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So far AdminM has created 2062 entries.

Will Enough Americans Resist Tyranny? Formerly Law Abiding Citizens Now Criminalized as Prisons are Emptied

America is now living under medical tyranny, with more and more basic freedoms being lost on a daily basis as we rush towards a complete medical police state where the Constitution of the U.S. is set aside as meaningless all in the name of "emergency orders" to combat the Coronavirus, a virus for which there are currently over 100 tests in the marketplace, all of which have been fast-tracked, and none of which have been tested as completely accurate. And as the media wars fight over illegal mandatory face mask orders, the larger story is that the global medical cartel is rushing to test as many people as possible with these highly inaccurate tests in order to implement the next stage of the Plandemic, which is contact tracing and getting ready for the COVID vaccines. A family in Kentucky, Jeremiah and Elizabeth Linscott, along with their 9-month-old daughter, are now under arrest in their own home, being forced to wear ankle monitors, simply because Elizabeth tested positive for COVID, even though none of them are sick. Elizabeth wanted to take her baby to visit her mother and grandmother, so she was tested first. When the test came back positive, she was told to "self-quarantine" at home. In an interview with a local TV station in Kentucky, Elizabeth explained that she had no problem self-quarantining herself, but when the Health Department asked her to sign a document agreeing to get permission from them anytime she wanted to leave her home, she declined to sign it. She states that she wanted the freedom to leave her home at her own will if there were an emergency, and that she did not believe the Health Department had the authority to track her every movement and require her to get their permission. So the Health Department, along with the Sheriff department, sent over 5 cars full of people to force them to wear an ankle bracelet inside their home. They are doing the right thing by going public with what happened to them, and resisting by seeking legal help, as their 9-month-old daughter now is in grave danger of being removed from their home, as Kentucky is one of the most corrupt states in the U.S. when it comes to medical kidnapping. How long are Americans going to continue putting up with these restrictions on their liberties and face arrest for simply wanting to live their lives as normal people? If enough people resisted and said "no" as the Linscotts did, there would not be enough law enforcement agents or ankle bracelets to contain the resisters. And as long as they keep getting away with this, things are just going to keep getting worse.

African Resistance Building – Bill Gates May Find Out Africans are Not So Compliant with His Population Reduction Efforts through Vaccination

VoiceTV Nigeria released a video this week warning Africans about Bill Gates' vaccine plans for the continent, while also exposing the agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation. The video has already been viewed over 350,000 thousand times in the past few days. The video has an image of Ghana President Akufo-Addo, but the audio is someone else's voice addressing "Dear fellow Ghanaians." Some believe it is a Pastor or religious leader. This has drawn some criticism, as President Akufo-Addo publicly continues to endorse efforts to combat the COVID Plandemic. But should this surprise anyone after the President of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, was found dead shortly after he called COVID a "hoax" and kicked the World Health Organization out of his country? Every time Health Impact News publishes news about Africa that includes information about Bill Gates, we always see a spike in readership from some African nations, as English is the one common language that is spoken in most countries on the continent, especially among the educated. So we offer this as a service to the wonderful people in Africa, and if for some reason the video disappears from YouTube, we will make it available on another platform.

Which Theory about President Trump’s Rise to Power is More Credible?

