How George Soros is Using Right Wing Republicans to Accomplish His Purpose in Eroding the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech

I am republishing an excellent article written by someone who goes by the name "BlueApples" on the ZeroHedge News site today. BlueApples comments on the recent revelation that George Soros is a contributor of funding some of the pro-Palestinian groups on College Campuses, and how this revelation has led to outcries among the Conservative Zionists, which actually strengthens the Pro-Israel lobby with goals that are similar to the goals of Soros, which is to eliminate Free Speech and the First Amendment. Excerpt: "It should come as no surprise that the pro-Palestinian protests across college campuses nationwide have been exposed as another agitprop operation funded by none other than George Soros. In the eyes of the right wing of the American political spectrum, that revelation has essentially validated their criticism that these protests are little more than a vehicle for the Cultural Marxist agenda Soros and his acolytes espouse. However, evidence to that point has been sparse as the protests have all but entirely been consistent in their adamant opposition to the US' support of Israel's war in Gaza and haven't deviated into anything like outspokenness explicitly against presidential candidate Donald Trump like previous instances of Soros-orchestrated social justice protests have. Perhaps the hubris of the "I told you so" moment that came when Soros' was exposed as the architect of the co-opting these protests has done exactly what the social engineer desired. By provoking the reactionary response against these college protests, Soros has seemingly further fortified the pro-Israel lobby's position by manipulating America's right wing into aligning with it and in doing so exposing its hypocrisy over the issues of free speech and free assembly as a means of anti-establishment activism. In the wake of that clearly concerted effort to police free speech to quash any defiance against the powers that be who were behind the pandemic, America's right maligned how the Bill Of Rights had seemingly been desecrated so that the ruling elite could advance their agenda without resistance. While they were right to hold that position, it's taken less than 4 years to memoryhole how the political establishment executes that modus operandi. Now, the same demographic of the electorate that previously held the rights imbued into Americans under the First Amendment as sacred has been manipulated into throwing them out the window. In response to college protests against Israel's war in Gaza, the mainstream American right has become the embodiment of everything they stood against in 2020 by embracing calls to deny protesters their First Amendment rights in support of the neocon axis' self-proclaimed greatest ally: Israel. In doing so, the political faction of the country that was supposedly against the establishment in Washington DC has been assimilated back into it. By doing its bidding as such, the political establishment behind the deep state, permanent Washington, globalism, and whatever other supranational incarnation it takes to undermine the national sovereignty of the United States has regained control of the right."

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion Die in America: Zionism is Now the Only Religion Allowed in the U.S.

Protests against the genocide happening in Gaza have continued to increase across America, with thousands of students in American universities and colleges protesting against the daily mass murders of innocent civilians and children happening in Israel. Last week, over 100 students were arrested at Columbia University in New York, with many students at other campuses all across the nation joining them in protest this past weekend. The arrests of over 100 students at Columbia University last week came one day after Columbia University President Nemat Shafik appeared before a U.S. Federal Congressional hearing on "Antisemitism". In the eyes of Zionists, if you do not support the Jews and modern-day Israel, then you must support their annihilation and "right to exist". There is no middle ground for them, and to not accept their position is to be labeled "antisemitic", deserving of losing your job, or being arrested if you voice your opinions in public. How in the world did we get to this point, where the U.S. Constitution clearly protects the right to "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom of Religion", and yet lawmakers in Washington D.C. today only allow one opinion and one religion?? There is only one answer to this question: Zionist Evangelical Christianity. Zionist Evangelical Christians, representing the main religion of Republican lawmakers in Congress, believe that their view is the only right one, and they will twist your words, and twist the writings of the Bible, to "prove" their point and justify genocide against those who oppose them. No other views are allowed in this fanatical religion. And this is NOT my opinion. Hear it yourself from the mouth of Congressman Rick Allen, as he "schooled" the President of Columbia University about what he believes the Bible teaches regarding Zionism, and that if she did not comply, then Columbia University would be cursed, effectively commanding the President of a major University in the U.S. to adopt his religion, or face the consequences.

