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Whistleblower: Ukraine is Harvesting the Organs of Children in Laboratories – New Films on Child Sex Trafficking

A whistleblower from OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) has recently gone public describing laboratories found in buildings in Ukraine bombed by Russians where children are being kept in basements where their organs are being harvested. Vera Vayiman, who is a member of OSCE and worked in Ukraine as part of an international monitoring mission, made the horrifying revelations in a video interview that corroborates earlier reports from the Russian military and even from the Ukrainian military themselves, who have openly bragged that they harvest organs of children and body parts for cash. According to Vera Vayiman, who shared her testimony about what she personally witnessed during her time in Ukraine, the children are shipped out of the country under a grain export code. This report by The People's Voice also includes a clip from a speech by Tim Ballard, a former Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security who was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Tim talks about how Mel Gibson had contacted him to help out rescuing orphans from Ukraine, and that they were producing a 4-part documentary about this. Ballard is the central character in a new movie being released this week titled "Sound of Freedom," where actor Jim Caviezel dramatizes the character of Tim Ballard and his work in rescuing children from Columbia.

There is No Peace for the USA

Two years ago I wrote and published an article about how the United States of America is in the same moral state today as the nations God judged and destroyed in 722 B.C. God called Jeremiah to testify to the truth about what was about to happen, that Jerusalem and many of the surrounding nations were about to be destroyed, and he warned Jeremiah that the opposition would fight back hard against him. But God promised to be with him during those difficult times and rescue him. He was told that the days were so evil, that he was not to take a wife and raise a family. When Jeremiah began to tell people the truth, he was opposed by his own family, and by the religious leaders of his time, including other prophets, who tried to silence him. Does this sound familiar to anyone reading this? Do you see any parallels between what Jeremiah suffered, and how people telling the truth today are suffering also, even from their own family members? The reason why so many people opposed Jeremiah was because they did not think it was possible that God would judge them, because they believed that they were the "chosen people" and that they were better than all the other nations around them. They continued to believe that God would favor them over their enemies. As the USA celebrates its "Independence Day" this week on July 4th, the parallels between the people of Jeremiah's day and the people living in the US today, particularly the "Christians" who are the dominant religious group in the culture today, are stunning. But the truth that Jeremiah proclaimed thousands of years ago to his culture is the same truth that applies to the United States today: "Peace, peace," they say, when there is no peace. (Jeremiah 6:14)

Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking

For years now I have exposed the Corporate Christian Church's participation in child sex trafficking by receiving government funding for the U.S. Government's child welfare programs, including foster care and adoptions. This child welfare system is the main pipeline for child exploitation and sex trafficking, and the entire evil system would be crippled and brought to its knees if the Christian churches just stopped participating in it, and stopped receiving government funding to parent other people's children. Here is another video clip from the recently produced documentary, “Cages – Epic Human Trafficking Truth”, where a whistleblower reveals how human trafficking at the Arizona - Mexican border is putting many migrants onto the streets of Phoenix where Christian ministries traffick them as part of their "homeless ministries."

How the Flu “Disappeared” During the Covid Era

The Flu did not disappear, it was simply rebranded as Covid. With further commentary from the longtime lead scientist of the CDC's molecular diagnostic laboratory.

CENSORED Side Effects of Ivermectin: NOT Safe for Pregnant Women

During the COVID Plandemic, sales of ivermectin soared by 829% as it was called a "miracle drug" in preventing people from becoming sick or dying from COVID. Dr. Pierre Kory M.D., president of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), was ivermectin's leading proponent who referred to it as a "miracle drug" that had a long history of safe usage, primarily as an anti-parasite drug. But was the public, primarily through the Alternative Media, given the whole story on the safety protocol of ivermectin? Before going any further in this article, I want to address the main objection that most will have by simply reading the title of this article, which is that studies were fabricated during COVID to discredit ivermectin so that the much more dangerous drug, remdesivir, could be given emergency use authorization to treat COVID patients. The evidence of ivermectin as an "anti-fertility" drug that is not recommended for pregnant women, however, long precedes 2020 and the year of the COVID scam. For example, in 2015 the FDA required that Merck include a warning about administering ivermectin to pregnant women classifying it as a pregnancy category C drug: “Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the foetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans....” Why was this information about the evidence that ivermectin is not safe for pregnant women withheld from the public by the COVID whistleblower doctors?

