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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Big Tech and Big Pharma Team Up to Create Digital “Health Passports” for Global Travel

COVID-19 test results are already required for entry at some airports and at international borders, and it's likely that confirmation of getting a COVID-19 vaccine will soon follow. But most patients who have been vaccinated against the virus only get a small piece of paper as proof. Those papers are easy to lose and highly vulnerable to fraud and counterfeiting, industry stakeholders say. So public and private organizations have turned to the idea of developing digital health passports to help restart global travel. The organizations involved include health technology company Lumedic, IBM, Airport Council International, Commons Project Foundation, COVID-19 Credentials Initiative, Evernym, Hyperledger, International Chamber of Commerce, Mastercard and the ID2020 Alliance, a global partnership that focuses on digital identities. There are various efforts are currently underway to develop digital health credentials systems—both vaccination and test certificates. The CommonPass mobile app, created by the Commons Project Foundation and the World Economic Forum is being used by United Airlines and other airlines on some international flights. The World Health Organization is also working on a digital vaccine certificate for international travel, and Health Pass by Clear is in use at Los Angeles International Airport.

Another Medical Professional in the Prime of Life DEAD Weeks After Receiving the mRNA Experimental Injection as Memphis Mourns Loss of 36-Year-Old Doctor

In what is becoming a frequent report here at Health Impact News, another medical professional has died within weeks of being injected with an experimental mRNA COVID injection, and once again, health authorities and the local media are "assuring" the public that his death is unrelated to the experimental injection he received. ABC Local 24 has reported the death of 36-year-old Memphis orthopedic doctor Barton Williams, weeks after receiving a COVID injection. The CDC is reportedly investigating his death, as it is being blamed on a "rare COVID related syndrome." Not only are they not linking the COVID injection to his death, they are actually encouraging more people to get the injections to prevent what happened to Dr. Williams!

After “Event 201” Coronavirus Simulation in 2019, World Economic Forum Now Plans “Cyber Pandemic” Simulation for July 2021

On Wednesday, the World Economic Forum (WEF), along with Russia’s Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZONE announced that a new global cyberattack simulation would take place this coming July to instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the recent SolarWinds hack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise’s participants. On the newly updated event website, the simulation, called Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns that, given the digitalization trends largely spurred by the COVID-19 crisis, “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect,” adding that “a secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.” The exercise comes several months after the WEF, the “international organization for public-private cooperation” that counts the world’s richest elite among its members, formally announced its movement for a Great Reset, which would involve the coordinated transition to a Fourth Industrial Revolution global economy in which human workers become increasingly irrelevant. This revolution, including its biggest proponent, WEF founder Klaus Schwab, has previously presented a major problem for WEF members and member organizations in terms of what will happen to the masses of people left unemployed by the increasing automation and digitalization in the workplace. New economic systems that are digitally based and either partnered with or run by central banks are a key part of the WEF’s Great Reset, and such systems would be part of the answer to controlling the masses of the recently unemployed. As others have noted, these digital monopolies, not just financial services, would allow those who control them to “turn off” a person’s money and access to services if that individual does not comply with certain laws, mandates and regulations.

Wisconsin Resident Doctor has Miscarriage 3 Days After Being Injected with Experimental COVID mRNA Shot

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2019. She is completing her residency in Radiation Oncology at the same Milwaukee college. Her profile on a website called SheMD says she is “passionate about medical education, public health, and mentorship, particularly for women interested in radiation.” She is married with one daughter and had another child on the way – until yesterday. Dr. Beltrán Ponce tweeted on January 28 that she is 14 weeks pregnant and “fully vaccinated.” She repeated many of the most common talking points related to COVID-19 and vaccines in the tweet chain. She tweeted an update about her pregnancy less than a week later, stating that she had a miscarriage. The miscarriage happened at 14 1/2 weeks, indicating it was three days after she got the first or second mRNA shot. As you can see from Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce's update tweet announcing the death of her unborn baby, she didn't dare connect it to the COVID injection, because to do so would have probably shipwrecked her career as a medical doctor, because she would have been labeled as an "anti-vaxxer" and therefore "anti-science."

Dr. Stella Demands an Apology after Studies Prove She was Right on HCQ – Vaccines Not Needed!

Dr. Stella Immanuel, a medical doctor from Houston who has cured hundreds of her patients with COVID symptoms by using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), was one of a group of doctors who went to Washington D.C. last summer to tell the nation that there was a cure for COVID, which included the older, already FDA-approved drug, hydroxychloroquine. Many other doctors, some with very prestigious credentials, from around the world were seeing the same results with early treatment of COVID patients, and a near 100% success rate with no deaths. But the FDA and Anthony Fauci refused to endorse an emergency use authorization to let hospitals use the drug, stating that their clinical experiences were not enough, and that there was a lack of peer-reviewed literature. They allowed this lack of published studies to be used as an excuse to prevent patients from receiving this treatment, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths, while TRILLIONS of dollars were poured into new vaccines and drugs instead. This is one of the real crimes committed during the Plandemic. Now, at the beginning of 2021, many studies have been published documenting the effectiveness of HCQ, and Facebook has announced they will stop censoring information related to HCQ, and the American Journal of Medicine has also admitted that their stand on HCQ was wrong. Dr. Stella Immanuel is now demanding an apology from the Pharma-controlled media, and the government health agencies who attacked her and her character for recommending HCQ, stating that someone "has to be accountable" for all these needless deaths.

