Teenage Girl Who Had Her Life Destroyed by HPV Vaccine Writes to School Head who Takes Her Side – Stands for Right to Refuse Vaccine

We would like to thank Chloe and Lisa for granting us permission to publish their story. This account should help people remember that every major improvement in the human condition began with a single voice. Hopefully, it will be circulated widely to encourage all those who believe their voice will not be heard. A teenaged girl from Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom sent the following letter to the headmaster of her school after seeing a huge poster promoting the use of HPV vaccines in her school. Chloe had been suffering a multitude of new medical conditions after taking the full series of HPV vaccines, nearly three years. She viewed the poster, not only as a personal insult, but one that could put her classmates at risk of having an experience similar to hers. Think about it: How many times have you been confronted with an issue that seemed too big for you to tackle? How many times have you said to yourself, “I am only one person, what can I do?” How many times have you remained silent when you felt compelled to speak? Much to her credit, Chloe did not stand idly by. She took action. By doing so, Chloe proved to the world that one single voice can make a huge difference. Not only did her headmaster listen, he responded with compassion and concern for Chloe as well as her fellow students. Chloe’s headmaster response shows that when openly communicated with, there are people who listen and respond appropriately. The headmaster took down the poster, and even assured students that if they did not want the vaccine, they would not be forced to get it at school, even if their parents consented. This story proves the only voice not heard is the one that is silent.

Side Effects of the Measles Vaccine Include Brain Damage and Death

As of November 30, 2018, there have been more than 93,179 reports of measles vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following measles vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 459 related deaths, 6,936 hospitalizations, and 1,748 related disabilities. Over 50% of those adverse events occurred in children three years old and under. As of January 2, 2019, there have been 1,258 claims filed so far in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for 82 deaths and 1,176 injuries that occurred after measles vaccination. In 1998, public health officials and attorneys associated with the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program published a review in Pediatrics in regards to the medical records of 48 children ages 10 to 49 months, who received a measles vaccine or combination MMR vaccine between 1970 and 1993 and developed encephalopathy after vaccination. The children either died or were left with permanent brain dysfunction, including mental regression and retardation, chronic seizures, motor and sensory deficits and movement disorders.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Demands the Office of the Inspector General and Congress Investigate Fraud in Vaccine Court by Denying Autism Vaccine Injuries

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and Rolf Hazlehurst, parent of a vaccine-injured child, petitioned the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Senate and House Judiciary Committees today to investigate actions taken by federal personnel during the “Vaccine Court” Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP). Recently discovered evidence provided by Kennedy and Hazlehurst details obstruction of justice and appallingly consequential fraud by two DOJ lawyers who represented the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2007. These actions led to a denial of justice and compensation for over 5,000 families who filed claims of vaccine injury leading to autism in their children. The fraud by the two DOJ attorneys directly influenced the 2011 Bruesewitz v. Wyeth Supreme Court decision which all but shut the door forever for families seeking redress for vaccine injury in the civil court system. Since this miscarriage of justice, roughly one million children have been diagnosed with autism. An unknown percentage of these cases are the result of vaccine injury.

U.S. Children Have Highest Rates of Diabetes and the Most Vaccines in the World

Type 1 diabetes—also called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile diabetes— is one of the most common and rapidly increasing autoimmune diseases in children. The U.S. has more children with type 1 diabetes than any other country in the world, with a prevalence in children and adolescents that grew by 21% from 2001 to 2009. The U.S. also has the highest number of new cases annually, well ahead of India (with a population four times bigger). Puzzling over the dramatic rise of type 1 diabetes in young children over the past several decades, scientists are reaching consensus that environmental factors play a significant role. Two of the most widely discussed environmental candidates are dietary factors and viral infections. In light of the hypothesis that viruses can be precipitating factors, it has appeared logical to at least some researchers to consider whether live virus vaccines also could be contributors, particularly given the temporal association between expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule and the escalating type 1 diabetes rates.

Unable to Sue Big Pharma, Vaccine Injury Victims Now Being Denied Legal Counsel in Vaccine Court

How does the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) and the Federal Court of Claims deprive petitioners, who are seeking compensation for their injuries, the opportunity to seek and retain legal counsel? Very cleverly. But it takes some understanding of how legal representation in the program has evolved and more importantly, how fees are paid. Today, our government is shutting the door on those who have been injured or have died as a result of a vaccine.

