EMA Pfizer Documents on Experimental COVID-19 mRNA Shots Reveal Animal Studies were Conducted during Trials – Risks to Pregnancy being Concealed but Verified by VAERS Data

Newly obtained data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), website shows that unborn children in the womb continue to be adversely affected by COVID 19 vaccines at an alarming rate. Abortion Free New Mexico has also received expert analysis on the animal trials (published by the European Medicines Agency) for these vaccines that confirm what VAERS reports indicate, that these vaccines are harmful and toxic to unborn babies. Abortion Free New Mexico has previously reported that none of the COVID 19 vaccines have been approved for pregnant women and are being distributed without full approval from the FDA on an emergency approval basis. In addition, all four of the vaccines currently being distributed are produced and/or tested with cell lines that originated from an aborted child. As of May 22, 2021, there are a total of 283 adverse reports in VAERS where the symptom is either “spontaneous abortion” or “fetal death”. Of these, 9.54% are attributed to J&J/Janssen, 36.75% to Moderna and 53.71% to Pfizer BioNTech. These events are occurring very close to the time of vaccination, and subsequently falling off as time progresses. This is highly suggestive of a causative link between the vaccination and the adverse event. In fact, nearly 30% of these events occurred within 0-2 days after vaccination.

Whistleblower Reveals Many Pregnancy Complications following Experimental COVID Injections – “Vaccine Leaving a Trail of Devastated Mothers”

When the Pfizer experimental COVID "vaccines" were given emergency use authorization (EUA) in the U.S. in December, 2020, Health Impact News reported that while the U.K.'s EUA for the Pfizer shot had warnings for pregnant women, nursing women, and women planning on becoming pregnant, to NOT get the shot, the U.S. FDA's guidelines for the same Pfizer shot failed to include any such warnings. We also reported previously of at least one case where a pregnant doctor received the experimental COVID shots, and then reported that she had a miscarriage three days later. According to a pro-life group out of New Mexico, a whistleblower who sits on a COVID-19 task force is claiming that many pregnancy complications, including preterm birth, miscarriage, and spontaneous abortions following COVID vaccines are being concealed from the public.

Study: Babies Born to Moms Who Refuse Flu Vaccine Fare Better than Babies Born to Mom’s Who Receive the Influenza Vaccine

A new study comparing four outcomes—fetal death, low birth weight, small for gestational age birth and preterm birth—for infants whose mothers received flu shots or a placebo turned up surprising results. Not only was influenza vaccination during pregnancy was ineffective in lowering risk for the four outcomes, but they also noted that the vaccinated infants fared worse. The 2011–2012 South Africa study was one of three large double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of influenza vaccination during pregnancy funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Overall, the investigators found “no significant vaccine efficacy” with respect to any of the fetal outcomes. Unexpectedly (to the researchers), they also found that the average gestational age at birth was lower in the vaccinated versus placebo group—a statistically significant result indicative of a greater risk of preterm birth. Although most of the study’s other findings did not attain statistical significance, the pattern of results showed, in another writer’s words, tendencies that were “not reassuring.” Members of the public should remember that no vaccines have ever been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “specifically for use during pregnancy to protect the infant.”

Should Women be Given the Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy?

A great debate is raging about whether we should have mandatory vaccination to prevent childhood illnesses. Mandatory vaccination would do away with a religious, ethical, or scientific disapproval of a vaccine. A study from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine reported that the Tdap vaccination during pregnancy reduced the occurrence of infantile pertussis. This study is a perfect example of why we need informed consent on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and why we should not have government mandates about vaccines. The researchers looked at infants admitted to the hospital with pertussis and compared two groups of pregnant women: one group who received the Tdap and the other group that did not. This study showed that the Tdap vaccine is 0.02% effective at preventing hospitalization from pertussis. In other words, the vaccine will not benefit 99.98% who take it. The Tdap vaccine contains a known neurotoxin (aluminum) and carcinogen (formadehyde). There are ZERO safety studies shown that it is safe to inject either substance into a human much less a pregnant human. When I was trained, I was taught to be very careful when prescribing any therapy for a pregnant woman. I was always taught to err on the side of caution. I think that was sage advice. Tdap for pregnant women? Give women the appropriate information and let them decide.

Is Your Unborn Baby Part of a Vaccine Experiment?

When a woman becomes pregnant, naturally, she would want to protect her unborn child above all else. Therefore, when offered a series of vaccinations said to protect her newborn baby against disease in the first few weeks of life, she will probably accept the vaccinations without a moment’s hesitation. However, would she accept those vaccinations so readily if she knew that her unborn child was going to be used as part of a vaccine experiment being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the vaccine manufacturers? Health Impact News decided to investigate this issue more carefully, and what we uncovered may shock and horrify you.

Aluminum is Toxic to All Life Forms: So Why is it Used in Vaccines?

Dr. Suzanne Humphries has made available to the public her lecture on neonatal immunity presented in New Zealand in May of 2014. In this lecture, Dr. Humphries deals specifically with the toxic effects of aluminum, which is a common adjuvant contained in childhood vaccines. The medical literature clearly shows that aluminum is a death factor for cells, and highly toxic. The reasons as to why aluminum has not been replaced with something less toxic or non-toxic are economical, and not medical. This is a critical lecture that anyone considering vaccines needs to watch, particularly pregnant women and parents of young children.

