39-Year-Old Surgical Technician and Mother Dies 4 Days After Second Experimental Moderna COVID mRNA Shot

KUTV CBS 2 in Utah is reporting today that a 39-year-old surgical technician and mother of one died suddenly four days after receiving the second experimental Moderna mRNA COVID shot. Kassidi Kurill by all accounts was healthy, happy and “had more energy” than just about anyone else around her. Her family told 2News she had no known health problems or pre-existing conditions. Her death was so sudden, that most of her family did not even have a chance to say goodbye to her. Alfred, who was with his daughter when she passed, said it didn’t make any sense. "She was healthy – happy and active. The greatest mom you ever saw in your life and then she was so sick that in less than 12 hours intubated and on life support." She passed, he said, 30 hours after they arrived in the emergency room. The CDC updated their Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination page yesterday, March 9, 2021, and they are now reporting 1,637 deaths following the experimental COVID injections reported to VAERS. But their position on these deaths remains the same: "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths."

Doctor Mocks “Anti-Vaxxers” While Video Taping Himself Get the Experimental COVID Shot but Then Dies Days Later

It’s sad to say, but some people just have to learn the hard way.  A polish doctor died just days after taking the experimental COVID injection. The cause of death, we are told, was heart failure. However, what’s most ironic is that he recorded a video of his injection while mocking anti-vaxxers. I do not speak his language, but translators have said this is what he said before taking the experimental injection: “Vaccinate yourself to protect yourself, your loved ones, friends and also patients. And to mention quickly I have info for anti-vaxxers and anti-coviders if you want to contact Bill Gates you can do this through me. I can also provide for you from my organism the 5G network. I am sorry I hadn’t spoke for a bit but I was just getting autism.” He died just days later from heart failure.

One Nurse Dead and Another One Injured as Austria Suspends AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine Inoculations

Corporate news sources are reporting that Austria has suspended their roll-out of the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccines after a 49-year-old nurse has died "as a result of severe coagulation disorders," and a 35-year-old nurse developed a pulmonary embolism following the COVID injections. The Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) said blood clotting was not among the known side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine. An AstraZeneca spokesman said: “There have been no confirmed serious adverse events associated with the vaccine.” However, the statistics published by the UK Government's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency last week reported 244 deaths and 157,637 injuries following injections of the experimental AstraZeneca vaccine. A recent CDC report in the U.S. found that 62% of nursing home workers are refusing the experimental Pfizer and Moderna COVID "vaccines." (Source.) Since long-term healthcare residents were targeted as among the first to receive the new experimental COVID vaccines in almost every country that has begun COVID injections, and where many deaths are being reported following the injections, it is easy to understand this "vaccine hesitancy" among healthcare workers who are observing these deaths and reactions firsthand.

First Week of COVID Experimental Vaccines in South Korea: 7 DEAD and More than 2,800 Injured

South Korea finished its first week of rolling out long-awaited Covid-19 inoculations in the country with thousands of suspected adverse reactions to AstraZeneca's vaccine, seven of which resulted in deaths. The number who died after the jab rose by four in the past two days, according to a report on Saturday by South Korea's Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), which is investigating the incidents. Vaccines were administered to more than 296,000 people, or about 0.6 percent of the country's population, during the first week of the rollout. South Korea has reported more than 2,800 adverse reactions from Covid-19 vaccines. South Korea generally has some of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and it boasts some of the most effective Covid-mitigation efforts. South Korea has reported more than 92,000 Covid-19 cases among its 52 million population, and only 1,632 deaths as of Saturday. By comparison, the UK, which has a population of about 67 million, has had more than 4.2 million cases and 124,000 deaths. But South Korea suffered a vaccine scare last fall, when at least 83 people died shortly after taking seasonal flu shots. The KDCA said it found no evidence that any of those deaths were caused by the shots.

CDC: 1265 DEAD 25,212 Injuries Following Experimental COVID mRNA “Vaccines”

The CDC added more data yesterday into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through February 26, 2021, with 25,212 recorded adverse events, including 1,265 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 1,265 deaths, there were 4,930 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 479 permanent disabilities, and 2,743 hospitalizations. The CDC also updated their "Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination" page on March 1st this past week, and according to this report, VAERS has received 1,381 reports of death. For some reason, the CDC does not immediately release this data to the VAERS system, sometimes publishing it weeks later. Historically, less than 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are ever reported to VAERS. So we really have no idea what the true numbers are, since the CDC controls all the data, and the CDC has proven many times that they are corrupt and not reliable, since they own over 56 patents on vaccines, and many of their scientists earn royalties from the sale of vaccines.

