Texas Mother of Daughter Injured by Gardasil Vaccine Fights to Get Daughter Back as Attorneys Betray Her

A Texas mother faces another setback in trying to get her daughter back from Child Protective Services. Her daughter was medically kidnapped after a serious medical accident in which a pediatrician accidentally gave 4 month old Aniya Blu Vasquez the Gardisil 9 vaccine that was intended for her big brother. After receiving the vaccine by accident, baby Aniya began experiencing health problems that were subsequently blamed on her mother, Anita Vasquez. But Anita Vasquez recently learned that the attorney she hired to help her fight for baby Aniya is not, in fact, an attorney. Randall George Lamberg met with Anita and reportedly told her that he was an attorney who would work hard to get things done and file the motions needed to get Aniya home. Lamberg reportedly said that he was an attorney working with Esequiel Ramos, Jr. However, he is a paralegal under Ramos, not a lawyer. Lamberg was indicted in February in another case where he fraudulently represented himself as an attorney, but the Vasquez family was unaware of this history. Anita Vasquez set to work fundraising and selling menudo, a spicy Mexican soup, to raise money to pay his law firm. Between the fundraisers and a loan from a friend, she was able to pay him $7000. Court last Tuesday was supposed to be a hearing about custody of Aniya. Instead, the child was little more than an afterthought in the circus surrounding the attorney impersonator, who did not even show up for court. Anita told the Victoria Advocate: "I've been scammed."

Sacrificial Virgins: HPV Vaccine Documentary Reports Lawsuits from Japan to Colombia Increase Worldwide

A penny for your pain is the third film in the YouTube trilogy Sacrificial Virgins, which examines whether the risks associated with childhood vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV, are justified by the claim that they significantly lower the threat of cervical cancer much later in life. Through scientific analysis and examinations of adverse reactions data, as well as interviews with young women suffering severe neurological damage following treatment with Gardasil or Cervarix, the series reaches stark conclusions. Series writer and narrator Joan Shenton says: "Sacrificial Virgins concludes that the risk of serious and even life-threatening adverse reaction is high - it's in a different league to any other mass-administered vaccine. Yet the supposed cancer benefits are unproven. There is no scientific basis for saying that, decades after mass vaccination, there will actually be a consequent reduction in cervical cancers. Indeed, there is no proof that HPV even causes these cervical cancers."

The HPV Scandal: Pain and Suffering for Young Women – Sacrificial Virgins Documentary Part 2

The HPV vaccine - one of the world's most popular vaccines - is also the world's greatest source of serious adverse reactions, on a different scale to any other mass-administered vaccine, according to a new film launched today on YouTube. "Pain and Suffering," part two of the three-part series "Sacrificial Virgins," examines why the reported number of adverse reactions associated with the HPV vaccine is so great, offering a shocking analysis of what may have gone wrong. "It is a medical scandal," asserts the film's writer and narrator, Joan Shenton. "The Human Papilloma Virus vaccine - or HPV vaccine - is in a class of its own when it comes to causing pain and suffering, and in Sacrificial Virgins we are asking why."

UK Media Publishes Truth About HPV Vaccine Destroying the Lives of “Thousands” of Girls

The Daily Mail, a U.K. publication, has published an article exposing the carnage that has resulted from the HPV vaccine Gardasil. They highlight the story of Jasmin Soriat, 19, from Vienna, who died from respiratory failure three weeks after having a second dose of the Gardasil vaccine. The article is based on the new HPV vaccine documentary, "Sacrificial Virgins." Thousands of girls around the world have suffered adverse reactions, often developing chronic fatigue syndrome. The family of British teenager Ruby Shallom from Bracknell, Berkshire, also claim she was left paralysed in three limbs after having the HPV jab. She also appears in the documentary and reveals: "The only limb that works now is my left arm… I still go out and see my friends but the pain and fatigue makes it hard." In the US, France, Spain and Denmark, more than 250 court cases are being mounted over HPV vaccinations. Damages have been won in the US and France. The Japanese government withdrew its recommendation for the HPV vaccine in 2013, after highly publicised cases of alleged adverse events in girls who had been vaccinated.