I can no longer ignore the issue of President Trump, because I have received so many emails about him now, some accusing me of supporting him, and others criticizing me for supposedly opposing him. But if you read carefully everything I have published in the past recent weeks, you should know by now that I do not fall into either camp: Trump haters, or Trump lovers. When it comes to my role as Editor of Health Impact News, my first responsibility to the public is to honestly report the truth, no matter where that truth leads us. I am truly an independent journalist. Nobody funds Health Impact News. The advertising revenue that is generated from our network of websites pays the expenses, and I get most of my own income from the other company I own, Healthy Traditions (formerly Tropical Traditions). That doesn't mean I am not biased. But I am honest about my biases, because I have no reason to try and hide them in order to achieve some hidden purpose, since I do not have investors or financial supporters trying to influence my views. So my view of President Trump, today, is based on the evidence of what he has actually done in office for his first term, which is coming to a close soon. And much of what I have reported about President Trump in recent days has been negative, because as President of the United States, this Plandemic which has robbed Americans of their wealth and transferred it over to Wall Street, and mainly Big Pharma, has all happened on his watch, and he publicly endorses it, especially the billions being spent on his project "Warp Speed" to develop COVID vaccines. But when it comes to the issues of how and why Donald Trump came into power to assume the office of the President of the United States, and whether or not there is some grand plan in place that is still unfolding, we now move into the area of speculation and theories. Since I have neither loyalties nor hatred towards President Trump, I believe I am in a good position to give an honest review of what I see as the two competing theories. Those who are entrenched into one or the other of these theories will not be impressed with anything I will present here, because they are driven by faith and belief in their own positions, and will judge everything I write next through the glasses they wear supporting their own beliefs. But things have changed so quickly and so rapidly in the world today, that I believe there is now a significant portion of the public questioning their own thoughts on President Trump, and open to exploring other possibilities to explain what is unfolding before us. As I wrote above, I myself am not without bias, and as I present this my own bias will become evident. But just remember the presuppositions from where I start. I am neither pro-Trump nor anti-Trump, and I have no "skin in the game" one way or the other. My own political views on the Right versus the Left have been clearly articulated already, and so I seldom write on these political issues because it is not worth my time when the real enemies need to be exposed. Personally, I only believe in two political systems: The Kingdom of God that originates in heaven but does extend to earth among the true believers, and the Kingdom of Satan who runs the current world system. You can read more about these topics on the Created4Health.org website. But in short, here is really all you need to know: God wins. Satan is on his last leg, trying to setup his New World Order, but in the end Jesus will return to earth and setup the REAL New World Order, which will last on into eternity, while Satan and his demons are cast into Hell to get what they deserve.

The CDC is Planning for Massive Deaths this Fall

This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat of conventional war, and it is not due to any threat of nuclear decimation, it is based on the fact that this is a psychological war waged by psychopaths against all mankind, and it is being advanced by a small group of monsters that have taken control of the minds of the masses through long-term indoctrination and policies meant to breed dependency. Fear is the new weapon of mass destruction, not because it is legitimate, but because the people have lost all will to be free, have lost all ability to think, and seek shelter and comfort as a collective herd only capable of existence in a society that is based on totalitarian rule. The people of this country are teetering on the precipice of annihilation. Hundreds of millions of American citizens hide under their beds, cover their face until they cannot breathe, submit to forced financial ruin, succumb to obvious lies and deceit, allow their property to be plundered and burned without resistance, allow their children to be poked and prodded, and injected with poisons, and voluntarily imprison themselves, never again to live a free and normal life. All this is done on orders from a few, from a criminal and corrupt government that is evil beyond imagination, and that is vile and immoral at its very core.

Central Banks Look to Replace Cash with Digital Currency: Life as We Know it May Soon be Over and Replaced by the New World Order

A small news report by Bloomberg earlier this week and published on MSN Money went mostly unnoticed in the corporate media, and even in the alternative media, and yet it might have been the most significant news story so far this year! Jill Ward from Bloomberg wrote: "The Bank of England is reviewing whether it should create a central bank-backed digital currency, according to governor Andrew Bailey. 'We are looking at the question of, should we create a Bank of England digital currency,' Bailey said Monday in a webinar event with students. 'We’ll go on looking at it, as it does have huge implications on the nature of payments and society.'" Why is a Central Bank digital currency so important? After all, most of us already use digital payments for most of our transactions in life, and cash is seldom used these days anyway, so what's the big deal? The "big deal" is that all of the digital transactions that you use today to pay for goods and services, still draw upon financial resources represented by the currency you hold in your own bank account, and you have relative freedom to choose how, when, and where you are going to spend your money. In other words, today you still have choices. You still have some freedoms. But if the Central Bankers get their way and replace all cash and currencies with a single digital currency, you could lose ALL of those choices, and personal privacy will be completely gone! Do you think that once a mandatory COVID vaccine comes out, that you can just decide not to participate? It won't be so easy if there is a single digital currency that replaces all other currencies. Your ability to participate in the marketplace, even from the "comfort" of your own prison cell home, will be 100% dependent on whether or not you meet the qualifications to participate in using the new digital currency, even if you have a positive ledger in "your" account. So just think about the ramifications if your account in the Central Banks of the new digital currency system has not approved you for transactions because you do not have a COVID ID card showing you have been properly vaccinated with an approved COVID vaccine? You can't go to a store to purchase anything, and you cannot purchase anything online either. What are you going to do now? Those are the kinds of questions you and your friends and family members need to start asking NOW, while you still have some freedoms left.

