives to continue competing in their sport? I seriously doubt that the Globalists who own these professional sports leagues will allow unvaccinated players to continue competing much longer, because it will soon become obvious who are the better athletes, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

                                                      • NYC-Rising-Up-768x398

                                                        New Yorkers Rising Up as Mandatory COVID Shot Deadline Looms - Citywide Walk Out Planned Same Day

                                                        Many New York City workers are facing a Monday (9/27/21) deadline to be “vaccinated” with a COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment.

                                                        A citywide “walk out” has been in the plans for the past week on the same day, from 2-6 p.m. starting in Foley Square.

                                                        Known simply as “JoSpeaksTruth” on Telegram, this woman from the Dominican Republic fired up the crowds in NYC today, stating that:

                                                        “This is the worst psychological operation in history…

                                                        Another tactic that is used on the people is fear. A Stockhold Syndrome and cognitive dissonance. The government is abusing us.

                                                        I need people to realize this: we can no longer continue to go this way. Our jobs are on the line.

                                                        I personally, I don’t care. Because I’d rather stand free, I’d rather eat food from the dumpster, than get injected with this bioweapon!

                                                        This is an assault on our humanity. And if we don’t have control over what we put into our bodies, we’re nothing but slaves and cattle.”

                                                        Listen to her whole inspired speech on the streets of New York today.

                                                        Time to stand up and resist New York! The largest city in the United States with international fame as one of the most ethnically diverse cultural centers found anywhere in the world, this is your time to shine! 

                                                        • UK-COVID-Vaccine-Adverse-Reactions-Report-9.24-300x154

                                                          UK Medicine Regulator Confirms There Have Been Four Times as Many Deaths Due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in 8 Months than Deaths Due to All Other Vaccines Combined in 20 Years

                                                          Up to the 15th September 2021 there have been a grand total of 1,662 deaths reported to the MHRA as adverse reactions to all available Covid-19 vaccines in the United Kingdom since the beginning of the year.

                                                          Meaning there have been four times as many deaths in just 8 months due to the Covid-19 vaccines than there have been due to every other available vaccine since the year 2001, and now they are administering this experimental treatment to children who are at zero risk of even suffering serious disease due to the Covid-19 virus.

                                                          • Australia-vaccine-deaths-covid-19-300x148

                                                            Australia Records 10X More Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots than Recorded Deaths Following ALL Vaccines for Past 20 Years

                                                            One of our readers contacted me this week with information that the Australian government collects on vaccine injuries on their Department of Health website. Like many countries, Australia maintains a database of adverse reactions for drugs.

                                                            The Australian government database for adverse reactions tracks 78 different vaccines for the past 20 years, with a total of 47 deaths following vaccination during the years 2000 through 2020.

                                                            In 2021 for just the 3 COVID-19 vaccines, there have already been a total of 524 deaths recorded following the COVID-19 shots, more than 10X the total for the past 20 years.

                                                            And now the Australian government is doing everything they can to lock down the citizens of their country and force them to be injected with one of the COVID-19 shots as a condition for participating in society.

                                                            • walensky-woodcock-mass-murderers

                                                              Genocide of Seniors Continues as FDA and CDC Recommend 3rd Booster Shot to Age Group with Highest Amount of Deaths following COVID-19 Shots

                                                              Last Friday an FDA vaccine advisory committee voted 16 to 2 against authorizing a 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 “booster” shot. And yet inexplicably, they later took a second vote among the same committee members to authorize a 3rd Pfizer booster shot for people over the age of 65, which was passed unanimously.

                                                              The vast majority of recorded deaths in VAERS following the current COVID-19 injections is among people over the age of 65.

                                                              According to statistics in the VAERS government database, which was just updated today, 77% of all deaths following COVID-19 shots are among people over the age of 65.

                                                              That brings the total amount of deaths in people over the age of 65 following a COVID-19 shot to 11,770 deaths.

                                                              Throughout this week we have published whistleblower testimonies stating that tremendous pressure is put on healthcare workers to NOT report adverse reactions to VAERS, and we also now have Dr. Jessica Rose’s very detailed analysis on the underreporting of adverse reactions in VAERS where she concludes that a safe estimate would be to multiply adverse events by a factor of 41X.

                                                              That would mean then that a conservative estimate of deaths in people over the age of 65 following a COVID-19 shot is 482,570 senior deaths.

                                                              Did you think I was exaggerating when I chose to use the word “genocide” for this age group in the headline to this article?

                                                              By way of comparison, I searched the government VAERS database for deaths in this age group following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years, since VAERS was started, and it returned a result of 1,311 deaths in people above the age of 65 following ALL non-COVID vaccines for the past 30 years.

                                                              So we have seen almost ten times more deaths in this age group following COVID-19 shots during the past 9 months than the past 30 years following all other vaccines.

                                                              And for those people in this age group who survived the first two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 shot, the FDA and the CDC just authorized a third shot to be given to this age group with the highest recorded deaths already following COVID-19 shots.

                                                              Euthanizing our seniors through vaccination is mass murder, and these mass murderers allowing this to happen need to be executed over this.

