The World’s Rush to Reduce Dependency on U.S. Dollar Accelerates as the Great AI Bubble Burst Apocalypse Draws Closer

While I have been reporting on the Big Tech crash that started accelerating in 2022 for over a year now, others in the financial sector are finally beginning to see where the current AI hype is leading the U.S., and using such words as "apocalypse" in terms of what is going to happen when this AI bubble (which almost ALL economists now admit is a real thing) bursts. ZeroHedge News reported this week that Goldman's head of research has apparently "seen the light" when it comes to the AI bubble, and "is downright apocalyptic on what the current AI bubble will lead to; think dot com bubble on steroids" and that it "will be the biggest bubble in history." While AI has sucked up all the capital in the U.S. economy for the past year and a half to create this economic apocalypse that now awaits us, the true extent of the crash of Big Tech goes far beyond just chat bots and LLM AI. Indeed, when the history books are written in the future about the collapse of the Great American Empire, chief among its causes will be our over-reliance on technology and the false Darwinian belief system that whatever humans can do, machines and technology can do better as they evolve. This reliance on technology started in the 1800s when America abandoned using natural plants, herbs, and things in creation for healing, and when traditional methods of healing, such as homeopathy, were banned in favor of laboratory-produced pharmaceutical poisons, starting with vaccines, in the false belief that man's technology could eliminate human disease. Today, the field of "biotech" still earns $trillions while Americans get sicker and sicker, creating a highly medicated society addicted to their products, which are now the #1 cause of death in the U.S Another great failure in American "biotech" technology is the destruction of the family farm in favor of mega food companies and the proliferation of genetically modified foods, along with all the chemicals needed in pesticides and herbicides to even grow crops in highly industrialized mono-cropping systems. Meanwhile, the non-Western countries of the world are finally teaming up together to form a new economic system that does not allow the warmongering United States to impose economic sanctions against them if they don't accept American "freedom" and become a "democracy" like us. It was announced this week that the two most sanctioned countries in the world by the U.S. today, Russia and Iran, have partnered together to form their own credit card payment system. Also being reported this week is the announcement that the BRICS nations are launching their own financial system.