African President of Burundi Calls COVID a Hoax, Expels the WHO and is then Suddenly Found Dead

While the people of the western world occupy themselves wearing masks, pointing fingers and using so much hand sanitizer it literally kills them, the big world of Geo-Politics still ticks along, following the same tired old patterns with only slight variations in method. A modern twist, if you will. Here’s a little summary of Burundi’s recent history: The president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, dismissed covid19 as nonsense. The president of Burundi was vilified in the Western press. The president of Burundi expelled the World Health Organization from his country. The president of Burundi died suddenly of a “heart attack”. The NEW president of Burundi immediately reversed his predecessor’s Covid19 policies.

The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

Keith Knight of Don't Tread on Anyone interviews James Corbett about The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, the 16th century treatise on tyranny and obedience by Étienne de La Boétie. James and Keith highlight some of the book's key insights and detail how they apply just as much to our situation today as they did when they were written. "States are more vulnerable than people think. They can collapse in an instant—when consent is withdrawn. This is the thesis of this thrilling book. Murray Rothbard writes a classic introduction to one of the great political essays in the history of ideas. In times when dictators the world over are falling from pressure from their own people, this book, written nearly 500 years ago, is truly the prophetic tract of our times."

Booming Face Mask Business in U.S. Creating Instant Millionaires Using Government Funds to Buy Masks from China

Why are state governors and health authorities all of a sudden mandating the wearing of face masks? The excuse is that these mandates are needed because of the "spike" in new cases and increased hospitalizations due to COVID. But for even the casually inquisitive mind who starts to ask simple questions to try and figure out the rationale for this, it becomes very obvious that there is something else motivating these new edicts, because: 1. They were NOT mandated during the height of the so-called crisis, and are only in recent days being mandated. 2. When these mandates are given, the basis for them is almost entirely on an appeal to authority, with no science being offered to rationalize the mandates. 3. The mandates do not even specify what kind of mask one needs to supposedly protect oneself and stop the spread of COVID, so that means pretty much anything that loosely resembles a mask is OK to comply with these mandates. For the citizens of this country who an "appeal to authority" is not reason enough to do something the government tells us to do, and therefore looks at the facts to see if there is any justification for these mandates, the obvious question is: What is the REAL reason behind these new mandates to wear masks? There are multiple potential reasons, but one reason is based on solid evidence: it is a financial windfall, and everyone wants to get in on it. The main problem is that when the Plandemic crisis first hit, there were not enough masks available to mandate them. So the government did not. They used the excuse, of course, that they wanted to reserve the existing face masks for the front line medical workers, which is just further proof that the public's safety and well-being was not their primary concern. And we shouldn't believe it is now, either. Most of the face masks are from China, and it took some time to ramp up production and get them approved, so that they have only started becoming more widely available in recent weeks, about the same time that governors and health officials started mandating them. Coincidence? ProPublica just published a report that shows how easy it is to create an instant business to take advantage of this mandated market that has been created by Big Pharma and local governments and health officials. The title of their report is: You Can Make Millions Selling Masks to the Government in Three Easy Steps.

The War Against COVID is Killing Our Children

As we have documented over the years, especially on our MedicalKidnap.com website, the biggest danger to children today is NOT abusive or neglectful parents, but a system that kidnaps them and isolates them from their family. Sadly, in spite of this tremendous harm inflicted on children, it has continued because child trafficking is perhaps the most lucrative business on earth. Similarly, today, the biggest danger facing children is NOT the Coronavirus, but the tyrannical government responses to COVID that separate them from their family and isolate them. The following video of two cousins who got to hug each other for the first time in weeks after social isolation during the lock downs, has gone viral on Facebook and been viewed over 10 million times. As California Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas has documented, the social isolation techniques currently in place that are causing so much harm to the children of the world right now, have their roots in CIA torture techniques. Medical kidnapping of children, already an epidemic problem in the U.S. that we have been sounding the alarm over the past 6 years, is now even worse due to the COVID Plandemic. Megan Fox, writing for PJ Media, reports on a recent story out of Ohio where children were living in a Cuyahoga County office building, because their were no foster homes available. Colin Todhunter, writing for Global Research, reports that in India and other places around the world where infant mortality rates are already high, they could see an additional 6000 children a day die due to the response to COVID-19, according to a study published in The Lancet.