New HPV Vaccine Documentary: Sacrificial Virgins

Sacrificial Virgins is a new HPV documentary written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss. “Sacrificial Virgins – so named because the vaccine is often given to girls before they become sexually active – will expose controversial evidence to the world in the hope of avoiding a global tragedy similar to the one left in the wake of Thalidomide use.” The conclusion of the film is that, based on the scientific evidence presented, there is so far no proof that HPV vaccination of girls can prevent cervical cancer in her later life, while the occurrence of serious adverse reactions is clear. So why take the risk? The film also introduces some victims suffering such adverse reactions and pressure groups that are beginning to fight for their cause.

Scottish Mother and Science Officer Warns School Teachers of HPV Vaccine Risks

Mrs. Caran Dynan, mother of a vaccine injured daughter, Kilsyth, Scotland, Science Officer and political activist for AHVID has sent this letter to many schools in Scotland and England to raise awareness that school girls are becoming very ill following HPV vaccination and are missing out on so much of their education. "With regards to the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination administered in your school, I would like to raise your awareness to the real possible side effects of this vaccine, as well as the lack of studies and safety tests carried out on this Vaccine. To make it clear, I am writing this letter from the stance of a mother whose perfectly healthy (apart from slight hay fever) daughter’s life was completely altered after receiving Gardasil. Very soon after receiving her first vaccination, her health started to decline, both mentally and physically, for what appeared to be no reason."

Gardasil Killed my 16 Year Old Daughter: She Died the Most Excruciating Painful Death

The VAXXED team was recently in Australia where they interviewed Patrice Larkin, the mother of Gabby Larkin who died at the age of 16. Like so many of the Gardasil stories we have reported about, Gabby was very athletic and active prior to receiving the Gardasil vaccine. After the Gardasil shot, she developed a headache that would not go away. Three weeks later she developed pains on her right side. Later it would be discovered that she had a tumor in her right ovary from a very rare form of cancer. Patrice explains that it was a very fast growing tumor (3-4 weeks), and only 14 other people in the world had ever been diagnosed with this type of cancer. The tumor burst and they removed her right ovary. She began chemo therapy almost immediately. A short time later she died.

HPV Vaccine War: Parents Will Not Stop Defending Their Children

Every country with an HPV vaccination program also has a group of parents with children who have lost their health, sometimes their lives after HPV vaccine administration. These parents are fighting against all odds to try and find ways to restore their children’s life to pre-vaccine status. They need honest answers and need them NOW. Meanwhile, HPV vaccine promoters are doing their level best to eliminate any conversations about HPV vaccine issues except for those discussing ways to increase uptake and/or market share. One group seems to have all the money, power and influence to accomplish their goal of vaccinating the entire currently healthy global population against HPV infections. The other group is composed of parents who are emotionally, financially and physically exhausted by their efforts to discover exactly what happened to their children and how to repair the damage. Parents left with no choice but to fight to restore their child’s former health after their right to informed consent was ignored and tragedy occurred, hold a power nearly impossible to defeat. There is no force in the universe stronger than a parent defending their child. This fact obviously scares the daylights out of those who wish to administer HPV vaccines to every child on the planet regardless of the consequences.

Girl Commits Suicide After Gardasil Vaccine Destroys Her Life

The VAXXED team recently interviewed a mother who tells about how her daughter took her own life after suffering from the Gardasil vaccine for several years. A doctor in their church recommended the HPV vaccine to them. After receiving the second Gardasil vaccine at the age of 15, she became very lethargic and could hardly get out of bed, suffering from horrible headaches. They had to black out the light in her room because of the pain it caused, and she did not leave her bed for days. Prior to the vaccine, she was healthy and active, and rarely missed a day of school. The family had to hire a teacher to teach her sophomore year of high school since she could not leave her home. After starting a very strict diet that an alternative health practitioner recommended, the family had some hope that she would recover. But she battled depression, and it was learned from her journals after her death that she had a constant buzzing sound in her head. She had tried every anti-depressant drug on the market without success.

