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The Disappearance of the Annual Flu Which was Replaced with COVID-19 Shows Corruption at its Highest Level at the CDC

The flu bug is dead! It had a long run of success at the CDC, being used to rake in $BILLIONS in sales over the years with the yearly influenza vaccine, but alas its run is over now, as it has been supplanted by the new deadlier "virus," COVID-19. Oh make no mistake about it, the CDC tried to keep both viruses alive to have double the fear factor, and double the sales in vaccines, but in the end there just weren't enough sick people to go around and support both with actual death statistics. So the flu died. COVID-19 is way more scary than the annual flu, so one of them had to go, and people were just too used to the annual flu and were not fearing it as much anymore. And if you think I am using sarcasm here to make a point, then go listen to Anthony Fauci say the exact same thing back in 2019 when he stated people did not fear the flu enough anymore, and that something new was needed, and hear it directly from his own mouth. But everything is OK if you are invested in pharmaceutical stocks, because with the Federal Reserve banks creating money out of thin air and then having their puppet politicians give $TRILLIONS to the pharmaceutical industry, there was plenty of money to go around for other vaccines besides COVID, and annual sales of the flu vaccine skyrocketed to its highest total ever in the 2020-21 flu season, at 193.8 MILLION doses, the same year the COVID-19 vaccines were introduced. Talk about a windfall for Big Pharma, wow! While they were raking in record profits from the COVID-19 shots, they also profited from the most doses of the flu vaccine ever sold, for a "disease" that basically doesn't even exist anymore, according to the CDC's own statistics. Welcome to the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel, and their criminal front group, the CDC.

Crypto Currency WARNING! Coinbase Cuts Off 25K Russian Wallets!

I have a digital wallet and have explored digital currencies in the past. But I have never felt comfortable putting major resources into cryptocurrencies for several reasons, the most obvious one being that it is dependent upon "the system," which requires, among other things, electricity and a working Internet. That alone is cause for red flags, but today the whole world can now know that cryptocurrencies are NOT a safe haven, as Coinbase, the largest US crypto exchange service, announced that they have cut off 25,000 Russian wallets. Apparently Binance will be doing the same thing. This follows news yesterday that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies lost value after reports "that President Joe Biden is set to sign a long-awaited executive order this week that will outline the U.S. government’s strategy for cryptocurrencies."

Why Florida’s Announcement to Be the First State to Stop Recommending COVID-19 Vaccines for Children is Meaningless and May Result in MORE Children Being Vaccinated

Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, announced today that Florida would become the first State in the U.S. to stop recommending the COVID-19 vaccine for children. That sounds like great news, but if we examine exactly what he said, and what he did not say, it will become sadly obvious that this is a meaningless political statement, and that rather than leading to fewer children getting the deadly COVID-19 shots, it may actually lead to even more parents deciding to give their children these shots.

65,615 Deaths Now Reported in Europe and the USA Following COVID-19 Vaccines – Corporate Media Refuses to Publish this Data

Here at the beginning of March, 2022, official government health statistics in Europe and the United States are reporting that 65,615 people have now died following COVID-19 injections. These are "passive" reporting systems, so the true lives lost is much higher. One study estimates that the unreported factor for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths is 41X, which would put these totals at closer to 2.8 MILLION deaths, and that is just in the U.S. and certain countries in Europe. Earlier this week, Blaze Media published an exclusive report stating that the U.S. federal government paid millions of dollars to hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines.

How The U.S. Federal Government Sponsors Child Smuggling And Sex Trafficking

Earlier this week John A. Zadrozny, who served as a Deputy Assistant to the President and Acting Chief of Staff at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services during the Trump Administration, published an editorial at The Federalist explaining the horrible problem of "unaccompanied alien children" (UACs) being trafficked across the border into the United States. It is a non-partisan problem, as it has been documented just how horrific this problem has been since the Obama Presidency, and plagues all administrations, whether Democratic or Republican. He correctly identifies the problem that allows human trafficking, and specifically the horrible child sex slavery trafficking, which is the U.S. Federal Government. And while the Trump Administration publicly stated that they wanted to end this problem, it never happened because career bureaucrats run most federal agencies, and it is business as usual no matter which political party occupies the White House. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the federal agency that facilitates child trafficking, as they are the funding source for the Foster Care and Adoption system where all these children end up, whether they are coming across the border as a UAC, or being medically kidnapped from their families right here in the United States. Whatever Mr. Zadrozny's motive was in publishing his commentary with The Federalist this week, I wholeheartedly agree with his conclusion: "If Americans really care about the health, safety, and welfare of the innocent children who are being smuggled and trafficked into the United States, our first step has to be to stop our federal government from being part of the problem and make it part of the solution."

A Rare Judge in Canada Rules Against Forced COVID Injections of Children by Looking at the Evidence Rather than Listening to Government Tyrants

In a very rare case, an Ontario Judge has actually ruled against a forced COVID vaccination for two children, ages 10 and 12, where a father was requesting that they be forced to receive the shots against their wish, and against the wish of their mother. While this judge actually just simply did his job, which was to listen to the evidence that both sides presented before ruling, it made waves in the Canadian corporate media, because similar previous cases did not do that, but simply took the Government's position regardless of what the facts were. Seeing actual justice practiced in a court of law regarding anything to do with COVID has become so rare, that it actually surprises you when it happens.