                                                              • Mocked-anti-vaxxers

                                                                Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection

                                                                We live in a world today where “truth” is evaluated by many based on what they read on social media, and how many people “like” or agree with their positions.

                                                                In the real world, however, truth is independent of how many people agree or disagree about any issue.

                                                                This is especially true today with the one issue that is polarizing the world right now: COVID-19 “vaccinations.”

                                                                If someone believes that the COVID-19 shots are beneficial and necessary for everyone to take to return to “normal,” having 99% of your friends, family, and the health authorities like Anthony Fauci, the FDA, and the CDC agree with you regarding this “truth” really doesn’t matter, as their opinions on the subject do not affect the truth.

                                                                And here is the truth: those who take a COVID-19 shot risk death and life-long disabilities and disease as a side effect from the shots.

                                                                Those who do not take COVID-19 injections have ZERO risk of dying or being injured from them.

                                                                That is the actual truth, but even when pro-vaccine people who mock anti-vaxxers end up dying shortly after taking a COVID-19 shot, their family and friends in most cases will never blame the shot, but continue on with their religious-like belief in the vaccines. And some now are actually blaming the unvaccinated for the deaths of the vaccinated! 

                                                                • Massive-Cover-up-exposed

                                                                  COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths COVER-UP! Nurse Whistleblowers Reveal How They are Pressured to NOT Report Deaths and Injuries to VAERS

                                                                  As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now lists twice as many deaths following COVID-19 shots for the past 9 months as deaths following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years!

                                                                  Not only is this information from the government’s own database NOT being reported in the pharma-funded corporate media, but nurses and other frontline workers are now coming forward to report that very few deaths and injuries from the COVID-19 shots are actually being reported to VAERS due to tremendous pressure by the pro-vaccine crowd to NOT report them.

                                                                  Their voices are being censored by the corporate media.

                                                                  Here is a video report we have compiled of nurse whistleblowers (including a physician’s assistant’s testimony) explaining just how difficult it is for anyone to actually file a report for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths.

                                                                  So what are the REAL numbers of those already dead or permanently injured from the COVID-19 shots?

                                                                  • Tucker Satanism Military

                                                                    U.S. Army Uses "7 Tenets of Satanism" to Promote Mandatory COVID-19 Shots

                                                                    Tucker Carlson of Fox News exposes a PowerPoint presentation that the military is using to convince soldiers to get the mandatory COVID-19 shots that uses the “7 Tenets of Satanism.”

                                                                    The U.S. Army allegedly confirmed that this is real.

                                                                    • Albert-Spence2-300x214

                                                                      Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years Testifies How he Unknowingly Killed Patients by Following COVID Protocols

                                                                      Albert Spence is a pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience. He recently gave public testimony before the South Carolina State Legislature on “therapeutic options” for COVID-19.

                                                                      Once again, we are finding that nurses who have been working on the frontlines treating COVID-19 patients are the most informed people in the U.S. right now who truly know what is going on in the hospitals, especially when it comes to COVID-19 protocols, and the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

                                                                      We absolutely need to be listening to these frontline workers right now instead of the talking head “doctors” on TV who never actually treat patients, if we truly want to know what the truth is. Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry now control the corporate media, and they will never publish testimonies like this, even though it is public knowledge now having been recorded by the South Carolina legislature. 

                                                                      In this public testimony, Mr. Spence relates how he followed all the advice in the beginning of how the medical system wanted him to treat COVID patients, even though so much of it went against his 30+ years of experience in treating patients with respiratory illnesses.

                                                                      But when the COVID patients started dwindling down in his ward at the beginning of this year, and he found out that the CDC had changed the threshold for PCR tests by reducing the tests from 40 cycles to 28, then he realized what was happening, and it horrified him.

                                                                      He had been unwittingly assisting in killing his patients by just “doing what I was told.” He now knows that these patients were dying from the COVID protocols, and not COVID-19.

                                                                      • thousands-of-fetal-deaths-and-injuries-768x512

                                                                        Thousands of Fetal Deaths and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women

                                                                        There have now been 1,614 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) as of 9/10/2021.

                                                                        Everyone acknowledges and agrees that VAERS is vastly under-reported, but now we have an expert analysis on just how under-reported adverse events are from Dr. Jessica Rose. Her conservative estimate based on a careful analysis of the data is that the events recorded in VAERS need to be multiplied by X41.

                                                                        That would mean that a conservative estimate of the true numbers of fetal deaths would be 66,174 when their mothers are injected with a COVID-19 shot.

                                                                        Besides the fetal deaths, we also know there are 96 recorded cases where a breast-fed child was injured after the nursing mother took a COVID-19 shot.

                                                                        Again, if we multiply that number by X41, a conservative estimate would be about 3,936 adverse events in infants being breastfed when their mothers are injected.

                                                                        Two of those resulted in the breastfed infant dying after the nursing mother was injected.

                                                                        • melbourne-construction-workers-protest

                                                                          REVOLUTION! Protesters Led by Construction Workers in Melbourne Shut Down Major Freeways Over COVID Tyranny and Mandatory Vaccines

                                                                          It appears that we have a bona fide revolution unfolding in the city of Melbourne, Australia!

