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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Families Sue New York State to Stop the Repeal of the Religious Exemption to Vaccines

Attorneys Sussman and Kennedy filed a lawsuit in New York State (NYS) Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the NYS legislature’s June 13, 2019 repeal of the religious exemption to vaccination, Public Health Law Section 2164(9). The plaintiffs, 55 NYS families who held lawful religious exemptions, request that the court enjoin the enactment of the repeal temporarily, preliminarily and permanently. The plaintiffs are of diverse religious faiths, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. As a result of the repeal, these families can no longer educate their children in any schools or camps in New York without violating their religious faith. The parents who bring the suit seek to represent thousands of other families likewise affected by the repeal. Kennedy, Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, stated, “Religious rights are fundamental. It is unconstitutional for the state to deprive people of such important rights when religious animus has played a key role. To enact such harsh legislation without any legislative fact-finding, and with the legislators’ open display of prejudice towards religious beliefs different than their own, is simply un-American; it is essential that we fight this.”

“Fear-Based Medical Misinformation” Causes Vaccine and Statin “Hesitancy” or is Public Waking Up to the Truth? Dr. Brownstein Reponds to AMA

An article in the June, 2019 edition of JAMA Cardiology was titled, “Fear-Based Medical Misinformation and Disease Prevention: From Vaccines to Statins." In this article, the author states “fake medical news” as the reason that patients are exhibiting hesitancy about utilizing statins and vaccines. The author blames vaccine refusers for fueling outbreaks of measles. However, mandating that every child receive the MMR does not guarantee a measles-free population. China continues to have measles outbreaks even though Chinese children are the most vaccinated in the world—over 99% of Chinese children are fully vaccinated for measles. Furthermore, there has been a rash of mumps outbreaks across the US since 2006–all in fully vaccinated populations. In fact, from 2016-2017, there have been over 9,200 cases of mumps in the US, mostly from fully vaccinated people. The author blames fake news because patients are concerned about statin safety. A large percentage of patients stop statin drugs due to side effects. I find it doubtful that fake news is responsible for a large percentage of patients to suffer adverse effects from statin therapy. I have been a clinician for over 25 years and regularly heard patients complaining about statin adverse effects.

CDC: Flu Shot Less than 10% Effective at End of Flu Season

Last week, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the new estimate for the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine during the second half of the 2018-2019 “flu season” was only nine percent. That’s pretty bad even by influenza vaccine standards, which are notoriously poor. Since the 2004-2005 season, the CDC has judged the influenza vaccine to be more than 50 percent effective only four times—52 percent in 2006-2007, 56 percent in 2009-2010, 60 percent in 2010-2011 and 52 percent in 2013-2014. In other words, the vaccine has been more than 50 percent ineffective nearly three out of every four years.

Freedom to Dissent and the New Blacklist in America

Anyone who defends the informed consent ethic and criticizes the use of coercion to force compliance with one-size-fits all vaccine policies is called an “anti-vaxxer” and subjected to personal attacks on his or her intelligence, integrity, motives and patriotism in the name of protecting the public health. The litmus test question is: Are you or have you ever been anti-vaccine? If you hesitate, qualify your answer, express doubt or admit to being currently or previously associated with a person or organization labeled as “anti-vaccine,” it is over. You are publicly condemned as an “anti-vaxxer” and a danger to society for infecting others with your opinions, values and beliefs. You are blacklisted and turned into a horrible warning for any person like you who is even thinking about speaking up. Do you want to be forced to use every new vaccine Big Pharma produces and public health officials mandate without your voluntary informed consent? And what will be done to you if you refuse to comply? Will you be able to get a driver’s license or passport, shop in a store, go to a football game, enter a hospital emergency room, get on a bus or plane, or simply leave your home if you cannot show proof that you have complied with government vaccine policies? Will your unvaccinated children be taken from you? Will you be criminally prosecuted and imprisoned? What has happened this year are signs that America may well be stumbling down the trail toward totalitarianism by allowing our inalienable rights to be taken away.

Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children Studies: The Big CDC Cover-up Linking Vaccines to Autism

The data in CDC’s 1999 Verstraeten study clearly inculpated thimerosal as the principle culprit behind the autism epidemic. Contemporary emails among CDC officials— obtained under the FOIA— and the transcripts from a secret 2000 meeting between government regulators and vaccine makers at Simpsonwood, Georgia, show HHS officials plotting to create phony studies to exonerate vaccines. CDC officials hired a Scandanavian, Poul Thorsen, giving him $10 million to create a series of fraudulent reports from Denmark. Thorsen dutifully produced the predetermined results but allegedly stole at least $1 million of the grant from CDC. He is now an international fugitive under Federal indictment and on HHS’s “Most Wanted” list. CDC continues to cite Thorsen’s studies as the bedrock for its claim that vaccines don’t cause autism.