Will Mandatory Support of Israel Soon Replace Mandatory COVID Vaccines as a Condition for Employment? Support for Israel Already Mandated in 38 States

In 2021 we saw private companies and local governments all throughout the United States mandate COVID-19 "vaccines" as a condition for employment, and many of those mandates are still in place today. But there is another mandate that could soon be required as a condition for employment and receiving government aid, and that is the mandate to not criticize or say anything negative against Israel. In fact, there are already laws on the books in 38 states that prohibit you from receiving government contracts or public investment funds, unless you agree to not participate in any anti-Israel activities. The main lobbying group supporting these State laws in the U.S. and around the world, is Israel Allies Foundation, whose Chairman of the Board is Evangelical Christian Dr. Dave Weldon, who previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995-2008, representing Florida’s 15th district. Many other pro-Zionism organizations are well-funded by Evangelical Christians, such as Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), and hundreds of others. Other mega Christian organizations that do not focus solely on Zionism but also promote Zionism, include the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Focus on the Family (FOF), the Family Research Council (FRC), and many, many others. Are you ready to wear the Star of David on your body somewhere or hang the flag of Israel next to the American flag at your home to prove your loyalty to Israel in order to participate in society? Zionism is synonymous with Freemasonry and Satanism, and you will not find idols representing either Israel or the U.S. anywhere on my body nor on my property. I have been sealed with the Holy Spirit to represent God's ownership of me, and when God's judgment comes against this evil nation, including the Churches, this is the only mark that will save you. When the final Universal Supreme Court rulings are handed out during the Last Judgment, I will be found Not Guilty because I am represented by my Counselor and Attorney of record, J.C. King & Associates. He's not a member of the Crown's Bar, and he's never lost a case yet.

American Congressman Pastor Timothy Walberg Calls for Nuclear Bombing of Gaza Like we Did in Japan

Israel is continuing its campaign of terrorism not only against the Palestinian people, but by also bombing Western aid workers trying to provide humanitarian relief to the refugees. The entire world is watching with horror as Israel continues their genocide against the Palestinian people, and also bombing Iran and Syria. The United States appears to be the only nation still supporting Israel by supplying them military aid and weapons, even as U.S. President Joe Biden gives lip service to allegedly opposing the actions of Israel's Right Wing Zionist madman, Benjamin Netanyahu. It can easily be stated today that Netanyahu has more support in the U.S. than he even does in his own country of Israel, where the majority of Israelis are NOT Zionists, and where tens of thousands of Jews have taken to the streets in the past few days to protest against the mass-murderer Benjamin Netanyahu. The groups in the U.S. that primarily support all of Netanyahu's actions and reign of terrorism, are the Evangelical Zionist Christians, where many American pastors have been calling on the U.S. to "wipe out" all of the Palestinians in Gaza, which of course includes many Christian Palestinians as well. The latest Evangelical Pastor to call for the genocide of the Palestinians, is Pastor Timothy Walberg, who is also a Republican Congressman from Michigan. Walberg last week stated in a Town Hall meeting in Michigan that the U.S. should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza, just like we did on Japan during WW II. He also included Iran and Russia, as well as North Korea and China, in his calls for nuclear annihilation. "We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick. The same should be in Ukraine. Defeat Putin quick." As could be expected, reactions from leaders around the world were appalled that an America politician who is also a Christian Pastor, would support such barbaric actions.