Censored Medical Doctor Publishes Results: 100% SARS-CoV-2 Cure Rate with No Drugs or Vaccines

For many years, Health Impact News often featured the blog posts of Michigan physician Dr. David Brownstein. When the COVID crisis broke out earlier this year, Dr. Browstein continued blogging about the natural methods he was using to treat patients who had been tested for SARS-CoV-2 or who exhibited the symptoms, and his success rate was 100%. But in May, the FTC forced Dr. Brownstein to stop blogging about his treatments as they were not approved by the FDA. This month (July 2020) Dr. Brownstein, along with several other doctors, published his results in an independent, open source journal, Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. The title of the study is A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies. Conclusion: "At present, there is no published cure, treatment, or preventive for COVID-19 except for a recent report on dexamethasone for seriously ill patients. A novel treatment program combining nutritional and oxidative therapies was shown to successfully treat the signs and symptoms of 100% of 107 patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Each patient was treated with an individualized plan consisting of a combination of oral, IV, IM, and nebulized nutritional and oxidative therapies which resulted in zero deaths and recovery from COVID-19." It is fairly obvious to anyone not swallowing the propaganda being spun by the corporate media that the entire COVID Plandemic is not to stop the spread of a new disease and find a cure, but to enslave the masses with their toxic products while shutting down the World's economy and completing the largest transfer of wealth in modern history to the pharmaceutical industry and Bill Gates' empire. Get ready for the onslaught of COVID vaccines for a virus which so far has no reliable test to identify, and the symptoms of which are totally treatable via natural methods.

Is there Really a Second Wave to Justify New Lock Downs? Not Even Close.

Why did politicians ever lockdown society in the first place? Can we all agree that the stated purpose was to “flatten the curve” so our hospital system could handle the inevitable COVID-19 patients who needed care? At that point, at least, back in early March, people were behaving rationally. They accepted that you can’t eradicate a virus, so let’s postpone things enough to handle it. The fact is, we have done that, and so much more. The headlines are filled with dire warnings of a “second wave” and trigger-happy Governors are rolling back regulations to try to stem the tide of new cases. But, is any of it actually true and should we all be worried? No, it’s not a second wave. The COVID-19 virus is on its final legs, and while I have filled this post with graphs to prove everything I just said, this is really the only graph you need to see, it’s the CDC’s data, over time, of deaths from COVID-19 here in the U.S., and the trend line is unmistakable.

The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?

All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent. Some, like the Caduceus, have two serpents around a staff, while others, like the rod of Asclepius, have only one serpent. There are various interpretations as to the difference in meaning between the two, as well as the history of their origins, but the oldest reference to the serpent and its role in human suffering or healing, is contained in the earliest records of the Bible, in the writings of Moses, who is credited with writing most of the first 5 books of the Old Testament portion of the Bible around 3500 years ago. Since these writings pre-date anything written in Greek mythology by almost 1000 years, I am going to base this article on the Bible, the oldest and the most widely circulated and most frequently translated collection of ancient writings in the world, by far, with no serious competitors in ancient or modern literature. If that bothers you, no need to read further. We will see from the ancient wisdom of the Bible, that the serpent representing Satan is the ultimate anti-Christ, that he is weaker than Jesus Christ who is portrayed in the Bible as both the Son of Man and the Son of God, and that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ broke the power of Satan over sickness and death. Satan has yet to be judged and sent to his eternal punishment in a place called Hell, and there awaits a final battle between Jesus Christ, the ruler of the Kingdom of God, and Satan, the current ruler of the World System. The Kingdom of God originates in Heaven, but also extends to earth and exists in the lives of the true believers of Jesus Christ. In addition to the physical world, there exists a spiritual world (or universe), and every living human being currently inhabiting the planet either resides in the spiritual Kingdom of Darkness ruled by Satan, or in the spiritual Kingdom of Light ruled by Jesus Christ. Revelation Chapter 13 talks about the "mark of the beast," where "beast" could also be translated into the English word "serpent." "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17) I am not going to delve into the controversial topics of prophecy or theology in this article. Instead, I am going to show just what the image of the "serpent" represents, its place in modern medicine, and how if one wants to resist being part of the Satanic system that may require everyone to accept some kind of "mark," then you are probably going to need to prepare yourself to stop using the medical system completely. I realize that we have been conditioned to believe that we cannot survive without pharmaceutical drugs and the medical system, but I assure you it is possible. I have not used the medical system in many years, and have not carried health insurance (by choice) for over 20 years, and I have survived! It is my belief after many years of research and teaching on this subject, that for every patented pharmaceutical drug making billions of dollars for the medical system, that there are natural remedies created by God found in nature that are actually more effective, especially if we stop believing in the allopathic germ-theory of disease, and realize that health is much more than just the condition of our physical bodies.