                                                                          Australia currently leads the world in medical tyranny as they have descended into a total medical police state in the past several weeks, with authorities desperately trying to keep the COVID narrative alive by trying to track every single movement of their citizens, force them to stay in their homes unless the government gives them permission to leave and go outside, and mandatory COVID-19 shots are being implemented for everyone to participate in society.

                                                                          Led by construction workers but also joined by other trade unions, people took to the streets of Melbourne en masse Tuesday, shutting down the busiest freeway in all of Australia for a while.

                                                                          The protesters say this will go on every day now, until the government meets their demands.

                                                                          • Jodi-O-Malley-768x436

                                                                            Government HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths that are NOT being Reported

                                                                            Last week we reported how James O’Keefe of Project Veritas stated that they have received “thousands” of emails (“hundreds a day”) from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as COVID-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are even willing to wear a hidden mic to tell their stories.

                                                                            As promised, Project Veritas released the first video today of what they say will be a series of videos from undercover whistleblowers exposing what the truth is about COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                            Jodi O’Malley is a registered nurse who works for the federal government in HHS (Health and Human Services) at Phoenix Indian Medical Center, the Indian Health Service Division of HHS.

                                                                            She decided to contact Project Veritas when one of her co-workers was coerced into getting a COVID-19 injection as a requirement for employment at Phoenix Indian Medical Center, and died a short time later.

                                                                            O’Malley is seen in the video conversing with other nurses about the fact that these injuries and deaths following COVID-19 shots are not being reported to VAERS.

                                                                            One nurse, Deanna Paris, when discussing why doctors are not reporting these adverse events to VAERS states:

                                                                            “I think they want people to die.”

                                                                            O’Malley states:

                                                                            “This is evil at the highest level.”

                                                                            These are federal employees working for HHS saying this.

                                                                            When James O’Keefe asks O’Malley if she expects them to retaliate against her for going public, she replies:

                                                                            “Yeah. I’m a federal employee. What other federal employees do you see coming out?”

                                                                            He then asks her if she is afraid, and she replies:

                                                                            “It’s my career, you know? It’s how I help people. But am I afraid? I wouldn’t necessarily say I am afraid because my faith lies in God and not man. So, I have two older kids that are on their own, and I have a twelve-year-old at home that I care for on my own, but you know, what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil. This is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”

                                                                            • VAERS-Deaths-by-year

                                                                              STUDY: Government's Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines

                                                                              This past weekend we published a report from the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting on Pfizer COVID-19 booster shots held on Friday, September 17, 2021, where dissenting doctors and researchers were able to present material showing how dangerous the COVID-19 vaccines are, going against the current corporate media narrative that has worked hard to suppress this data.

                                                                              One of the presenters in that open session was Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, who stated that “expert analysis” revealed that over 150,000 people have died in the U.S. following a COVID-19 injection.

                                                                              Well it appears that the “expert analysis” he was referring to was from Dr. Jessica Rose, who was also present at this committee meeting.

                                                                              Dr. Jessica Rose has a BSc in Applied Mathematics and completed her MSc in Immunology at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. She completed her PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University and then did her first Post Doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Molecular Biology.

                                                                              I have retrieved the report she compiled, and I am reproducing it in this article. The Abstract states:

                                                                              “Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database can be used to estimate the number of  excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021.”

                                                                              If you are thinking that this is a simple analysis by using published comments from the past about what the percentages are for under-reporting vaccine adverse reactions, you would be making a false assumption.

                                                                              This is maybe the most brilliant analysis of the VAERS data I have seen so far. What Dr. Rose did was take an independent analysis of a single VAERS event, one that the FDA and CDC admitted was an adverse reaction based on trials before the shots were even authorized, anaphylaxis, and then looked at independent studies reporting the rate of anaphylaxis to determine the true percentage, compared to what is actually being reported in VAERS.

                                                                              What she found was that anaphylaxis was being under-reported in VAERS by 41X. Taking that variable and then applying it to other events, such as death, she arrived at the 150,000 death figure.

                                                                              If this is a truer estimate of how many people are dying in the U.S. following COVID-19 shots, that means millions are dying worldwide due to these shots over the last 9 months.

                                                                              Besides the plethora of anecdotal stories that we and others are reporting of formerly healthy people dying shortly after receiving a shot, one area where these massive amounts of deaths may show is in the labor force. Since so many employers are mandating these shots as a condition for employment, we would expect there to be massive labor shortages around the world as a result of these deaths.

                                                                              And in fact, that is exactly what we are seeing, and the forecast for the immediate future is that these labor shortages are just going to get worse as now the U.S. has mandated that all federal employees and employees of companies employing more than 100 people must mandate a COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment, which means they will now reduce the labor force among the unvaccinated, just after the vaccinated have had massive casualties already negatively impacting the labor pool.

                                                                              This is a global disaster that is probably unparalleled in human history!

                                                                              • Australian-police-attacking-70-year-old-woman-768x512

                                                                                Massive Police Brutality Recorded in Australia During Rally for Freedom as Thousands Take to the Streets

                                                                                A “World Wide Rally for Freedom” was heavily promoted in Australia the past couple of weeks for yesterday, September 18, 2021.

