From Nuremberg to California: How Eugenics Destroys the Lives of Children by Removing Consent to Medical Procedures Like Vaccines

Comments by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News Editor: I have been investigating and covering the topic of vaccines for over a decade now, and know the topic so well that seldom, if ever, can I find anyone to carry on an intelligent conversation about the topic. The controversial topic of vaccines in the U.S. today is primarily a topic about beliefs, and people's trust in vaccines resembles a religious belief, not an informed opinion based on the facts. I am not sure in all of my years in covering this very important and very controversial topic, that I have ever found a literary treatise on the subject as eloquent and comprehensive as this piece just put together by Barbara Loe Fisher, the founder of the National Vaccine Information Center. Revolutions that have changed the course of history have begun on lesser documents and exposés than what Barbara has written here, and I am not exaggerating. When discussing the topic of vaccines, the religious-like faith of those who put their trust in them usually starts out with a statement like: "When it comes to vaccines, the science is settled." This statement in and of itself is intrinsically unscientific, and is simply used to avoid debate and censor any information contrary to the religious-like beliefs so many hold about vaccines. Fisher correctly points out how our modern day culture has come to worship "science," but it is a very perverted form of true science. Fisher does an excellent job also of documenting the history of "eugenics," which was born in American intellectualism and made notorious by Hitler in Nazi Germany to justify horrible atrocities. As we have reported here at Health Impact News, while the term "eugenics" has become unpopular, the ideas it represents have never left American culture - they have just been "repackaged" and are the same arguments used today for forced vaccination as they were used in the past for forced sterilization.

Two Meta-Analysis Reviews Confirm (Yet Again) the Link between Mercury and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Even the smallest amounts can cause cumulative adverse effects. Two of the most widespread forms of mercury exposure come from the organic compounds methylmercury (found in fish) and ethylmercury, which makes up 50% of the vaccine preservative thimerosal. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) affirms that young children and fetuses are particularly sensitive to harmful mercury-related effects such as “brain damage, mental retardation, incoordination, blindness, seizures and inability to speak.” This calls into question public health authorities’ aggressive peddling of annual flu shots—many of which contain thimerosal. The influenza vaccine guidelines target all children who are at least six months of age, with two closely spaced doses recommended for very young children in their “first season of vaccination.” They also target pregnant women and women who “might” be pregnant. Organic mercury can cross the blood-brain barrier, and numerous studies have fingered it as a major offender in increasing the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), tic disorders, delayed language and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Shamefully, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) refuses to admit that mercury is an ASD risk factor. Instead, it has been left up to other researchers to continue to focus attention on the compelling relationship between mercury and ASD.

Dr. Brownstein: New Shingrix Vaccine for Shingles Fails 97% of Time

A recent article in the New York Times got me going–it was titled, “CDC Panel Recommends a New Shingles Vaccine.” The new vaccine—Shingrix—is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline for adults 50 and older. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which is part of the CDC, now recommends Shingrix over the old shingles vaccine—Merck’s Zostavax. Amazingly, the new recommendations now state that adults who have received the older shingles vaccine should now get the new one. The article in the NYT states, "…clinical trials showed {Shingrix} to be about 98% effective for one year and 85% effective at preventing shingles for three years." I have written about the failure of the older vaccine-Zostavax—for many years. In those articles, I show you that Zostavax fails nearly 99% who take it. Naturally, anything that fails 99% who take it, should not be prescribed. Let’s look at the Shingrix data. A true statement about Shingrix is that it takes 34 people to be vaccinated with Shingrix to prevent one case of shingles. That means the drug failed 33 out of 34 who took it which is a 97% failure rate!

Most Medical Professionals Giving Vaccines Do Not Know What Ingredients They Contain

The chances are that if you ask most chefs about the ingredients they put into their favorite recipes, they will be able to list for you the name of every single ingredient and the corresponding amounts. That is what you would expect. By the same token, you would expect most doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical workers who administer vaccines would be able to list for you every ingredient in vaccines, along with the corresponding amounts. That is what you should expect. However, that is not necessarily the case. It is reasonable to assume that those who administer influenza vaccines regularly to people should know the ingredients of what they are giving. It’s not all that different from memorizing the ingredients of a few favorite food recipes. Neither is it unreasonable to assume those who give flu shots should know the potential side effects of each of the vaccines and the synergistic toxicity of the ingredients that could provoke these reactions. You would expect a command of this basic knowledge by doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals who are injecting these ingredients into nearly half the U.S. population. The next time a doctor recommends that you or your child get a flu shot, ask him or her to tell you exactly what is in the vaccine being recommended and see what kind of answer you get.