Is California Governor Newsom Leading the Communist Takeover of America? Walmart is now Apparently a Communist China Store in the U.S.

A strange thing happened to me here in 2020. I went to bed one night in my home country, the United States of America, known for its Constitution and protection of individual liberties, and the next day I woke up in a place I no longer recognized, for it had become a totalitarian communist regime. I am writing this on July 4th, 2020. I don't know about you, but this is worst July 4th in my lifetime, with Americans losing their liberties very quickly in what is obviously becoming a well orchestrated attack on our country from coast to coast. Two days ago, I decided to stop in a Walmart for a brief minute to pick up something I was not able to order online quick enough. I had checked to see if this Walmart near me had it in stock. I seldom shop at Walmart, so this was a rare visit to the mega-chain franchise, and I was planning on just getting what I needed and head on my way. An older woman wearing a mask was at the entrance, and mumbled something about wearing a mask as I walked in, but I was in a hurry and so I just ignored her. Before long, I was surrounded by security and being threatened, which shocked me. I walked out of the store - forever. I will never buy another thing from Walmart, as long as I live. The cost of liberty is too precious to me. Somehow all those Chinese products sitting on the shelves of Walmart have apparently also imported China-style totalitarianism and communist tactics to make people comply to their orders. When I got back to my car I was actually shaking. I had never before in my life been treated like a criminal in public, and it was a very degrading and humiliating experience. Click through and read the full account in the article. As I write this today, Americans in New York are being subpoenaed and threatened with a $2000.00 a day fine if they fail to report to the authorities for contact tracing, simply because they attended an "unapproved party." In California, Governor Newsom has mandated that everyone must wear face masks in public, he has closed down many businesses again, he closed the beaches again for the July 4th weekend, and he told churches they can no longer sing during their services. All of these measures are happening right in the middle of summer when children and families should be outdoors and enjoying the summer. Deaths attributed to COVID are way down, but because they keep using these faulty tests to test more people than ever, the excuse now is that the virus is "spreading" just simply based on more positive test results. So obviously, something else is going on here, and we better wake up and start preparing for even worse times ahead. I know it is hard to endure ridicule for going against the crowd, but things are only going to get worse. Masks are the one thing almost everyone is fighting against right now, but efforts are in place to get everyone tested for COVID and put in place a global tracking system. Then COVID vaccines are right around the corner. So this is no time to shrink back and take the easy route, and to not "rock the boat." Those days are over. If getting kicked out of a store for not wearing a mask bothers you, trust me. You haven't seen anything yet....

Physician and Medical Journal Editor: Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks

During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health experts began telling us to follow a number of disease mitigation strategies that sounded reasonably scientific, but actually had little or no support in the scientific literature. Community wearing of masks was one of the more dangerous recommendations from our confused public health experts. We were frequently confused by the mixed messages coming from public health agencies. Early in the pandemic Dr. Fauci, the U.S. Surgeon General, and the WHO all told the public, in no uncertain terms, not to wear masks. Then, over the course of the next several weeks and months, the CDC twice changed their recommendations, as did the WHO, and the recommendations always contradicted each other! The CDC made the mistake of telling us cloth masks worked, and they even provided directions on their website for making homemade cloth masks. To clear up the confusion, I will show that the scientific evidence not only does not support the community wearing of face masks, but the evidence shows that healthy people wearing face masks pose serious health risks to wearers. Hiding our faces behind masks and isolating in our homes is not the solution, at least not for most people with healthy immune systems. Supporting the health of your immune system, confidently confronting all pathogens, and allowing herd immunity to develop and protect the vulnerable populations should be the goal. What's happening in the world today, including the misinformation surrounding community mask wearing, is about political agendas, symbolism, fear, and dividing and isolating the people. It has nothing to do with science.

