Anthony Fauci Sits on the Political Hot Seat to be Blamed for the False Wuhan Lab Leak Psyop for COVID as REAL Crimes go Unaddressed

Most all of the "news" headlines yesterday were about the latest circus act playing in Washington D.C. in the halls of the U.S. Congress where the day's entertainment show was hosted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, where the starring performance was acted out by Anthony Fauci, the former NIAID director and one of the master minds behind the 2020 military campaign implemented by then Commander in Chief, President Donald Trump, and his Operation Warp Speed military campaign that he unleashed against the American people. If you missed it, don't worry, as it was a summer re-run from previous performances under the "COVID-19 Virus Wuhan Lab Leak Theory", a D.C. TV series that has been running the past few years produced mainly by Senator Rand Paul. If our readers have been wondering why I have spent so little time in recent months covering the issues of COVID-19, and the most lethal bioweapon that has ever been unleashed into the human race, the COVID-19 bioweapons, it is because that story has already been written, and all that is playing in "theaters" these days are re-runs. If you search for "COVID" on Health Impact News, you will get over 1,600 results out of the 8,600+ articles published on Health Impact News since 2011. So for those of you with short memories or who have never investigated the 1,600+ articles we have already published on this topic, let's have a short review here about how this scam started, and who should be tried for treason and war crimes against the U.S. public, for crimes committed under COVID that are now all a matter of public record.

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

We have spent considerable time exposing the criminals who pushed the experimental COVID shots onto the public, and the millions who are now crippled or dead. But let's not forget how we got to that point in the first place, and the multitudes who died needlessly before there even was a vaccine. There was no killer "virus." The criminal medical system and their reign of terror caused fear that destroyed lives. COVID: The Greatest Lie Ever Told!

“This is a CDC Issue, It Should Not Have Been a Court Issue” – Fauci Insists the CDC Should be Above Federal Courts and Law

Fauci was asked about a federal judge overturning Biden’s mask mandate after declaring it unlawful earlier this week. The TSA announced travelers will no longer be required to wear face masks after a federal judge overturned the travel mask mandate. Fauci said he’s “surprised and disappointed” that a federal judge intervened and said mask mandates are the purview of the CDC. “This is a CDC issue, it should not have been a court issue,” Fauci said. “We are concerned about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health decisions.” “That’s no place for the courts to do that,” Fauci said. This is why Fauci, an unelected bureaucrat who is not beholden to the people, should never have any power.

Get Ready for More COVID Vaccines, Masks, and Lockdowns as Fauci Wants More Money for “New Variant”

The COVID-19 "pandemic" is now entering its 3rd year, and Anthony Fauci has announced a new variant he wants everyone to be afraid of, and says he needs more money because everyone is going to need a 4th COVID-19 booster shot, and masks and other measures are probably going to return. As we have previously published numerous times here at Health Impact News, these "variants" can be created at any time to instill fear into the public by using the faulty PCR Test. If you have not yet seen filmmaker Rai Gbrym's documentary on the PCR Test fraud, here it is again, because this show is going to be re-run over and over and over again to keep the COVID-19 story going for as long as people keep falling for this deception. This would almost be hilarious if it wasn't so serious. The world is on the brink of WWW III and a complete collapse of the financial system, and China has already locked down 51 million people due to their new case "outbreak" which will certainly contribute to the supply chain disaster.

Fauci and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Lie Under Oath Regarding VAERS COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci appeared before a Senate Committee Hearing this week regarding the "Omicron Response," and both of them lied under oath. They both claimed that they "didn't know" how many deaths were recorded in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines, and Walensky stated the COVID-19 vaccines are "incredibly safe" and "protect us against Omicron, they protect us against Delta, they protect us against COVID." She also stated that all reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths have been "adjudicated," when in fact not a single COVID-19 vaccine injury, let alone a death, has been tried in the Government CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program, the only place where a vaccine death or injury following a COVID-19 shot can be "adjudicated."

Is Anthony Fauci Responsible for Killing More People than Hitler did in Nazi Germany?

