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So far AdminM has created 1974 entries.

The True Cost of Julian Assange’s Persecution: An Exclusive Interview with Stella Assange

It is now four years since Julian Assange was imprisoned in Belmarsh’s high-security prison in London and eleven since he was forced into hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy in the same city. But even before then, the Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder has been under relentless attack from powerful bodies his organization exposed. Today in “The Watchdog” studio, Lowkey is joined by Assange’s wife Stella. Stella Assange is a South-African born lawyer and human rights defender. Her most famous case is undoubtedly that of her husband, whom she married in 2022. For years, Stella has tirelessly traveled the world raising awareness of Julian’s situation. Before marrying Julian, she attained degrees from the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) in London and from the University of Oxford.  For Lowkey, Assange’s brilliance was taking his anti-war passions and finding a way to directly work with units within the U.S. military to make the public aware of the illegal, immoral, and deeply unpopular decisions being taken in our name.

Freemason Elon Musk Rebrands Twitter to “X” – New “Everything App” is the Goal

Last year I published an article about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter, and his desire to turn it into an "everything app" similar to the Chinese WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and other digital information. We also reported that several large foreign Twitter investors had received access to confidential information about the social network, possibly including its users' personal data and financial statistics as part of Elon Musk's deal on his Twitter acquisition. Musk's plans to turn Twitter into an "everything app" that would provide new levels of tracking individuals is apparently becoming a reality, as Musk changed the name of Twitter to "X" earlier this week. Forbes reported: "Elon Musk’s abrupt decision to do away with Twitter’s iconic blue bird and rebrand as “X” erased one of social media’s most recognizable brands overnight and potentially killed billions in brand value, but marketing and branding experts told Forbes the unconventional and seemingly reckless strategy signals the start of Musk’s promised “everything app” and could have more to it than meets the eye. The change was unsurprising—Musk has been open about his ambition to build an “everything app” like China’s WeChat and has already changed the business name to X Corp—but it was sudden." Like Sam Altman's WorldID and WorldCoin, the U.S. Government may soon be using "X" to distribute things like Universal Basic Income ("Free" money) in return for biometric scans of various parts of your body.

U.S. Government Wants Facial Scans of All Children: To “Protect” Children or to Traffick Them?

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) of the federal U.S. Government is considering allowing businesses to use biometric facial scans of children under the age of 13 as "a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent." As the FTC noted in this press release, "Under the COPPA Rule, online sites and services directed to children under 13 must obtain parental consent before collecting or using personal information from a child." So are parents of children under the age of 13 the ones complaining about online sites collecting data on their children and petitioning the FTC to protect their children? No, businesses are the ones petitioning the FTC to allow face scans of children under the age of 13, allegedly as an "age verification" system. They claim that the images collected are "privacy-preserving", but the mere act of allowing a young child's face to be scanned "with their actual month and year of birth" means that they are stored in a database somewhere where pedophiles will now have access to that information. And those pedophiles are not just cartel members living in the jungles of far away places like Columbia. No, they are working in our government, in our nation's child welfare system in child "protective" services, in our schools and in our churches, as we have so often documented here at Health Impact News over the years. The United States today is perhaps the most dangerous country in the world to raise a child, and every parent needs to understand that their child is in constant danger of being abducted, usually by our own government, and being trafficked. What can a parent do to protect their children?

Hollywood Actor Jim Caviezel Said that He’s Jesus and that Trump is Moses in Child Trafficking

The frenzy surrounding the Sound of Freedom fictional movie has gone from hype, to insanity, to now blasphemy. Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel appeared on Fox News and stated that "we have to do a lot more" to rescue children being trafficked, and that Donald Trump was the one who was going to rescue trafficked children. "I'm still Jesus, but he (Trump) is Moses." If you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, then you know that taking a stand for Truth means to go against the crowd.  The Christian Right and the American Christians in their corporate churches are the main ones upholding and supporting the child trafficking business in the United States today. How much longer before God's wrath is poured out on the United States of America, where most of the world's human trafficking occurs?

Freemasons are Collecting DNA and Biometric Data of Children for Tracking Purposes

According to Wikipedia, North American Masonic lodges have created the Masonic Child Identification Programs (CHIP) as a charitable endeavor to help locate and identify missing children. The Grand Lodge provides financial assistance for CHIP programs, which are run by volunteers from lower-level lodges and are manned by law enforcement and dentistry professionals. The CHIP programs give parents the option to free-of-charge assemble an identification kit for their child. The kit includes a tooth impression card, a DNA sample, a VHS video, computer disk, or DVD of the child, a fingerprint card, and a physical description of the child. In the event that a kid is reported missing, the kit’s goal is to give the general public and law authorities access to vital information. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has praised the initiative.

Peeping Tom Neighbors? New Doorbell Camera Links to Social Media Accounts and Uses Facial Recognition

Gullible and ignorant Americans are putting more and more of their private lives online often in exchange for the promise of more "security." Big Tech and law enforcement agencies want to thank those of you participating in their plans to create a complete police state where they can track every aspect of your lives through "smart" devices and homes, as you voluntarily surrender all the data of your personal lives to them. When the next "pandemic" or other national emergency false flag event happens, it will be much easier to lock down the public, especially in the cities, as you give them direct livestream access to your homes and neighborhoods. Irvinei is the latest startup technology company to enter the home doorbell camera market, and their technology goes a step further than current doorbell camera systems, as it allows one to link their social media accounts to the doorbell camera system, and it also uses facial recognition so it can identify almost anyone who comes to one's door, whether they consent to be recorded by the doorbell camera system or not.