Pfizer Admits its Vaccine Ineffective in Children 5 to 11 but Not One Single Governor Stops Injecting Children

We have been reporting this week that while the world is preoccupied with the war in the Ukraine, very damaging evidence has come out on the fraud behind Pfizer's COVID vaccines, where the U.S. Federal Health Agencies have been hiding damaging data about serious side effects. But in addition to these reports that are apparently being leaked to the corporate media, another story was published this week where Pfizer admitted that their COVID-19 vaccine is ineffective in children ages 5 to 11. The FDA's emergency use authorization for the Pfizer shots in children ages 5 to 11 has only been in effect since the end of last October, but during that short time there have been 9,226 cases reported in VAERS of vaccine injuries and deaths in these children, for a vaccine that Pfizer now admits doesn't work for this age group. Of course the FDA, which we showed yesterday simply rubber stamps anything that Pfizer wants, is not revoking the EUA for this age group, but the ones in government who could put a stop to this child abuse immediately by executive order are the Governors of every state. But of course to do so would be to incur the wrath of Big Pharma and commit political suicide, so it appears that all 50 Governors, including the Red State Governors, will put their political careers ahead of protecting the children in their States from medical child abuse and attempted murder, as they refuse to go up against the Medical Cartel. The most popular Red State Governor is Ron DeSantis of Florida, who this week made waves in the media for criticizing children for wearing masks, although allowing their parents to inject them with a dangerous vaccine that offers no benefit and might kill them, is apparently OK. The other thing that Florida Governor DeSantis did this week was sign off on a bill that extended COVID liability protections for doctors and healthcare providers such as hospitals and nursing homes. Giving doctors and medical facilities legal immunity from harming or killing people with COVID protocols is apparently a Republican "Conservative" issue, as only Democrats spoke out against extending this liability protection.

Just Released Documents by Pfizer Show BioNTech Paid FDA $2,875,842.00 “Drug User Fee” for COVID-19 Vaccine Approval

As the news cycle continues to focus on the Ukraine situation, the FDA complied with a court order to begin releasing 55,000 pages of Pfizer data per month that was used to authorize their COVID-19 vaccine produced with BioNTech, with the first batch quietly released yesterday, March 1st. There are 150 documents that the public can now download. One of the documents released was the "Prescription Drug User Fee Payment" that BioNTech paid to the FDA on 4/20/2021 for the "COMIRNATY COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine" which the FDA subsequently approved in August of 2021. That "Prescription Drug User Fee Payment" was $2,875,842.00. The members of the "External Data Monitoring Committee" that apparently were chosen by Pfizer, monitored by Pfizer, and investigated by Pfizer to make sure they were doing their job and that there were no "conflicts of interest" were also revealed in these documents.

World Health Organization Moving Forward on GLOBAL Vaccine Passport Program

Countries all over the world are totally scrubbing their Covid measures, mask mandates and social distancing rules. The CDC has changed their guidance on vaccine doses, and said people don’t need to wear masks anymore. Boris has done the same, and (some) of the UK’s emergency powers are going to expire soon. It seems like Covid is over, and the good guys won, right? Well, not exactly. The pandemic narrative may be fading away, but certainly not without a trace. Covid might be dying, but vaccine passports are still very much alive. This week, while the eyes of the world are fixed on Ukraine and the next wave of propaganda, the World Health Organization is launching an initiative to create a “trust network” on vaccination and international travel.

Poison Control Centers Issue Warning on Home COVID Test Kits as More than 200 Cases of Poisoning Reported Already

Last December we published a video report from Greg Reese of Infowars.com that a lethal drug that is included in Abbott’s BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit has a history of killing people even in small doses. These test kits are NOT FDA approved, but were fast-tracked through emergency use authorization as the Biden Administration invoked the Defense Protection Act to spend $3 BILLION to purchase and make available a half billion of these COVID home testing kits for all Americans. With many of these kits now having been delivered to people's homes, poison control centers around the U.S. have sounded the alarm over the deadly sodium azide chemical in these home test kits, as more than 200 reports of poisoning have now been reported from exposure to this chemical. Once again, those of us "conspiracy theorists" in the alternative media were reporting the dangers of these home test kits months before the pharma-funded corporate media sources were. I am quite sure new millionaires were made and new businesses were started simply because the U.S. Government gave them $3 BILLION to make these test kits. These Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers do not care one bit about your health or even your life, and they buy out the politicians to make sure their products are purchased, not in a free market, but in what has basically become socialized healthcare in the U.S. now. Almost all of these COVID products are pure junk, either having no health benefit to the consumer, or worse, harming and killing the consumer, from masks, to COVID test kits, to ventilators, to vaccines - NONE of these products would ever survive in a free market where people had to pay for them, because it would become well known that these products are junk, and everyone would stop buying them. But instead, the Government buys them, and either gives them away free, or mandates their use as a requirement to participate in society. Welcome to the new Socialist Republic of the United States.