A video clip from a presentation given on December 7, 1994, by Dr. Robert Wilner is circulating through the Internet today. Dr. Wilner is the author of the book, Deadly Deception: the Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS. To prove his point, Dr. Wilner injected himself on live camera with blood from an HIV infected person, to show that it was harmless. But the reason this video clip of his presentation is circulating through the Internet today, is because of what he said over 25 years ago about Anthony Fauci, and others at the National Institute of Health at that time. He said: "We are talking about the most horrible scandal and scam ever perpetrated, not only in the name of 'science,' but in humanity and all history. Today is December 7th. I was 12 years old when the attack on Pearl Harbor came. And I remember World War II very well. And it is a very significant day today, because I see an incredible parallel between what is going on in the so called 'AIDS epidemic,' and what happened in the years preceding and resulting in World War II. The great lie of Hitler - it's amazing, I think he would envy the job being done by members of the National Institutes of Health, and even the media, especially in this country. And I will put the lie to the individuals of the NIH, particularly Gallo, Fauci, and Haseltine and Essex and the rest of these scoundrels of the worst order. Criminals guilty of genocide, without a doubt. I invite them to take me to court! I wish Burroughs Wellcome would take me to court! Because they have been putting out a killer drug knowingly. Because in a court of law, I would have the opportunity to provide the absolute proof and evidence, as I have in my book, Deadly Deception. Now I'm not alone in what I am doing here today. How does the Press escape such obvious truth? Why would the finest virologist in the world, the most noted virologist, member of our National Academy of Sciences, Peter Duesberg, why would he put his entire career on the line? What did he have to gain? He's already lost his laboratory. And his funding. We can't take away his professorship because he is tenured." Dr. Wilner died less than a year after this presentation in April of 1995, supposedly from a heart attack.

Rand Paul Grills Fauci, But Fails to Ask Critical Questions

Here we go again: Senator Rand Paul on Thursday faced master of reality Fauci once again. However, for some weird reason, Rand Paul failed to ask Bill Gates’ dog (you can find many references to Fauci on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, but just as an example, here is a press release from 2003 which talks about placing Fauci on the board of a group receiving $200 million) a number of critical questions.  Which begs the question: WHY?!?!?! All this covid extravaganza is nothing more than a planetary social engineering project, which is aimed at creating a new society by obliterating the old one.  Now, the problem with Rand Paul is that he failed to deny (I love that word) the retarded nature of the covid hoax, which is what he should have done in the seven minutes he had with Fauci. Rand should have asked Fauci about the covid death toll and the (lack of) accuracy of the PCR test, or about the differences between the normal flu and covid.  He also should’ve stated that all flu deaths are now covid deaths, and that there’s no logic in quarantining the healthy, or that PCR test’s “asymptomatic cases” were designed to justify that after they’d already decided to quarantine the healthy. Rand failed to go on record publicly with the American people, and let them know that some of the so-called vaccines are in fact gene therapy; instead of all that, Rand Paul just asked the most obvious (and dumb) question about the “mask thing”. I’m surprised he didn’t go for “the science behind six feet of social distancing.” I’m tired of Fauci being called an expert. An expert is someone who has proven themselves right multiple times in their field of study. Fauci has been wrong about everything in his career. He killed tens of thousands of people with AZT. Most of the real experts call Fauci a total fraud and an imbecile.

Fauci Admits He Lied About Herd Immunity To Trick Americans Into Vaccine

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Democrat-approved 'science' in 'trust the science,' appears to have just admitted to lying about COVID-19 herd immunity in order to goad more people into taking the vaccine, according to a new report in the New York Times. At issue is the percentage of the population which must require resistance to the coronavirus - through infection or vaccination - in order for the disease to disappear. Early into the pandemic, Fauci repeatedly claimed '60-70%' herd immunity was required to achieve herd immunity. Beginning around a month ago, however, Fauci's estimate drifted higher - to "70, 75 percent," and more recently telling CNBC "75, 80, 85 percent" and "75 to 80-plus percent." When asked about it, Fauci essentially said he lied for political purposes due to vaccine skeptics.

