Parents Risk Losing Children to CPS in NY if They Fail to Comply with Mandatory Vaccines

As we reported last week, on June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings. The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law. Soon after this bill passed in New York, some parents apparently received letters from their children's school districts informing them of the new law, and that any child who previously had a religious exemption to vaccines now needed to comply and get caught up on their vaccinations. One of these letters, from Deer Park, New York, was posted on Facebook and quickly circulated, where James Cummings, the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, let parents know that failure to comply and vaccinate their children would result in being reported to Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS workers routinely seize children from parents who do not comply with medical directives. Today, you can lose your children to CPS for simply wanting to obtain a second opinion from a different doctor for medical treatments for your children. These children are very often taken out of their homes and put into foster care, where the vast majority of them are abused. Foster care is a billion dollar industry, and it is the main source of the United States' very large, and very real, problem of child sex trafficking. We have documented these cases of "medical kidnapping" for almost 5 years now on our website. It would appear that State Legislators and governors imposing strict mandatory vaccination laws have now found another pipeline of putting children into this very lucrative foster care system to access federal funds, where corruption is the norm.

Senator-Doctor Richard Pan Wants California to be First State to Refuse Medical Exemptions by Doctors for Vaccines

In 2015, despite widespread opposition from the public which included testimonies from doctors and attorneys opposing SB 277 to remove the religious exemptions to vaccines, California became the first State in the U.S. to remove religious and philosophical exemptions by parents to childhood vaccines. Every other state legislature that tried to do the same, both then and through the present time, failed. The majority of the American public is clearly OPPOSED to mandatory vaccinations, even among those who choose vaccines for their own children. Since the passage of SB 277 in California in 2015, the only way to opt out of childhood vaccines is to get a medical exemption from a licensed doctor. California started going after doctors who write medical exemptions trying to restrict their freedom to practice medicine in a matter best suited for the individual needs of their patients. The Internationally well-known pediatrician Bob Sears, who himself is NOT anti-vaccine but does delay or forgo some vaccines dependent upon the medical needs of his patients, was the first doctor they attacked, threatening to revoke his medical license. California medical doctor Ron Kennedy, who has been in medicine for almost 50 years, observed how many California medical doctors feared the loss of their medical license for writing vaccine medical exemptions, and filed a lawsuit against the California State Medical Board. Dr. Kennedy allegedly states in his lawsuit that the California Medical Board goes from school to school demanding medical records of children, without any permission from the parents, in an effort to find medical doctors writing medical exemptions for vaccines. Now, Dr. Richard Pan, who is a State Senator in California and authored SB 277 to remove the religious exemptions for childhood vaccines in California in 2015, has introduced Bill SB 276, which would take away the right of California medical doctors to write medical exemptions for vaccines, unless they get government permission.

Medical Doctors Across the U.S. Speak Out Against Mandatory Vaccination Laws

One of the myths propagated by the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media is that medical doctors are united in their support of mandatory vaccination laws. This is simply not true. The medical doctors and physician groups that have taken a stand against mandatory vaccination laws are almost never interviewed in the corporate media, and if they are referred to at all, they are called "quacks." The largest medical association in the world is the American Medical Association (AMA), which has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and probably represents more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than any other trade group. And yet, less than 25% of the licensed medical doctors in the United States are members of the AMA, down from 75% in the late 1950s. So it would be incorrect to believe that the AMA represents the views of most of the physicians in the U.S. They do not. Two other medical associations have come out with statements against mandatory vaccinations in the past couple of days, the "Association of American Physicians and Surgeons" and "Physicians for Informed Consent." You will not likely find their views expressed in the corporate-sponsored media outlets dominated by Big Pharma advertising revenues, and you will not see any of them invited to testify in any government hearings to discuss vaccination legislation.

Oregon Legislators Attempt to Fast-track Bill to Remove Vaccine Exemptions

Residents of Oregon are expressing outrage this week as state legislators are proposing a new bill to remove vaccine exemptions and have called a public meeting with only 3 days notice, in an apparent attempt to fast-track the bill and minimize public opposition. People in Oregon have opposed mandatory vaccination laws in the past, most notably in 2015 when they turned out at the state capitol in mass to oppose a mandatory vaccine bill introduced by Oregon State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward. The public hearing for the new bill will be held at the Capitol on Thursday, February 28th at 3:00 pm. The hearing is scheduled to be held in Hearing Room E. Written testimony can be submitted to hh**********@or***************.gov . They will accept written testimony until 5pm on Friday, March 1st.