Sound of Freedom: A Movie About Child Trafficking Produced by Child Traffickers?

I have been vehemently attacked and criticized by some people for daring to publish critical articles about the Sound of Freedom movie, especially the article about the people who funded the movie, the billionaire philanthropists with ties to human trafficking. But the source for this funding is Tim Ballard himself, who stated who was funding the movie in an interview in Utah 5 years ago on Fox News. This same local news outlet, Fox 13 News Utah, also reported in 2020 that Tim Ballard's organization, Operation Underground Railroad, was under criminal investigation for its fundraising methods. Some people have also attacked me for referring to Sound of Freedom as a fictional movie, and not a documentary. But again, the source of this information is Tim Ballard himself, who put up a page on the Operation Underground Railroad website stating that the movie was "based on a true story," but that many parts of the movie never happened and were fictional. Why did Tim Ballard wait until the week before the movie appeared in theaters on July 4th to publish this, when for years he gave interviews about the movie portraying it as a true story leading people to believe it was like a documentary? Also, why did Tim Ballard walk away from his $525,958.00 a year salary as the CEO and founder of Operation Underground Railroad just before the film was released on the Big Screen? The predominant narrative in the Right-wing Christian media is that only the "godless, leftist" media is criticizing the Sound of Freedom movie. Here is a headline from an article that was in my newsfeed today: "Journalists Attacking The Film Sound Of Freedom Should Have Their Hard Drives Investigated." Really?? Is it true that only the "godless, leftist" media is criticizing the Sound of Freedom movie??

New Documentary on Medically Kidnapped Girl Whose Mother Committed Suicide is the Most Powerful Film Ever Produced Exposing Medical Kidnapping

Last night I watched the new documentary that was released by Netflix last month (June, 2023), "Take Care of Maya." This is, by far, the best documentary I have ever watched that exposes the criminal enterprise allowed to operate in this country, and which I have been covering as a journalist for about a decade now, medical kidnapping. The documentary shows the true story of the Kowalski family of Florida, a medical kidnapping horror story that we have covered in previous articles. The documentary was produced by Caitlin Keating, who also writes for People Magazine. Here is an excerpt that was published just before the film was released on Netflix. Title: "An Allegation of Munchausen by Proxy, a Mom's Suicide, a Daughter's Pain: 'Take Care of Maya' Exclusive Clip." Description: "Maya Kowalski was rushed to the ER at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla., in the early morning of October 7, 2016. She had crippling stomach pain ('so severe, her knees were going up to her chest, and she was screaming,' says her father, Jack,) related to the rare neurological condition complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS. The 17-year-old's first memory was with her mom days later at the ICU. She kissed Maya on the forehead, told her she loved her, and they'd see each other the next day. 'I never saw her again,' Maya says." This film clearly exposes how a medical doctor who in reality is not even practicing medicine, but is acting as a forensic criminal investigator with ZERO training in law enforcement or forensic evidence, the corrupt pediatric specialty of "Child Abuse Specialist" which is a recent specialty started around 2010, has the enormous power to destroy families, as judges are all too quick to accept their "advice". Maya's mother was denied the opportunity to even hug her daughter after one court hearing, and ended up committing suicide a short time later giving up all hope that she would ever be reunited with her daughter again. This film is far more significant in exposing child trafficking in this country than the fictional Sound of Freedom movie, in my opinion, and shows that the horror of child trafficking in this country is not just limited to sex trafficking, but includes medical kidnapping by the pharmaceutical cartels as well.

Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S. – Appeals for More Volunteers

I have written 2 articles on the blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom, a movie that has already grossed over $85 million in less than two weeks since its release on the big screen, and these articles have received tens of thousands of readers in the past few days, even though the movie does not expose child sex trafficking in the U.S., does not name the names of those funding this child sex trafficking network, and has no call to action to stop it. By way of contrast, I have exposed where much of the child sex trafficking in the U.S. is happening, with a recently published story of a man who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children through the foster care system, as well as an update on the ongoing lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking network, which DOES name names, and these two articles have received far fewer views than the Sound of Freedom film articles. In this article I am publishing today, about a group who has actually done something about child sex trafficking in the U.S., I suspect that it too will receive far fewer readers than the articles about the movie Sound of Freedom, even though this is an article about a group that has actually rescued thousands of women and children from sex trafficking right here in the U.S. during the past 7 years, and could probably rescue many more if people would join their efforts to expose and chase out the child sex traffickers neighborhood by neighborhood all across the U.S., rather than sitting in a theater and watching a movie about child sex trafficking outside the U.S.

Car Manufacturers to Require Face Recognition to Drive Their Vehicles in the Near Future

The automotive industry is moving quickly now to take away one of the last freedoms most Americans still have: the ability to get in one's own vehicle and drive anywhere one wants, whenever they want to. In an announcement this week, Biometric Update reported that almost all of the major automakers have either recently announced or have already patented facial recognition technologies that will require drivers to supply a scanned image of their faces in order to use their autos in the near future.