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

Last week, US president Donald Trump committed a kind of blasphemy by attacking Anthony Fauci, his pandemic consultant and practically the spokesperson for the White House regarding COVID-19, saying that: "People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots. He’s been here for 500 years.  Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths." A remarkable statement of historical dimension, since Trump is the first American head of state to cast doubt on Fauci, who has acted as the virus tsar for no less than six presidencies: Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump. To make it clear, the logic behind Trump’s attack is scientifically unfounded. He refers to a statement of Fauci he made some months ago, according to which people should “not wear face masks.”. But even if all Americans had followed this advice, it would not have lead to a single extra death. The simple reason is that the COVID-19 death rate data show unambiguously that a viral cause for the excess mortality seen in some countries, including the US, is virtually impossible — and that instead the massive experimental use of highly toxic drugs is the key factor in this context, as I recently outlined together with Claus Köhnlein MD, in an in-depth analysis for Real News Australia. But on one point Trump hits the nail on the head: Fauci is simply a disaster, because he has been telling the world one lie after another for decades, while his presence actually feels almost as if he has been there for 500 years. And tragically, the mass media sell them to their audience of billions as a kind of gospel.

SCANDAL! Anthony Fauci has been Mass Murdering People for Decades! Prevented AIDS Patients from Receiving Life-saving Cheaper Drug

Putting his own life and career on the line, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch continues to make public media appearances exposing the hydroxychloroquine scandal, which he admits is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and millions worldwide. Appearing on Fox News last night (Sunday, August 23, 2020) on the Mark Levin show, Dr. Risch explained how the FDA is also complicit with these mass murders, and that this is not the first time Anthony Fauci has withheld cheap, older and effective drugs from patients whose lives could have been saved, in exchange for waiting for a new drug instead that could be patented and marketed for great profit. Dr. Risch explained that what Anthony Fauci has done recently by spearheading the move to ban HCQ which has now been used effectively by thousands of doctors worldwide to successfully treat COVID patients, many with 100% cure rates, he also did it in the 1980s with AIDS patients. Dr. Risch said: "The FDA ... has a history of not making science-based, rational-based, decisions about its approvals. This was started most noticeably in 1987, when people with AIDS in New York City were dying of what is called pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP. The clinical experience then had been amassed of a large number of cases who were prevented from dying by use of the antibiotic bactrim. This is (another case where) even then there was a generic medication and cheap." They petitioned the FDA and Dr. Fauci at the NIH to approve the drug for AIDS patients. But Anthony Fauci refused, preferring to manufacture a new patented drug instead (AZT) and as a result over a 2-year period 17,000 AIDS patients died in the U.S., needlessly. Anthony Fauci is a mass-murderer who has never been brought to justice. It is time for citizen arrests, citizen grand juries, citizen-led trials, and citizen-led convictions, as provided by the Constitution of the United States.

The 2009 Swine Flu Scam: Murderous Anthony Fauci Betrays Public Trust Again

I take you back to the summer of 2009, when the CDC and the World Health Organization were hyping the “deadly H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic.” They were, of course, also urging people to take the new Swine Flu vaccine. On that subject, here is an excerpt from Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense (3/27/20): "For example, [Dr. Anthony] Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (‘swine flu’) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were ‘very, very, very rare.’ Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia—prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives." Thank you. Dr. Fauci. Explain to us why you haven’t been downgraded to pumping gas in Death Valley or sent to prison? However, that is only half the Swine Flu story. The other half—which involves an astounding hoax—was surely something Fauci was aware of at the time. Fauci was, in fact, recommending a highly dangerous vaccine for protection against AN EPIDEMIC THAT DIDN’T EXIST AT ALL. His friends and professional colleagues at the CDC were creating the hoax. Let me run it down for you.

Medical Doctors Across the U.S. Continue to Expose Murderous Anthony Fauci for Withholding Life-Saving HCQ for COVID

More medical doctors have come forward to expose the continued withholding of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) from COVID patients and Dr. Anthony Fauci's continued propaganda against it, which has led to tens of thousands of deaths in the U.S., and millions world wide. Two California doctors and a Florida medical doctor who also has a master's degree in public health, have published maybe the most comprehensive response to Dr. Fauci to date, in their "Open Letter" to him. They join thousands of other doctors in the U.S. and around the world who are all saying the same thing: HCQ saves the lives of people diagnosed with COVID. As we have previously reported, it is suspected that the real reason Fauci and his murderous accomplices are trying to silence these doctors, such as the Frontline Doctors who stormed into Washington D.C. a few weeks ago, is because legally they cannot petition the FDA to fast-track new drugs and vaccines if there is already an effective treatment available. In other news, the FDA has denied the request of doctors at the Henry Ford Health System to use HCQ with their patients. There can be no doubt anymore that the murderous medical tyrants in the U.S. are responsible for far more deaths than the deaths attributed to COVID.