Giving the Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy Associated with Increased Chorioamnionitis Infection

The JAMA article “Evaluation of the association of maternal pertussis vaccination with obstetric events and birth outcomes,” November 2014 was conducted to see if the new practice of injecting pregnant moms with the Tdap has any negative outcomes. Since this vaccine contains a very large dose of aluminum, the adverse effects I would expect to see would likely show up after infancy. Hopefully they will continue to follow these children and see if they are neurologically harmed by this neurotoxin exposure during critical brain development periods in the womb. Sadly, the Tdap is now routinely recommended during every pregnancy in the USA. I say sadly because there have been no safety studies on injecting this amount of aluminum during pregnancy.

CDC Whistleblower: Mercury in Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women Linked to Autism

Today, the Autism Media Channel released a short video where CDC whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson states, in a phone call to Dr. Brian Hooker, that injecting mercury into pregnant women creates a "clear and present danger" to the unborn child. Thimerosal, a form of mercury used as a preservative in vaccines, was removed from most childhood vaccines a few years ago, but is still in the annual flu shot, which is recommended for pregnant women. Dr. Thompson, in the video below, insists that this mercury in vaccines causes "tics" in children, and these tics are 4 times more prevalent in kids with autism. "Tics" are defined on the CDC website as: "Tics are sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly. People who have tics cannot stop their body from doing these things. For example, a person with a motor tic might keep blinking over and over again. Or, a person with a vocal tic might make a grunting sound unwillingly." Watch the short 1 minute video.

Flu Shot for Pregnant Women? CDC Covers Up Influenza Vaccine-Related Fetal Deaths

CDC Misleads Nations Ob/Gyns -Covering-up The Most Massive Fetal Death Reports Associated With The Influenza Vaccine in the History of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Dr. Gary Goldman’s study on the 4,250% spike in fetal death reports during the 2009/10 H1N1 “pandemic” was originally rejected by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AJOG), who is charged by the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) as complicit in a massive cover-up and manipulation of data associated with the 2009/10 flu season fetal deaths. This report is now available free to the public. Subsequently published in the Human & Experimental Toxicology Journal (HET), as a Sage choice study, the Goldman study is now listed in Pub med as a free PMC article. Despite an apparent trail of documented collusion and misconduct amongst the CDC, AJOG (Elsevier) and 9 non-profits including the March of Dimes, this alarmingly poor outcome of the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccine experiment on the fetuses of pregnant women was successfully covered up by the CDC until Goldman exposed the statistics, documenting the harm in his recent publication. Dr. Marie McCormick, chairperson of the CDC’s H1N1 Vaccine Safety Risk and Assessment Working Group (VSRAWG) testified, and submitted deceptive reports to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), contending no unusual signals nor adverse outcomes in the pregnant population during the 2009/10 public experiments on pregnant women. However, pressed by the NCOW statistics extracted from the government’s own data, Dr. Shimabukuro of the Centers of Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) corroborated the NCOW data in a public presentation (slide 20) in Atlanta, Georgia, in October of 2010. This contradiction to Dr.McCormick’s testimony evidences that the CDC indeed knew of the increasing level in fetal-loss reports, in near real time. Yet the CDC failed to immediately notify the nation’s Ob/Gyns, who, uninformed, continued to double-dose their pregnant patients with the fetal-fatal flu shots that collectively delivered up to 50 micrograms of mercury. Due to the success of this well-orchestrated cover up and the complicity of the non-profits and AJOG, pregnant women are now pressured to get 4 vaccine doses, (Flu, TDaP) and thereafter are mandated to give up to 49 vaccine doses to their surviving children in order for them to attend school.

Vaccination During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

In decades past, women were as a general rule told to avoid toxic exposures during pregnancy, such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, household cleaning products, radiation, medications and other toxic exposures. Today, pregnant women face a set of difficult questions and choices about keeping themselves and their babies healthy, as they’re increasingly being told to get a variety of vaccines during pregnancy. In 2006, the CDC strengthened recommendations that all pregnant women, healthy or not, should get a flu shot in any trimester. As of 2011, a pertussis-containing Tdap shot is also recommended for all pregnant women. The time-honored rule of avoiding any potential toxic exposure that might interfere with the normal development of the fetus has been suspended and replaced with an assumption that vaccination during pregnancy is safe. There’s absolutely NO sound science backing the assumption that vaccination during pregnancy is safe. On the contrary, there is a lack of available science and testing in this area.

A Doctor’s Awakening on Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy

The flu vaccine is now being pushed on pregnant women, supposedly to protect their babies. As this doctor explains, nothing could be further from the truth. Skip the vaccine. Protect yourself and your baby with good health and a healthy immune system. You can’t fake it with a vaccine.

Is There Solid Science Behind Vaccinating Pregnant Women?

The truth is that there is little if any scientific support for the pro-vaccine media interpretations of Quinn at al. or that vaccination has ever, or will ever, convey herd immunity or protection to infants.

Vaccinating Newborns Is No Longer Enough – CDC Wants to Vaccinate Your Unborn Child Also

by Alliance for Natural Health

Now they want to vaccinate pregnant women with potentially dangerous vaccines. Where will this lunacy end?

The old DTP vaccine caused […]