460 Dead 243,612 Reported Injuries from COVID19 Vaccines Reported in the U.K.

The UK Government's reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, March 4, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through February 21, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. They report a total of 460 deaths and 243,612 injuries.

12 Residents Die After First COVID Vaccine in Wales Nursing and Dementia Care Centre

In a tragic story that has been repeated multiple times here at Health Impact News, a nursing home for people with dementia has seen 12 of their residents die shortly after they received one of the experimental COVID vaccines, while 36 residents and 54 staff are now testing positive for COVID. And as in all previous stories we have published like this, the experimental vaccines are not even being considered as a cause. The home had reportedly suffered a COVID outbreak last year that they handled well. So how do they explain this current outbreak that occurred just after injecting the residents with the first dose of one of the experimental COVID shots, which has resulted in so many deaths? "She believes the new variant of Covid-19 is likely to have been responsible for the outbreak in recent weeks, which has led to a total of 36 residents at the home testing positive along with 54 staff. The home has not yet received confirmation that the positive Covid tests were for the new variant of the virus. However, Mrs Jones believes the way the home was able to successfully contend with a small Covid outbreak last year is a clear indicator that something has been different this time around." As we have repeatedly seen in these stories, so strong is the belief in vaccines that they are never considered to be the cause of death, even when given in close proximity to the deaths. Instead, in this case they are blaming it on the "new variant" even in the absence of any testing or data to back up such a belief. It seems strange that someone like Mrs Jones, who obviously cared deeply for her residents and appears to be going through emotional trauma, would not at least question the possibility of the vaccines having some blame. There is no doubt a lot of pressure now to censor this kind of information as the pharmaceutical industry ramps up to produce more COVID experimental vaccines that need to be used up in a certain amount of time. I myself have received death threats from people emailing me as Editor of Health Impact News. And some family members of the people who died following these experimental injections have also emailed me and threatened to sue me if I do not take down their stories. But these stories are not coming down. At least not by me.

CDC Reports 1,095 Deaths Following Experimental COVID Vaccines While UK Government Reports 294 Deaths

The CDC has done another data dump today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through February 18, 2021, with 19,907 recorded adverse events, including 1,095 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 1,095 deaths, there were 4,151 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 403 permanent disabilities, and 2,298 hospitalizations. However, there is nothing to worry about, because "CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths." The UK Government also has a reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. The UK Government also has a reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Their latest report goes through February 25, 2021. They supply three reports: one from experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine, one from the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and one where the "vaccine brand is unspecified." Their latest report goes through February 25, 2021. They supply three reports: one from experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine, one from the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and one where the "vaccine brand is unspecified." These reports from the UK show 2,414 Blood disorders, 1,989 Cardiac disorders, 1,245 Ear disorders, 2,263 Eye disorders, 21,340 Gastrointestinal disorders, 65,965 General disorders, and 294 deaths. Nothing to worry about here either, as the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency concludes: "The overall safety experience with both vaccines is so far as expected from the clinical trials. Based on current experience, the expected benefits of both COVID-19 vaccines in preventing COVID-19 and its serious complications far outweigh any known side effects." Don't you feel better now that the vaccines have finally arrived to save the world?

28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist DEAD 2 Days After Being Injected with COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine

I don't know if you readers of Health Impact News are getting tired of reading about all these sudden deaths of otherwise healthy people, many of them in the prime of their life, just after receiving one of the experimental COVID "vaccines," but I know I am sure getting sick of constantly publishing these stories!! These are MURDERS! Let's call them what they truly are. All of these experimental COVID "vaccines" which have been given fast-track emergency use authorization are ILLEGAL! COVID-19 is biggest medical scandal of our lifetime! Nobody has to die from COVID-19 because THOUSANDS of doctors across the globe have documented how COVID patients can be 100% cured with either older drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, or prevented in the first place with proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation such as Vitamin C and Vitamin D. The new COVID-19 vaccines are a financial windfall for the pharmaceutical industry, but they are unneeded and they are killing and maiming people, and are clearly a far more serious threat to life and death than any "virus." The COVID Blog has just highlighted the death of 28-year-old Haley Link Brinkmeyer, who just finished her PhD and got married in 2018 and is now DEAD two days after receiving one of the mRNA experimental COVID injections.