Trump’s “Warp Speed” Funding Now Includes HIV Vaccines for Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci’s Pet Projects

President Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" which has basically given a blank check for government funds to be spent on vaccine development for COVID, now is funding HIV/AIDS vaccine research as well, according to the pharmaceutical trade publication, FierceBiotech. Ben Adams reports: "The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is launching a new clinical trial network to seek out and add thousands of volunteers to major clinical tests for vaccines and monoclonal antibodies against the pandemic. The so-called COVID-19 Prevention Trials Network (COVPN) was borne from the merger of four existing NIAID-funded clinical trial networks: the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, based in Seattle; the HIV Prevention Trials Network, based in Durham, North Carolina; the Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Consortium, based in Atlanta; and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, based in Los Angeles. While continuing to push for that long-sought vaccine for HIV prevention, as well as for other infectious diseases, they will now also focus on their new COVID-19 roles. 'Establishing a unified clinical trial network is a key element of President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, which aims to deliver substantial quantities of a safe, effective vaccine by January 2021,' said Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar." How clever! After years of spending hundreds of millions of dollars of U.S. government funding to develop an HIV/AIDS vaccine with no success, now they can utilize the fast-tracking emergency authorized funds for the COVID vaccine through Operation Warp Speed to continue their quest for an HIV RNA vaccine. The funding will be used to start more than 100 clinical trials in the U.S. and around the world. One has to wonder where they are going to find all these "volunteers" to participate in so many vaccine trials? We know from the history of past HIV drug trials, that many children who were the ward of the State were enrolled to these trials, because they had been removed from their parents and put into Foster Care, where the state has total control over their lives, including enrolling them in experimental drug trials.

7 Billion Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine for World’s Population of 7 Billion – Was This the Plan All Along?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an instant market for vaccine development. Around $1 billion of U.S. taxpayer funds have already been given to Big Pharma to develop the much coveted COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, a new class of vaccines that have never before been successfully developed. At least another $2 billion is being spent by the Bill Gates-founded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). And this is all just for starters, as over 100 COVID-19 vaccines are currently in development by most of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. The CARES Act signed into law on Mar. 27, 2020 allocates $27 billion for COVID-19 vaccine development, just in the U.S. alone. And if that wasn't enough, earlier this week (May, 2020) President Trump seemingly gave a blank check to spend as much as possible to fast track a COVID-19 vaccine through "Operation Warp Speed," a coalition of scientists, government officials, military agencies, and private companies led by Alex Azar, the Health and Human Services Secretary, and Mark Esper, the Defense Secretary. Their goal: to deliver 300 million doses of coronavirus vaccine from November to December 2020 and another 300 million by January 2021. So just by starting to research a COVID-19 vaccine, the already lucrative pharmaceutical industry just became the all-time most profitable industry on the planet. As pharmaceutical companies compete with each other to get a COVID-19 vaccine to market, there was initial skepticism that an mRNA vaccine could be developed anytime soon. Projections were that it would take about 5 years, and even then only with a small chance of success. Now, as we saw earlier this week with the announcement of the new "Operation Warp Speed" project, the projections are to produce enough vaccines to be able to inject all 350 million citizens of the United States by the end of 2020. And on May 1st this week Moderna Therapeutics announced a partnership with Lonza manufacturing to start producing 1 billion COVID-19 vaccines a year. Moderna Therapeutics is partnering with Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), who also has close ties to Bill Gates. Bill Gates said in an interview this week that 7 billion vaccine doses are needed to end the COVID-19 pandemic, which is about the same number as the number of people living on the planet. Will the entire world's population just volunteer to get this vaccine, or are the drug companies counting on the fact that they will become mandatory? The world's largest manufacturer of vaccines, the Serum Institute of India, which produces 1.5 billion vaccine doses a year for an array of diseases, said it was not going to wait for approval of a COVID-19 vaccine, but would start manufacturing them immediately, starting with 40 million doses. They are currently working with the the Oxford Vaccine Group. It would seem that pharmaceutical companies manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine are banking on the fact that the World Health Organization will recommend that they be mandatory. Will the U.S. comply?