                                                                                The police state in Australia has become so bad that they are now tracking their citizens’ cell phone usage and social media posts, trying to arrest would-be protesters and lock them in their homes even before rallies are started.

                                                                                Police were armed with pepper spray, and from some of the video clips I have seen they were all too willing to use it whenever they could.

                                                                                As could be expected, there was some push back.

                                                                                Here is a short video report I have put together. I was going to use the word “violent” to describe what happened in Australia yesterday between the citizens and the police, but honestly, we have not see real “violence” yet at these protests, although it is getting closer.

                                                                                The REAL violence is happening in the vaccine clinics where mass murder is still happening, as the vaccines are killing and crippling people. This is not happening at the protests, yet.

                                                                                • UK-COVID-Vaccine-Adverse-Reactions-Report-9.15.21-768x395

                                                                                  Fully Vaccinated Account for 74% of Covid-19 Deaths in the UK Summer Wave According to Latest Public Health England Report

                                                                                  The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 12th September 2021, 74% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since August 2nd 2021 have been among the vaccinated population, confirming the UK is currently experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated.

                                                                                  • FDA-report-COVID-shots-768x473

                                                                                    BOMBSHELL: FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People!

                                                                                    The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday (September 17, 2021) to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 “booster shot.”

                                                                                    There were signs heading into the meeting this week that there could be some fireworks at this hearing, as two top vaccine research scientists at the FDA, Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Phillip Kause, the Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Vaccines Research, recently resigned.

                                                                                    This followed a report published in The Lancet from 18 officials at the FDA opposing the Biden Administration’s plan to start distributing Pfizer “booster shots” later this month (September, 2021) before the FDA had even approved them.

                                                                                    To say that there were fireworks at the Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday might be a gross understatement. The 18 member committee voted 16 to 2 AGAINST approving the booster shots, although later they did give their endorsement on approving them for people 65 and older.

                                                                                    During the “open session” part of the meeting, dissenting doctors questioning the Pfizer shots were given a chance to address the public with their concerns, and they presented to the public REAL data about the shots that up until now has been heavily censored.

                                                                                    • okeefe-covid-vaccine-whistleblower-stories-768x498

                                                                                      "Thousands" of COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblowers Contacting Project Veritas Wanting to Tell Their Stories

                                                                                      The U.S. Government and the corporate media’s narrative regarding the COVID-19 vaccines is quickly falling apart.

                                                                                      Truth is kind of like REAL cream in non-homogenized fresh milk: it rises to the top.

                                                                                      We reported earlier this week how a local TV station in Detroit asked viewers on their Facebook Page to send them stories of loved ones who had refused the COVID-19 vaccines and had now died, but instead tens of thousands of comments came in about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths (219K at the time of publication of this article).

                                                                                      James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has just released a video stating that they have received “thousands” of emails (“hundreds a day”) from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as COVID-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are even willing to wear a hidden mic to tell their stories.

                                                                                      He reports that they have one such story that they are going to publish this coming Monday.

                                                                                      • john-stokes-bribe-story

                                                                                        NCAA Student Golfer Has Heart Disease after COVID Shot - Offered Bribe to Silence Story

                                                                                        John Stokes is a Division 1 NCAA student golfer in Tennessee. He recently received the Pfizer COVID-19 shots as mandated by the NCAA.

                                                                                        Now he has heart disease (myocarditis), and will not be able to compete in his senior year.

                                                                                        He shot a video from his hospital bed that soon went viral, where he revealed that other student athletes were reporting the same thing, some even requiring heart surgery.

                                                                                        He is trying to warn others, because he does not feel that he was informed of the risks prior to taking the shots. Because he has been vocal in social media relating his condition to the COVID shots, local news has also covered the story.

                                                                                        In his most recent video shared on social media, he encourages other athletes to report their COVID vaccine side effects, and he also states that someone has offered to buy the rights to his story in order to keep it quiet.

                                                                                        • alg_money_stack

                                                                                          The Illusion of Getting Rich While Producing Nothing

                                                                                          By incentivizing speculation and corruption, reducing the rewards for productive work and sucking wages dry with inflation, America has greased the skids to collapse.

                                                                                          Of all the mass delusions running rampant in the culture, none is more spectacularly delusional than the conviction that we can all get fabulously rich from speculation while producing nothing. The key characteristic of speculation is that it produces nothing: it doesn’t generate any new goods or services, boost productivity or increase the functionality of real-world essentials.

                                                                                          Like all mass delusions, the greater the disconnect from reality, the greater the appeal. Mass delusions gain their escape velocity by leaving any ties to real-world limitations behind, and by igniting the most powerful booster to human euphoric confidence known, greed.

                                                                                          Lost in the mania of easy wealth from speculative trading is the absence of any value creation in the rotation-churn of moving bets from one table to the latest hot game: in flipping houses sight unseen, no functionality was added to the house. In transferring bets on one cryptocurrency to another or from one meme stock to another, no value to the economy or society was created.