Texas Mom Blamed for 4-Month-Old Daughter’s Accidental Gardasil Vaccine Injury – Loses Parental Rights

A Texas jury decided Thursday afternoon, June 21, to terminate the parental rights of a mother whose 4-month-old baby was injected with the Gardasil-9 vaccine in error. Anita Vasquez is devastated. She and her friends and supporters are shocked that this could happen. Instead of doctors and social workers considering the possibility that the symptoms her daughter, Aniya Blu Vasquez, experienced could be related to the vaccine that is not approved for children under 9-years-of-age, Anita was blamed, and her daughter was taken from her by Child Protective Services (CPS). Anita tells us that there was important information that the jury did not hear before making their decision. There were things that she believes her attorney should have presented but did not. For example, only doctors who believed that there were no side effects from the Gardasil vaccine were allowed to testify.

IQ Rates in Children Plummeting – Environmental Toxins to Blame?

Over the past several decades, American children’s physical and mental well-being has steadily deteriorated. Over half (54%) of all U.S. children (as of 2007) had a chronic health condition—with developmental and behavioral problems, obesity, allergies, asthma and mental health conditions leading the pack—and the prevalence of many of these conditions doubled from 1988 to the mid-2000s. Federal reporting on pediatric health indicators in 2017 showed that one in five children (kindergarteners through adolescents) were obese, one in ten had activity limitations resulting from chronic health problems, and one in seventeen (more males than females) had, according to a parent, “serious difficulties with emotions, concentration, behavior or getting along with other people.” In addition, 12% of adolescents suffered a major depressive episode in the previous year, with the prevalence of teenage depression rising continuously since 2004 and suicide representing the second leading cause of death for both teens and young adults. Vaccines are one of the most widespread and ongoing sources of prenatal and childhood exposure to metals that negatively affect the brain. Prenatal exposure—as occurs with the mercury-containing flu shots and aluminum-containing pertussis vaccines now routinely administered to pregnant women—is particularly dangerous as early exposure can impair subsequent growth and development of neurons. The U.S. requires the largest number of vaccines for school entry of any developed nation, although compulsory vaccination has been trending upward in Europe as well.

EU Court Rules in Favor of Vaccine Injury Based on Evidence

Our UK correspondent Christina England brings us this report regarding a vaccine injury case recently ruled on by a European Union court. The ruling is significant, because the court looked at the evidence of the particular case, and ruled that the evidence showed that the hepatitis B vaccine caused multiple sclerosis. This greatly upset pro-vaccine extremists who boldly declare that the "science is settled" on vaccines, and that there is no scientific proof that they cause injuries like this. The court was not swayed by this position, however, and ruled on the evidence presented in the case, not "scientific" opinion. The corporate sponsored mainstream media spun the story from the vaccine extremist position, of course, with headlines such as: "EU court: Vaccines can be blamed for illnesses without proof." (CBS News) They define "proof" according to their own standards, declaring that anyone who disagrees with them has no "proof." "Scientific proof" is, of course, almost a contradiction in terms, since science cannot technically "prove" anything. Scientific studies and their outcomes are only as good as the data examined, and as new data becomes available, scientific theories are revised. The other problem with relying on "science" is that most scientific studies today are heavily biased, producing the outcomes desired regardless of the data. Corruption and conflict of interest are common, as one CDC whistle-blower has revealed regarding data withheld from CDC studies supposedly proving vaccines do not cause autism.

Vaccine Damaged Child Medically Kidnapped when Parents Refuse Toxic Chemicals and Choose Organic Foods

On May 19, 2017, 4-year-old Chase Walker-Stevens, a vaccine-injured child with severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy, was forcibly removed from his parents because they had chosen to wean their son off all pharmaceutical products and treat him holistically with organic food. In a video taken minutes after Chase was stolen, his father, Marc Stevens, wept as he told friends and supporters how police had stormed into the hospital, locked him into the bathroom and snatched Chase from his mother’s arms, before arresting her. During the distressing six-minute footage of events which has gone viral and has now been viewed over 3 million times, we can witness for ourselves how supporters of the family are pepper sprayed by the police as they watch the child’s mother, Cini, being dragged from the hospital kicking and screaming. Today, Chase is being looked after by complete strangers in another state, whilst his parents have been kept in the dark as to where their son is.