Dr. Fauci’s Attempt to Silence Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Which Destroyed her Career

Dr. Mikovits joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute and began a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. She helped Dr. Russetti isolate the HIV virus and link it to #AIDS in 1983. Her NIH boss Anthony Fauci delayed publication of that critical paper for 6 months to let his protégé Robert Gallo replicate, publish and claim credit. The delay in mass HIV testing let AIDS further spread around the globe and helped Fauci win promotion to director NIAID. In 2006, Dr. Mikovits became director of Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease and collaborated with Dr. Ruscetti searching for the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which suddenly became an epidemic in the 1980s. The male-dominated medical community dismissed CFS as psychosomatic “yuppie flu” caused when fragile females cracked in corporate jobs. Dr. Mikovits discovered that 67% of affected women carried a virus—called Xenotropic Murine Leukemia related Virus—that appeared in healthy women only 4% of the time. XMRV is also associated with prostate, breast, ovarian cancers, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. Many women with XMRV bore children with autism. In 2009, Drs. Mikovits and Ruscetti published their explosive findings in the journal Science. But the question remained: how was XMRV getting into people? Other researchers linked the first CFS outbreak to a polio vaccine given to doctors and nurses that resulted in the “1934 Los Angeles County Hospital Epidemic.” That vaccine was cultivated on pulverized mouse brains. Retroviruses from dead animals can survive in cell lines and permanently contaminate vaccines. Dr. Mikovits’ studies suggested that the XMRV Virus was present in the MMR, Polio and Encephalitis vaccines given to American children and soldiers. XMRV is so hazardous that the mere presence of mouse tissue in a laboratory can contaminate other tissues in the same room. Dr. Fauci ordered Mikovits to keep her mouth shut. When she refused, he illegally confiscated her work books and hard drives, drove her from government work and blackballed her from receiving NIH grants ending her science career. XMRV remains in American vaccines.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID Gave $3.7 Million to Scientists at the Chinese Wuhan Lab at Center of Coronavirus Outbreak

The Daily Mail reported that it has uncovered documents showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny. According to the British paper, “the federal grant funded experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated.” Following the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, NIH funded a collaboration by Chinese scientists, US military virologists from the bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick and National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists from NIAID to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains from bats in human tissues. Those efforts included “gain of function” research which is “accelerated viral evolution” to create COVID Pandemic superbugs, enhanced bat borne COVID mutants more lethal and more transmissible than wild COVID. Fauci’s studies alarmed scientists around the globe who complained, according to a December 2017 NY Times article, that “these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.” Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Center told the Times that Dr. Fauci’s NIAID experiments “have given us some modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemic, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”

Dr. Fauci’s History in Spending Billions of Government Funds on Vaccine Research with Little to Show for it

Across the country, a debate is raging about the nation’s medical response and how best to apportion available resources. Many argue, quite reasonably, for the importance of identifying safe, effective and affordable therapies that can provide immediate help to those who are sick. On March 22, The New York Times reported that there are at least 69 existing drugs or compounds that might be effective in treating the coronavirus. In China, researchers are studying intravenous vitamin C as a potential nontoxic treatment, while a paper published by French researchers on March 20 described promising COVID-19 results from the off-label use of hydroxychloroquine (an antimalarial) and azithromycin (an antibiotic). The head of the French team, Didier Raoult, MD, PhD, is one of the world’s top infectious disease and virology experts, with roughly 2,000 peer-reviewed publications and multiple awards to his name. Raoult and coauthors point out that a major advantage of “repositioning” older drugs for this coronavirus is that their safety profile, side effects, dosing and drug interactions are already well documented. However, Ian Lipkin, MD, of Columbia University recently told MSNBC, with a grin, that investments tend to go toward treatments that are “sexy and new and patentable” rather than to “tried-and-true, classical sort of methods repurposing drugs and strategies that have already been shown to work.” For biopharma companies that are poised to profit from COVID-19-related misfortune, older drugs that have outlived their patent terms are not terribly helpful for the bottom line. Could this be why leading White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, long-time head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently pooh-poohed the published chloroquine evidence as merely “anecdotal”? Fauci is a stalwart enthusiast of “patentable” vaccines, skilled in attracting massive government funding for vaccines that either never materialize or are spectacularly ineffective or unsafe.