Zionism and Child Sex Trafficking Among the Globalists – Like Epstein, Sean Combs “P Diddy” has Strong Ties to Zionists

Hip-hop star P Diddy, whose legal name is Sean Combs, has been hit with five civil lawsuits in four months, while the Department of Homeland Security raided his homes in Miami and Los Angeles recently. Similar to Jeffrey Epstein, Combs allegedly ran a sexual blackmail operation to leverage the rich and famous. Alexander Rubinstein, writing for Mint Press News, reported today that Combs has strong connections to influential Zionists and the Pro-Israel lobby, such as co-defendant Billionaire Lucian Grainge, the Chairman and CEO of Universal Music Group, the largest music company in the world. Gene Deal, the former bodyguard of P Diddy stated that Combs was a CI "confidential informant", and that he had "friends in certain places". One of those "friends in certain places" is obviously fellow Zionist Donald Trump. It's no secret that Donald Trump is a hardcore Zionist and friend of Benjamin Netanyahu. Jewish Zionism and child sex trafficking blackmail go hand in hand.

What Percentage of the $BILLIONS the U.S. Sends to Ukraine Funds Child Trafficking, Organ Harvesting and Bioweapon Vaccine Development?

I have previously reported how the Russian - Ukraine war has uncovered much that was previously unknown about the "baby factories" in Ukraine where children were raised to support the child sex trafficking business, as well as the lucrative child organ harvesting international business. And then last month (January, 2024) I published an article about how the unsealing of certain documents in one of the Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits revealed how the Clintons were involved in the Epstein child sex trafficking network in Ukraine. The other issue that has been exposed in Ukraine since the war broke out, is how the U.S. Government has worked together with Big Pharma to setup laboratories in Ukraine to research biological weapons and vaccines, using children who were medically kidnapped to serve as guinea pigs to develop these pharmaceutical products of mass destruction. This begs the question: Why is the U.S. continuing to support child sex and organ trafficking and medical experimentations on babies and children to develop harmful drugs and vaccines in Ukraine? How much of the $BILLIONS that have been sent to Ukraine, and will continue to be sent to Ukraine, is supporting these evil activities?

Who is “The Good Shepherd” and “The Truth that Sets People Free”?

In an article I published earlier this week, I reported how many of the world's leaders come from Yale University and their demonic secret society called "Skull and Bones". This fraternity has produced several U.S. Presidents (including both President Bushes) and other high-ranking politicians, and their China branch educated Communist Leader Mao Zedong. In the 1940s just after World War II, Skull and Bones men from Yale founded the counterintelligence agency called the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), which evolved out the British and American military counterintelligence programs during World War II, as a permanent agency to run counterintelligence operations even during times of peace after the war. A dramatization of these events and the forming of the CIA was produced for the Big Screen in Hollywood in 2006, called "The Good Shepherd." Having just read Ezekiel chapter 34 in my morning daily Bible readings this week, I was curious as to why they named a film about the founding of the CIA as "The Good Shepherd," so I watched the film. You would need to watch through the entire film until the end to get an idea as to why they titled this film "The Good Shepherd", as a scene at the end of the film shows when they began to build the new headquarters for the CIA, and on the wall in one of the original buildings that houses the CIA is a plaque which is shown in the film with this inscription: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." But this statement, which was actually spoken by Jesus Christ, is only the second half of the statement Jesus spoke. Here is the full statement in context that includes the preceding verse, verse 31: "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" (John 8:31-32). The verse from the Bible that is etched into the structure of the CIA building, is obviously a mocking of Jesus Christ's words, which Jesus clearly stated only applied to the "Jews who had believed in him." The Satanic Jews/Freemasons who founded the CIA, are clearly stating that the unbelieving Jews, those I refer to as the "Satanic Jews" or "Zionists", are now representing what is "truth", and they are presenting their master, Satan, as the one who is the "truth" and who will "set you free". Setting you "free" of course, means setting you "free" from following Jesus and his teachings. This "freedom" or "liberty", which is also our national motto in such phrases as "liberty and justice for all", now actually means "slavery" for everyone, because the CIA is now "The Good Shepherd" "protecting" the citizens of the United States. This was actually fairly obvious with the founders of this country, who said such "noble" things as "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" as they brought their African slaves with them to this country to farm the tobacco fields of Virginia and North Carolina, and the cotton fields in the south, all while slaughtering the Native Americans who were already living here because they were in the way of their new concept of "freedom" that they brought over from Great Britain. This American form of "freedom" is clearly Satanic, and is an antithesis of how Jesus Christ defined "freedom," which is freedom from Satan and the power of sin and death, through Jesus's self-sacrifice and his death on the cross that shed innocent and holy blood into the earth to truly set people free.