Toxic Polysorbate 80 Found in Most Vaccines

Unbelievably, Polysorbate 80 is found in many vaccines that are mandated not only for our children but for adults as well. Perhaps we are seeing an epidemic of childhood illnesses because of the overload of toxic products found in vaccines. Section 11 of the Material Safety Data Sheet for polysorbate 80 states, “May cause reproductive effects based on animal test data. No human data found. May cause cancer based on animal test data. No human data found. May affect genetic material (mutagenic).” Once injected, polysorbate 80 can break down into sorbitol and ethylene oxide. Sorbitol, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is not to be injected (under drug warnings). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found evidence of carcinogenicity (promoting cancer) with ethylene oxide exposure. Ethylene oxide is associated with reproductive effects in mammals as well as leukemia in female rats and malignant tumors in male rats. Is it safe to inject any human, much less a baby, with either polysorbate 20 or 80? No!

Autism can be Cured – How to use the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol to Recover Broken Lives

Kerri Rivera has been researching methods to recover lives of people with autism and related conditions since 2006. She completed DAN based training for the biomedical treatment of autism in 2009 (DAN refers to “Defeat Autism Now”). She has a degree in homeopathy, and has been trained to provide hyperbaric therapy. She is the developer of the chlorine dioxide protocol, which has been used to recover 557 people from autism and related conditions.

California Moves Closer to Becoming Vaccine Police State as Legislators Consider Bill to Remove Doctors’ Right to Give Medical Exemptions for Vaccines

Action is needed week to stop SB 276 sponsored by Senator Richard Pan which is designed to greatly reduce your family’s accessibility to lifesaving medical vaccine exemptions. The bill has passed the Senate and now has a hearing in the Assembly Health Committee Thursday, June 20th at the adjournment of the Assembly in room 4202 of the Capitol. OPPOSE SB 276! Senate Bill 276 is designed to greatly reduce the number of families who can take a lifesaving medical vaccine exemption. Do not be fooled by recent amendments! They do not address the fundamental problems with this bill. SB 276 still betrays the promise made by legislators to the people in 2015 to protect the medical vaccine exemption. The doctor-patient relationship is built on trust by the patient that the doctor will, first, do no harm. SB 276 still interferes in the private doctor-patient relationship and prevents a doctor from being free to exercise professional judgment and conscience in protecting the patient from harm when granting a medical vaccine exemption without bureaucratic arbitrary restrictions and limits. State public health officials should not have power to override the judgment of private physicians. SB 276 inappropriately places the granting or withholding of medical vaccine exemptions for patients in the hands of state employees, rather than in the hands of private physicians who personally care for patients. There is individual susceptibility to vaccine reactions and vaccine providers cannot reliably predict who will be harmed. SB 276 forces doctors and other vaccine providers to adhere to narrow vaccine contraindications and withhold medical vaccine exemptions from potentially susceptible children, who could die or be severely injured by vaccines mandated for daycare and school. SB 276 is bad public health law.

American Medical Association Advice: Mature 12-Year-Olds Can Consent to Vaccination Without Parents

At the recently concluded annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) in Chicago, AMA delegates adopted a doozy of a new policy. The powerful trade group agreed to develop model legislation that pressures state legislatures into allowing minors to “override refusenik parents on vaccination.” In 2000, the Supreme Court reasserted the fundamental right of parents to oversee the care, custody and control of their children, a right recognized by states until children reach age 18. Where vaccines are concerned, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act—passed in 1986—legally requires health care providers to distribute vaccine information materials to the parent or legal guardian of any child to whom the provider intends to administer a vaccine “prior to the administration of such vaccine” [emphasis added]. Does it trouble the AMA that its pronouncement goes against legal precedent as well as social custom? Apparently unconcerned about “chipping away at parental rights,” AMA representatives are gung-ho about the organization’s new policy position. Not only do they want minors as young as 12 to be able to consent to vaccination regardless of their parents’ “flawed beliefs”—while still expecting parents to pay for the vaccines—they also believe that doctors should be the ones declaring a child “mature enough” to consent to vaccination. A question that anyone familiar with the AMA’s history should be asking is, why would we trust the AMA to make such vital decisions in parents’ stead?

New York Quickly Removes Religious Vaccine Exemptions with No Public Hearings

On June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings. The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law. “This new law, which was rammed through the New York legislature in one day without public participation in the democratic process violates the human right to hold religious and spiritual beliefs that honor and protect bodily integrity,” said Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center. “When a government has to resort to forcing parents to choose between violating their religious beliefs and conscience or giving their children a school education, that government has chosen to rule by fear and coercion and will lose the respect and trust of the people.” About 24,000 children in New York currently attend school with a religious exemption to vaccination (0.8 percent of all students). Those children now will have to immediately get all state mandate vaccines according to the schedule published by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices or be home schooled next school year. Some families have said they will have to move out of the state because their children are already vaccine injured or have brain and immune system disorders that do not qualify for medical exemptions under narrow federal vaccine use guidelines.