States Move to Mandate Deadly HPV Gardasil Vaccine for Children

Pharmaceutical giant Merck's political influence is now reaching beyond the CDC and federal government, and moving into state legislatures as several states have introduced bills to mandate Merck's Gardasil HPV vaccine for children. The HPV vaccine, which only applies to sexually active people, is not currently part of the CDC vaccine schedule, therefore separate legislation is needed to compel children to receive it. What is withheld from the public is the fact that Merck is fighting fraud cases in U.S. courts and multiple other lawsuits around the world concerning the Gardasil vaccine, as the vaccine continues to kill and injure, primarily teenage girls. Here are the states currently considering new legislation to mandate the deadly Gardasil vaccine against parental choice.

Pinterest Censoring Anti-Vaccine Doctors and Pins Related to Vaccine Rights

The popular image-sharing social media website Pinterest is blocking pins that provide safety information about vaccines, or question whether or not legislation should be passed to mandate vaccines. When Health Impact News noticed that some of their pins were no longer showing, we contacted Pinterest to find out why. Someone named "Tina" from Pinterest Help emailed this to Health Impact News: "One or more of your Pins about vaccines has been highlighted as containing medical misinformation. Per our policy, this content will remain available to you, but it will be hidden from circulation on Pinterest as it contains claims that are considered to be misleading or inaccurate by the medical community." The fact is that the "medical community" is not at all unified on their views of vaccines, as increasingly more doctors, scientists and medical professionals are beginning to question the Big Pharma and Government extremist position on vaccines. The extremist pro-vaccine position on vaccine is: ALL vaccines are safe and effective and good for ALL people ALL of the time, by force if necessary. This extremist view probably represents very few in the medical community, as all 50 states currently allow vaccines exemptions be written by medical doctors. Pinterest's "Community Guidelines" was clearly written to protect the interests of Big Pharma: We’ll take action on content spreading medical misinformation that could lead to serious harm to Pinners - for example, claims of curing diseases currently considered by the medical community to be incurable. It would appear that the motivation behind such a policy is to prevent harm to Big Pharma and their profits, not Pinterest users and an informed public.

Harvard Immunologist to Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone

Dear Legislator: My name is Tetyana Obukhanych. I hold a PhD in Immunology. I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings. Do unvaccinated children pose a higher threat to the public than the vaccinated? It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide. You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement. I have outlined below the recommended vaccines that cannot prevent transmission of disease either because they are not designed to prevent the transmission of infection (rather, they are intended to prevent disease symptoms), or because they are for non-communicable diseases. People who have not received the vaccines mentioned below pose no higher threat to the general public than those who have, implying that discrimination against non-immunized children in a public school setting may not be warranted.

Cardiff University Expels Student Who Refused to be Vaccinated

Currently, vaccinations are not mandatory in the UK and, according to recent reports, the UK’s position on mandatory vaccination is unlikely to change. According to the British Medical Association, in 2003, the Department of Health issued guidelines clearly stating that none of the vaccinations available in the UK were compulsory and that they were all offered on a voluntary basis. These issues were once again debated by the British Medical Association (BMA) earlier this year, and once again, UK doctors voted against making vaccinations compulsory in the UK. This being the case, it is difficult to imagine why a so-called reputable university such as Cardiff would actively choose to dismiss a student physiotherapist from his course, simply because he refused to be vaccinated. In September 2015, Edward Thompson registered with Cardiff University to study for a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in physiotherapy. According to Mr. Thompson and his family, when he registered for the course, his vaccination status was not discussed and there was no mention of vaccinations being required, in either the university’s literature or at his interview. However, six weeks after his course had begun, Mr. Thompson was asked to attend an appointment with the Occupational Health Department, where the subject of vaccination was broached by the university for the first time.