All Wars are Orchestrated by the Satanic Jewish Bankers

The current war in the Middle East is currently in the middle of its fourth month, and it is now much more obvious that this is a planned war, and that probably every single State actor is following a plan that was put into action last year on October 7th. Iran along with their proxy militaries, such as Hamas, and Hezbollah, have had plenty of time now to carry out their threats against Israel, but as of today the slaughter and genocide of the Palestinian people (including Christians) continue with over 25,000 people killed, including over 10,000 children. Other Muslim nations such as Turkey and the Arab States, also continue to just sit by and watch this genocide happening every day, while only using words to condemn the mass murders. The reason the killing continues, of course, is because all of these countries still receive $BILLIONS from the Zionist U.S., and the ones who control the finances from the West are the Satanic Jewish bankers, led by the two most powerful families in the West, the Rockefellers of the U.S. and the Rothschilds of the UK and France, and all those who do business with them and control most of the world's financial system. This financial system is on the brink of collapse, and the primary commodity that the world's richest people use to control the world in modern times, is petroleum and all of its byproducts. The world today is powered by electricity, and the fuel that electricity needs to keep running the world, is oil. But the main problem these Globalists are having today is that their efforts to get the price of oil higher have been mostly ineffective since the Ukraine-Russia war, and that problem is now being addressed with the war in the Middle East. War is, and always has been, a means to create wealth for the Globalists, led by the Satanic Jewish bankers, and this has been primarily accomplished by keeping the price of oil high. The lie that has been used to adjust the price of oil at will by simply decreasing production, is that oil is a "fossil fuel" with limited supplies, when in fact it is a commodity that the earth is constantly producing, and its fair market value would be close to the value of water, the other liquid that the earth is constantly producing. It is painfully too obvious that the leaders of the Muslim countries who are feigning their condemnation of Israel and their "support" for the Palestinian cause, are in fact working together with the Satanic Jews and the Zionists to drive up the price of oil (among other things), and try to salvage the failing banking system as long as they can before they implement the "Great Reset" of the world's financial system. War is profitable, and when the price of oil increases, it benefits ALL parties on BOTH sides of this current World War. The innocent lives that are sacrificed during war are just the cost of doing business. When one begins to understand the mindset of these Satanic Jews, one can easily see how managing human beings is much better accomplished without so many of them around, as the "useless eaters" or the "goyim" have to be reduced for them to maintain their power, which is why they are so active in killing babies and sexually trafficking them for their own Satanic purposes. It is this same belief system that promotes changing one's gender, or having the kind of sex that does not produce children. The true war on humanity is a war against God the Creator of Life, and Satan the Destroyer of Life, and it has been going on since the First Century, and obviously even long before then.

The U.S. Stands Alone in the World Supporting Genocide Against the Palestinian People

In my extensive coverage of the Israel - Hamas war since it started, I have reported that the ongoing genocide of an entire race of people, the Palestinians, is vehemently opposed by a vast majority of the world's population. More than half the Israeli population does not support Netanyahu's reign of terror, and the majority of Jews living in the United States also do not support the annihilation of the Palestinian people, where recent polls have shown that about two thirds of the population of the U.S. do not support Israel's action, but instead support a ceasefire. And now, since yesterday, December 8, 2023, we can add the United Nations Security Council, where a resolution to call for a ceasefire in this horrible war with over 10,000 people now murdered, most of whom are women and children, failed by the only vote cast to oppose that ceasefire, the vote of the United States, who is  a "permanent member" of the Security Council, with the authority to override everyone else's votes. Does any rational-thinking U.S. citizen still believe that the U.S. can take on almost the entire world, risking the security of our country, by choosing to stand with Netanyahu's reign of terror?