                                                                                          In the mass delusion that near-infinite wealth can be generated without producing anything, creating value has no value: the delusion is that I can get rich producing nothing but speculative gains, and then I can buy all the stuff somebody else is making.

                                                                                          The fantasy powering the speculative frenzy is once I get rich, I’ll stop working and live off my wealth. It’s interesting, isn’t it, how everyone can get rich via unproductive speculation, quit their jobs and then live off the productive work of somebody else who failed to get rich off speculation.

                                                                                          • Benjamin-Fulford

                                                                                            Is there an Asian Secret Society Planning to Take Down the West and the Rockefeller-Rothschild Empire?

                                                                                            Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian journalist who lives in Japan. He was the Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine from 1998 to 2005, and states that he:

                                                                                            “Quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine. If they dispute this, I invite them to sue me, any place, any time.”

                                                                                            He also previously was a Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post, and a staff writer for the Nikkei Weekly and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper.

                                                                                            In 2007, his life apparently took a radical turn, as he interviewed the former Finance Minister of Japan, Heizo Takenada, and he says:

                                                                                            “I confronted him with evidence that he had sold out the Japanese financial system to a group of financial companies controlled by David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds.

                                                                                            The very next day, I got an email from someone who said he was introduced by Mr. Takenada and that he wanted me to meet somebody.

                                                                                            The person I met gave me this Freemason badge and he said to me that he was a professional assassin, and that I could either… continue exposing people and die at the age of 46, or I could become basically Finance Minister of Japan.”

                                                                                            He goes on to explain that the very next day an Asian Secret Society contacted him, and offered him protection from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

                                                                                            Fulford claims that this ancient Asian Secret Society has a membership of over 6 million, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters. He claims the other non-gangster members are among the highest levels of Asian society in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, and in all the Asian communities worldwide.

                                                                                            These people all allegedly united after the first SARS outbreak happened in Asia in the early 2000s, because they believed that it was a bioweapon aimed at killing Asians.

                                                                                            He says that the West is bankrupt, and is unable to pay their debts, and China holds a significant amount of that debt which will come due in a few weeks at the end of September. He mentions that Biden tried to call Chinese President Xi Jinping last week, but China blew him off.

                                                                                            Fulford states that the Joe Biden administration has surrendered to China.

                                                                                            The Asian Secret Societies, he claims, are trying to stop this. He discusses the “Dragon Family” that is “a group of Asian Royals” whom he claims controls the China Communist Party, and is “above” Taiwan, Japan, and China.

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                                                                                              Nurse Whistleblower Upset that Her Doctor and Nurse Colleagues Want Unvaccinated People to Die

                                                                                              It should be obvious to most people today that the medical system in the United States, incorrectly labeled the “healthcare” system, is radically being transformed where political agendas now rule hospital policies, with hospitals becoming the distribution centers for Big Pharma products and services, including drugs, vaccines, and other medical procedures, where patient outcomes only matter in terms of how much financial revenue hospitals can make, and not health outcomes.

                                                                                              In fact, the system has so radically changed since COVID-19 started, that hospitals now benefit more from patients’ deaths than they do from healing them.

                                                                                              A video from a frustrated nurse has been making the rounds on the Internet recently, where she explains that her co-worker doctors and nurses now openly state that they want unvaccinated people to die, including herself.

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                                                                                                Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID - Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead

                                                                                                The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected.

                                                                                                WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit asked their viewers on their Facebook Page last Friday to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to COVID-19 if they refused to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                                                This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them. 

                                                                                                I don’t know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on their Facebook Page, as of the time of publication today, had received over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments of those who have lost loved ones after receiving a COVID shot, and comments asking them why they are not covering that story.

                                                                                                I paged through many dozens of the comments, and did not see a single one stating that they lost someone to COVID after refusing a COVID-19 shot.

                                                                                                People who have been silenced and censored on Facebook and other Big Tech platforms took advantage of the opportunity to share their stories instead. It is amazing that Facebook left these up, but after so many had commented, it would probably have been an even bigger story if they had taken down the post and comments.

                                                                                                I wonder what WXYZ will do now? Will they do what most corporate media companies do, fueled by almost unlimited resources from their billionaire Wall Street owners who are almost all connected to the pharmaceutical industry, and just go out and hire actors instead to do the story and make them up?

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                                                                                                  The Holocaust in Israel Exposed in Leaked Zoom Call with Pfizer Scientist Admitting that Israelis are Laboratory for Pfizer COVID Shot

                                                                                                  Israeli TV recently exposed a leaked Zoom call with Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist, Dr. Philip Dormitzer, who stated that because Pfizer had an exclusive agreement with the Israeli Minister of Health to use only Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines exclusively, Israel was the laboratory of the world, and that by looking at the high percentage of Israel’s population that is now vaccinated, they can predict what will happen in the U.S. a couple of months later.

                                                                                                  An Israeli doctor was also interviewed on Israeli TV recently stating that the vaccine is not working, as 90% of the hospitalizations are among those fully vaccinated, and many of them are seriously injured.

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                                                                                                    24,526 Deaths 2,317,495 Injuries Following COVID Shots Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions

                                                                                                    The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 24,526 fatalities, and 2,317,495 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

                                                                                                    A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.