Millions of People Take to the Streets in Italy and France to Protest Mandatory Vaccines

Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children. In Italy, millions of Italians have been demonstrating since June, protesting the infringements to parental rights. On July 28, industry-beholden Italian legislators voted 296-92 to pass a one-size-fits-all law that mandates multiple doses of ten vaccines for preschoolers through teenagers, imposing steep fines for parents who do not comply. Mainstream media outlets in both Italy and the US ignored the record protests against medical coercion. A recent survey found widespread doubts among Italian and French citizens about the importance and safety of vaccines. A cascade of recent scientific studies have described the emergence of new vaccine-related autoimmune illnesses and the inferior health status of vaccinated compared to unvaccinated children. Furthermore, a slate of films, news reports and government investigations have exposed widespread corruption among vaccine regulators, government efforts to hide serious vaccine-related adverse reactions and intimidation of scientists who publish data contrary to the orthodoxy that all vaccines are always safe for all children.

What’s the Difference Between Companies Selling Cigarettes and Companies Selling Vaccines?

Do you know the difference between companies that sell cigarettes and companies that sell vaccines in America? When cigarettes injure or kill people, tobacco companies are financially liable in civil court. But when vaccines injure or kill people, drug companies are not. That’s right. If you get lung cancer from smoking cigarettes, you can sue the tobacco company. But if you or your child suffers brain damage or dies after getting a vaccine, the drug company cannot be sued. And you can’t hold any person who licensed, recommended, gave or voted to mandate the vaccine accountable in a court of law, either. Here is why: In 1986, Congress gave drug companies a partial civil liability shield for vaccine injuries and deaths. In 2011, the US Supreme Court effectively banned all vaccine injury lawsuits, ruling that vaccines are - quote - “unavoidably unsafe.” Then, in 2016, Congress lowered licensing standards for experimental vaccines so that drug companies can fast track them to market without conducting large clinical trials. Now, drug companies and their friends in medical trade are lobbying state legislatures to strip vaccine exemptions from state public health laws. That’s right. Even though drug companies and doctors have been given an unprecedented liability shield removing all responsibility for vaccine injuries and deaths, they want more. They want “no exceptions” vaccine laws forcing you and your children to use every dose of every government endorsed vaccine without your voluntary, informed consent.

H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment

Please immediately contact your Congressional Representative and 2 U.S. Senators to OPPOSE H.R 1313 Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC-5]. It is attempting to coerce employees into employer disease prevention wellness programs. Section 3 (a) 2 refers to “workplace wellness programs and programs of health promotion or disease prevention offered by an employer.” The words disease prevention are concerning since not everyone agrees with the use of vaccines to prevent disease.

Gulf War Syndrome: Documents Prove UK and US Military Personnel were Injected with Untested Vaccines

Are today's military personnel lab rats for new and untested vaccines? As evidence continues to unfold regarding military experimental vaccines and Gulf War Syndrome, it appears that many military personnel have given up their lives for their country not in battle, but in support of pharmaceutical vaccine agenda. In this article we will reveal formerly classified documents along with testimonies, including a recent interview with a military whistleblower that is going viral on the Internet.

Vaccines Provide Herd Immunity?

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson recently reversed his opposition on mandatory childhood vaccination. When asked what caused him to make a U-turn and adopt what would seem to be an anti-libertarian position, he said, "I’ve come to find out that without mandatory vaccines, the vaccines that would in fact be issued would not be effective.…It’s dependent [on having]mandatory vaccines so that every child is immune. Otherwise, not all children will be immune even though they receive a vaccine." This line of argument is one of the main pillars behind forcing parents not only to vaccinate their kids but to do so on the government’s schedule, which includes more and more vaccines given on the same day, plus a vaccination at birth aimed to prevent a sexually transmitted illness. But is the herd immunity argument true? No.

American Academy of Pediatrics Wants a Police-state Approach to Vaccination

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), hugely funded by vaccine makers, calls for a police-state approach to vaccination. Action Alerts! Last month, the Academy, in a report titled “Countering Vaccine Hesitancy,” called for the elimination of all non-medical exemptions to vaccinations, including religious exemptions, on the model of California. Released alongside this report was another report, also from the AAP, bemoaning the increase in vaccine refusals. The report also endorsed doctors’ “firing” patients who refuse to follow the government’s precise vaccination schedule, and found the number of physicians who have adopted such a policy to have nearly doubled between 2006 and 2013.

Is the U.S. Becoming a Police State to Force Mandatory Vaccinations?