Schoolgirls Sent to Hospital After Getting HPV Vaccine

Four Prathom 5 students were rushed to a hospital after they were given an HPV vaccination on Wednesday morning. Following the injection - said to help prevent the development of cervical cancer later in life - eleven girls developed tightness of the chest, palpitations and fatigue. Medical personnel rushed to Ban Krang (Phra Khao Chaisit) School to give first-aid treatment, and four girls were sent to the hospital - one in a serious condition due to her chronic asthma.

Study: Gardasil Risks Hidden by Vaccine Manufacturer and FDA Regulators

A new study published in Clinical Rheumatology exposes how vaccine manufacturers used phony placebos in clinical trials to conceal a wide range of devastating risks associated with HPV vaccines. Instead of using genuine inert placebos and comparing health impacts over a number of years, as is required for most new drug approvals, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline spiked their placebos with a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant and cut observation periods to a matter of months. Researchers from Mexico’s National Institute of Cardiology pored over 28 studies published through January 2017—16 randomized trials and 12 post-marketing case series—pertaining to the three human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines currently on the market globally. In their July 2017 peer-reviewed report, the authors, Manuel Martínez-Lavin and Luis Amezcua-Guerra, uncovered evidence of numerous adverse events, including life-threatening injuries, permanent disabilities, hospitalizations and deaths, reported after vaccination with GlaxoSmithKline’s bivalent Cervarix vaccine and Merck’s quadrivalent or nine-valent HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Gardasil 9). Pharmaceutical company scientists routinely dismissed, minimized or concealed those injuries using statistical gimmicks and invalid comparisons designed to diminish their relative significance.

Class Action Lawsuit Against Gardasil Vaccine Filed in Colombia

The Reconstruando Esperanza Association, made up of victims of the Human Papillomavirus HPV vaccine, will sue the pharmaceutical multinational Merck Sharp & Dohme for "the damages caused to the life and health" of hundreds of women and girls. The class action lawsuit against the multinational Merck Sharp & Dohme, which produces the drug Gardasil, warns that the amount of damages caused is 490 billion pesos (approximately $30.5 million). Mónica León del Río, representative of the association, said that "the approximate group of victims of Gardasil that make up the demand is 700 girls, adolescents and Colombian women, affected by the recombinant quadrivalent vaccine against the Human Papilloma Virus, Types 6, 11, 16 and 18, Gardasil." The association is calling for compensation for the damage allegedly due to the vaccine, mainly symptoms that affect the immune and neurologic systems, and also is calling for a declaration that the vaccine is unsafe.

Japanese Research Links HPV Vaccine to Brain Damage

Japan is one country that is questioning the HPV vaccine due to so many reports of serious side effects. The Japanese government has stopped recommending it. So it is not surprising that the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine published their own investigations into the HPV vaccine and found "neurological manifestations" associated with the vaccine. This kind of medical research cannot be found in the U.S., where the HPV vaccine Gardasil is seeing record sales, and side effects are generally censored by the media and medical profession.

Biomedical Research Studies Show Evidence of HPV Vaccine Causing Cancer

The number of studies that show that partial immunization via available HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines is not only insufficient at reducing overall HPV infection rates; the vaccines actually cause rarer, more lethal types of HPV to sweep in and the net effect could be devastating increases in HPV-related cancers. Here I review the biomedical research studies that show that type replacement is real, and that vaccination against the more common types may be, sadly and ironically, expected to cause INCREASES in HPV-related cancer.

