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Medical Doctor: Blood of Every Vaccine Injured or Killed Child on Hands of Murder-by-Vaccine Pediatricians

To all the pediatricians still trolling my page, now that I’ve got your attention, listen closely. Heed my words. You should be FIGHTING LIKE HELL for the safety of our children from even the most remote possibility that vaccines aren’t as safe as they could be or aren’t as safe as we are being told. Instead of fighting for truth and safety, you’re fighting like rats for your piece of cheese. I have ZERO RESPECT for vaccine profiteers that are so financially biased, confirmation biased, indoctrinated, and willfully ignorant of the evidence that clearly shows vaccines cause injury, disease and REGRESSIVE AUTISM, that they aggressively lobby lawmakers to make vaccines mandatory, and deny parents the essential knowledge about the risks of toxic ingredients injected into their babies. They are complicit accomplices in the murder-by-vaccine crimes that have made American infants THE MOST VACCINATED and THE MOST LIKELY TO DIE in the first year of life. The blood of every vaccine injured or killed child is on the hands of every pediatrician that parroted lies like “vaccines do not cause autism” and “the science is settled.” The science isn’t settled, it’s corrupt. For me, uncovering the many layers of fraud and corruption that have allowed vaccines to harm so many children, is analogous to walking into an exam room in which a child is being abused by a doctor. I’m not about to look the other way and allow the abuse to continue.

The Vaccine Cartel: Largest Criminal Organization in the World – Why Your Flu Shot is Probably Illegal

If you are getting a flu shot this season, chances are that those who are providing the vaccine to you are breaking federal laws - and they don't care. The reason they don't care is because in 1986 Congress passed a law that then President Ronald Reagan signed which gave pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines and medical personnel who administer those vaccines total legal immunity for injuries or deaths related to vaccines. As a result, federal guidelines for administering vaccines that are designed to protect patients are routinely ignored, especially when it comes to the annual flu shot that almost anyone can purchase in a pharmacy just as easily as they can purchase a candy bar or can of soda. If you have a severe reaction, injury, or are killed by the flu shot, you or your family have no legal recourse to sue the manufacturer or those who gave you the vaccine, even if they broke federal laws in administering the vaccine (as most do). You must hire an attorney and sue the Federal Government in vaccine court, where attorneys working for the Department of Justice (DOJ) will fight you to try and prevent you from being compensated for your injury or death. Health Impact News is probably the only media organization that publishes the quarterly reports from the DOJ listing settlements in the vaccine court for vaccine injuries and deaths, and each report clearly shows that the annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., causing severe injuries and deaths each year. The most recent report from September 2017 listed 275 injuries and four deaths from the flu vaccine. But the manufacturers of the flu vaccines and those who administer them take no responsibility and suffer no consequences, even if they broke the law. Justice for criminal medical murders and injuries largely does not exist in the United States.

Dr. Brogan to Women: Reclaim Your Pregnancy – Dismiss Obstetrical Bullying and Reject the Flu Shot

Women have permitted doctors and pharmaceutical companies privileged access to their fierce and primitive drive toward protecting a pregnancy. They have been made to feel fear, convinced that they need the support of the apparatus of allopathic medicine to get them through this perilous trial. I’d like to take a moment to pause. Take a deep breath. And ask the women reading this to look inside and to check if that compass is there. I have discussed, in previous articles, the concerns surrounding the recommendation of a pharmaceutical product to healthy pregnant women despite the lack of any general population studies. Determining that something is “safe” in pregnancy is like saying that because individuals don’t have car accidents on passage from point A to B, that riding in a vehicle is safer than walking. For ethical reasons, pharmaceutical products cannot be studied in a randomized manner in pregnancy, severely limiting our ability to look at short or long-term outcomes. The surprising news is that vaccines, the pharmaceutical product in question, have never been studied in a truly placebo controlled manner, in single, or multiple deliveries, and not for long-term outcomes, even in a general population.