Two Nuns Dead and 28 COVID Positive 2 Days After Experimental COVID mRNA Injections

Earlier this month WKRC Local 12 in Kentucky reported how two nuns died and 28 out of the 35 nuns at a Northern Kentucky monastery tested positive for COVID just two days after receiving their first experimental mRNA COVID injections. The leadership of the monastery, as well as the local media, were shocked at the "outbreak" of COVID and resulting two deaths, because the monastery was not open to visitors, and the residents had not traveled outside of the monastery. If ever one wanted to find a totally locked down facility with no exposure to the outside world, a monastery is about as locked down as one can get. Nevertheless, following what we have consistently seen in our news reports where a religious belief in vaccines prevents one from thinking logically and even considering the possibility that these experimental, non-FDA approved mRNA injections could have anything to do with the deaths or COVID outbreaks, the experimental injections they received just two days before were never even considered to be the cause of the deaths or illnesses.

22 Elderly with Dementia Dead in 1 Week After the Experimental mRNA COVID Injection in the Netherlands

RTV Utrecht in the Netherlands reported yesterday that 22 residents have died within the span of 1 week at St Elisabeth Nursing and Guest House in Amersfoort, following injections on January 30th of one of the mRNA experimental COVID "vaccines." Hopes were high for the vaccine at the St Elisabeth Nursing and Guest House in Amersfoort. On January 30, the residents received their first shot. But two weeks later the coronavirus raced through the nursing home. Today it was announced that 22 residents have already died in one week. "With the start of vaccinations we had expected that the infections would decrease, but that did not happen and we are very upset about that," says board member Evelien Bongers to RTV Utrecht. "It is very intense. For the residents, for their families and loved ones and for our staff." This tragic story follows what is now a familiar pattern to readers of Health Impact News. Mass vaccination of the elderly in long-term care resident homes is followed closely with everyone being infected with COVID, followed by massive deaths. The deaths are then blamed on COVID, instead of the injections.

CDC: 929 Dead 15,923 Injured Reported Following Experimental mRNA COVID Injections

The CDC has done another data dump today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through February 12, 2021, with 15,923 recorded adverse events, including 929 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 929 deaths, there were 3451 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 316 permanent disabilities, and 1869 hospitalizations. What is the CDC's evaluation of this data? In the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) published today, 2/19/21, they state: "No unusual or unexpected reporting patterns were detected." The official position of the CDC and the FDA is that the experimental non-FDA approved mRNA COVID injections are perfectly safe and effective, and everyone should go out and get them as soon as they are available. And that seems to be exactly what the majority of the American public is doing or planning on doing.

Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Attorney: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder”

Earlier this week we published the English translation of a video in German that Attorney Reiner Fuellmich published with a whistleblower who works in a nursing home where several residents were injected with the experimental COVID mRNA shots against their will, and where many of them died a short time later. Since that interview was published, other whistleblowers in Germany who work in nursing homes have also stepped forward, some with video footage showing residents being held down and vaccinated against their wish. Attorney Fuellmich is not afraid to state exactly where this evidence leads us: "It means that people are dying because of the vaccines. What we are seeing in this video clip is worse than anything we ever expected. If this is representative for what's going on in the other nursing homes, and in other countries, then we have a very serious problem. And so do the people who make the vaccines, so do the people who administer the vaccines. It looks more and more as though we're dealing with homicide, and maybe even murder."

Second Pfizer COVID Shot Halted in Spain After 46 Deaths in One Nursing Home Following the First Shot

The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home is reeling due to mass deaths after mRNA inoculations. All residents and workers at the facility received the first dose of Pfizer mRNA in early January, according to Spain mainstream media outlet ABC de Sevilla. Most residents became extremely ill shortly after the shots. It is believed many came down with COVID-19, despite being “vaccinated against it.” The Andalusian Health Service reported that at least 46 residents have died since January. For perspective, Our Lady has a maximum capacity of 145 residents. The situation remains dire, as at least 28 residents and 12 staff members were COVID-19 positive last week. Health officials halted all further mRNA shots as a result.

Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Suddenly Dies One Day After Being Injected with Experimental mRNA COVID Shot

Karen Hudson-Samuels’ career in broadcast journalism spanned over four decades in Detroit. After making her name at WGPR-TV as an anchor, producer and news director, the historian and journalist used her vision to create one of the biggest accomplishments of her lifetime. To preserve the history of the country’s first black-owned and operated television station, WGPR, Samuels worked tirelessly to bring the William V. Banks broadcast museum to life. “When this museum got into the national registry she was very, very proud,” her husband, Cliff Samuels said. The 68-year-old’s sudden death leaves the industry reciting her legacy and questioning why she had to go so soon. The Detroit media icon was found dead at her home by her husband last Tuesday, just one day after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will

German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, who has previously stated that those responsible for the “Corona Scandal” must be criminally prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity, and has also filed a lawsuit against the Facebook “FactCheckers,” recently published an interview with a whistleblower who works inside a nursing home in Berlin. The interview is in German, but there is an English translation of it that we will include here. The whistleblower's voice is altered to prevent their identity from being recognizable. The whistleblower describes how German soldiers accompanied nurses to administer the vaccines, and that there was no informed consent, and some who resisted were vaccinated anyway. The whistleblower then gives first hand knowledge of how the health of the residents rapidly declined soon after vaccination, resulting in 8 of the 31 residents dying within a few weeks. While these residents reportedly suffered from dementia, they were allegedly all in good physical health prior to the injections. They had also tested negative for COVID, but began to test positive after the injections. According to the whistleblower's first hand knowledge and observation, the deaths of these seniors were "inhumane." "Normally, the person dying would eventually accept their approaching death and – perhaps after seeing a loved one for the last time – go in peace. Dying as after vaccination, however, was different, he said.  The old people he had seen dying had breathed heavily, trembled strongly, and seemed as if inwardly they had passed away already. It seemed to him like a lonely, futile struggle against death, as if the people knew that their time had not yet come, and therefore they had not yet been able to let go."

28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection

The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer. Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with no previous existing health conditions has died after being injected with one of the experimental mRNA COVID injections. She leaves behind a young son, siblings, friends and family members who have expressed shock on Facebook at her sudden death. Her sister Jamie Lynn Cruz announced on Facebook, February 11, 2021, that the family was saying their goodbyes because there was no hope for her recovery. Sara's twin sister, Kara Stickles, has shared on her Facebook page that mentioning Sara had the Pfizer COVID mRNA injection was being censored and deleted in social media. "This beautiful, healthy 28-year-old mother received an experimental, non-FDA-approved 'medical procedure,' and now her family is raising money for her funeral. Social media accounts are getting deleted if they talk about adverse events of certain experimental products. Question: Are government officials protecting Americans from a (treatable) virus with a nearly 100% survival rate, or is there another reason the powers that be are pushing this 'emergency use authorization' product?"

Another Medical Professional in the Prime of Life DEAD Weeks After Receiving the mRNA Experimental Injection as Memphis Mourns Loss of 36-Year-Old Doctor

In what is becoming a frequent report here at Health Impact News, another medical professional has died within weeks of being injected with an experimental mRNA COVID injection, and once again, health authorities and the local media are "assuring" the public that his death is unrelated to the experimental injection he received. ABC Local 24 has reported the death of 36-year-old Memphis orthopedic doctor Barton Williams, weeks after receiving a COVID injection. The CDC is reportedly investigating his death, as it is being blamed on a "rare COVID related syndrome." Not only are they not linking the COVID injection to his death, they are actually encouraging more people to get the injections to prevent what happened to Dr. Williams!

Wisconsin Resident Doctor has Miscarriage 3 Days After Being Injected with Experimental COVID mRNA Shot

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2019. She is completing her residency in Radiation Oncology at the same Milwaukee college. Her profile on a website called SheMD says she is “passionate about medical education, public health, and mentorship, particularly for women interested in radiation.” She is married with one daughter and had another child on the way – until yesterday. Dr. Beltrán Ponce tweeted on January 28 that she is 14 weeks pregnant and “fully vaccinated.” She repeated many of the most common talking points related to COVID-19 and vaccines in the tweet chain. She tweeted an update about her pregnancy less than a week later, stating that she had a miscarriage. The miscarriage happened at 14 1/2 weeks, indicating it was three days after she got the first or second mRNA shot. As you can see from Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce's update tweet announcing the death of her unborn baby, she didn't dare connect it to the COVID injection, because to do so would have probably shipwrecked her career as a medical doctor, because she would have been labeled as an "anti-vaxxer" and therefore "anti-science."

39-Year-Old Medical Doctor and Son of Former Chief Justice of Trinidad Found Dead After COVID Injection in Ireland

The Irish Sentinel has reported that Dr. Keshav Raman Sharma, a respiratory consultant who practiced in Wexford hospital, received one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections on January 5, 2021, and the following Sunday, January 10th, was found dead in his home. He had just turned 39 years old, and his death was described as "sudden" at his funeral and other places. Dr. Sharma was from Trinidad, and was the son of the former Chief Justice of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Justice Satnarine Persad Sharma.