Whooping Cough Outbreaks Traced Back to Vaccine Failure

The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is included as a component in "combination" shots that include tetanus and diphtheria (DPT, DTaP, Tdap) and some pertussis-containing shots now also include polio, hepatitis B and/or Haemophilus Influenza B (Hib). Whole cell pertussis vaccines in DPT, used in the U.S. from 1949 until the late ‘90s, were estimated to be between 30 and 85 percent effective, depending upon the type of DPT and vaccine manufacturer, with protection lasting only two to five years. The DPT vaccine was highly reactive and carried a high risk of serious allergic reactions and brain inflammation leading to permanent brain damage, as detailed in the groundbreaking 1985 book DPT: A Shot in the Dark, co-authored by Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder of the National Vaccine Information Center. DTaP shots — which contain the less reactive acellular pertussis vaccine licensed for infants in the United States in 1996 — are given five times to children under age 6, with additional Tdap booster doses recommended for teenagers and adults. Since the late 1980s, CDC data shows that kindergarten children in the U.S. have maintained a high vaccination rate with four to five DPT shots and, today, more than 94 percent of kindergarten children have had four to five acellular DTaP vaccines. Very high pertussis vaccination rates in the U.S. and many other countries for the past several decades should be more than sufficient to achieve vaccine-acquired herd immunity, if the theory of vaccine-acquired herd immunity is correct. Yet, despite high vaccine coverage, statistics show reported whooping cough cases continue to rise. So, what’s really going on?

Baby Foreskin Is Being Used To Make Vaccines

WARNING: SOME PEOPLE MAY FIND THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE DISTURBING AND THE IMAGES GRAPHIC. Every year, some infants are circumcised. During this surgical procedure, part of the child’s protective penile tissue is removed. This tissue removed from his penis may be sold to companies and institutions seeking the rich human fibroblast cells and other cells it contains. Most people are unaware that for decades, vaccine companies have been using these foreskin cells to research, grow and develop vaccines.

CDC Lies About the Risks of Vaccination of Preterm Infants

According to the CDC, it is perfectly safe to vaccinate preterm babies by the same childhood vaccination schedule as full-term infants. “You can vaccinate premature babies according to chronological age”, the CDC says, meaning that there is no reason to delay vaccination until the infant has matured more, developmentally. The CDC states that “The vaccines cannot harm them and they will develop active immunity.” On its face, this is a remarkably bold lie from the CDC. After all, the CDC acknowledges that vaccination carries risks of adverse events in children born full-term, so how can it possibly be true that vaccination “cannot harm” infants born prematurely? Perhaps what the CDC is trying to communicate is that vaccination of preterm babies carries no greater risk. But if we assume this is simply a miscommunication, it would be a shockingly irresponsible one, particularly given that the CDC’s target audience for this information is medical professionals, from hospital administrators to physicians to medical students. In fact, the information just quoted comes from an online course presented by the CDC through its Training and Continuing Education Online program. Moreover, if we assume the CDC means to say that vaccination of premature infants does not place them at any greater risk, in the above video (presented by the team that made the documentary film Vaxxed), Suzanne Humphries, MD, shares research exposing what a dangerous lie this still would be. As she demonstrates, science informs us just the opposite: that vaccinating infants born prematurely puts them at significantly greater risk of a host of known adverse reactions.

Studies Link Heavy Metals to the Explosion of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Declining IQ in American Children

A “silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity” is disabling a generation of children around the world. This is the verdict of neurology experts Philippe Grandjean and Philip Landrigan in a 2014 report in Lancet Neurology. The staggering tsunami of developmental disabilities now affects at least one in six children in the U.S. and millions more worldwide. Two new studies suggest that the most common of these illnesses—autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and tics—are related to each other and may share common causation. The culprit? Environmental toxins, particularly heavy metals. About 11% (or one in nine 4-17-year-olds) have received an ADHD diagnosis—and in some states, as many as 19%. The most recent ASD estimates in the U.S., from 2014 data, report a prevalence of one in 45 children, representing a “significant increase” compared to 2011–2013. Adding to the worry, scientists and physicians are increasingly seeing children with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders. Children with “comorbid diagnoses” (i.e., more than one disorder) often have “greater levels of emotional, behavioral and educational impairment and the need for more intensive treatment.” Notably, ASD and ADHD frequently co-occur. The current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) recognizes this trend by allowing for a combined diagnosis, whereas prior versions (DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR) barred simultaneous ADHD and ASD diagnoses.