Grandparents Fight State of Kansas Over Attempted Forced Vaccination of Grandson Residing in Their Home

The war against parents who choose not to vaccinate their children, or to not follow the CDC vaccine schedule which requires more vaccines for children in the U.S. than any other developed nation of the world, rages on all across America. Citizens of the United States are waking up and recognizing that with no legal accountability for pharmaceutical companies to produce safe vaccines in the U.S., unlike most other countries of the world where one can sue a vaccine manufacturer for damages resulting from their vaccine products, the proliferation of vaccines and their known side effects carries tremendous risk of injury and even death. Parents and physicians in the U.S. are increasingly standing up for their rights to choose medical procedures for their children and resisting coercion by government agencies who seek to mandate vaccines even against the desires of parents and sometimes their physicians as well. In Johnson County, Kansas, one 2-year old little boy has been taken away from his mother and placed in foster care with his grandparents. The young boy was born with a serious heart defect, and has never been vaccinated. The mother and the grandparents, for both health and religious reasons, have utilized Kansas' legal vaccine exemption laws to prevent the young boy from being vaccinated. But since the child has been removed from his mother and placed into the temporary custody of the state of Kansas, the state is now trying to force the child to be vaccinated against the wishes of both his mother and grandparents, even while he continues to live under the care of his grandparents.

Medical Doctor and Mother Relates How Vaccines Killed her 6 Month Old Baby Daughter

The VAXXED team recently interviewed Dr. Stephanie Christner of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who is a primary care physician and psychiatrist who was pro-vaccine until her baby daughter died of vaccine injuries just shy of her 6 month old birth date. When she was pregnant with her daughter, she had two friends who questioned vaccines, and listened to them non-judgmentally. But when she went to the CDC website to research vaccines, and then talked to her pediatrician, her pediatrician basically told her she could not stay in his practice if she did not get her baby daughter vaccinated. She states that in her own medical training virtually nothing is taught about the science behind the manufacturing of vaccines, and that during her residency she was just expected to vaccinate everyone, and that if there were any complications after administering the vaccines, no one would ever associate the problem with the vaccine. Both of her sons, born prior to her daughter, were vaccinated, and experienced developmental delays and allergies. Her baby daughter was not vaccinated in the hospital when she was born, and was perfectly healthy the first couple of months. When she received her two month old vaccinations, things began to change. But she was still in denial at that time, not linking her daughter's health problems to the vaccines. As her baby's health continued to decline, she continued with the vaccine schedule. She died before she reached 6 months old. Up until this time, she still did not suspect any relationship to vaccines. She states: "I feel like every mother in the world, that you can't possibly imagine - I was so naive - I thought that there was really no way that we would ever give something to our most precious, precious, thing in the world, our children... that would be harmful and that wasn't (fully) studied." She sees things differently now, and realizes that many people have their eyes closed. She believes that most pediatricians would change their views on vaccines if they would bother to do the research that she has done.

Idaho Toxicologist Reveals Censorship of Vaccine Science in CBS Interview that Never Aired – Watch it Here

KBOI CBS channel 2 out of Boise, Idaho, recently interviewed Ashley Cates, a toxicologist, on the issue of vaccines. The interview was never aired, so by request we are making it available to the Health Impact News readership. Ashley Cates is a toxicologist who earned her degree in environmental toxicology from the University of California at Davis (UC Davis). She has previously worked at the California EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). She now lives in Idaho. When asked about her views on childhood vaccination, Ashley replied that she believes parents should make informed choices regarding vaccines for their children, after researching all of the science. She explains that when she researched the science, she was shocked over how much science is suppressed. She believes parents should be aware of all the science related to vaccines, including the negative, so that parents can make an informed choice. When asked what her personal views were in regards to vaccines, and whether or not she vaccinates her own children, Ashley replied: "We did (vaccinate) until my son started showing signs of damage to his health... Three days after a set of vaccines, he actually had seizures and began to have development delays and cognitive delays. He had sensory processing disorder, he had eczema, he had gastro-intestinal issues." Ashley goes on to explain that their current pediatrician has determined that her son has a specific genetic marker that makes him more susceptible to adverse reactions to vaccines, and has recommended to be cautious in giving her son any more vaccines.