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Your Government Wants You Dead – BANNED from YouTube

Dr. Vernon Coleman is a general practitioner medical doctor in the U.K. He is a Sunday Times bestselling author, and has written over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the U.K. alone. His U.K. publishers include: PAN, Penguin, Corgi, Arrow, Star, Mandarin, Macmillan, Century, Thames and Hudson, and Sidgwick and Jackson. His books have been translated into 25 languages and sell in over 50 countries. Dr. Coleman has been exposing the fraud in the COVID Plandemic since the beginning of the "outbreak," and many of his videos on YouTube have now been banned and are hard to find. That includes one he just published a few days ago: Your Government Wants You Dead. In this video, he correctly labels what has just happened to hundreds of thousands of seniors worldwide who have just died during the COVID Plandemic as a "holocaust." It is time to stop sanitizing this, and start using the correct terminology, even if the corporate media labels us as "conspiracy theorists," or even worse, as having a "mental illness" for not believing the Government narrative on the Coronavirus. I don't know about you, but I much prefer to be among the minority standing up for the truth, no matter what the cost, than be among the majority who are being complicit to mass murder. Corrie ten Boom and other noble Germans who sacrificed everything to expose the tyranny in Nazi Germany, rather than comply and go along with the crowd, are our examples to follow during these dark, evil days. Even though YouTube has deleted this recent video from his YouTube channel, we found some copies of it still remaining, and added one to Bitchute, which is fast becoming one of the main alternatives to hosting videos banned on YouTube, and thus far has not succumbed to censorship and government pressure.

Was a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Created to Destroy the Competition for Gilead’s Remdesivir?

Below, Dr. Meryl Nass reviews long a list of corrupt practices. The practices undermine the integrity of medical practice during the current  medical crisis; a crisis significantly made worse  by stakeholders who are focused on projected future profits from not-yet-developed “countermeasures” against  COVID-19.  The stakeholders include public health officials, global public health institutions,  government advisory committees, clinical trialists who design trials to provide commercially beneficial results, and editors of prestigious high impact, medical journals. These collaborators engaged in an orchestrated effort to prevent physicians from utilizing an existing, off-patent, cheap and affordable drug, that thousands of clinicians attest to its therapeutic benefit. The problem with Hydroxychloroquine is that there is no profit to be made from this off-patent drug! It is remarkable that a series of events taking place over the past 3 months produced a unified message about hydroxychloroquine, and produced similar policies about the drug in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ and western Europe.  The message is that generic, inexpensive hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and should not be used to treat a potentially fatal disease, Covid-19, for which there are no (other) reliable treatments. Hydroxychloroquine had been used safely for 65 years in millions of patients.  And so the message was crafted that the drug is safe for its other uses, but dangerous when used for Covid-19.  It doesn’t make sense, but it seems to have worked. Were these acts carefully orchestrated?  You decide.

CENSORED: COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless – Everything We’ve Been Told about COVID is a HOAX!

In what should be HEADLINE news coverage in every single major news organization across the globe, the Independent publication "Off-Guardian," which describes their organization as: "Unlike the Guardian we are NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, or any other NGO or government - OffGuardian was launched in February 2015 and takes its name from the fact its founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ sections," published an article on Saturday, June 27, 2020, titled: COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless - Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose. We have covered this topic of inaccurate COVID tests previously, of course, and when I first saw this article pop up in my news-feed over the weekend, I made a note to come back and read it in full, expecting that I would find more of the same evidence that we have already published on this topic, that there is no clear evidence that COVID tests are accurate. Boy was I wrong! This investigative, highly researched article goes way beyond just pointing out that the evidence is lacking regarding the accuracy of COVID tests currently in the market. They actually prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the PCR test which is considered the "gold standard" in COVID testing, is completely "meaningless." This must be the most censored information published to date regarding the COVID Plandemic! We are at WAR, America! And the sooner the sleep-walking public wakes up and starts REFUSING to participate in their own destruction, the sooner we can begin to take our country back. But to do so, we need to stop fighting each other, and recognize who the REAL enemy is.