Killing Palestinians with U.S. Bombs Now Called “The Gospel”

After a brief cease-fire in Gaza, the bombs are pouring into Gaza once more where reportedly over 700 people have been killed in just the last 24 hours, as the genocide of the Palestinian people continues. Overnight and into Sunday, intense bombing was reported in Khan Younis, Rafah, and some northern parts targeted by Israel's air and ground attacks. "Everywhere you turn to, there are children with third-degree burns, shrapnel wounds, brain injuries and broken bones," James Elder, UNICEF's global spokesperson, told Al Jazeera from Gaza. "Mothers crying over children who look like they are hours away from death. It seems like a death zone right now." An explosive report about a computer program that Israel uses to choose targets in Gaza to bomb was just published this week, and the name of this computer program that sends bombs into Gaza to assassinate targets is reportedly called "The Gospel." It was published in an online magazine called "+972", which is "an independent, online, nonprofit magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists" that provides "in-depth reporting, analysis, and opinions from the ground in Israel-Palestine." It was also covered in several other media sources, such as "The Guardian." They reported: “Nothing happens by accident. When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.” According to the investigation, the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.” And it is widely being reported now that the United States is supplying bombs made in the United States to Israel to be used in "The Gospel" bombing attacks on the people in Gaza.

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Christian Zionism is a cult, a very dangerous cult. I refer to this teaching as a "cult" because it is not based on the writings of the Bible, although it tries to use the Bible to justify its doctrines. Christian Zionism is a branch of Dispensationalism Theology, which began around the 18th Century and was made popular in the late 19th Century by John Nelson Darby, and C.I. Scofield, who developed the first "study Bible" that included notes on the original text of the Bible interpreting the text through the lens of Dispensationalism, which included Zionism. The most dangerous modern-day belief coming out of Zionism, is that modern-day Israel, and the "Jewish people," are more special than any other nation or race of people on earth, which leads to racial discrimination and prejudice, something that is NOT taught in the Bible at all. I have previously covered much of this false teaching, so what I am going to do in this article is repeat most of that teaching and show just what the Bible actually teaches. I am using the Bible as my authority, which is what most of the Zionists also claim, so that you can search the scriptures yourself to see what they actually teach on this topic, rather than rely upon a Christian "expert".

Iran Calls for an Emergency BRICS Meeting Over Gaza – Putin and Xi to Attend

For perhaps the first time in our modern history, non-Western countries now have an alternative to the United Nations when seeking relief from military actions and non-stop bombings from the United States and countries enriched by them with weapons of mass destruction purchased on the black market from the Pentagon's unfathomable $6 TRILLION black hole budget of which there is no accounting. This alternative to the mainly Western-funded United Nations is BRICS. BRICS currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but the group will be joined in January by Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. A new report just published by Bloomberg states that BRICS is already larger than the G7 countries consisting of the US, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan. Iran, perhaps becoming disillusioned from alleged promises from the United States to release $billions of funding to prevent them from escalating the war in Gaza, has just called for an emergency virtual summit with the BRICS nations over the Gaza situation to be held tomorrow, Tuesday November 21st, with reports that both Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi will attend. Will an announcement from the BRICS nations just be more saber rattling rhetoric about the humanitarian crisis with the suffering of the Palestinian people? Or is Iran marketing their military and alliances to the highest bidder now, realizing that the funding from the U.S. is probably drying up due to the Zionist controlled U.S. Congress? Are the Zionists in the U.S. getting ready to sacrifice the entire country on the altar of Zionism in their unconditional support of Netanyahu's Israel?