Mother Faces Jail for Defying Judge’s Order to Vaccinate her Son

A metro Detroit mother is facing jail time for defying a judge's order forcing her to vaccinate her child. Rebecca Bredow is not anti-vaccine; she consented to have her son vaccinated in the past, but was concerned about giving him too many vaccines at one time. Her ex-husband agreed with her at the time, but now he has allegedly changed his mind, and sought a court order to force her to vaccinate their son. Rebecca is the primary care giver of the child. Judge Karen D. MacDonald has ordered the child to be vaccinated, and has allegedly threatened the mother with being put in jail for failing to comply. Speaking to reporters with WXYZ in Detroit, Rebecca states that she prefers sitting behind bars than forcing her son to receive so many vaccines.

UK Media Publishes Truth About HPV Vaccine Destroying the Lives of “Thousands” of Girls

The Daily Mail, a U.K. publication, has published an article exposing the carnage that has resulted from the HPV vaccine Gardasil. They highlight the story of Jasmin Soriat, 19, from Vienna, who died from respiratory failure three weeks after having a second dose of the Gardasil vaccine. The article is based on the new HPV vaccine documentary, "Sacrificial Virgins." Thousands of girls around the world have suffered adverse reactions, often developing chronic fatigue syndrome. The family of British teenager Ruby Shallom from Bracknell, Berkshire, also claim she was left paralysed in three limbs after having the HPV jab. She also appears in the documentary and reveals: "The only limb that works now is my left arm… I still go out and see my friends but the pain and fatigue makes it hard." In the US, France, Spain and Denmark, more than 250 court cases are being mounted over HPV vaccinations. Damages have been won in the US and France. The Japanese government withdrew its recommendation for the HPV vaccine in 2013, after highly publicised cases of alleged adverse events in girls who had been vaccinated.

CDC Lies About the Risks of Vaccination of Preterm Infants

According to the CDC, it is perfectly safe to vaccinate preterm babies by the same childhood vaccination schedule as full-term infants. “You can vaccinate premature babies according to chronological age”, the CDC says, meaning that there is no reason to delay vaccination until the infant has matured more, developmentally. The CDC states that “The vaccines cannot harm them and they will develop active immunity.” On its face, this is a remarkably bold lie from the CDC. After all, the CDC acknowledges that vaccination carries risks of adverse events in children born full-term, so how can it possibly be true that vaccination “cannot harm” infants born prematurely? Perhaps what the CDC is trying to communicate is that vaccination of preterm babies carries no greater risk. But if we assume this is simply a miscommunication, it would be a shockingly irresponsible one, particularly given that the CDC’s target audience for this information is medical professionals, from hospital administrators to physicians to medical students. In fact, the information just quoted comes from an online course presented by the CDC through its Training and Continuing Education Online program. Moreover, if we assume the CDC means to say that vaccination of premature infants does not place them at any greater risk, in the above video (presented by the team that made the documentary film Vaxxed), Suzanne Humphries, MD, shares research exposing what a dangerous lie this still would be. As she demonstrates, science informs us just the opposite: that vaccinating infants born prematurely puts them at significantly greater risk of a host of known adverse reactions.

World Renowned Genetics Doctor Sees Relationship Between Fetal Cells Used in Vaccines and Increasing Autism Rates

Dr. Theresa Deisher recently granted an interview with the VAXXED team to discuss, among other things, vaccines and autism. Theresa Deisher, Ph.D., is the president of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), a cutting edge biomedical research organization. Dr. Deisher is a genetic engineer with over 20 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry, from basic human biology through clinical trials. Dr. Deisher states in her VAXXED interview that she looked at the rise in autism rates in the U.K. and its link to the MMR vaccine, originally discovered and published by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and how the medical establishment tried to discredit Dr. Wakefield's research. She notes that one reason given to try and discredit Dr. Wakefield's research was that MMR vaccination rates remained steady both prior to and after the spike in autism rates in 1988. However, what she discovered that was not reported was that the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine switched from animal cells to develop cultures to human fetal cells from aborted babies in 1988. So she had one of her Ph.D. researchers investigate the matter more thoroughly, and compare autism rates to the use of human fetal cells in vaccines, and she discovered that every time fetal cells were introduced into the manufacture of vaccines, autism rates increased.