                                                                                                    The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.)

                                                                                                    So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

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                                                                                                      Parental Outrage as UK Approves COVID Shots for 12 to 15-Year-Olds Leaving Decision to Children NOT Parents

                                                                                                      Fury has erupted tonight after ministers confirmed plans to vaccinate all children over 12 across the UK from next week – with experts and parents warning it may lead to unvaccinated pupils being ‘bullied’ and could even ‘tear families apart’.

                                                                                                      Vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi confirmed the plans to offer a single Pfizer jab to healthy 12 to 15-year-olds during a speech to the House of Commons tonight.

                                                                                                      But he reiterated that the final decision whether to have the jab would be down to children – and not their parents.

                                                                                                      Angry parents fumed against the move to leave the decision with young children who ‘can’t even decide what they want for tea, never mind’ a vaccine.

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                                                                                                        Loyalty to Christ Must Surpass Loyalty to Family: "I Did not Come to Bring Peace, but a Sword" - Jesus

                                                                                                        “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law– a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.

                                                                                                        Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” – Jesus (Matthew 10:34-38)

                                                                                                        Loyalty to Jesus Christ must exceed loyalty to our own family members. This is not a popular teaching in the modern day corporate Christian Church, but the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible are very clear on this matter, as this passage in Matthew chapter 10 clearly shows.

                                                                                                        Luke’s gospel records even stronger language from Jesus:

                                                                                                        “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters–yes, even his own life–he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26-27)

                                                                                                        It is easy to see how watered down modern Corporate Christianity has become, as their leaders so willingly obey the State today, urging their members to submit to government authority and line up to get the COVID shots, often times right there in their own churches where they get government kickbacks for injecting people with these Satanic injections.

                                                                                                        Many of the corporate churches are now becoming COVID-19 vaccine clinics, and if you yourself do not want to take the shots, or do not want your children to take them, the time has now come to leave Corporate Christianity.

                                                                                                        To remain in Corporate Christianity today, is to risk losing your children if you have children and have no intention of forcing them to take a COVID-19 shot.

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                                                                                                          Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined - CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It

                                                                                                          Data released by the U.S. Government in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) continues to show just how deadly the experimental COVID shots are on teenagers and young people.

                                                                                                          I did another analysis looking at deaths and injuries in the 12 to 19-year-old age group following experimental COVID shots after the most recent update to VAERS this past Friday, and compared that data to all other vaccines that this age group receives before they leave high-school.

                                                                                                          VAERS is reporting that for ages 12 through 19 (I choose to start with age 12 because that is the youngest age that the COVID injections are currently authorized to be injected), there have been 31 deaths, 181 permanent disabilities, 3,679 ER visits, 1,655 hospitalizations, 331 life threatening events, and 748 reports of heart inflammation (all forms of “carditis”).

                                                                                                          From all of the vaccines that include every non-COVID shot that 12 to 19 year-olds have received this year so far, there have been 4 deaths, 12 permanent disabilities, 78 ER visits, 36 hospitalizations, and 14 life threatening events during the same time period as the COVID-19 shots were administered.

                                                                                                          As you can see, COVID-19 shots given to our teenagers have 7.75 X more deaths, 15 X more disabilities, 47 X more ER visits, and 46 X more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving.

                                                                                                          This week I also included all cases of “carditis,” inflammation of the heart, since we have seen so many reports of injuries and deaths in this age group related to inflammation of the heart, or “enlarged heart.”

                                                                                                          This age group has already recorded 748 cases of all forms of carditis, while cases filed of carditis following all other FDA approved vaccines for the same time period is only 15.

                                                                                                          That is 50 X more cases of heart inflammation being recorded for this age group after COVID-19 shots, than all other FDA approved vaccines combined.

                                                                                                          And the FDA and the CDC know about it. That’s what makes this a criminal issue.

                                                                                                          This is a national tragedy! Where is the outrage? Where are the protests and lawsuits to STOP these schools from injecting these children??

                                                                                                          All 50 Governors are complicit with assault, battery, and murder for the tragic loss of these children’s lives, because they have done NOTHING to stop these injections in their state, whether Red or Blue.

                                                                                                          And any day now, the criminal FDA and CDC is going to give authorization to these deadly shots to be injected into children from age 6 months to 11-years-old.

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                                                                                                            NY Hospital Forced To Stop Delivering Babies After Maternity Workers Resign Over Vaccine Mandate

                                                                                                            A hospital in upstate New York has been forced to ‘pause’ the delivery of babies starting Sept. 24 after a flood of maternity workers resigned over Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

                                                                                                            Lewis County Health System CEO Gerald Cayer made the announcement in a Friday press conference, according to WWNY. According to Cayer, six employees in the maternity unit resigned and another seven are ‘undecided,’ rendering the hospital unable to safely deliver children.

                                                                                                            New York isn’t the only state with healthcare workers who refuse to get vaxxed. Last month, a group of New Mexico healthcare workers protested vaccine mandates – which they say ‘take away people’s choice and informed consent,’ and ‘violate medical codes of ethics as well as fundamental human rights, the constitution, and the Nuremberg Code,’ according to KFOX14.

