Mississippi Today Investigation Exposes Dangers of One Doctor’s Reign Over Child Abuse Cases

Congratulations to Mississippi Today and their investigation into the state’s only child abuse pediatrician, and this doctor's reign of terror in destroying the lives of many families. We have been covering this very evil new pediatric sub-specialty among medical doctors for almost a decade now on our MedicalKidnap.com website, and we have published a book on the history and abuses these doctors cause, as the entire justification for their profession that employs them is to find "child abuse" and medically kidnap children to put them into the very lucrative child trafficking business. Please get this FREE e-book and read it so you can be informed about how this system operates and profits from medically kidnapping children, so that your family does not become one of the next victims.

The State with the Sickest Children has the Highest Vaccination Rates

According to the comprehensive state-by-state health rankings, Mississippi has remained squarely at the bottom of the nation’s overall health rankings for decades. Mississippi's vaccine “efficiency” is over 99.4% vaccine coverage in kindergartners, highest in the nation. This is because they do not allow parents to claim any exemptions for vaccines, one of three states that do not allow parental choice. Despite juxtaposing two critical pieces of health information about Mississippi’s children—high vaccine coverage and poor health rankings—Dr. Paul Offit, one of the vaccine industry’s most strident ambassadors, does not ask the obvious elephant-in-the-room question: Could one have something to do with the other? Offit makes it clear that he wants other states to follow Mississippi’s example and take away parental rights to make vaccine decisions.

16 Year Old Mississippi Girl Assaulted by Mental Health Facility Staff and Forcibly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine

A lawsuit has been filed this month (July 2017) in a Mississippi district court against Canopy Children’s Solutions, a children's mental health facility in Saucier, Mississippi, for assaulting a 16 year old girl residing at the facility, and physically forcing her to receive the Gardasil 9 HPV vaccine against her wish and the wish of her mother. Upon admission, the 16 year old girl's mother made it clear that she was not consenting to having her daughter vaccinated. She made a point of telling the staff that she was opposed to the HPV vaccine, and especially wanted to avoid that one. 43 days later, her Case Manager, Travys Velez demanded that the 16 year old girl be injected with the Gardasil vaccine. The girl refused, stating that neither she nor her mother consented to the vaccine. Mr. Velez then allegedly threatened the girl, stating that she would not be allowed to see her family that weekend, and that she would be punished if she did not get the vaccine. She physically resisted the staff who forced her into a van to take her to the health department to receive the Gardasil injection. She was allegedly screaming and crying and physically resisting Travys Velez and other staff for more than two hours while trying to avoid being injected with the Gardasil vaccine. She was eventually worn down and transported by van to Harrison County Health Department, where they forcibly injected her with Gardasil 9.

Mississippi First in Infant Vaccination Rates – Highest Infant Mortalities

Lindey Magee of Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights recently commented on an article published in Mississippi's Clarion Ledger on their front page, boasting about the state's 99.7% vaccine rate for kindergartners. Mississippi has the highest rate of childhood vaccination because it is one of only two states in the U.S. that does not allow parents a choice regarding vaccines, as a requirement for attending school. Only a medical doctor can provide an exemption, as religious and philosophical exemptions are not allowed. The Clarion Ledger was obviously proud of their vaccination rates, and many around the country want to follow their model and remove vaccine choice from parents and families. Lindey Magee, however, does not think Mississippi should be so proud of their vaccination rates, given the fact that Mississippi ranks last in the U.S. in infant mortality rates and very low in other key health figures for children. More:

Mississippi Parents say it’s time for the state to allow parents to have the legal right to select, delay or opt out of vaccines

Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights says it’s time for the state to allow parents to have the legal right to select, delay or opt out of vaccines. About 30 members of the group rallied [January 22nd] at the state Capitol in an effort to push for a bill this year to allow exceptions to the state’s immunization law. Mississippi doesn’t allow philosophical or religious exemptions from immunizations. “There are 48 states that allow that right,” said Mary Jo Perry of Pelahatchie, co-director of Parents for Vaccine Rights. Currently, the only way parents have of getting around the vaccines required to enter school is to homeschool their children. Perry and others in the group said they aren’t anti-vaccine; instead, they are concerned about the rapid, piggy-back schedule of the vaccines. “Some parents would like to slow it down,” Perry said of the vaccination schedule. “We want to have that option.” Perry said her son suffered a grand mal seizure, which she said she believes it was due to a vaccination since it occurred within hours of her son getting the shot. She said it is difficult to get a waiver for health reasons from the vaccinations. Lindey Magee, co-director of Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights, said the group has heard from some parents who won’t move to the state because of the lack of a vaccine exception in law.

Mississippi Parents Fight for Right to Not Vaccinate That Exists in 48 Other States

Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights


MPVR bill to amend Mississippi’s 41 year old rigid vaccine law […]