Resisting the New World Order and Disinformation – News You May Not Have Heard Yet

The world is unraveling very fast before our very eyes. If you are someone who still believes that everything that has been happening has been unfortunate circumstances beyond our control, stop right here and read no further. Almost everything we are seeing today is being played out like a well-written script, with a master plan being put into place for a New World Order. I will provide some links at the end of this article for evidence of this, articles on the New World Order that we have published during the past couple of months. For those who are not being spoon-fed the propaganda being passed off as "news" in the corporate "mainstream" media, and instead are making great efforts to learn the truth by monitoring the alternative media, I want to present some news here that you may have missed during the past 7-10 days, as even I cannot report on this stuff fast enough to stay current. Many journalists in the alternative media are now beginning to sound the alarm over very disturbing events unfolding before us. There is almost a general consensus now that the life as we knew it is over. So the big question is, what comes next? Let me start with some reports from the past week that I have not had time to cover, and which are censored from the corporate media where you will never hear this kind of information.

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine

When we started MedicalKidnap.com in 2014, one of the shocking things we learned was that it was perfectly legal for medical researchers to use foster children as lab rats to develop drugs. Once the state takes custody of a child away from the parents, and the child becomes a ward of the state, medical researchers no longer need parental approval to conduct medical research, and they can also bill the U.S. Government directly to fund this research, usually using Medicaid, even if the drugs being used are experimental and have not yet been approved by the FDA. We published an article in May of 2015 highlighting this horrible practice that is legal in the U.S. titled: "Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials." In 2005, a hearing with the title “Protections for Foster Children Enrolled in Clinical Trials” was held by the U.S. House of Representatives. The Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means investigated whether adequate safeguards were in place to protect foster children from being forced to participate in drug studies. The allegation that they were investigating involved clinical drug trials on AIDS drugs that were conducted during the period from the late 1980s through 2001. Since publishing this article back in 2015, much more information has come to surface, especially in light of the COVID Plandemic of 2020. The same group of people who have been involved in HIV/AIDS research to develop an HIV vaccine, a vaccine which has never come to market, are the same group of people now working with the U.S. Government to develop a COVID vaccine. The public has a right to know more about the past research to develop an HIV vaccine, and how they experimented on children who were "legally" kidnapped from their families for research purposes, as well as the live aborted fetuses that were used to try and create "humanized mice" to produce this vaccine, since this is the same group that has been given hundreds of billions of dollars by the U.S. Government to now develop a COVID vaccine.

FDA Criticized as COVID Tests Still not Accurate, But U.S. Starts Second Lockdown Anyway

The corporate media news cycle this week is once again promoting fear in the American population by claiming that COVID cases are again on the rise in "hot spots," prompting calls for more lock downs and other measures, including many states now requiring people to wear face masks in public. Two key pieces of information are missing from almost all of these reports in the corporate media: death rates (even by their own statistics) are NOT increasing but holding steady or even decreasing, and inaccuracy with the tests themselves are still widespread. A report earlier this month out of Wichita Falls, Texas, for example, revealed that testing of residents and staff at a medical facility revealed many positive results, but since none of them were sick, they retested 20 of them, and the second test result was negative in all 20 of them. The national corporate media franchises would probably never publish something like this, because it doesn't fit their narrative for the Plandemic. They do report inaccuracies with testing, however, if it does fit their narrative, meaning that tests are inaccurate in the sense that there should be more positive results, especially if it is a test promoted by President Trump, such as Abbott's fast COVID-19 test. FierceBiotech, a pharmaceutical marketing publication, reported on this issue this week with an article titled: "As problems grow with Abbott's fast COVID-19 test, FDA standards are under fire." About the only truth the public can ascertain from all of these conflicting reports is, the COVID tests simply are not accurate. As the FierceBiotech publication noted, over 100 COVID-19 diagnostic tests have received FDA emergency use authorization to fast-track them and bring them to market. That means ZERO COVID tests have gone through the full approval process to bring a test to market, which would normally take years. The REAL crisis is happening among our seniors in assisted living facilities. Estimates are that 30% to 50% off all reported COVID deaths are among seniors in these assisted living facilities. Investigative reporter Jon Rappoport reported on this issue this week, and asked the question: Who cares about all the old people dying?