                                                                                                            Protests have also been held in California, Colorado, Wisconsin, Arizona, Washington and elsewhere.

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                                                                                                              What does 911 and The Global War on Terror have in Common with Vaccines and the War on Viruses?

                                                                                                              Today on September 11, 2021, we are facing unprecedented loss of civil liberties 20 years after the events of 911 due to a worldwide fear over a “virus,” and what the politicians and the media claim is “the war on the virus” with COVID-19 declared to be the unseen enemy that threatens humanity.

                                                                                                              We are now facing a society where government will watch every single detail of our lives, all in the name of “security and safety,” from this unseen enemy. The Globalists are finally in a position to be able to control every aspect of our lives via “Health Passports” and “Vaccine Passports.”

                                                                                                              The economy is on the brink of collapse, and the Globalists have already laid out the plans to replace national currencies with a new central digital currency controlled by their central banks, where they will be able to not only track every single transaction people make, but also take away or limit this new currency based on social standards, and social credit scores, that they control.

                                                                                                              But this didn’t just start with the “appearance” of the COVID-19 virus. This has been decades in the planning and implementation, and I think it is important that as we look at the anniversary of 911, that we look at just how we got to this point.

                                                                                                              The events of September 11, 2001 brought about sweeping changes about how the U.S. Government collects and uses data on its citizens, all in the name of “protecting” us from “terrorists.”

                                                                                                              Likewise vaccines have a long history in this country of being mandated to “protect” us from these unseen enemies, usually called “viruses.” From the moment a child is born in a U.S. hospital, and given its first vaccine, a record of that person’s life is started that can be tracked throughout their life.

                                                                                                              I am republishing a video interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global Research, by James Corbett in 2016, where they discuss how the official narrative given to the public about the events of September 11, 2001, could not possibly be true.

                                                                                                              Two years before 911, in July of 1999, Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, wrote an expose titled: The National Electronic Vaccine Tracking Registry – History of Forced Vaccination: How The Plan To Force Vaccination Gave Birth To The National ID, A Government Health Records Database, and the End of Medical Privacy.

                                                                                                              Yes, you read that correctly. That was published in 1999! I am also including a video tribute I created earlier this year to Barbara’s 40-year history in fighting medical tyranny through vaccination.

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                                                                                                                We are Living Through the Greatest Scam and Cover-up in Human History - Are You Prepared for What Comes Next?

                                                                                                                This week the Biden administration did something that no other president in the history of the United States has ever done before: issue a federal mandate requiring people to get a “vaccine” as a condition for employment.

                                                                                                                Prior to this week, vaccine laws and mandates have always been a state issue.

                                                                                                                It is important to note that this is an executive order, and not a law. It is highly unlikely that the administration could ever get such a law passed through Congress.

                                                                                                                However, I think it would be foolish to expect that this will be overturned by the courts. Some courts may, but the Supreme Court is firmly under the control of the corporate billionaires and bankers who actually run this country.

                                                                                                                Almost everything about the COVID-19 Plandemic has been illegal, from requiring people to wear masks, to lock downs, to approving novel new drugs and vaccines for a sickness that has multiple FDA approved drugs already on the market that are effective in treating the symptoms related to COVID-19.

                                                                                                                What we are witnessing and living through today is the greatest scam in the history of the human race, which is now also morphing into the biggest cover-up, as vaccine injured people who have taken the experimental gene therapy shots are filling our hospitals, while the government and media lie to the American public and blame it on the unvaccinated.

                                                                                                                However, the worst is yet to come.

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                                                                                                                  US Airstrikes Have Killed Up To 48,000 Civilians Since 9/11

                                                                                                                  Airstrikes conducted by the United States have killed between 22,000 and 48,000 civilians since September 11, 2001, according to a report published Monday by Airwars, a military watchdog that monitors and seeks to reduce civilian harm in violent conflict zones.

                                                                                                                  The new analysis, released ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the retaliatory launch of the so-called “War on Terror,” came just days after a U.S. drone strike killed at least 10 members of a single family in Kabul amid the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

                                                                                                                  Most media accounts point out that more than 7,000 U.S. service members have died in post-9/11 wars, but only some go on to state the massive civilian death toll, and “almost exclusively in generalities,” researchers lamented.

                                                                                                                  While Brown University’s Costs of War project estimates that over 387,000 civilians have been killed as a result of the War on Terror, Airwars sought to answer a specific question: How many civilians have likely been killed by U.S. airstrikes in the last 20 years?

                                                                                                                  The answer, Airwars found, is least 22,679, and potentially as many 48,308 civilians.

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                                                                                                                    Did Vaccines Really Eliminate Polio? COVID-19 Shots Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome - Common Side Effect of Vaccines that Resembles Polio

                                                                                                                    FiercePharma, the pharmaceutical’s trade publication, reported yesterday that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was adding Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) as a side effect to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot.

                                                                                                                    This comes two months after the FDA issued a similar warning for GBS on the Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 shots.

                                                                                                                    The FDA and CDC claim that GBS is “rare.”

                                                                                                                    However, based on years of statistics on vaccine injuries, especially for the flu shot, the evidence suggests that it is not that “rare” at all.