Today, the American people are challenged, as they have never been before, to confront the expansion of government authority over our bodies and the bodies of our children, specifically the exercise of police power to take us into custody and isolate us without our consent whenever public health officials believe we are sick or could become sick. At stake is the preservation of human rights and cultural values that have been part of America since the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights defined civil liberties two centuries ago. Are public health officials getting ready to apprehend and quarantine you or your child if they believe you are, or could become, infected with measles or any other communicable disease they decide is a threat to the public health? Are they enlisting airline and other public transportation personnel to help them conduct a dragnet that will be easy for you to get caught up in when you travel? Once you are detained, can they hold you for 72 hours against your will until you agree to be vaccinated or they declare you are no longer a threat? Is this for real or not? You be the judge.

Actor Rob Schneider Speaks Out on Mandatory Vaccination Laws

Actor Rob Schneider's Statements on California's SB277 mandatory vaccination law: "The most basic of all human rights is the ability to have control over your own body and be able to exercise informed consent when making medical decisions that can harm you or your child. There is a concerted effort by the pharmaceutical industry, medical trade groups and their lobbyists and our paid elected representatives in state and federal government to persuade legislators to abolish rights that individuals and parents have in making informed choices about what is best for their health and their children's health."

Declaration of Independence: Freedom to Refuse Vaccines

Every summer, Americans celebrate the 4th of July to mark the day in 1776 when the American colonies agreed they would no longer be ruled by an aristocracy. The Declaration of Independence begins with, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” That Declaration was a rejection of oppression by a ruling aristocracy and the pledge that this country would uphold the unalienable natural right to life and liberty that belongs to every person. 240 years later, we find ourselves again fighting for freedom from oppression because we have allowed the rise of a new ruling aristocracy, an elitist class of privileged citizens who want the legal right to judge, shame, segregate, discriminate against and punish fellow citizens who do not share their beliefs. Nowhere is this truth more self evident than in the oppressive implementation of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination laws that fail to respect biodiversity or human rights and crush citizen opposition, in violation of the informed consent ethic and freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief. When a ruling aristocracy uses the heel of the boot of the State to create fear and oppress average citizens for their beliefs, there is no other word for it but tyranny. The appropriation of unaccountable authority by medical trade and the militarization of public health in the 21st century should be of concern to every person who values life and liberty.

Required Gardasil Vaccine and Others Could Turn Hawaii Into America’s Only FORCED Vaccination State

We are requesting your immediate communication with your state legislators to OPPOSE an unprecedented attack on religious rights, parental rights and health freedom in Hawaii. Seven bills have been introduced in Hawaii, including a mandatory Gardasil vaccine for 7th graders, that combined could turn Hawaii into America’s only FORCED vaccination state. "The big news here is that Hawaii is about to become the first state to have a de facto vaccine mandate by the federal government for all citizens, whether children or adults." Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder and President, National Vaccine Information Center.

Dr. Michelle Davis Wants Medical Tyranny and Forced Vaccinations in Michigan

Dr. Michelle Davis has become the latest extremist pro-vaccine doctor to propose removing parental choice regarding vaccines, by eliminating the philosophical and religious exemptions currently in place by law in the State of Michigan. As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, most of the nations doctors do NOT hold the extremist pro-vaccine view that ALL vaccines are safe ALL the time for EVERYONE and should be given to ALL children, by force if necessary. This is an extremist position, and most physicians, whether in the "pro-vaccine" or "anti-vaccine" camp fall far short of this position. Attempts by the pharmaceutical lobby to pass legislation that takes away these parent choices have failed in every state so far, except California. In California, SB277 was passed in spite of massive opposition by both parents and doctors due to a strong pharmaceutical lobby and massive funding in that state. Will the parents of Michigan and other non-extremist medical professionals allow Michelle Davis to force her extremist views on the rest of the State of Michigan?

While Mandatory Vaccination Laws Are Enacted, Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Is Failing

SB 277, signed into law on June 29, 2015, denies parents in California the legal right to file a personal belief exemption to vaccination for religious and conscientious so their children can attend school. Drug companies donated more than $2 million to the California lawmakers who decided to gut the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking and the civil right to a school education. Since 1988, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has adjudicated more than 14,000 petitions for vaccine injury and death; $3.2 billion has been paid to 4,150 claimants; the remaining cases were dismissed.