Israeli Hamas Victim: “Killing Babies Won’t Bring Our Babies Back”

The genocide of the Palestinian people and the constant murder of innocent lives, including innocent babies, continues as the rest of the world looks on and does nothing. The United States, with its massive wealth and military, has apparently paid off Iran now with reportedly $billions of dollars, ensuring, at least for now, that Iran and Hezbollah will not follow through on their threats and intervene for the Palestinian people. And yet, the vast majority of the world, including those who reside in Israel and Palestine, is calling for a ceasefire and peace. One of these groups advocating for peace and a ceasefire is Women Wage Peace, a group of both Palestinian Muslim women and Israeli Jewish women, who are pleading for a ceasefire. This includes some of the family members of those Israelis who were savagely murdered by the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th. “We are just drowning in our own violence and blood. Israel won’t cure our dead babies by killing more babies.”

Billionaire Zionists Pledge $50 Million to Control Media as Worldwide Support for Mass Murder and Genocide of Palestinians Dwindles

The mass murder of the Palestinian people in Gaza just continues going from horrible to apocalyptic, as American Zionists cheer the genocide. It is being widely reported today that Israel is attacking hospitals in Gaza where women and children are seeking refuge, particularly al-Shifa Hospital where infants were reportedly taken off of incubators today due to a lack of electricity, and are now dying. As I have repeatedly reported since this war started on October 7th, the Zionists who support genocide against the Palestinians like this are, by far, the minority voice, as not even a majority of the Jews living in Israel support Netanyahu's mass murdering of innocent civilians, and hundreds of thousands of Jews in the United States have also protested against the Palestinian genocide as they call for a cease-fire and peace. But the Zionist corporate and conservative alternative media is where the Big Money is, funded by Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and these media sources are solidly pro-Zionism. But with more and more public Zionist figures taking a hit for promoting genocide, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Zionist funded corporate media out of the U.S. is reportedly collecting $millions to try and control the narrative. And it's easy to understand why, because these Billionaires need a new war to fund the economy, as the Ukraine War loses popularity and is running out of steam.

Is the Rothschild Banking Empire Global Pedophile Network’s Link to Israel About to be Exposed?

"All wars are bankers' wars" is a common fact known to many in the Alternative Media who understand that politicians are mere puppets to the world's Globalists who control the finances of the world, and these Globalists who control the banking industry as well as the Billionaires on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, fund both sides of almost every war to maximize profits. It is, therefore, always prudent to take a step back anytime "war" breaks out, such as the most recent one that began in October in Gaza, and try to figure out what the Globalists' purpose and end game might be. I have been pondering this for the past few days, ever since the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, failed to call for an all out war against Israel last Friday, as many had expected. This had been the threat made to Israel if they chose to invade Gaza with ground forces, which they have now done, as they continue to bomb anything and everything in Gaza, including yesterday when Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip was an option for Israel and claimed there are no innocent civilians in the enclave. So why haven't Hezbollah and Iran followed through on their threats? I don't know, and can only speculate. Did the U.S. buy off Iran and Hezbollah before the Hamas attacks happened, as is evidenced by the release of $billion of dollars to Iran just before the attacks? Or are Iran and Hezbollah playing the long game, by not falling for the Israeli trap, and just standing by and waiting for Israel to implode by itself without a larger escalation of the war? The latter is the opinion of Scott Ritter, the former US Marine Corps intelligence officer that now writes for But there may be another piece to this puzzle that Pam Martens has uncovered and published in her column today at Wall Street on Parade, and her ongoing coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits against Chase Bank, the largest bank in the U.S. While examining court documents for the most recent proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit against Chase Bank, who funded the Epstein worldwide pedophile network, she noticed that one of the plaintiffs, former Epstein victim Sarah Ransome, was challenging the settlement and is appearing in court in New York later this week. As a former Epstein victim, Ransome has cut deals before to prevent her from testifying, and regretted it. Martens discovered that a federal marshal has now been ordered to be present at this hearing, something that no other media outlet has reported yet. The likely reason the federal marshal has been summoned for the hearing is that Attorney David Boies has taken the questionable action of making public on the court docket an exhibit showing what purports to be 105 pages of personal emails sent by a Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking victim, Sarah Ransome. The final email states this: “David and Demon – You’ve made the biggest mistake crossing me. You’ve underestimated me and I’m coming for you. Sarah Ransome” Throughout the series of emails, Ransome refers to Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, as “Demon” instead of Dimon. In an email dated October 24, 2023 to leaders of countries in the Middle East, Ransome writes this: “My bad choices because life dealt me a rather rough hand doesn’t change the fact that I was raped repeatedly and trafficked by Epstein, no matter how hard the U.S. and Israeli Administration deflect that they indeed have broken the Geneva Convention and have been committing war crimes globally for decades…We all know that the material Epstein filmed for both governments has been used to broker deals in their favour for years.” What is she going to reveal? How deep does this evil network go, and what are its connections to Zionists in Israel, as well as here in the U.S., and this current war?

