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Concordia Professor Condemns HPV Vaccine After Winning $270K Federal Grant to Study It

A Montreal social scientist and the federal agency that awarded her almost $300,000 to study the HPV vaccine are facing criticism after the professor condemned the vaccine and called for a moratorium on its use. Concordia University’s Genevieve Rail also said there is no proof that the human papillomavirus directly causes cervical cancer.

Vaccine Injuries to Spike During Aggressive Flu Season Push

October is deemed the start of the flu season. This year, the rhetoric and methods to push flu vaccines are beginning to take on an authoritarian flavor. Medical consent and medical choice appear to have taken a backseat to government mandates and strong arm tactics by local pharmacies, medical practitioners, and employers. Government oversight bodies and medical professionals are omitting the risks and informed consent when it comes to the flu shot. To understand this year’s flu vaccination push, here are some points to put things into focus.

Irish Government Calls for Investigations on Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

Senator Paschal Mooney calls the Irish HPV vaccination program a national disgrace condemning the national health authorities for ignoring the basic right to informed consent and ignoring pleas for answers from families affected by adverse health after Gardasil injections. He is putting forth a resolution aimed at forcing the HSE (national health agency) to meet with affected families and answer their questions. He also mentions how the packet insert for the Gardasil vaccine lists 21 side effects, and that this information is not being passed on to the parents and girls between 12 and 17 years of age before deciding whether or not to receive the vaccine.

California Officials Increase Mercury-laced Vaccines for Children and Pregnant Women

In California in 2004, AB 2943 was introduced by the California Assembly and passed, going into effect in 2006. Considered a precautionary measure, it prohibited injections to children under three and pregnant women with vaccines containing 0.5 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 milliliter of vaccine dose in multiple vaccine packages such as the MMR and DTaP three in one vaccines. The California Immunization Coalition (CIC), a quasi-public agency, sent a letter to the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services requesting the exemption be exercised for this flu season because there is a shortage of flu vaccines, especially the nasal mist vaccine Fluzone, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur. Concerned California activists allegedly reached Sanofi by phone twice recently and were told there is no shortage of the Fluzone vaccine that complies completely with California's AB 2943. So why the rush to use flu vaccines with high levels of thimerosal?

CDC Spends $1 Million to Increase Adult Flu Vaccination Rates – Flu Shot to be Mandatory?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own statistics, the seasonal flu vaccine for the 2014-2015 season was only 19 percent effective. So why is there a worldwide push for flu vaccination? What are the risks inherent in a flu vaccination and are they worth it? These questions have been deleted, ignored, omitted, and crossed out by most in favor of what appears to be a dose of drug company profit mixed with political agenda.

Unlike U.S., Japan Government Investigating HPV Vaccine Injuries

U.S. government officials and agencies have proven that they cannot be relied upon to give the public accurate information regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. With the National Vaccine Compensation Program implemented in 1986 to grant pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity allowing them to put as many vaccines into the market place without the threat of lawsuits if they harm or kill people, the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government agencies overseeing vaccines has become a huge conflict of interest. One of the most controversial vaccines world wide is the HPV cancer vaccine. Young girls are suffering tremendously, many of them experiencing premature menopause and with no hope of ever starting their own families. The official U.S. government response has been that there are no problems with this vaccine, and that it is totally safe. Other countries are not obligated to continue promoting this propaganda, and there are many lawsuits currently in litigation in Europe. Japan is one government that has taken a more sane approach to the HPV vaccine, and is still investigating the harmful effects, while leaving it an optional vaccine that they do not officially endorse. In addition, they are exploring ways to help the victims who have suffered from the vaccine.

California Vaccine Refusers to Get “Court Order” or “CPS Visit” Under SB277

California Senate Bill 277 (SB277) is setting a dangerous precedent by removing medical consent from California school children in 2016. In addition, the bill appears to be in violation of the Nuremberg Codes for informed medical consent. However, pressure is already being felt as school administrators and directors have chosen to ignore current law and force vaccine schedules on school children. The language of SB277 left enforcement and vaccine noncompliance up to the school’s governing authority for each district. Orange County’s Department of Education’s Legal Division interprets that a court order to vaccinate will be an option. Will all California school districts, by way of their legal counsels, be directed to file court orders against noncomplying parents of all school children in 2016? It is essential that all California parents that believe in medical freedom file a personal belief vaccine exemption before the January 1st deadline. This is the only method known at this stage to grandfather a waiver into your child’s 2016 school year.

Americans Head to Atlanta to Protest Against CDC Corruption

The National Vaccine Information Center stands in solidarity with parents who are gathering in Atlanta and witnessing about what happened to their once healthy children, and are again calling on the CDC to tell the public the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths. We stand with in solidarity with all who want to protect the right to know and the freedom to choose how to stay healthy in America. Be in Atlanta October 24, 2015 To Stand Up at the Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally!