Why It’s Critical to Maintain a Record of Your Child’s Vaccines and Reactions

In 1953, the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) recommended 16 doses of four vaccines for children. By 1983, those numbers had increased to 23 doses of seven vaccines. Today, states mandate as many as 69 doses of 16 vaccines for children before the age of 18. But the CDC has yet to conduct comprehensive studies on the effect of so many and so many combinations of vaccines given simultaneously or within the recommended period of years. According to a report by the Institute of Medicine, “the number, frequency, timing, order and age of administration of vaccines had not been systematically examined in research studies.” This is why it is absolutely vital that parents closely observe and record a number of variables surrounding their children’s vaccinations and all reactions to them. The most reliable way to ensure your child’s safety is to keep your own records. That is why CMSRI created the Immunization Journal, which provides an organized record to track your child’s immunizations, including the date and site of injections, the vaccine manufacturer and lot number, the administrator of the vaccines and more. The most important protection for any child is a fully educated parent. We hope the Immunization Journal will be widely distributed to help inform and arm parents with an important tool as they consider whether or not to vaccinate their children.

Had I Known Then What I Know Now, I Would NEVER Have Allowed my Daughter Anywhere Near HPV Vaccines

Our daughter Holly, was an energetic, unstoppable, full-of-life 12-year-old. Very sporty, playing netball, rugby, rounders and football for a local club, the school, and county. She was also part of the Newcastle United development academy. She was so full of energy; we would send her for 15 minutes on the trampoline just to use some energy up. She loved sports, she loved being active and she loved being outdoors. Then, between November 2013 and May 2014, she was given the HPV vaccinations. Our life would never be the same again.

Gardasil Vaccine Put Our Lives on Hold

At 8 years of age, my daughter Calli was diagnosed with ADHD. She was full of energy, constantly on the go, enjoyed singing, acting and music, loved meeting up with friends. Fast forward to the 11th of December 2013. That’s the day Calli received the second dose of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. The 12th of December Calli went to bed at 10pm and at 10.45pm screamed ‘mum!’ I rushed upstairs to find her in a state of acute confusion, unable to see and very frightened. At first I thought she was dreaming but no, this was the beginning of our nightmare. What has concerned me since the 12th of December is that when the school sent out the consent form and their information leaflet, no mention was made of any serious adverse reactions which could occur following HPV vaccination. The serious side effects are listed on the Patients Information Leaflet which is not sent out to parents at the time of requesting consent. Friday 13th December 2013 at 10am while the doctors were at her bed, Calli had a Tonic Clonic Seizure. This was the most frightening experience I have ever witnessed. I thought my child had died in front of me. It’s over two years since Calli received the HPV vaccine and it has been very difficult for her. It has also been difficult for me to watch her every day not knowing how she will be or how much she will suffer. We just have to work on a day to day basis and cannot plan anything. Our lives are on hold at the moment. I just wish I did more research on the side-effects of this vaccine before I consented to vaccinate. I feel very guilty.

Questioning the CDC’s Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Vaccine Combinations Never Tested for Safety

As state legislatures move to eliminate personal and religious exemptions to vaccination, vaccine safety has become an increasingly critical issue. The number of vaccines in the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule has almost quadrupled in the last 60 years. The federally recommended childhood vaccine schedule has not been adequately tested for safety and takes a one-size fits all approach. In our medical and legal system, the burden of proof that a vaccine caused the injury or death of a child currently lies with parents. This is unacceptable when there are so many gaps in knowledge about vaccine risks and there is no liability in the civil court system for companies that market vaccines and those who administer vaccines to children. The burden of proof for the safety of vaccines should rest with the pharmaceutical corporations marketing and profiting from vaccines, the federal health agencies regulating and recommending vaccines, and the state health departments and legislatures mandating vaccines. So far, there has been little solid evidence provided to the public that these liability-free pharmaceutical products are safe to give to every child.