Study: Toxic Herbicide Glyphosate Found as Contaminant in Vaccines

Glyphosate, often sold under the brand name “Roundup,” is the most widely used weed killer in the U.S. Glyphosate is a “non-selective herbicide,” which means it kills many plants, not just weeds. It kills them by interfering with the production of critical proteins necessary for growth. In commercial agriculture, Roundup is used on “Roundup Ready” crops—crops that have been genetically modified to resist the powerful toxic effects of glyphosate. The list of Roundup Ready crops includes soy, corn, canola and sugar beets. It is important to remember that, while these plants have been modified to resist the harmful effects of glyphosate, the people and animals that eat them have not. In a series of articles, my colleague Anthony Samsel and I have been exploring the connection between glyphosate and a number of diseases, including multiple sclerosis, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. In our most recent article, “Glyphosate Pathways to Modern Diseases VI: Prions, Amyloidoses and Autoimmune Neurological Diseases,” we present evidence that glyphosate has made its way into several widely used vaccines. We describe how the glyphosate residue contained in vaccines might induce the kind of autoimmune responses typically observed in autism. Interestingly, of all the vaccines we tested, MMR stood out as consistently having the highest level of glyphosate contamination. This fact may help explain why the MMR vaccine, which contains neither mercury nor aluminum, has been implicated so often in vaccine injury and autism. My research leads me to believe that synergistic toxicity between glyphosate and vaccines, particularly MMR, is a major factor in the growing autism epidemic.

Back to School: What You Need to Know about Vaccine Exemptions

It’s that time of year when parents receive school enrollment packages that include reminders of state school vaccine requirements. Many parents do not realize that most states offer exemptions for medical, religious or philosophical reasons. NVIC’s state vaccine law web pages are among our most highly visited web pages and our staff and volunteers work hard to keep them up-to-date with the most current vaccine and exemption information so that you understand your options. For reliable facts helpful in evaluating vaccine and disease risks, our web pages on diseases and vaccines are an excellent resource for you as a parent, and for your college-bound young adult.

Mercury and Lead: The Fallacy of “Safe” Levels the Government Wants You to Believe

In our toxin-filled world, we often look to government agencies to tell us what levels of exposure we should consider safe or unsafe. If our exposure does not exceed an agency-determined threshold, we assume there is little cause for concern. How do regulatory agencies determine these thresholds? There is considerable evidence to suggest that safety limits are often arbitrary and do not accurately flag risks. A new study published in Environmental Research by a group of researchers in upstate New York underscores this point.

Mercury and Autism Relationship Confirmed in Longitudinal Study

The international journal Science of the Total Environment has just published a compelling study from the Republic of Korea, where autism prevalence is high. The study identifies a strong relationship between prenatal and early childhood exposure to mercury and autistic behaviors in five-year-olds.

Health Freedom: Is the Right to Refuse Vaccines a Human Right?

Informed consent means you have the legal right to be fully and accurately informed about the benefits and risks of a medical intervention, including a pharmaceutical product, and are free to make a voluntary decision about whether to accept the risk for yourself or your minor child without being coerced or punished for the decision you make. Informed consent has guided the ethical practice of medicine since the Doctor’s Trial at Nuremberg after World War II, where the informed consent principle was internationally acknowledged as a human right for individuals participating in scientific research. Today, informed consent to medical risk taking also means you have the legal right to be fully and accurately informed by a doctor or medical facility about the benefits and risks of a lab test, surgical procedure, prescription drug or other medical intervention performed on you or your minor child and give your voluntary permission.

Dr. Brownstein and Other Medical Doctors Respond to AMA’s Opposition to Vaccine Research

The American Medical Association (AMA) has released a position statement that opposes the creation of a new federal commission on vaccine safety whose task is to study the association between autism and vaccines. “The AMA fully supports the overwhelming body of evidence and rigorous scientific process used by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices which demonstrate vaccines are among the most effective and safest interventions to both prevent individual illness and protect the health of the public,” William E. Kobler, MD said in a statement. Dr. Kobler is a member of the AMA Board of Trustees. Autism is occurring at epidemic rates.  We now have over 1,000,000 U.S. children diagnosed with autism.  Something in our environment is responsible for causing the autism epidemic.  It is not due to genetics.  Could it be the increasing numbers of vaccines given to our children?  Why wouldn’t any rational person want to study this association?  A simple study comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children could help decide whether vaccines are responsible for causing the autism epidemic.  But, the Powers-That-Be, like the AMA, do not want this study done as it may turn their world upside down. In response to the AMA edicts supporting more vaccines and stating that no further research is needed, I and my colleagues have released a reply to the AMA letter.