What the News Isn’t Saying About Vaccine-Autism Studies

A new study this week found no link between vaccines and autism. It instantly made headlines on TV news and popular media everywhere. Many billed it as the final word, “once again,” disproving the notion that vaccines could have anything to do with autism. What you didn’t learn on the news was that the study was from a consulting firm that listsmajor vaccine makers among its clients: The Lewin Group. That potential conflict of interest was not disclosed in the paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine; the study authors simply declare “The Lewin Group operates with editorial independence.” When the popular press, bloggers and medical pundits uncritically promote a study like The Lewin Group’s, it must confound researchers like Lucija Tomljenovic, Catherine DeSoto, Robert Hitlan, Christopher Shaw, Helen Ratajczak, Boyd Haley, Carolyn Gallagher, Melody Goodman, M.I. Kawashti, O.R. Amin, N.G. Rowehy, T. Minami, Laura Hewitson, Brian Lopresti, Carol Stott, Scott Mason, Jaime Tomko, Bernard Rimland, Woody McGinnis, K. Shandley and D.W. Austin. They are just a few of the many scientists whose peer-reviewed, published works have found possible links between vaccines and autism. But unlike The Lewin Group’s study, their research has not been endorsed and promoted by the government and, therefore, has not been widely reported in the media. In fact, news reports, blogs and “medical experts” routinely claim no such studies exist.

UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters Launched

Our UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) was established at the beginning of 2015. Families and their daughters from the north of Scotland to the south of England, Wales and Northern Ireland have joined together to give support to each other and raise awareness of the dangers of the HPV vaccines, Cervarix and Gardasil. The primary focus of this organisation is to assure our members that they are no longer on their own and by working together we can achieve so much more. In our opinion, these vaccines have caused many serious health issues which need immediate investigation.

California Online School Expells 7th-Grader Over Vaccine After Dad Leads SB277 Referendum Effort

Even though California's recently passed vaccine mandate, sponsored by sell-out politician Senator Richard Pan, doesn't go until effect until January 1, 2016, schools are already demanding that students be fully vaccinated or else be removed from the classroom permanently. The most disturbing part? It's happening in virtual online schools advertised as providing homeschooling where students complete all of their coursework at home. The only requirement is that they meet with their teacher in person four times a year through testing events, or voluntary school outings. The ultimatum was made when a Sacramento father received a disturbing phone call from his daughter's online school, California Virtual Academies, notifying him that, if his 7th grade daughter does not receive the Tdap (tetanus, pertussis and diphtheria) vaccine, she will be locked out of her online coursework indefinitely.

New Fetal Cell Line from Live Abortion Emerges for Vaccine Production

Due to dwindling capacity for existing aborted fetal cell lines to self-replicate, scientists in China have developed a new aborted fetal cell line, WALVAX 2 that will be used for viral vaccine production. The existing cell lines, MRC-5 and WI-38 are currently used in MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis-A, Shingles, some rabies and some polio vaccines. WALVAX 2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted babies. The scientists noted how they followed specific guidelines to mimic WI-38 and MRC-5 in selecting the aborted babies, ranging from 2-4 months gestation. They further noted how they induced labor using a “water bag” abortion to shorten the delivery time and prevent the death of the fetus to ensure live intact organs which were immediately sent to the labs for cell preparation.

Measles and Mumps Protect Against Heart Attack and Stroke

Breaking news. Measles and mumps protect against heart attack and stroke! Could the mass vaccination program of the U.S. lead to an explosion of heart attacks? Myocardial infarctions are already the leading cause of death in the world today. The situation could get much worse. A prestigious journal reported that men who had measles and mumps as children suffered 29% less heart attacks and 17% less strokes! Women with a history of both infections had a 17% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and 21% lower risk of stroke. The journal Atherosclerosis recently published these shocking findings in the June 2015 issue.

Last Chance to Stop Forced Vaccinations for Adults in California

SB792 is the FIRST vaccine mandate for adults in the US. CA Assembly Floor Vote is next Monday Aug.31. Call and write to urge a NO voteTODAY! Currently SB792 mandates SEVEN vaccines – DPT, MMR and Flu – for ALL daycare and preschool workers, including home day care providers – WITHOUT personal belief exemptions as a condition of employment. Will YOUR profession be next?