Entire School District in Ohio Cancels Classes After Too Many School Staff Have Negative Reactions to the Experimental COVID mRNA Injections

An entire school district in Ohio canceled classes on Monday this week after so many of the staff suffered side effects from one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections over the weekend. Fox 8 News in Cleveland reported: "Two days after employees were given their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations, the Fairless Local School District canceled classes, attributing it to many developing side effects and becoming ill." Parents reportedly received a text on Sunday from the School District Superintendent Bidlack notifying parents of the school closure, which indicates that this cancelation of classes was not scheduled and was only decided the day after seeing how many of the district's staff became sick or injured from the injections.

Scientific “Proof” is a Myth: The Limitations of Science and the Medical Paradigm

Science has lifted us from the ignorance of the Dark Ages into the understandings we hold today. It has increased our standards of living, lengthened our life spans, and enriched our lives in every way. Music, the arts, our governments, our social customs, our religious beliefs, our educational institutions, our recreations, our modes of travel, our means of communicating, our working, our eating, our sleeping—all aspects of our culture have been transformed by the touch of technology. It is little wonder, then, that we have become conditioned to look to science for the solutions of all our problems and for the answers to life’s questions. But science, powerful as it is, is a false god. Awed by the spectacular material advancements science has brought us, we have come to expect more of science than it is capable of delivering. Many individuals, not recognizing the limitations of science, stand in expectation of results that will never come. Science does not have all the solutions. It does not have all the answers. It never has and it never will. The purpose of this article is to clearly present science for what it is—no more and no less. Many answers can be obtained by the scientific method, but there are many more that cannot. It is not my intent to destroy your faith in science. As a lifetime professional scientist myself, I am duly respectful of its potential. I am also aware of its limitations. When it comes to consideration of life in its fullness, these limitations are very great. Therefore, while I don’t want to destroy your faith in science, I do want to disturb it and to encourage you to question its validity as an approach to living. In order to clearly understand the limitations of science, one must first have a clear picture of what science is. Interestingly enough, there is a large fraction of scientists who do not have an accurate and complete picture of the boundaries of science. This might sound hard to believe, but it is true. It is entirely possible to practice science to a high level of success in obtaining useful, valid results, while at the same time never being fully aware of its limits. In an analogous way, it is entirely possible, if not common, for doctors to practice medicine without being aware of its limits. In fact, it is not at all uncommon for people to confuse medicine with science. And neither is it unusual for doctors to confuse science with technology. The practice of medicine, while it may be partially described as “applied technology,” is not a science. While medicine bases some of its practices on scientifically derived data, the practice of medicine is not, itself, a science. Medicine is a discipline of opinion where accepted standards of practice are determined by a consensus of the majority, not by the scientific method. The reason the limits of science are not widely recognized and understood lies in our educational systems, which train scientists and health care providers in how to exercise the methods of science and apply their results, but do not encourage a questioning of the fundamental assumptions behind the methods themselves. The purpose of medical training is unquestioning indoctrination, not cognitive education. It is to promote, protect, and apply the prevailing paradigm—not to question it.

39-Year-Old Medical Doctor and Son of Former Chief Justice of Trinidad Found Dead After COVID Injection in Ireland

The Irish Sentinel has reported that Dr. Keshav Raman Sharma, a respiratory consultant who practiced in Wexford hospital, received one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections on January 5, 2021, and the following Sunday, January 10th, was found dead in his home. He had just turned 39 years old, and his death was described as "sudden" at his funeral and other places. Dr. Sharma was from Trinidad, and was the son of the former Chief Justice of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Justice Satnarine Persad Sharma.

TRAGEDY! 9 Dead in Spanish Nursing Home Shortly After First Pfizer Shots but Second Doses Given Anyway – Religious Beliefs in Vaccines Causing Massive Senior Deaths?

The Sun in the UK has reported that nine nursing home residents in Spain have died 10 days after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and nearly every other resident tested positive for COVID following the injections. After such a tragic loss of life so shortly after receiving these experimental shots, surely they discontinued injecting residents, right? No. General director of the nursing home, Sergio Mella, expressed his religious-like belief in vaccines, and stated that the second doses sould be given as scheduled. Mr Mella said: “I do not think it was because of the vaccine - that is to save lives and not to infect residents.” He continued: “Maybe some of the people who were going to vaccinate were asymptomatic and have brought it." “Or maybe one of the workers was positive and coincided that they were infected on a date similar to that of the vaccine, but not that it is the vaccine far from it.” This has to be one of the clearest examples of a religious-like statement of faith, as opposed to a scientific approach to the problem, that I have seen recorded in the corporate media so far regarding the massive amounts of deaths occurring with seniors in assisted living centers after receiving the experimental mRNA COVID injections. Starting with the religious belief that vaccines can never cause harm, which flies in the face of science and the actual facts, the administration then looks at every other possibility besides the injections to explain the deaths and outbreak.

Another Jewish Holocaust? Local Talk Radio Reports “Many Dying” in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental mRNA Injections

A man residing in Israel has gone public with a short video, where he plays a portion of a local talk radio program produced by Mordechai Sones on IsraelNewsTalkRadio.com. Mordechai begins his broadcast by reading the names of 28 people who have died following the Pfizer experimental COVID mRNA injections. The list begins with some elderly Rabbis, but also includes young people who had no existing health problems and died suddenly, including a 25-year-old woman. After reading these 28 names, Mordechai states: "The list continues, but cannot be brought here in its entirety due to time constraints." Mordechai goes on to state: "After succeeding Sunday in extending the current lockdown, this time until Friday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu repeated we will use the time to vaccinate another million Israelis." The Israeli man who posted this on YouTube states: "I made this short video with an audio broadcast of Mordechai Sones; so that I could pass on the information that many people here in Israel have been dying after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine. But none of this information seems to be making it into the mainline media. I am calling on everyone to pray and seek the Lord to have this evil thing stopped immediately."