As Lawsuits Against Cholesterol Drugs Mount, Big Pharma Develops a Cholesterol Vaccine

As we have reported frequently here at Health Impact News, sales of drugs to lower cholesterol are the top selling drugs of all time. It is a $100 billion a year industry. The cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor is the best-selling drug of all time, grossing over $140 billion, with no serious close competitors in the history of pharmaceutical drugs. One out of every four Americans over the age of 50 is taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol. However, these block buster drugs have run through their patent life, and now generics dominate the market. So Big Pharma is looking at new ways to patent new drugs to lower your cholesterol. The latest? A vaccine is being developed to lower your cholesterol. In recent years, class action lawsuits have been stacking up against statin drug manufacturers due to the terrible side effects, including diabetes. Is this another reason for turning to vaccines to "cure" cholesterol? In this country, lawsuits against vaccines are prohibited while civil suits against prescription or over-the-counter drugs are allowed.

Herd Immunity Theory Has Been Repeatedly Disproven

Nearly every year, there are outbreaks of infectious diseases in the U.S. in which the communities involved were highly vaccinated and, thus, supposedly immune. In each of those situations there was an illusion of protection. It wasn’t real. There was no herd immunity. This has certainly been true for pertussis. In science, when a theory is disproven, the scientific thing to do is to put it aside and develop a new theory for explaining something. That is not what doctors, public health officials, legislators, and the media are doing. Instead, they are clinging to a disproven theory and using it to justify mandating vaccination for everyone and shaming those who choose to exercise their informed consent rights and reconsider this medical intervention.

Tactics Doctors Use to Pressure Hesitant Parents to Vaccinate

The number of parents questioning the wisdom of the currently recommended schedule is up and corroboration is easy to find. An article in the journal Pediatrics in August 2016 reported that the number of pediatricians encountering parents who either question vaccine safety or refuse one or more vaccines or want to use an alternative vaccination schedule for their children increased from just under 75 percent in 2006 to 87 percent by 2013. Some physicians resort to denying medical care to children if parents refuse to give their children all federally recommended vaccines according to the CDC’s recommended schedule.

Dr. Brownstein: Does Somali Measles Outbreak in Minnesota Prove Need for More Vaccines?

Somehow, a measles outbreak of unvaccinated Somali citizens in Minnesota is supposed to drive a stake in those of us who raise questions about the safety and efficacy of FDA-approved vaccines.  According to the powers-that-be, this outbreak of measles is proof that we need more vaccinations, not less. I beg to differ.  And, I will make my argument citing the Brady principle. 

NVIC Now Monitoring 173 Vaccine Bills in 40 States

We are three months into the 2017 state legislative sessions and our NVIC Advocacy Team has already tracked 173 vaccine related bills across 40 states and two federal bills on the NVIC Advocacy Portal. We have added 39 new bills since our last update at the end of February. Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana and Michigan are five new states that have bills introduced for the first time this session! If you live in one of the following states, there have been bills filed that can affect your rights: AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, and WV (states in bold have bills that are still active and need your action and states not bolded have bills that have already passed or died.) The following states are priority OPPOSITION alert states as they now have active bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions: CT, MN, NY, PA, RI, and TX. The following states are priority SUPPORT alert states as they now have active bills to add or expand vaccine exemptions: CO, MI, NJ, NY, OK, OR, RI, TN, TX, and WA. Please log in to and click on your state team tab to see what is happening in your state and what you can do to help. If there is no immediate emergency action alert information posted, scroll down and look at the “bill information” section for all bills in your state, our position, updated status, current requested action, and links to more information.

The Vaccine Revolution for Truth

We are gathered in our nation’s Capitol representing many thousands of Americans and their families, who cannot be here today because they are sick or caring for someone who is sick. We are here for families and physicians living in fear they will be discriminated against and punished if they speak honestly in their communities about what they know to be true. We have come to defend freedom of thought, speech, and conscience, the inalienable natural rights that unite us, regardless of where we live, the color of our skin, the faith that sustains us, or the philosophies that define us. We are calling on the government to do its job and protect the people’s health - instead of protecting profit-making industries doing business with government and manipulating information released by the mainstream media. We are advocating for the right to know the truth about the safety of the food we eat, the water we drink, the drugs doctors prescribe and the vaccines Americans are forced to get to attend school, and receive medical care, and hold a job. And we are here to witness the suffering of our children, who have no voice and have no choice except the one that we, their mothers and fathers, give to them. We want government officials to explain to us why our country, which spends the most on healthcare and has one of the highest child vaccination rates in the world, is crippled by a chronic disease and disability epidemic that costs more than two trillion dollars a year and has created the sickest child and young adult population in America’s history.