Evangelical Christians Turn Their Backs on Christians in Palestine Who are Being Murdered and Attacked by Jews as They Give Unconditional Support to Israel

The Evangelical Christian Zionism cult has made it very clear in recent days that they will support modern day Israel at any cost, even when Jews who do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah attack Christians living in Palestine who do accept that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. This fanatical belief by Zionist Christians has existed for years now, as they choose to side with the Jews who attack Christians, rather than the Christians who are being murdered by Jews. Please listen to what Christian leaders say who live in Palestine/Israel in these short videos. The theology of modern-day Evangelical Christians that believes one must support the nation of Israel at all costs, even when some Jews attack and kill Christians, is not found in the Bible. Today, those who are "blessed" or "cursed" are based on their belief in Jesus Christ, the descendant of Abraham, and not the "Jews". Did Jesus believe that all Jews were blessed? Not according to the Bible. Jesus believed and taught that there were Satanic Jews who served their father the Devil, and that there were righteous Jews who believed in him, whom he called his "disciples." Jesus, himself a Jew and a Semite, would clearly be labeled as "antisemitic" today for not supporting the nation of Israel, even though he did not support the nation of Israel 2000 years ago either.

First Amendment Rights Survive Republican Zionists’ Effort to Censor Free Speech in Congress as Rhetoric of Hate and Murder Among the Right Intensifies

First Amendment pro-free speech advocates among the Conservative Right have been complaining for the past 3 years over attacks on "Free Speech" regarding anything contrary to the government narrative surrounding the COVID scam and how dangerous the COVID injections are. But now some of those same alleged proponents of "Free Speech" are the loudest voices in government trying to censor anyone who does not support the Zionist-controlled corporate media and dares to bring attention to the plight of innocent Palestinians and their children being mass-murdered in Gaza right now, where the latest reports now say that over 9,000 Palestinians have been killed, with nearly 4,000 of those deaths being children. This attack on the First Amendment by the Zionists has become so fanatical, that a resolution to censor the speech of U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, whose crime is that she is Palestinian and has been re-elected twice by her fellow American citizens in Michigan, has relatives in the West Bank and Gaza who have suffered, and recently joined a "Cease Fire" rally in Washington D.C. together with Jews who also are calling for a cease fire, was proposed by several Zionist lawmakers. How dare she! Not even calls for a cease fire will be tolerated by the Zionists, as they believe it is the duty of Americans to commit mass murder and genocide of all the Palestinian people, including their children, because that is what America does, just as it did to the Japanese during WW II by killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people all in the name of war and "national security". The Christian Zionist cult in most churches today is based on "doctrines of demons," and is calling for mass murder and genocide of not only Muslims, but also Christians who have lived in Palestine and the Middle Eastern Arab countries for hundreds of years before Islam even started. We are clearly living in the "End Times" now as described in the New Testament when "false prophets, pastors and teachers" would infiltrate the congregations of believers.