Gardasil: I Will Never Stop Warning Others

I continue to warn every parent to get fully informed about this vaccine and do your research. I have no trust in our health system and feel doctors aren’t informing us enough on the risks and have no idea how to help the sick children affected by HPV vaccines. I continue to hope my daughter will completely recover. Nevertheless, I consider Jemma is one of the lucky ones. At least she has an opportunity to recover – many didn’t get that chance. Their parents paid the ultimate price. This makes my skin crawl and I shiver even knowing young lives have been taken away and families destroyed. It is just disgraceful and wrong at every level. I will never stop warning others – I spread awareness to save other children. No child deserves to have their life cut short by disability or death. No family deserves to live with this type of pain. I can only hope one day this vaccine will be withdrawn from the Immunization schedule so that our healthy young girls and boys will not be submitted to so much risk for so little benefit.

The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self

Before Gardasil my daughter was an outgoing, super funny, confident, soccer athlete, practicing 3-4 hrs a day. She planned to play HS soccer and move on to college soccer. Autumn was a free spirit and so full of life. Her love for animals and passion to save the mistreated drove her to want to open her own animal shelter. She had dreams, goals and a plan. That is until she had the Gardasil vaccine. Autumn fought hard to keep the life she had prior to Gardasil, but eventually was forced to quit soccer and withdraw from school. She has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Autumn suffers from extreme memory loss, anger, insomnia, and severely diminished cognitive processes. She has self-harmed, cutting and branding her wrist/hips to cope with the suffering she endures daily. Did the benefits of Gardasil outweigh the risk for Autumn? Absolutely not!

Gardasil: An Experience no Child Should Have to Go Through

My daughter was born on December 6, 1999. She was approximately 14 years, and 2 months old when she first suffered an adverse reaction to a vaccine. J.G. was a happy, very healthy, normal, teenage girl. All that changed when the doctor in her pediatrics office recommended she receive Gardasil as prevention against cervical cancer. J.G. has lost her teenage years due to her debilitating condition, and cannot live a normal life. The fear of bruising and her potentially low platelet count dominates her mind wherever she goes. No child should have to go through what my daughter has experienced.

Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice

Essentially, our lives rocked along with the usual family squabbles, snotty noses, heat rashes and teenage pimples … nothing really major to concern ourselves over. Until the youngest, our daughter, started at College! Then all hell broke loose! In her final primary year (Year 8), we’d received notices regarding Gardasil. Some friends cautioned outright against it; others were 50/50 and still others were, like: Why wouldn’t you if it can prevent cancer? We came to the conclusion that we should go ahead. About six months later, things began to crumble... I refuse to allow this vaccine to continue harming our girls and am doing everything in my power to bring it to the attention of the media and authorities.

While Mandatory Vaccination Laws Are Enacted, Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Is Failing

SB 277, signed into law on June 29, 2015, denies parents in California the legal right to file a personal belief exemption to vaccination for religious and conscientious so their children can attend school. Drug companies donated more than $2 million to the California lawmakers who decided to gut the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking and the civil right to a school education. Since 1988, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has adjudicated more than 14,000 petitions for vaccine injury and death; $3.2 billion has been paid to 4,150 claimants; the remaining cases were dismissed.

5 Families Sue Big Pharma in France for Vaccine Damages to Children

Here is a story that originates from the French media about 5 families with vaccine-damaged children suing the drug manufacturers for vaccine damages. The parents of the five families who contend that vaccines caused their children’s disabilities have joined forces to take GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Sanofi to court in hopes that the courts will acknowledge the side effects of vaccines and award compensation to their disabled children. You will not, of course, ever read a story like this in the U.S. mainstream press for the simple reason that families cannot sue drug manufacturers for damages due to vaccines - it is against the law. There were so many lawsuits due to vaccine damages and deaths in the 1980s, that Big Pharma blackmailed Congress by threatening to get out of the vaccine business (which is exactly what should have happened if there were truly a free market in the U.S. where failed products and companies were allowed to fail) unless they were given legal protection from ALL lawsuits. So Congress gave Big Pharma total legal immunity to any harm due to vaccines back in 1986, and the U.S. Supreme Court upheld that law in 2011. Instead, the U.S. law has set up a special "vaccine court" funded by taxes consumers pay on the vaccines. The U.S. Government has attorneys that fight on behalf of the government not to pay damages for vaccine injuries and death. But they have paid out millions of dollars in damages nevertheless, even though the mainstream media seldom reports this.

If Your Child is Injured by a Vaccine Who is Responsible?

by Jeffry John Aufderheide

Have you ever asked your doctor about the safety of vaccines, only to have your concerns dismissed? If so, you’re not […]