Arizona Whistleblowers Expose the Human Sex Trafficking Business at the U.S. Border

A new documentary titled "Cages - Epic Human Trafficking Truth" has just been published featuring whistleblowers from Arizona revealing the horrors of human sex trafficking that are happening every day at the U.S. Mexican border, where the U.S. Government is working together with Mexican drug cartels to allow this horrible sex trafficking enterprise to flourish inside the United States. This business of human sex trafficking, and specifically pedophile child sex trafficking, is today one of the most lucrative businesses, if not THE MOST lucrative business, in the U.S. economy. The money that is brought in through human sex trafficking buys lawyers, judges, law enforcement agencies like the FBI, and elections. And this documentary, which I have annotated down to just under 17 minutes, just deals with the sex trafficking by America's wealthy with women and children coming across the border, and does not even address the larger exposure of child sex trafficking being exposed today from Jeffrey Epstein's network which has been documented by Whitney Webb's work, and the current U.S. Virgin Islands case involving Epstein and the U.S. financial system.

From Merck To Microsoft: These Are The Companies That BlackRock ‘Controls’ The Most Of

A week after an employee of the world’s largest asset management company, BlackRock, described how the company attempts to stay out of the media spotlight while buying politicians and profiting off of war (according to undercover footage obtained by the O’Keefe Media Group), we thought it worth a look at just what companies does the 34-year-old company have the most control of. As a reminder, in footage secretly recorded by undercover journalists in New York, a BlackRock recruiter named Serge Varlay explains how the investment company is able to “run the world.” “They [BlackRock] don’t want to be in the news. They don’t want people to talk about them. They don’t want to be anywhere on the radar,” Varlay said.

Artificial Intelligence is the New “Danger” the Government Wants to “Protect” You Against

The new "threat" to humanity that the U.S. Government is currently rushing forward to protect us all from, is the alleged threat from "Artificial Intelligence" (AI). The "threat" of AI is generally published through the corporate media as a two-fold threat that requires government regulation: 1. AI could develop superior intelligence and destroy the human race, and 2. AI is going to replace millions of people in the work force. Both premises are false, and by diverting the public's attention to these 2 alleged "threats," they are mostly ignoring (or downplaying) the REAL danger of AI, which is a level of control and censorship that this world has never seen before. The primary strength of the new AI programs is the incredible speed at which data can be retrieved and packaged into a controlled narrative, and therefore the race is now on to determine who controls all this data. Who gets to control all this data and control the narratives based on the data, will be decided by government policy all in the name of "protecting the public" from the "dangers" of AI taking away people's jobs and wiping out humanity. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer unveiled his SAFE Innovation Framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) which gives us a good idea as to where they want to go with "regulating" AI. And just who will develop these government regulations to "protect the American people and all of humanity from AI's novel risks"? Starting in the fall, Sen. Schumer said he will begin inviting “the best of the best” – top AI developers, community leaders, executives, scientists, advocates, workers, and national security experts – to convene in one room to do “years of work in just months.” So the threat is so large and so imminent, that the people who created this risk, the AI developers themselves, will be the ones who develop the solutions, and what would normally take "years" will only take "months." Hmm..., where have we heard this before? Ah, yes, "Operation Warp Speed" which produced the "solution" to the COVID-19 "virus" that threatened humanity with a new "vaccine" that would normally take "years" to develop but was developed in only "months." This is the "Great Reset."

Biometric National Digital IDs are Coming Soon to Pave the Way for Central Bank Digital Currencies

Imagine a world where you cannot purchase anything in a retail store, or online, or be able to access the cash in your bank account, unless you first use your cell phone to scan your face to prove your identity. You are assured that your face image is "secure" and never shared or sold to third party advertisers, but now every time you scan your face to make a financial transaction, a new digital image of your face is stored somewhere, where it can be hacked or sold to the highest bidder. Now, every time you go out into the public where there are cameras everywhere today, from your neighbor's door cameras to the cameras on street lights and traffic signals, to even the cameras in and around your car, someone with the technological know-how could literally trace every step you make, and everywhere you went, who you met, and possibly even everything you said and did with that person, because your national ID is now tied into your face scan which you have to constantly use with your national digital ID. Does this sound like some futuristic science fiction movie? Because I assure you, it is not, and if you do not prepare yourself for the push to give up your biometric data, such as face scans, palm scans, and iris scans to obtain a National ID that will soon be required to participate in the economy, even when purchasing and doing banking online, then you will probably be completely helpless to resist when it comes. And it's coming soon, very soon, as the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the Bank of England are already testing such a system, as is the U.S.

The Coming Crisis of Cities: Get Out Now While You Still Can

Who's going to be left who is willing and able to pay much higher taxes and fees to pay the sky-high legacy costs built up during the glorious 30 years of urban expansion fueled by speculative bubbles? The bubbles will collapse and bankruptcy will clear the excesses. Those who got out early (i.e. now) will be glad they acted promptly and those caught in the downdraft / decline will regret their faith in a high-cost system that was no longer affordable or sustainable.