Crisis at the Border: 13,000 “Kids in Cages” as Illegal Immigration on Track to Increase More than the Past 20 Years

The crisis at the border with children streaming into the country without their parents has become such a huge problem, that even the corporate media is now reporting on it, and admitting that the Biden administration's policies are undoing what the Trump administration did to try to stem the tide of this terrible problem of trafficking of children. Steve Watson of Summit News reports: "The crisis at the border continues to accelerate, as CBS News reported Tuesday that there are now more than 13,000 unaccompanied migrant children being held in prison like cells by US authorities. The report notes that many more are being turned back every day, and that there are now so many trying to cross the border that the US is on track this year to encounter more illegal immigration than in the past TWENTY YEARS." What these news reports are NOT reporting, is how can all these children be coming across the border without their parents? And where are they going? The buying and selling of children is one of the largest markets in the world today, and the #1 destination is the United States. These children coming across the border may not be with their parents, but you can be sure that they are not alone. They are with their handlers or pimps, and most of them are destined to become part of the lucrative child sex trafficking network in the United States.

Was the Recent YouTube Purging Related to Child Trafficking? Corporate Media Suddenly Wants to Discredit QAnon Movement

The corporate-funded "mainstream" media works hard every day attempting to control the narrative of what they want Americans and people around the world to believe are the most serious issues facing us today, which according to the Wall Street-funded media is the Coronavirus "pandemic" and the U.S. Presidential elections. Any attempts outside of their control to publish truth about other issues are being censored and squashed, primarily through their accomplices in Big Tech and the major social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google's YouTube. Interestingly, in recent days the corporate media has focused hard on trying to discredit the QAnon movement, which has pretty much been a part of the American scene for the past 4 years, just shortly after Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States. Not only are they apparently feeding the major news networks propaganda to spread about what they want the public to believe about QAnon, it seems that the recent purge of hundreds of popular YouTube channels representing millions of viewers also had one common theme: they were exposing child trafficking, the main topic of the QAnon movement. So after ignoring the QAnon movement for the most part during the past 4 years, what has changed now? Whatever it is, it must be serious.

Pedophiles Now Control America – No Child is Safe from Medical Kidnapping

We've been sounding the alarm and warning the public for years now, but few have listened. This didn't just happen overnight. There is a war going on in America over your children that has been raging for many years. We put a name to it in 2014, and called it "Medical Kidnapping," and then started a website called The purpose of this website was to give families a voice, to tell the world about how they had their children kidnapped from them by State government officials, working hand in hand with doctors. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of cases all across this country happening every year. It is a fact that the vast majority of children that are sexually trafficked today come out of the State-funded Foster Care system. This convenient Child Sex Trafficking network called "foster care," which is paid for by the American taxpayers, allows children to be trafficked to the rich and powerful. This child sex trafficking business among the rich and powerful was exposed through the leaked Podesta emails in 2016 during the last presidential elections. It was referred to as "Pizzagate," and the corporate media, controlled by the CIA and the Globalists, did everything they could to squelch it and label anyone reporting on it as "Fake News." Instead of investigating the global child sex trafficking ring among the richest and most powerful people in the world, instead they distracted the public's attention by trying to first impeach President Trump, and then more recently looking into allegations of criminal election fraud with former President Obama. But Pizzagate was, and always has been, the real story. The Globalists at the highest level are not only pedophiles, but members of the Occult. Today, here in 2020, the COVID Plandemic is greatly increasing medical kidnapping, as all it takes now to remove a child from their home is a positive COVID test, either with the children, or the parents, to justify taking that child out of the home and putting them into the child trafficking system. This Fall, when the planned "Second Wave" is going to hit, massive amounts of children are going to be medically kidnapped, probably at a pace we have never seen before. Whatever you do, do NOT send your children back to school this fall, even if the schools in your area are allowed to open back up! NOTHING positive can happen to your child by going to a school, public or private, if they are complying with mandates to mask, socially isolate, etc. You will be giving the State every opportunity to kidnap your child!

Medical Kidnap Show to Expose Corruption in Arizona Regarding Child Sex Trafficking Thursday October 10th

The public is encouraged to tune into KFNX 1100 in Phoenix Thursday, October 10th, at 9 p.m. local time (midnight EDT) for the Medical Kidnap Show as they answer the question: Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? For those not residing in Phoenix, the show will be simultaneously live-streamed from the Medical Kidnap Facebook Page as well as the Health Impact News Twitter Feed. The show will attempt to reveal how pedophile rings reportedly operate out of Arizona, tied into the foster care system, and why alleged perpetrators are allowed to continue operating. Names will be named in an investigative report no local media has ever dared to report.  You do NOT want to miss this explosive show!

800K Children in the U.S. Missing Each Year – International Tribunal Exposes Pedophilia Problem – Victims Testify of Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse

800,000 children a year in the United States go missing, many of them being sexually trafficked through pedophilia networks where the children suffer unimaginable horrors such as Satanic ritual abuse. This number is comprised of documented cases of children gone missing, and does not include children who are born and bred into pedophilia networks and have no birth certificates, or undocumented immigrant children who come across the borders. Worldwide, the number is close to 8 million children missing and being sexually trafficked. Such is the scope of the problem that was reported earlier this year (2018) in Westminster, London by The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), as the court convened over a 3-day period to launch their Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. The Judicial Commission is comprised of world leaders who have been involved in fighting child sex trafficking for years, and includes intelligence officers, politicians, legal scholars, and many others. The International Tribunal was formed because most of the world's government bodies today have been corrupted and no longer represent the people, but instead private corporate interests, and as such, justice is seldom found in most government judicial courts around the world today to stop such a heinous crime as child sex trafficking.

New California Proposed Bill to Increase Government Seizure of Children from Families?

You may be familiar with the phrase “as California goes, so goes the nation." California’s legislative innovations are increasingly becoming harbingers of medical tyranny over children and their families. California Senator Dr. Richard Pan pushed through the mandatory vaccine law SB 277 last year with financial backing from vaccine manufacturers to ban children from public and private schools unless most of the CDC vaccine schedule was completed. Previous allowable vaccination exemptions are no longer allowed, except for medical exemptions. However, one prestigious California pediatrician is being threatened with losing his license to practice for issuing a medical exemption to vaccines to one of his patients. Could this be the State's method of shutting down doctors who dare to write vaccine exemptions, so that soon not even medical exemptions will be readily available to those who need them? Other such state bills mandating vaccines and removing exemptions were easily defeated across the U.S. in 2015, due to public outcry. Yet even though the public outcry was probably the loudest in California in opposition to SB 277, it somehow still passed. California became the first state to remove religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines. Two other states, Mississippi and West Virginia, have never had such exemptions, and their yearly health statistics on children are consistently among the worst in the United States. Will the health of California's children now decline due to mandated increases in vaccination rates? Now that same state senator, Dr. Pan, is introducing new legislation, SB 18, that allows the state to assume total ownership of a child’s well being, as defined by state and medical bureaucratic “experts.”