                                                                                                                    GBS is almost always diagnosed based on the symptoms, and it shares the same symptoms of several other illnesses, including Transverse Myelitis (another common vaccine side effect), Acute Flaccid Myelitis, and Polio.

                                                                                                                    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for example, was originally thought to be afflicted with Polio which gave him permanent paralysis and forced him into a wheel chair, but in recent times many people believe he actually had GBS.

                                                                                                                    So what about COVID-19 shots?

                                                                                                                    GBS is now acknowledged as a side effect for at least 2 of them, but since it shares symptoms that are almost identical to other labeled illnesses, how many injuries are we seeing with “Polio-like” symptoms?

                                                                                                                    If you search the VAERS database for adverse reactions to all the current COVID-19 shots, you won’t find much for “polio.” After all, we eliminated Polio through vaccination, right?

                                                                                                                    How about if we search for GBS, Transverse Myelitis, Acute Flaccid Myelitis? I ran those searches, and the results are in this article.

                                                                                                                    So after reviewing the data regarding GBS, and other disease names that exhibit similar symptoms to GBS, the question that begs to be answered is: Was Polio really eliminated by vaccines? Or did they just simply rename the symptoms to make it look like Polio was eradicated?

                                                                                                                    Because Polio is always referred to as the “Gold Standard” example of how vaccines eliminated one of the worst viruses of the 20th Century.

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                                                                                                                      Public Health in UK Reports 80% of COVID Deaths in August were Vaccinated - 70% Higher Hospitalization Rate Also Among Vaccinated

                                                                                                                      Further evidence proving the Covid-19 vaccination programme is a huge failure has been released which confirms throughout the whole of August 80% of the people who allegedly died of Covid-19 had been vaccinated against the disease.

                                                                                                                      In all for the week of 28th August to 3rd September 2021 there were 271 hospitalisations among the entire unvaccinated population but 423 hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated population. If we base these hospitalisations occurring after the previous weeks confirmed cases then we can calculate the case-hospitalisation rate.

                                                                                                                      In the week beginning 21st August there were 15,047 confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population. Therefore based on the unvaccinated hospitalisation figures of 271 in the week beginning 28th August the case-hospitalisation rate is 1.7%. However, when we carry out the same calculation for the fully vaccinated population hospitalisations (423) and cases (14,519) we can see that the case-hospitalisation rate is 2.9%.

                                                                                                                      Therefore, this shows that the Covid-19 injections are increasing the risk of hospitalisation when exposed to Covid-19 by 70% rather than reducing the risk by the 95% claimed by the vaccine manufacturers and authorities.

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                                                                                                                        Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a "Pandemic of Unvaccinated"

                                                                                                                        The battle lines over mandatory COVID-19 vaccines are now going full steam ahead in the U.S. as the Biden Administration is announcing today that all federal employees must now get a COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment, and that they are eliminating the testing opt-out.

                                                                                                                        The argument that only COVID-19 shots will end the endless “pandemic” and the lie that hospitals are over 90% full of unvaccinated people are being used as justification for mandatory mass vaccination.

                                                                                                                        It doesn’t take much research on one’s own to bypass the corporate media and find out that they are lying, and that there are numerous reports that the exact opposite situation is now happening in the U.S. and around the world, which is that the hospitals are full of people who have already been vaccinated with COVID-19 shots and that the ones who have survived are now filling our hospitals.

                                                                                                                        This is evident from the last release of data into the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, which as of last Friday shows that following COVID-19 shots, there have been 13,911 deaths, 18,098 permanent disabilities, 76,160 ER visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, 2,933,377 injury symptoms, and 14,327 life threatening events.

                                                                                                                        And just this past week, the Toronto Sun ran a story reporting that more than 100 Ontario youth were sent to the hospital for vaccine-related heart problems.

                                                                                                                        Here is a video report I put together with testimony from nurses, a doctor, and an occupational therapist explaining what they are currently seeing in the hospitals, so you can hear it yourself from the frontline workers.

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                                                                                                                          Worldwide Protests This Past Weekend the Corporate Media Won't Report

                                                                                                                          All across the world there were massive protests against medical tyranny and COVID vaccine passports this past week, but most of these are not being reported by the corporate media.

                                                                                                                          In Australia, people are reporting that the cell phones of truckers were blocked so that they could not communicate and take photos and videos of their nationwide strike, which is apparently still in effect. There have been videos of empty shelves in some grocery stores, but the corporate media is reporting that it has nothing to do with the trucker strike.

                                                                                                                          South Australia, however, did drop their COVID-19 vaccine mandate for truck drivers.

                                                                                                                          In France, the reports are that the demonstrations against the vaccine passports are getting larger and larger every weekend.

                                                                                                                          I have put together a short video update, which also includes massive protests in Brazil, allegedly against pharmaceutical companies.

                                                                                                                          The corporate media in Brazil has reported that at least 32,000 people have now died after taking one of the COVID shots.

                                                                                                                          We are also now seeing video clips of local protests in the U.S. One in New York City over the Labor Day weekend, and one in Waikiki, Hawaii.