Texas Father Accused of Bogus Shaken Baby Syndrome Scheduled to be First Person Ever Executed Over SBS TONIGHT

As I have been warning the public for over a decade now, if you bring your child into an emergency room anywhere in the U.S., especially "Children's" hospitals, you risk having your child medically kidnapped by "Child Abuse" Pediatricians, whose entire profession relies on finding child abuse in children brought into the hospital. This very evil profession turns doctors into criminal detectives and prosecutors, something they receive ZERO training in, and instead simply examine X-rays of children, and then decide mostly on those X-rays to make the claim that the child was "abused." We have reported on dozens of these cases where parents were falsely charged with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), and lost their children, or even worse, went to prison. But now, taking your child to the hospital and having your child medically kidnapped from you has risen to a new height, as a Texas man sitting on death row is scheduled to be executed tonight based on the false science of the medical tyrants, Shaken Baby Syndrome. So this is the sad state of affairs in the U.S. today which is ruled by Medical Tyrants who have the power over life and death, and who gets to keep their children and those who do not. When you take your child to a hospital today, you could have your child ripped away from you forever, end up spending decades in prison, and then be executed - just because a doctor said so.

A Judge Finally Called BS on “Shaken Baby Syndrome”

Some of the most tragic stories we have covered over the years have been about parents and caregivers being wrongly convicted for "child abuse" through what is known as "Shaken Baby Syndrome" (SBS). Doctors and other experts who expose the junk science behind SBS and testify in court have estimated that tens of thousands of parents and caregivers are sitting in prisons wrongly convicted for this failed medical theory. We have compiled an entire eBook on this topic documenting just how we have arrived at this unjust practice that allows the medical kidnapping of children and false incarceration of parents, and we usually sell it for $9.99 but for a limited time we are offering it for free. Fortunately, some judges are now recognizing that SBS is based on junk science, and many cases are beginning to be overturned.  Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg writing for The Appeal brings us a report of one judge in New Jersey who is speaking out.

Mom Falsely Accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome for Brain Damage Caused by Vaccines

The VAXXED team recently interviewed a mother from New Jersey, now living in Florida, about her vaccine-damaged son. Her son has brain injuries, and initially she was accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). They removed her other child from her home, and tried to get her to confess to a crime she never committed. Her son almost died, and at one point they encouraged her and her husband to just donate his organs. But he pulled through, and with the use of alternative therapies such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and medical cannabis (CBD oil), he has seen significant improvement.

Nurse Vaccinated During Pregnancy with Flu Shot Accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Nurses in both the U.S. and the U.K. are coming under increased pressure to get the flu shot as a condition of employment. One nurse regrets her decision to receive the flu shot while she was pregnant. Her child was born with serious medical conditions, and upon admitting him to the hospital she was accused of abusing her child, as was the child's father. They were later both cleared of any wrongdoing, but they lost custody of their son.

Date for Execution of Man on Death Row for Shaken Baby Syndrome is Halted as Conviction is Blamed on “Junk Science”

Last week, we reported that Chief Justice Ralph Gants from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts had ordered a re-trial in the case of Oswelt Millien, a young father, who in 2015 was jailed for 4-5 years for causing permanent injuries to his six-month old daughter, Jahanna. This week yet another case, this time in Texas, has hit the news. On 17th June, 2016, Reuters reported that: "The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Thursday halted the planned June 21 execution of Robert Roberson and sent his case back to trial court. It based its decision on a recent state law that permits legal challenges citing new scientific evidence potentially pointing to wrongful convictions." In 2002, Robert Roberson was convicted for the murder of his two-year old daughter, Nikki Curtis. Although experts at the time had testified that the toddler had died of Shaken baby syndrome--a syndrome defined by brain swelling, bleeding behind the eyes and bleeding on the brain’s surface--Roberson had always denied that he had hurt his daughter and maintained that Nikki’s injuries may have been caused by a fall from her bed or a fever of 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit. (40.3 degrees Centigrade) Reuters continued, by explaining that Shaken baby syndrome can be caused by short falls, other undiagnosed medical conditions, such as blood clotting disorders and latent trauma from a difficult birth. They stated that lawyers had pointed out that it is impossible to shake a child to death without causing serious neck injuries which they said that the child did not have. They concluded that: "Robert Roberson was wrongly convicted of murdering his … daughter based on ‘junk science’ and highly inflammatory sexual-abuse allegations that were false." This is a landmark case and may lead to other innocent prisoners that are awaiting execution to be awarded a reprieve.

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts Opens the Legal Door to Retry All Shaken Baby Syndrome Convictions

As the medical profession continues to debate the merits of "Shaken baby syndrome" (SBS), the American judicial system is increasingly determining that the evidence against SBS is strong enough to prevent convictions in a court of law, where the standard is "reasonable doubt." As Christina England reports, Chief Justice Ralph Gants from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts just ruled this month that another SBS case in Massachusetts must be re-tried, because evidence contrary to the supposed "science" behind SBS was not presented at the trial. Judge Gants even went beyond just issuing a ruling to provide legal advice to attorneys seeking to represent their clients against SBS claims. So now the question remains: if these parents have had their children removed illegally, and many of these parents have wrongly been convicted and incarcerated, should doctors who are responsible for these injustices be tried in a court of law for their crimes? An important case was heard last year in the Ninth Circuit Court, which ruled that Dr. Claudia Wang, the medical director of UCLA’s Suspected Child Abuse and Negligence (SCAN) team, does not have immunity from civil lawsuits, may have set an important legal precedent.