World War 3 Imminent: Opposition Both Inside the U.S. and Outside the U.S. Grows as Children Continue to be Massacred in Palestinian Genocide

Opposition to the U.S. and their funding of Israel's military, which has now reportedly killed over 8,000 Palestinians including over 3,000 children, is rapidly mounting. The number of children reported killed in Gaza in just three weeks has surpassed the annual number of children killed across the world's conflict zones since 2019. Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Ministries of Health in Gaza and Israel respectively. Earlier today, a refugee camp inside of Gaza was bombed, reportedly leaving hundreds dead, including innocent women and children. (Video) Today, protesters disrupted a Senate Committee hearing in Washington D.C. on sending aid to Israel, holding up hands and arms painted in blood red, with many of them being arrested. Outside the U.S., opposition to the massacre of thousands of children and the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people is rapidly rising. That opposition is coming from the Muslim nations, where in a rare show of solidarity Shia Muslims are uniting with Sunni Muslims. In addition to the Muslim nations, China and Russia have issued very stern warnings the past few days. Can the U.S. military, where 68% of its service members are reportedly obese and unfit for combat, take on the entire world? If people in the U.S. are increasingly protesting against the killing of lives in Gaza and calling for a cease fire, and as the rest of the world moves rapidly to unify against the ongoing genocide against Palestinians and the demonic sacrifice of innocent children, then who is supporting these atrocious, demonic attacks against these children and innocent civilians? Evangelical Christians. The Zionist Evangelical branch of Christianity now appears the be the leaders in the world supporting war, mass murder, and the genocide against an entire race of people and an entire religion.

New Speaker of the House is Zionist Evangelical Christian Who Wants Americans to Believe He was Ordained by God to Support Israel and Destroy Palestinians

Well the rumors that there might be some kind of major false flag event that would throw the world into chaos and threaten Americans so much that they would do anything, including making former President Donald Trump the next Speaker of the House, who is second in line to become President after the Vice President, was put to rest yesterday (at least for now) as a fellow Zionist and Trump supporter was elected as Speaker of the House instead. Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson has been elected as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, with unanimous Republican support. Johnson is a Zionist Evangelical Christian, and his first act as the newly elected Speaker of the House was to draw up a resolution supporting the current government in Israel. Like many other U.S. politicians in recent days, Johnson apparently is also calling for the genocide of the Palestinian people, who at the time of this writing, have reportedly seen over 7,000 of their people killed in the recent conflict, many of them women and children. "We must elect a Speaker so the House can take all necessary action to end Hamas forever," Johnson recently tweeted. How long will it be now before people like me who dare to publish the opposing view of Christian Zionism, or publish the other side of the current conflict in the Middle East that is mostly censored in the Corporate Media and even in most of the Right-Conservative Alternative Media, are rounded up and locked away for being "Antisemitic"? In Florida, college and university students, where freedom of speech should be welcome, are allegedly being forced to disband if they have anything to do with Palestinians that don't fit in with the Zionist views. The U.S. Government is even trying to censor journalists outside the U.S. who live in Muslim countries for not supporting Israel. Do you Zionist Evangelical Christians not understand how supporting modern-day Israel will eventually lead to your belief in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah also being declared illegal as hate speech, and "antisemitic"?

The Zionism Cult: Christian Churches of Satan

For 3 years now I have been warning the American public that it is time to leave the American Corporate Christian Churches, since in general, these Christian Churches followed the ways of Satan and submitted to the Satanic COVID measures, including having their children sacrificed to the Vaccine Cult by injecting them with bioweapons. I have documented how Corporate Christianity has reached this point in history, by not following the teaching of the Scriptures, which includes both the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. I was trained in Christian Zionism at one of their top schools in the early 1980s, so I could easily write a treatise disputing all the false teaching of Christian Zionism, but I have already covered most of the biblical teaching refuting this false doctrine in previous articles, many of which I have linked to in this article. So instead of spending more time refuting not only Zionism but also Corporate Christianity, let me instead give the biblical, spiritual principle of why so many Christians are deceived today. Corporate Christianity is a $TRILLION market, employing millions of people, and to dare to oppose Zionism and not support Israel is to potentially lose your career and source of income, and be ridiculed by the Christian Community.