International Study: An Honest Look at the Statistics Shows that the HPV Vaccine is Not Safe

A new study was published earlier this month (July 2017) in the journal Clinical Rheumatology looking at serious adverse events after HPV vaccination. The title of the study is: Serious adverse events after HPV vaccination: a critical review of randomized trials and post-marketing case series. This is an international peer-reviewed journal that has been around since 1945. It is the "Journal of the International League of Associations for Rheumatology," and is the official journal of the Belgian Rheumatology Society. The study was conducted by doctors from the Rheumatology Department and the Immunology Department at the National Institute of Cardiology in Mexico City. The results of their study found: 1. The lack of inert placebo in the vast majority of prelicensure HPV vaccine randomized studies, 2. Large randomized trials disclosed significantly more severe adverse events in the tested HPV vaccine cohort, 3. Pooled safety analysis found more post-immunization symptoms in bivalent HPV vaccine vs. hepatitis A vaccine, 4. Post-marketing HPV vaccine adverse events case series describe similar cluster of symptoms than those reported in pre-clinical trials, 5. The European Medicines Agency report on HPV vaccine safety looked at specific diagnoses and not at symptoms clusters, 6. In-depth analysis of some supportive post-marketing HPV vaccine safety studies discloses disquieting findings. The study found the statistics regarding the new Gardasil 9 particularly troubling, as the statistics suggest that severe harm is suffered every 140 injections, and the number needed to vaccinate in order to see any perceived benefits to the vaccine is 1757. Such a critical study of any vaccine would probably never get published in the United States, as it is considered professional suicide to criticize the extremist position that all vaccines are safe and effective, and that the "science is settled" regarding vaccines.

16 Year Old Mississippi Girl Assaulted by Mental Health Facility Staff and Forcibly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine

A lawsuit has been filed this month (July 2017) in a Mississippi district court against Canopy Children’s Solutions, a children's mental health facility in Saucier, Mississippi, for assaulting a 16 year old girl residing at the facility, and physically forcing her to receive the Gardasil 9 HPV vaccine against her wish and the wish of her mother. Upon admission, the 16 year old girl's mother made it clear that she was not consenting to having her daughter vaccinated. She made a point of telling the staff that she was opposed to the HPV vaccine, and especially wanted to avoid that one. 43 days later, her Case Manager, Travys Velez demanded that the 16 year old girl be injected with the Gardasil vaccine. The girl refused, stating that neither she nor her mother consented to the vaccine. Mr. Velez then allegedly threatened the girl, stating that she would not be allowed to see her family that weekend, and that she would be punished if she did not get the vaccine. She physically resisted the staff who forced her into a van to take her to the health department to receive the Gardasil injection. She was allegedly screaming and crying and physically resisting Travys Velez and other staff for more than two hours while trying to avoid being injected with the Gardasil vaccine. She was eventually worn down and transported by van to Harrison County Health Department, where they forcibly injected her with Gardasil 9.

Are Parents Fully Informed of Risks of HPV Vaccine Before Consenting?

When your 12-year-old daughter comes back from school with the consent form for HPV vaccine in hand, and you have to make the decision on her behalf, all the issues around informed consent come sharply into focus. My older two daughters — now adults — missed the boat on this one. My youngest two daughters, however, face a new predicament — one that’s only been on offer to humans for a decade: the HPV vaccine. Should or shouldn’t they be exposed to a genetically engineered vaccine, hailed as the best shot at cervical cancer prevention? The reality is that the information my daughter was given, information that’s intended to help guide us in this very important decision, amounts to — in my personal view — a sales pitch for Merck (the vaccine’s manufacturer). It couldn’t be described as anything approaching the provision of all relevant, currently known information about the likely benefits and risks of HPV vaccination. It also gave away nothing about other options available, should we choose to not go down the vaccination route for my daughter.