There are 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline

President Ronald Reagan signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when children die, become chronically ill with vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders or are otherwise disabled from vaccine injuries. That law has led directly to an expected reckless, liability-free development of scores of new, over-priced, potential block-buster vaccines, now numbering over 250. The question that must be asked of Big Medicine’s practitioners: How will the CDC, the AMA, the AAFP and the American Academy of Pediatrics fit any more potentially neurotoxic vaccines into the current well-baby over-vaccination schedule? PhRMA (the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America), the pharmaceutical industry’s trade association and powerful lobbying group, says that: "today, more than 7,000 medicines are in development globally, all of which have the potential to help patients in the United States and around the world. According to another data source, there are 3,400 medicines in development today just in the United States, an increase of 40 percent since 2005." PhRMA also says that today: "the 271 vaccines in development span a wide array of diseases, and employ exciting new scientific strategies and technologies. These potential vaccines – all in human clinical trials or under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – include 137 for infectious diseases, 99 for cancer, 15 for allergies and 10 for neurological disorders." Whenever the FDA signals that it is ready to grant marketing approval for a new vaccine or drug, the first step for the pharmaceutical company’s marketing department is to promote an “educational” advertising campaign designed to instill fear in parents (and their pediatricians) about the horrible illnesses (albeit previously unknown, benign or rare) that even us doctors hadn’t yet recognized as being significant up until recently. Most of us physicians have gone along with the fear-mongering that makes our practices busier while it also makes billions of dollars in profits for some unworthy CEO or Wall Street investment banker, hedge fund manager or mutual fund investor – all at the expense of America’s precious and vulnerable children who are at high risk of being sickened along the way.

Dr. Michelle Davis Wants Medical Tyranny and Forced Vaccinations in Michigan

Dr. Michelle Davis has become the latest extremist pro-vaccine doctor to propose removing parental choice regarding vaccines, by eliminating the philosophical and religious exemptions currently in place by law in the State of Michigan. As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, most of the nations doctors do NOT hold the extremist pro-vaccine view that ALL vaccines are safe ALL the time for EVERYONE and should be given to ALL children, by force if necessary. This is an extremist position, and most physicians, whether in the "pro-vaccine" or "anti-vaccine" camp fall far short of this position. Attempts by the pharmaceutical lobby to pass legislation that takes away these parent choices have failed in every state so far, except California. In California, SB277 was passed in spite of massive opposition by both parents and doctors due to a strong pharmaceutical lobby and massive funding in that state. Will the parents of Michigan and other non-extremist medical professionals allow Michelle Davis to force her extremist views on the rest of the State of Michigan?

Rhode Island Representative Tells Health Dept. to Stop HPV Vaccine Requirement for Middle Schoolers

Rep. Justin Price, R-Exeter, is asking the Rhode Island Department of Health to rescind its mandatory requirement that all students, beginning in the 7th grade, receive the HPV vaccination. The Department of Health recently added the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine to its list of mandatory vaccinations for school age children beginning in the 7th grade. "I am singling out this particular requirement for a variety of reasons. Many of my constituents have expressed their concern that the decision to have their children vaccinated should be one that the state should not make for them. Excluding children from school for refusal to be vaccinated against a disease spread only by sexual activity is a serious precedent-setting action that trespasses on the rights of parents to make medical decisions for their children as well as on the rights of the children to attend school."

RFK Jr: Congress is Afraid of Trillion Dollar Pharmaceutical Industry – Won’t Investigate Vaccine Corruption

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says money is the reason Congress is delaying hearings on accusations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hid a link between the mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. "The pharmaceutical industry is a trillion dollar industry. There are other trillion dollar industries, but not one that spends as much on Congress as it does. The pharmaceutical industry spends twice what the next biggest industry spends, which is oil and gas. They spend four times what defense and aeronautics spend. That kind of money — the money they spend in lobbying — buys a lot of influence. It's why congress people are scared to go against them. There's just a lot of career fear."

Will CDC Whistleblower on Vaccines Testify Before Congress?

This past week Representative Bill Posey entered a statement by CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson regarding fraud and the CDC MMR vaccine studies into the Congressional record. This should have been headline news, but it was largely ignored and not reported in the mainstream media. It has been known since 2014 that Dr. Thompson has turned over many documents to Congressman Posey. Congressman Posey, however, does not chair any of the committees that have the authority to convene a meeting and have Dr. Thompson testify. Now that the fact that the CDC has allegedly committed fraud and attempted to destroy evidence linking the MMR vaccine to autism, will the public become enraged enough to demand that there be a Congressional hearing to investigate this alleged fraud? Will be there enough honorable members of Congress willing to step forward and go against the powerful Pharmaceutical Industry and their incestuous relationship with the CDC to demand a full investigation?

Rhode Island Mandates 7th Graders Get Dangerous HPV Vaccine – Adverse Reactions Hidden from Parents

It was announced this week that 7th graders in Rhode Island would be required to have the Gardasil HPV vaccine as a requirement for attending school. The HPV vaccine has become very controversial, particularly outside of the United States, due to the large amount of injuries being attributed to the vaccine, and in some cases, also deaths. Sadly, parents are generally not warned about the serious adverse reactions to the vaccine.