Thirteen Men in One Prison Jailed for “Shaken Baby Syndrome” After Possible Vaccine Injuries had Occurred

In June 2015, I visited Darryl Elliott, a 33 year-old man serving a life sentence for allegedly committing shaken baby syndrome. The prison was, as one would expect, a maximum security facility, surrounded by high security fences and gates en-mass, many of which were guarded by well-trained sniffer dogs and security guards. In other words, it was just the sort of place you would expect a child murderer to be. Except for one important thing, according to the evidence supplied by a variety of leading experts, including Dr. Michael Innis and Consultant Histopathologist Dr. Marta Cohen, Mr. Elliott is innocent. Dr. Michael Innis has written: "Their preoccupation with the Shaken Baby Syndrome hypothesis also ignored the elevation of the level of Glucose in the blood and the presence of Glucose in the urine of Amelia. Both these features are manifestations of an autoimmune response to antigenic stimulation as I have explained. In this case it was the vaccines given to Amelia a few days prior to her falling ill which initiated the process. Vaccines caused the problem and Darryl Elliott was blamed." Mr. Elliott told Health Impact News that on his wing, there are a total of twelve other prisoners, all imprisoned for SBS after their child suffered a possible vaccine injury.

Vaccine Induced Scurvy and Shaken Baby Syndrome

Most people, including babies, have only marginal reserves of vitamin C. Injections of vaccines containing a great number of toxic substances, such as formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium compounds, as preservatives and adjuvants, and foreign proteins (antigens) are the primary and documented cause of harmful immune response anaphylaxis. Depletion of vitamin C reserves was linked to vaccination by Pekarek and Rezabek (1959) who demonstrated that when the rats are injected with pertussis vaccine, they develop an acute scurvy. The difference between rats and human babies is in that the rats produce their own vitamin C and recover fast, unlike the humans who do not. While it is not surprising that scurvy still occurs in the twenty first century, it is surprising that modern doctors generally fail to recognize it. Simple administration of sufficient doses of sodium ascorbate (a non acidic form of vitamin C) would save a very large number of premature deaths as demonstrated by Levy (2012) in his article "Vitamin C prevents vaccination side effects." Instead, tens of thousands of innocent parents and other care givers are serving long prison terms and being accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome, a non-existent invalid syndrome that in many cases can be directly related to vitamin C deficiency and scurvy.

Are Vaccines Altering Our Genes Causing Brittle Bones in Infants?

In recent years, doctors have seen a rise in the number of children suffering from genetic conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Osteogenesis Imperfecta. This has caused many to question whether or not the rising number of vaccinations could be to blame. A growing number of parents have reported that their child was fit and healthy prior to receiving their vaccinations and that they have only developed these conditions after being vaccinated. If this is true, could it be because their children already had the genetic markers for these conditions and the vaccinations simply prompted their bodies to develop the full-blown disorder? In this article, we take a look at the evidence that healthy children are developing potentially life-threatening genetic disorders rarely seen before the increased vaccination schedule.

Are Parents Going to Jail for Vaccine Injuries?

One of the true travesties of justice in modern society is the medical profession's refusal to acknowledge vaccine injuries. While U.S. law forces the government to pay out damages to vaccine injuries and deaths in a special federal vaccine court that was setup to protect the manufacturers of vaccines from any legal liabilities, medical professionals continue to deny the existence of vaccine injuries, and therefore research to learn how to help vaccine damaged children is never funded nor conducted. The fact that the child autism rate has skyrocketed from a rate of 1 out of every 10,000 children to 1 out of every 50 in the past few years, and is still climbing, is a national tragedy as the science linking vaccines to autism is covered up or ignored. But how much more of a travesty of justice is it when a child is harmed by vaccines resulting in brittle bones, and then the parents are put in prison for a false diagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome," while the real criminals go free and continue harming other children with their faulty medical products? These medical criminals can never be sued for damages in a court of law in the U.S., and therefore have no motivation at all to produce safe products. The U.S. government is the largest purchaser of childhood vaccines buying $4 billion worth of vaccines, giving the pharmaceutical companies a guaranteed market for their products. And now, today in 2015, lawmakers in states like California are pushing to make these liability-free vaccines mandatory by removing parental exemptions. But if a child is found with broken bones due to a vaccine-induced brittle bone condition, the parent is the one who risks going to jail, not the manufacturer of the vaccine, nor the medical professional who administered it.

Is Shaken Baby Syndrome Often Misdiagnosed and Caused by Vaccine-Induced Rickets?

Since the conventional medical system ignores vaccine injuries and even denies they exist, very few physicians today know how to diagnose injuries and illnesses caused by vaccines. Yet, this ignorance in the medical system does not mean there is not solid scientific evidence showing some of the harmful effects of vaccines. One of the truly tragic situations we are seeing today among infants suffering from vaccine damage is the prevalence of vaccine-induced rickets. The typical characteristics of an infant suffering from vaccine-induced rickets are often misdiagnosed as being caused by parents abusing their babies by shaking them too hard. In these cases, the family suffers twice: first by the damage to their child caused by vaccines, and then by the medical and social welfare systems who blame the parents and take away their children. Christina England highlights this growing problem in today's society.

Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Could vaccinations cause the “triad” of injuries associated with SBS? Parents have been blamed of child abuse if their child is diagnosed with the “triad” of injuries associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) after receiving a vaccine. The “triad” includes bleeding inside the brain, bleeding behind the eyes and swelling or inflammation of the brain, but are these brain injuries really due to the vaccination and not to abuse?

Baby’s injury spurs bill on hepatitis B vaccine

By Gail Elber, The World

In 2009, Kyle and Sara Cox and their newborn son Zakkary had a close call. An apparent reaction to a […]

Are Parents Being Accused Falsely of Shaken Baby Syndrome that are a Result of Vaccine Injuries?

By Dr. Mercola

Dr. F. Edward Yazbak is a pioneer and advocate for child safety in an area that most people are completely unaware of, […]