Irish Philanthropist Vows to Stand Up for Gardasil-Injured Girls Abandoned by Health Services

Jonathan Irwin is a former stud owner and racetrack executive who, in his mature years, devoted his life to a foundation he set up with his wife Mary Ann called the Jack and Jill Foundation. He set up the foundation in 1997 to provide in-home nursing care for severely disabled children, or babies born with life-threatening, debilitating conditions, whose parents would otherwise be unable to afford such services. The Irwins set up the foundation in response to a tragedy which befell their own family in 1996, which would change the course of their lives. Jonathan Irwin’s son Jack was born healthy, but for an unknown reason, he developed severe brain damage due to complications which occurred two days after his birth. According to Jack and Jill’s website, “While history does not reveal the immediate aftermath of this drama, it is probable that he died and was resuscitated. Certainly from that moment on, Jack could not swallow and was probably blind and deaf.” The doctor treating Jack advised the Irwins to leave him at the hospital so that he would not be a burden on his family and moreover, this would be the only way the state would be forced to provide care for him. The Irwins, outraged and finding this attitude totally unacceptable, decided to care for Jack at home with the help of a local volunteer nurse. They received no assistance from the health services executive (HSE) which they found appalling. The Irwins vowed to help as many families as they could, who unavoidably found themselves in the same tragic situation. Jack lived for 22 months under the loving care of his family and a team of volunteer nurses by his side. In the last 20 years, the Irwins, with the Jack and Jill Foundation, have helped thousands of families fund care for their severely disabled children in their homes. It is truly a monumental service to the country of Ireland and a gift to the children and their families they have helped. So it was with a heavy heart that Jonathan Irwin stepped down as CEO last week in a shocking announcement via Twitter. His reason? To care for his daughter who is bedridden, following what he says was a severe reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. The usual vitriolic attacks from the motley crew of pro-HPV-vaccine-at-all-costs media reps, professors, doctors, and “concerned individuals,” which normally descends on such posts, was noticeably absent. It seemed like there was a kind of stunned silence that such a prominent figure as Mr. Irwin would make such a claim.

California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies

The VAXXED team interviewed a mother in Long Beach, California, who is a nurse and was pro-vaccine. She explains that all her children were up-to-date on their vaccines before she gave her daughter the Gardasil vaccine at age 16. As a nurse, she routinely gave vaccines to patients at work, and never questioned these vaccines. She states that she was never taught about their side effects. So when she heard that Gardasil was a vaccine to prevent cancer, and that her daughter needed to have it before she became sexually active, she did not hesitate to have her daughter come in to the office where she worked, where she herself administered the first vaccine. After that first vaccine, her daughter was always tired, and they thought maybe she had "mono." Her body ached all the time, and she had difficulty walking long distances. Prior to the vaccine, her daughter was healthy and active. Her mother did not associate these symptoms with the vaccine, however. She attributed it to a poor diet and a busy lifestyle. Because of her daughter's fear of vaccines, she decided to bring the second Gardasil vaccine home and give it to her daughter in their home. Soon after the second vaccine, her daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. 10 months later, she was dead. "I want to share my story because it is very important. This vaccine is horrible. I don't know if I wouldn't have given it to her if she would still be here. And I feel really responsible because I gave it to her physically... I just thought I was doing what was right to protect my daughter from cancer, and she got cancer! I tried to protect her..."

Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped

Doctors call it a "medication administration error." During a routine check-up at her pediatrician's office, 4-month old Aniya was accidentally given the Gardasil 9 vaccine, and she hasn't been the same since. Anita Vasquez of Victoria, Texas, herself a nurse, says that "doctors are in denial" that any of the medical issues that began after her daughter received the shot are related to the vaccine. Aniya was a happy and healthy breastfed baby before her 4-month doctor visit. Her only illness was an ear infection which had been cleared up with antibiotics shortly before that fateful day of December 29, 2016. Since then, she has suffered numerous health issues and several hospitalizations. Rather than acknowledge the possibility that the Gardasil 9 vaccine contributed to the decline in Aniya's health, doctors and Child Protective Services have reportedly blamed the mother. Her desperate search for answers has led instead to her being accused of Munchausen by Proxy, or "medical child abuse," and her baby has been seized by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). Anita told Health Impact News that her concerns about the vaccine have been dismissed and ignored by virtually everyone involved in her daughter's care. DFPS refers to her "unfounded concerns" about the Gardasil 9 vaccine. She believes that they are trying to cover up the dangers of the vaccine. This is any mother's worst nightmare, and no one deserves this.